Data on the average decrease in uric acid levels
obtained from each group (Table 3) showed that
allopurinol could decrease uric acid levels by
62.77% (Figure 2). The activity approaching
allopurinol is owned by the dose group II which has
a percentage of 58.87%. In this case, it can be seen
that doses I, II and III have the ability to decrease
uric acid levels in the blood of white male rats, but
dose II can lower uric acid levels to near normal,
although not equivalent to allopurinol
and normal
controls. This is probably due to the concentration of
nutritious compounds contained in the bark of
cinnamon varies, and the timing of the fraction is too
The data of uric acid levels (table 3) obtained
then tested with normality and homogeneity test.
Normality test using Kolmogorov Smirnov Test
showed that normal distributed data with
significance value 0,419 (p ≥ 0,05) data is said to be
normally distributed because having significance
value more than 0,05. While the homogeneity test
results showed a significance value of 0.114 (p≥
0.05) so that the data can be said to be
homogeneous. Further data were analyzed using
one-way variance analysis to know that the data
obtained had significant differences between groups
with days of each treatment.
The uric acid level data was continued with the
Tukey test to determine the significant differences in
each group. From the Tukey test it was found that
there was a significant difference between the dose I
test group and all groups, as well as on the dose III
test. However, in the dose II test group (204 mg/200
gBW) there was no significant difference with the
positive group (allopurinol 4.108 mg/200 gBW)
which means that the dose II had an anti-
hyperuricemia activity not much different from the
positive control group Phytochemical screening tests
show that cinnamon bark contains alkaloids,
flavonoids, saponins and tannins.
Based on the results of the study it can be concluded
that cinnamon bark fraction has activity with dose II
(204 mg/200gBW) as the most effective,
successfully decreasing uric acid level in rat blood
by a percentage equal to 58,87%. Normality test
using Kolmogorov Smirnov Test showed that the
data was normally distributed with significance
value of 0.419 (p ≥ 0,05), and the homogeneity test
showed significance value of 0,114 (p≥ 0,05) which
indicates that the data can be classifield as
Authors would like to thank Lembaga Penelitian
dan Pengembangan University Of
Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. Hamka (UHAMKA)
for supporting this research.
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