Foot Soaking Therapy with Warm Water Decrease Blood Pressure
of Patients with Hypertension
Wantiyah Wantiyah, Bagus Arditya Husada and Latifa Aini Susumaningrum
Faculty of Nursing, University of Jember, East Java, Indonesia
Keywords: Foot Soaking Therapy, Hypertension in Elderly, Blood Pressure.
Abstract: The goal in caring patients with hypertension is to maintain normal blood pressure. Foot soaking therapy is a
relaxation technique that could be used to manage blood pressure. This study analyzed the effect of foot
soaking therapy with warm water on blood pressure in elderly. This research used quasy experimental with
control group pretest-posttest design. The sampling technique was purposive sampling involving 30
respondents divided into 15 respondents as experimental group and 15 respondents as control group. Foot
soaking therapy was done in 5 days within 15 minutes for each session. Data were analyzed by using
dependent and independent t test with confidence interval of 95% (α = 0.05). There was significant difference
of blood pressure after therapy (p sistolic = 0.001; p diastolic = 0.001). Meanwhile, there was no significant
difference of blood pressure in control group (p sistolic = 0.682; p diastolic = 0.185). In both groups, the blood
pressure of elderly with hypertension declined but higher in the intervention group than in the control
group. There was a significant difference of blood pressure between two groups (p sistolik = 0.001 and p
diastolic = 0.001). The relaxation effect of foot soaking therapy stimulates the pituitary gland to release
endorphine hormone, causing systemic vasodilation. Therefore, foot soaking therapy using warm
water affects the blood pressure on elderly with hypertension.
Elderly characterized by decreased of ability to
improve or maintain its normal function due to
degenerative health problems such as hypertension
(Nugroho, 2000). Hypertension is an asymptomatic
disorder accompanied by elevated systolic and
diastolic blood pressure and is often referred to as "the
silent killer" (Potter & Perry, 2005) (G, B, & Izzo,
2003). Raised blood pressure is the biggest single
contributor to the global burden of disease and to
global mortality. (Poulter, Prabhakaran, & Caulfield,
2015). Hypertension occurring in the elderly is due to
changes in the structure and function of the blood
vessels (Setyaningsih et al., 2014). Based on data
from World Health Organization (WHO), in 2013 the
number of uncontrolled hypertension clients
increased from 600 million in 1980 to 1 billion in
2008 (World Health Organization, 2013).
Data based on Basic Health Research in Indonesia
held in 2013 revealed that the prevalence of
hypertension was the highest prevalence of
degenerative diseases in elderly (based on
measurement result at age ≥18 years). East Java is one
province with hypertension prevalence is high
enough 26.2% (Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan
Kesehatan, 2013). Based on data from the health
clinic at a social service in Jember as one district at
East Java, Indonesia, the number of elderly who
experienced hypertension in July to September 2017
as many as 53 people.
Management of hypertension aims to maintain
blood pressure in the normal range and improve the
health status and quality of life of the elderly.
Generally, the management of hypertension is
divided into pharmacological and
nonpharmacological therapy. However,
pharmacological therapy for the elderly has various
problems such as dependency effects, elderly
disobedience in taking antihypertensive drugs, and
side effects that may arise due to drug administration
(Aronow & Banach, 2012). Therefore, non
pharmacological treatment can be done to support
pharmacological treatment (Muttaqin, 2009). Non-
pharmacological management such as foot soak
therapy is a therapy with warm water to dilate muscle
tissue of the blood vessels to make blood circulation
smoothly (Solechah, Masi, & Rottie, 2016). Thus,
Wantiyah, ., Husada, B. and Susumaningrum, L.
Foot Soaking Therapy with Warm Water Decrease Blood Pressure of Patients with Hypertension.
DOI: 10.5220/0008321000890093
In Proceedings of the 9th International Nursing Conference (INC 2018), pages 89-93
ISBN: 978-989-758-336-0
2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
researchers want to analyze effect of foot soak
therapy using warm water against blood pressure
elderly in a Social Service at Jember Indonesia.
This research was a quasy-experimental design used
pretest-postest design with control group. The
sampling technique used purposive sampling
involving 30 respondents divided into two groups, 15
respondents as treatment group and 15 respondents as
control group. Elderly can be included at this research
when they met the criterias such as: elderly with
hypertension grade I with independent care, and agree
to receive the therapy. While the exclusion criteras
were: elderly with complicated hypentension,
diabetes mellitus, and drop out. This research was
conducted in a social service at Jember, Indonesia.
The study was conducted in March 2017 until
December 2017. Elderly in intervention group got
foot soak therapy that was given 1x daily (once a day)
for five days with a duration of 15 minutes per
session. While elderly at control group they did not
got intervention or foot soak therapy so they did
regular activities as usual. They got therapy as in
intervention group after the research finished or in
other word after the measurement at post test. Data
collection techniques used mercury
sphygmomanometer and stethoscope. Data analysis
using descriptive and inferential analysist that is
dependent t-test and independent t-test with 95%
confidence interval = 0.05). This research applied
ethics principals such as anonimity, confidentiality,
justice, and beneficiency.
