Anti-hyperuricemia Effect of Water Fraction Cinnamon
(Cinnamomum burmannii (Ness & T. Ness) Blume) on White Male
, Ema Dewanti, and Rizky Arcinthya Rachmania
Faculty of Pharmacy and Science, Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. DR. HAMKA,
Islamic Center, Jl. Delima II/IV Perumnas Klender, Jakarta Timur
Keywords: Hyperuricemia, Cinnamon, potassium oxonate
Abstract: Hyperuricemia is a condition of increased concentration of uric acid in the blood. Cinnamon bark
(Cinnamomum burmannii (Ness & T. Ness) Blume) has been used empirically to decrease uric acid levels.
This research is to determine the effect of water fraction from cinnamon bark as anti-hyperuricemia. For
being in hyperuricemia condition, the rats were provided with high-purine food and potassium oxonate
50mg/200gBW as an uricase inhibitor. As many as 4,108 mg dose/200gBW of Allopurinol was used as a
comparison for positive control. The dose of cinnamon bark used was 104 mg/200g BW for the first group,
208 mg/200g BB for the second group and 416 mg/200gBW for the third group. The result shows that the
second group can lower uric acid level (58,87%) and has a similar result with the positive group (P>0.05). It
concludes that the water fraction of cinnamon bark has antihyperuricemia effect.
Uric acid is the final product formed from purine
compounds (adenine and guanine), produced in
tissues containing xanthine oxidase enzymes
especially in the liver and small intestine. Under
normal circumstances, uric acid may be excreted
through the kidneys. But if the synthesis of uric acid
is too much or its excretion through the kidneys is
too small, then the levels in the blood will increase.
The crystalline crystals that are difficult to dissolve
in all body fluids settle in the joints and tissues and
cause inflammation. Deposition of urate crystals
may also occur in the kidney and will eventually
damage the organ (Murray, et al. 2005).
Uric acid disease is commonly experienced by
people today, and mostly suffered by the productive
age group, of 30-50 years old, which can decrease
work productivity. Pathophysiological condition
occurs increased when levels of uric acid in blood
has increased beyond the normal limit, which is
called hyperuricemia. In hyperuricemia there will be
an accumulation of uric acid crystals in the joints
causing inflammation and pain or pain known as
gout (Priyanto 2008).
The main factor that affect hyperuricemia
incidence is unhealthy diet of high protein,
especially of animal protein that contains a lot of
high purine, which results in hyperuricemia. Gout
disease is a state of human metabolic disorder
suffered by more than 2 billion in the world and can
attack men, women, old or young, even young
children (Kramer 2002 in Astuti 2011). Pirai or gout
is characterized by recurrent episodes of acute
arthritis due to precipitation of monosodium urate
crystals in joints and surrounding tissues (Katzung et
al. 2012). This disease usually occurs due to an
increase in uric acid levels in the blood up to normal
> 7 mg/dl in men and > 6 mg/dl in women (Dipiro et
al. 2005). Hyperuricemia may occur due to
excessive production of uric acid, reduced uric acid
expenditure, or a combination of both (Christian
Today's society believes that treatment by using
natural ingredients is a natural way in the treatment
of gout (Kamalia 2010). In general, to overcome
hyperuricemia disease, synthetic drugs such as
allopurinol have been used, but allopurinol can
cause side effects such as skin, stomach, intestine
and blood disorders. To overcome this, alternative
Dwitiyanti, ., Dewanti, E. and Rachmania, R.
Anti-hyperuricemia Effect of Water Fraction Cinnamon (Cinnamomum burmannii (Ness T. Ness) Blume) on White Male Rats.
DOI: 10.5220/0008240101020106
In Proceedings of the 1st Muhammadiyah International Conference on Health and Pharmaceutical Development (MICH-PhD 2018), pages 102-106
ISBN: 978-989-758-349-0
2021 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
medicine using medicinal plants are developed such
as cinnamon bark (Private and Ernawati 2010).
