reported that the fraction of chloroform herb
ceplukan at a dose of 0,5 mg/20g BW, 1 mg/20g
BW and 2 mg/20g BW can reduce blood glucose
levels in mice and the dose 2 mg/20g BW can
reduce blood glucose levels of mice equally to
glibenclamid 0,013 mg/20g BW (Sunaryo et al.
2.1 Materials
The ingredients used are ceplukan herb (Physalis
angulata L.). Determination was done at
“Herbarium Bogoriense” Botani section, Pusat
Penelitian Biologi - LIPI Cibinong.
Alloxan monohydrate from Sigma-Aldrich Co.,
USA. Metformin HCL from Sohan Healthcare Pvt
Ltd, Maharashtra. High cholesterol feed, glucose kit
reagent was using commercial kits purchased from
Human Diagnostics Worldwide Germany.
2.2 Animal Subjects
The experiment used twenty-four male Syrian
hamsters (Mesocricetus auratus), aged 3–4 months
and weighed around 80 g. The animals were housed
under standard environmental conditions. The study
protocol was approved by the Health Research
Ethics Committee of Universitas Muhammadiyah
Prof. Dr. Hamka, West Jakarta, Indonesian. The
reference number for approval was 02/18.05/005.
The animal subjects were acclimatized in a cage
for approximately one week to adapt to the new
environment. The animals were divided into 6
groups consisting of 4 hamsters.
2.3 Extraction
One kilogram of ceplukan dried powder (Research
Institute for Spices and Medicinal
Plants/BALITTRO, Bogor, Indonesia) was
macerated with 70% ethanol for 6 hours and was
stirred occasionally to reveal the active ingredients.
The mixture was allowed to stand for 18 hours. The
maceration result was then separated by filtration.
The reproduction process was repeated three times.
The maceration result was concentrated with a
vacuum rotary evaporator until it became a viscous
extract (Department of Health RI, 2008). The
concentrated result was put in a water bath at 40–
C for one day to obtain an extract with a constant
2.4 Phytochemical Screening
The phytochemical screening of ceplukan herb
extract included an examination of alkaloids using
Bourchardat reagents, testing flavonoids with
methanol, concentrated HCL and magnesium
powder. Saponin test were perfomed with foam
formation, tannin test with FeCl
1% reagent, and
Steroid testing with ethanol, concentrated H
were done if there is a red or purple color change
indicating the presence of triterpenoids and the green
color indicates steroid presence (Depkes, 1995).
Extract yield was determined by calculating the dry
extract weight obtained from the weight of dry
powder before extraction.
2.5 Category and Animals Subject
The experiment was done with a complete
randomized design, using 24 white male, hamsters
divided into six groups consist of 4 rats.
a. Group I: The group was given a standard diet
and regular drinking water.
b. Group II: Positive Control, was given alloxan
monohydrate, high cholesterol feed and
comparative preparations.
c. Group III: Negative Control, was given alloxan
monohydrate, high cholesterol feed and Na-
CMC 0,5%.
d. Group IV: was given alloxan monohydrate, high
cholesterol feed and ethanolic herb extract of
ceplukan dose I.
e. Group V: was given alloxan monohydrate, high
cholesterol feed and ethanolic herb extract of
ceplukan dose II.
f. Group VI: was given alloxan monohydrate, high
cholesterol feed and ethanolic herb extract of
ceplukan dose III.
2.6 Method of Glucose Levels
Blood sampling was taken on Day 29 and Day 44;
hamsters were first anaesthetized using ketamine
dose 10 mg/kg BW (Lacy et al. 2009). Blood
collection was performed at the eye orbital sinuses
after the animals were previously preoccupied for 12
hours. The blood was taken as much as one mL, and
was collected in a microtube. The blood was
centrifuged at 4000 rpm for 15 minutes to obtain the
serum (Suharmiati, 2003). Serum was taken ten μL,
was mixed with enzyme reagent (glucose reagent
kit) 1000 μL, then was homogenized using vortex