3.1 Characteristics of Respondents
Table 1 below described characteristics of
respondents determined by age, gender and history of
smooking. It can be concluded that in both group,
intervention and control group, the mean of age
almost same, more than 70 years old. For gender, in
both groups dominated by male, and most of
respondents did not have history of smooking (66,7
% in intervention group, and 73,3 % elderly did not
smooking in control group).
Table 1: Characteristic of respondents.
Mean ±SD (year)
8 (53.3%)
10 (66.7%)
7 (46.7%)
15 (33.3%)
History of smoking
5 (33.3%)
4 (26.7%)
10 (66.7%)
11 (73.3%)
3.2 Blood Pressure Measurements
Blood pressure in two groups were measured twice,
firstly for pre test and second for post test for both
systolic (SBP) and diastolic blood pressure (DBP)
without any intervention in between pre test and post
test. While in intervention group, pre test score was
measured before elderly got foot soak therapy and
post test was done after the therapy finished.
Measurement results can be seen in Table 2.
Table 2: Blood Pressure in intervention and control group.
Mean (mmHg) (± SD)
Mean (Δ)
95% CI
Control Group
Intervention Group
*SBP: systolic Blood Pressure
DBP: diastolic blood presssure
**: significance at α = 0,05
Table 2 showed the differences of blood
pressure for both SBP and DBP in pre test and
post test. There was a silence decreased for
SBP from 150.7 (±8.5) in pre test became 149.8
INC 2018 - The 9th International Nursing Conference: Nurses at The Forefront Transforming Care, Science and Research
(±8.9) in pos test. Meanwhile, the DBP increased
from 87.1 10.0) to 91.7 (±8.7) at post test. But,
based on statistically analyses used dependent t-test
there were no differences of blood pressure between
pre test post test in control group because the p value
got 0.68 for SBP and 0.18 for BPP, that is mean>α
= 0.05).
In intervention group, the blood pressure dereased
significanly in both SBP and DBP, that there were
decreased as 26.8 point for SBP and 9.6 point for
DBP. Therefore, there were differences of blood
pressure (SBP and DBP) after the elder people got
foot soak therapy (p = 0.001).
3.3 Effect of Foot Soak Therapy
Table 3 figured the result of independent t-test that
suggest the diferences of blood pressure in two group
after foot soak therapy. The results showed that there
was a significance difference of blood presssure mean
(SBP and DBP) in between intervention and control
group (p = 0.001). Hence, foot soak therapy can
decrease the blood pressure in elderly with
hypertension at a social service in Jember.
Table 3: The difference of blood pressure between
intervention and control group.
(± SD)
-0.8 (±7.3)
-9.6 5.5)
4.67 12.9)
The average age of respondents in the treatment of
foot soak treatment group was 73.73 years and the
mean age in the control group was 72.73 years. Age
is one of hypertension risk factors. The higher the age,
the increase of the prevalence of hypertension
(Davey, 2006). This is due to changes in the structure
and function of blood vessels that occur in the elderly
due to aging, where the blood vessels lose their
elasticity thereby decreasing the blood vessel strain
(Smeltzer and Bare, 2001) (Black & Hawks, 2014).
Decreased stretching of the arteries and aorta causes
a decrease in the ability to accommodate the volume
of blood pumped by the heart. Thus, resulting in
cardiac output decreased and peripheral resistance
increased (Stanley and Beare, 2006).
The results of this study also found that most of
the respondents were dominated by male in each
group, that is as many as 18 people (60%). Gender,
as we know also one of hypertension risk factors. It is
because male tend to be exposed to risky behaviors
such as smoking (Howteerakul, Suwannapong,
Sittilerd, & Rawdaree, 2006). Most of the
respondents in this study did not have a smoking
history of 21 (70%). Smoking can increase the risk of
hypertension in the elderly (Aronow, 2011). The
nicotine content in cigarettes can stimulate the
adrenal expulsion so that the heart beats faster and
increases the risk of thrombosis (ASH, 2013).
Based on the result, posttest mean of systolic and
diastolic blood pressure in treatment group of foot
soak therapy decreased equal to 26.8 mmHg and 9.6
mmHg. The changes in systolic and diastolic blood
pressure can occur related to the relaxation response
felt by the respondents after the intervention of foot
soak given for five consecutive days and within the
same time frame.
