leveled up. The addition of avocado seed starch in
the form of 10% mucilage by 15% (F3) and 20%
(F4) as a binder produced lozenges that suitable with
the hardness requirement of lozenges which is 10-20
kgf (Siregar 2010). The addition of the binder can
affect the hardness of the tablet because the binder
forms an internal matrix during the wet granulation
process. The higher the binding concentration, the
liquid bridges between solid particles that are
formed are getting stronger. During the drying
process, there is a crystallization of the binder,
forming a solid bridge that gets stronger and
increases the strength of the granule. It will produce
harder tablet during the pressing process. In addition
to the binder, the compression pressure provided
during the pressing process can also affect the tablet
The result of the friability test (table 3) of the
tablet found that F3 and F4 were close to the tablet
friability requirement set by Lachman et al. (1986)
which is 0.8-1%, while F1 and F2 were not suitable.
Tablet friability test was carried out to determine the
ability of the tablet to withstand the effects of
mechanical shocks during the manufacturing,
packing and distribution process (Lachman et al.
1986). The higher the binding concentration, the
lower the friability percent of the tablet. The
cohesive properties of the binder can reduce the
friability of the tablet because the cohesiveness can
bind small particles and form more extensive and
stronger aggregates, so that during the compression
process can produce a tablet that is strong and
resistant to shock. In addition, the friability of the
tablet can also be caused by the amount of water
added during the granulation process. In F1, the
amount of water added to form a banana breaking
mass was much than F2, F3 and F4. The more
amount of water added to the granule mass, the
higher the tablet friability will be produced.
The disintegration time test was carried out using
the disintegration tester. This measurement does not
describe the actual condition in the mouth.
Therefore, the purpose of this test was only to know
the condition of the lozenges when in contact with
water. The lozenges were designed to dissolve
slowly in the mouth, so that they are not destroyed
due to contact with water and are expected to
dissolve in ± 30 minutes (Lachman et al., 1986).
From the result of the test, F4 was suitable with
these requirements. Disintegration time is affected
by the hardness of the tablet, the harder the tablet,
the longer it will take to be broken.
Based on the results, this study showed that the
lozenges that meet the requirements of hardness and
disintegration time was F4, with the use of 20%
avocado seed starch as a binder. Whereas in the
friability test, F3 and F4 had closer friability
requirements of common lozenges. It can be
concluded that from higher avocado seed starch
concentration used as a binder, it will also generate
more hardness and disintegration time, and lower the
friability as well.
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