Cinnamon is one of the many spices found in
Indonesia and has been used since the past as
cooking herbs and traditional herbs (Gunawan
2011). The chemical content of cinnamon bark
includes essential oils, tannins, saponins and
polyphenols (Depkes 2008). According to Astawan
(2011) in Tuiyo et al. (2013), compounds with high
polyphenol content have high antioxidant activity as
well, to inhibit xanthine oxidase enzyme. Xanthine
oxidase enzyme serves to catalyze the changes of
purine into uric acid. By inhibiting the xanthine
oxidase enzyme, the formation of uric acid will be
hampered as well.
The plant material used is cinnamon bark
(Cinnamomum burmannii (Ness & T. Ness) Blume)
obtained from BALITRO Bogor, West Java. The
chemicals used are 96% Ethanol, water, potassium
oxonate, chicken liver juice, allopurinol, and
TBHBA uric acid kit reagent. The test animals in
this study were Sprague Dawley male, white rats
weighing between 200-300 grams and about three
months old. The tool used is Spuit 1 cc, oral sonde
for rats, mouse scales, clinical spectrophotometers,
and glass tools commonly used in chemical
2.1 Determination of Plants
Cinnamon bark is detected in Herbarium
Bogoriense, Balitbang Botany-Puslitbang Biologi
2.2 Extraction
Rough powder of cinnamon bark extracted with 96%
ethanol (3 x 24 hours) is macerated at room
temperature. The solvent is then evaporated with a
rotary evaporator at a temperature of 50 ° C to
obtain a viscous extract.
2.3 Fractination
The extract was fractionated with aquadest and n-
hexane (1: 1). The fraction of the obtained aquadest
is then fractionated with ethyl acetate (1: 1).
2.4 Phytochemical Screening
Phytochemical screening was performed on thick
and viscous extracts to determine the presence of
secondary metabolite compounds such as alkaloid
compounds, polyphenols, flavonoids, saponins,
tannins, quinones, and terpenoids.
2.5 Determination of Drying
Determination of weight loss on drying was carried
out on extracts and cinnamon bark fractions dried at
C for 30 minutes in the oven. Drying is done
until the weight is fixed. The bottle is left closed and
cools in the desiccator to room temperature.
Table 1: Treatment group of anti-hyperuricemia fraction of cinnamon water
Groups Day I II III IV V VI
Treatment Normal
Dose I Dose II Dose III
Day 0 Rat Fasting, then the blood was taken to know the beginning of uric acid levels
Day 1-14 The rats were orally fed with high purine
9 Intra
eritoneal Induction of
otassium oxonate
Day 9 The blood was taken two hours after administering potassium oxonate
(to check the increase of uric acid levels in blood )
Day 10 - Administered
fraction of
bark dose I
fraction of
bark dose II
fraction of
bark dose
Day 14 Induction of potassium oxonate after administering of the fraction, blood sample was taken 2
hours after the last fraction was administered (to check the lowering of uric acid levels or
effect of the fraction of cinnamon bark
Anti-hyperuricemia Effect of Water Fraction Cinnamon (Cinnamomum burmannii (Ness T. Ness) Blume) on White Male Rats
2.6 Anti-Hyperuricemia Activity
Rats were divided into control groups and test
groups, each group consisting of 4 rats (Table 1).
3.1 Determination of Simplicia
The bark of cinnamon is determined in Herbarium
Bogoriense, Balitbang Botany-Puslitbang Biologi
LIPI-Cibinong. The results of determination show
that the plants used are Cinnamon (Cinnamomum
burmannii (Ness & T. Ness) Blume).
3.2 Ethanol Extract of Cinnamon Bark
Cinnamon bark (2 kg) extracted with 96% ethanol (3
x 24 hours) yielded a thickened extract of 521.6 g
(yield of 26.08%). The viscous extract obtained is
dark brown, smells distinctive and tastes bitter.
