the positive control of glibenclamide in lowering
blood sugar levels.
3.4 Observation of Pancreatic
The results of pancreatic histologic preparations can
be seen in Figure 2. Necrosis is cell or tissue death
due to a reversible degeneration process. This
condition can be caused by several things including
toxins, drugs, low blood supply, no nerve
preservation, temperature, light, radioactive and
mechanical trauma (Berata et al., 2011). The alloxan
mechanism in principle occurs through several
processes that stimulant produce damage effects on
pancreatic β cells. The reactive oxygen that is
formed can cause damage to pancreatic beta cells.
The destruction of pancreatic beta cells made a
decreased insulin secretion (Szukudelski, 2001).
The results of this study have shown that the
decrease in blood sugar levels and improvement of
the pancreatic Langerhans islet cells induced the
insulin secretion to compensate for high blood
glucose levels and subsequently lowered it. The
mechanism of decreased blood sugar levels and the
improvement of the islet cells of Langerhans were
derived from the compounds of flavonoids,
anthocyanins, and terpenoids contained in ethanol
extract 70% of ciplukan and roselle petals.
Flavonoids are antioxidants that can clean up
excessive free radicals, break the chain of free
radical reactions, and binding metal ions (chelating).
Flavonoids also have an inhibitory effect on the α-
glucosidase enzyme (Taufiqurrohman, 2015).
Anthocyanin has hypoglycaemic activity by
inhibiting α-glucosidase in the intestinal lumen and
improving insulin sensitivity (Kowalczyk et al.,
2013). Terpenoids have antidiabetic activity that can
stimulate the regeneration of Langerhans island cells
so that the cell damage of Langerhans Island in
particular β cells can be reduced gradually, the
increased number of Langerhans island cells also
allows the secretion of insulin so as to compensate
for high blood sugar levels and then decrease it
(Sunaryo et al., 2012).
The combination of 70% ethanol extract of ciplukan
and roselle petals successfully decreased blood sugar
levels in alloxan-induced rats. The combination of
70% ethanol extract of ciplukan and roselle flower
petals in dose I showed lower blood sugar level,
combination dose II equal to 60.50%, and
combination dose III equal to 66.74%.
Based on the statistical study, there was no
significant difference (p≥0.05) between the positive
control group and single ciplukan group, single
roselle petal, combination I, combination II and
combination III. This result means that in this case
all test groups have activities that are proportional to
the positive control of glibenclamide in lowering
blood sugar levels.
The combination of 70% ethanol extract of
ciplukan and roselle petals was able to provide an
improvement of the Langerhans island cell in
alloxan-induced rats compared with the negative
control group.
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