Warm foot water soak therapy is an intervention
by utilizing the application of heat to the body to
increase the blood circulation, refresh the body and
provide an effect of increased relaxation (Handoyo,
2014; Permadi, 2015). The relaxation effect of foot
soak therapy is the effect of hot water that stimulates
the baroreceptor nerves thereby driving the impuls to
the vasomotor center and resulting in vasodilation of
the veins and arterioles. Vasodilation occurring in the
arterioles causes peripheral resistance to decrease,
thereby reducing venous return, and causing a
decrease in cardiac output (Khotimah, 2012;
Damayanti et al., 2014).
Foot soak therapy also stimulates the pituitary
gland to release endorphin hormones that activate the
parasympathetic nervous system and inhibit work
rather than the sympathetic nerves. This results in
systemic vasodilation resulting in decreased
peripheral resistance and decreased blood pressure. In
addition, the impuls received by the parasympathetic
nerves will be sent to the SA node through the Vagus
nerve. This encourages the release of acetylcholine
stimulated decrease in heart rate. Stimulus that occurs
in the parasympathetic nervous system also causes
decreased contractility, stroke volume, and cardiac
output as inotropic negative impact. This resulted in
decreased stroke volume and cardiac output resulting
a decrease in blood pressure (Muttaqin, 2009;
George, 2007).
The result of statistical test showed that p = 0.001
which means that there was a significant difference
Foot Soaking Therapy with Warm Water Decrease Blood Pressure of Patients with Hypertension
between pretest and posttest blood pressure value in
elderly with hypertension after foot soak therapy. The
results of this study are consistent with previous
studies that found that a 3-day foot bath treatment
with a duration of 30 minutes showed a significant
decrease in blood pressure with mean systolic blood
pressure drop -3.994 mmHg and diastolic -2.722
mmHg (Zahrah Z., 2016 ).
The difference results occured in control group.
Based on the results, it was obtained the average
value of systolic blood pressure or diastolic pretest
and posttest 150.67/87.07 mmHg and 149.87/91.73
mmHg. The results of pretest and posttest mean
differences in systolic and elderly blood pressure with
hypertension in the control group were -0.8 mmHg
and 4.667 mmHg.
Based on the results of the study it was found that
seven elderly respondents in the control group did not
experience a decrease in blood pressure but increased
blood pressure after 5 days observation on blood
pressure. Researchers argue that this, influenced by
excessive weight of the elderly. Obesity and aging
process that occurs in the elderly can affect the
structure of the heart, kidneys, and blood vessels so
that the risk of incidence of cardiovascular disease
increases (Aronow et al., 2011).
The results also showed six elderly people had
decreased blood pressure after 5 days of observation.
Researchers argue that this was influenced by
physical activity carried out by the elderly. Increased
physical activity is done to increase blood flow to the
heart and improve arterial function (Kowalski, 2010).
This is supported by the results of research that by
doing regular physical activity for 30-45 minutes a
day is effective in reducing the relative risk of
hypertension to 30 % (Kemenkes.RI, 2014).
Table 3 showed the results of independent t-test of
systolic and elderly diastolic blood pressure with
hypertension in the treatment and control group, ie p
value of Systolic = 0.001 and p value of diastolic
which means p <α (α = 0,05) a significant difference
in systolic and diastolic blood pressure between the
treatment group and the control group. Foot soak
therapy with warm is an intervention by utilizing the
application of heat to the body to smooth the blood
circulation, refresh the body and provide an effect of
increased relaxation (Handoyo K., 2014; Permadi,
Relaxation technique is a type of non-
pharmacological management that can be given to the
elderly and has been proven to lower blood pressure
(Muttaqin, 2009). This study provides foot soak
therapy for five days with a duration of 15 minutes in
each session. Relaxation responses felt by the elderly
can affect the physiological body. The effects of foot
soak therapy can stimulate the pituitary gland to
release endorphin hormone. This will activate the
parasympathetic nervous system and inhibit the
sympathetic nervous system so that it can cause a
drop in blood pressure (Muttaqin, 2009; George,
2007). The stimulus of foot soak therapy can also
stimulate baroreceptor nerves to push the implus into
the vasomotor center and lead to vasodilation of the
veins and arterioles resulting in a decrease in blood
pressure (Damayanti et al., 2014).
This study showed the differences of blood
pressure between the two groups, so it can be
concluded that foot soak therapy can lower blood
pressure through stimulus in the pituitary gland to
release endorphin hormones that cause stress on the
sympathetic nervous system and improve the
parasympathetic nervous system, increased activity
of the parasympathetic nervous system that causes
peripheral resistance decreased. The final result is
blood pressure also can decrease.
Based on the result of research and discussion it can
be conclude that there is significant influence of foot
doak therapy with warm water against blood pressure
elderly with hypertension. It is expected that warm
food bath soak therapy can be applied by nurses as a
nonpharmacological treatment to maintain blood
pressure in hypertension on elderly.
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Foot Soaking Therapy with Warm Water Decrease Blood Pressure of Patients with Hypertension