3.3 Weight Loss on Drying
Weight loss on drying are carried out to determine
residual substances that evaporate at 105
C. Based
on the test it is known that drying drift contained in
ethanol extract 96% cinnamon bark is 5.28%, and in
cinnamon, bark fraction is 4.48%.
3.4 Water Fraction of Cinnamon Bark
The cinnamon bark extract 451 g was fractionated
with aquadest, n-hexane and ethyl acetate yielding
81.52 g of water fraction (yield of 18.07%).
3.5 Secondary Metabolites in The
The phytochemical screening showed that in the
cinnamon extract and fraction there were various
secondary metabolites, shown in Table 2.
3.6 Anti-Hyperuricemia Activity
Increased uric acid level was performed by giving
15 g/15ml dose of chicken liver juice 2 times a day,
but the provision of chicken liver juice did not
provide significant results, due to mammals with
lower levels, there are uricase enzymes that play a
role in the process of uric acid conversion to become
allantoin. Allantoin is more soluble in water and
more easily excreted by the body of the mammal
(Katzung et al. 2012). Therefore, it takes the
induction of potassium oxonate to help increase uric
acid levels in mice to be more significant. Potassium
oxonate is used as a competitive inhibitor of uricase
enzyme work so that uric acid in rat blood can
accumulate cause hyperuricemia condition, the dose
used is 50mg/200gBW through intraperitonial.
To find out the anti-hyperuricemia activity,
cinnamon bark water was extracted to decrease uric
acid level in mouse blood, a variation of the dose
given was 104 mg/200g BW, 208 mg/200g BW, and
416 mg/200g BW 2 times a day.
The results of uric acid levels (table 3) obtained
showed that on Day 9 there was a significant
increase with chicken liver juice and oxonate
potassium induction, and decreased on Day 14 after
administration of ethyl acetate fraction of cinnamon
The normal group is a reference for the
occurrence of uric acid level on the Day 9, which is
decreased on the Day 14 without any treatment. In
the positive control, there was an increase of uric
acid on the Day 9 after the induction of potassium
oxonate which was decreased on the Day 14 after
the administration of allopurinol with the dose of
4,108 mg/200 gBW for 5 days. In the negative
Table 2: Phytochemical screening of cinnamon extract and fraction
No Ph
tochemical screenin
Extract of ethanol 96% Fraction of Eth
l Acetate
1 Alkaloi
Old brown + +
2 Flavonoi
3 Saponin Foam + +
4 Tanin Blac
5 Steroid dan ter
-- -
Information :
(+) = Exist, (-) = no
MICH-PhD 2018 - 1st Muhammadiyah International Conference on Health and Pharmaceutical Development
group, there was also an increase of uric acid on the
Day 9 after the induction of potassium oxonate
which then decreased on the Day 14 after the
administration of Na CMC 0.5% for 5 days. In the
dose groups, there were increases of uric acid level
on the Day 9 after the induction of potassium
oxonate and then decreased on the day 14 after the
administration of all the dose fractions (I, II, III) for
5 days.
The highest percentage belonged to the positive
control that is Allopurinol with percentage of
62,77%. Second activity belonged to the group of
dose II with percentage equal to 58,87%. Third
activity belonged to dose I with the percentage equal
to 35,40%, followed by group Dose III with the
percentage of 17.70% (figure 1).
Table 3: Uric acid levels in rats
Time Grou
Normal Ne
ative Positive Dose I Dose II Dose III
0 3.30 3.46 3.36 3.25 3.29 3.17
3.03 3.21 3.23 3.12 3.16 3.21
3.12 3.50 3.49 3.07 3.12 3.47
3.21 3.11 3.09 3.32 3.21 3.24
e 3.16 3.32 3.29 3.19 3.19 3.27
0.10 0.16 0.15 0.10 0.06 0.12
9 3.28 8.16 8.24 8.42 8.26 8.21
3.19 8.27 8.31 8.17 8.16 8.06
3.42 8.38 8.42 8.09 8.31 8.31
3.36 8.24 8.26 7.96 8.14 7.94
Average 3.31 8.26 8.16 8.16 8.22 8.13
0.09 0.08 0.07 0.17 0.07 0.14
14 3.46 8.15 5.12 7.41 5.21 6.58
3.17 8.20 5.08 7.26 5.17 6.75
3.24 8.08 5.16 7.32 5.43 6.09
3.28 8.01 5.29 7.13 5.24 6.23
e 3.60 8.13 5.16 7.28 5.26 6.41
0.11 0.07 0.08 0.10 0.10 0.26
Information :
Group I : normal control (no treatment)
Group II : positive control (allopurinol 4,108 mg/200 g BW)
Group III : negative control (Na CMC 0,5%)
Group IV : dose I (104 mg/200 gBW)
Group V : dose II (208 mg/200 gBW)
Group VI : dose III (416 mg/200 gBW)
Figure 2: The lowering of uric acid levels
Figure 1: Percentage of uric acid levels. Positive control
(allopurinol 4,108 mg/200 gBW). Dose I (Fraction of
cinnamon bark water 108 mg/200 gBW). Dose II (Fraction
of cinnamon bark water 204 mg/200 gBW). Dose III
(Fraction of cinnamon bark water 416 mg/200 gBW)
dose III dose II dose I
Anti-hyperuricemia Effect of Water Fraction Cinnamon (Cinnamomum burmannii (Ness T. Ness) Blume) on White Male Rats
Data on the average decrease in uric acid levels
obtained from each group (Table 3) showed that
allopurinol could decrease uric acid levels by
62.77% (Figure 2). The activity approaching
allopurinol is owned by the dose group II which has
a percentage of 58.87%. In this case, it can be seen
that doses I, II and III have the ability to decrease
uric acid levels in the blood of white male rats, but
dose II can lower uric acid levels to near normal,
although not equivalent to allopurinol
and normal
controls. This is probably due to the concentration of
nutritious compounds contained in the bark of
cinnamon varies, and the timing of the fraction is too
The data of uric acid levels (table 3) obtained
then tested with normality and homogeneity test.
Normality test using Kolmogorov Smirnov Test
showed that normal distributed data with
significance value 0,419 (p 0,05) data is said to be
normally distributed because having significance
value more than 0,05. While the homogeneity test
results showed a significance value of 0.114 (p
0.05) so that the data can be said to be
homogeneous. Further data were analyzed using
one-way variance analysis to know that the data
obtained had significant differences between groups
with days of each treatment.
The uric acid level data was continued with the
Tukey test to determine the significant differences in
each group. From the Tukey test it was found that
there was a significant difference between the dose I
test group and all groups, as well as on the dose III
test. However, in the dose II test group (204 mg/200
gBW) there was no significant difference with the
positive group (allopurinol 4.108 mg/200 gBW)
which means that the dose II had an anti-
hyperuricemia activity not much different from the
positive control group Phytochemical screening tests
show that cinnamon bark contains alkaloids,
flavonoids, saponins and tannins.
Based on the results of the study it can be concluded
that cinnamon bark fraction has activity with dose II
(204 mg/200gBW) as the most effective,
successfully decreasing uric acid level in rat blood
by a percentage equal to 58,87%. Normality test
using Kolmogorov Smirnov Test showed that the
data was normally distributed with significance
value of 0.419 (p 0,05), and the homogeneity test
showed significance value of 0,114 (p 0,05) which
indicates that the data can be classifield as
Authors would like to thank Lembaga Penelitian
dan Pengembangan University Of
Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. Hamka (UHAMKA)
for supporting this research.
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MICH-PhD 2018 - 1st Muhammadiyah International Conference on Health and Pharmaceutical Development