Most respondents with hypertension experienced an
increase of self-efficacy after the logotherapy because
they found the meaning in their life. The regulation of
blood pressure in patients with hypertension
decreased into the normal range after following
logotherapy because their self-efficacy to adhere the
management of hypertension had increased.
Logotherapy affects patients’ self-efficacy and blood
pressure regulation because it can motivate them to
manage their hypertension. So, their blood pressure
will remain stable.
Patients with hypertension were advised to remain
committed to the meaning of life that they had already
chosen and remain consistent in maintaining their
self-efficacy against long-term hypertension
treatment. This way, the success of treatment can be
achieved and blood pressure can be controlled.
Nurses can use logotherapy as a new intervention to
improve the adherence of patients with hypertension
in following their treatment. Healthcare centers also
can use logotherapy as a routine program to improve
patient adherence, especially patients undergoing
long-term treatment.
Further research can be conducted to evaluate the
effect of logotherapy on other diseases as well as
hypertension, with more attention to confounding
factors (age, education, and long-suffering) and a
larger sample size. In addition, the frequency of
logotherapy meetings could be increased because
with more meetings, respondents are expected to
achieve further regarding the meaning of life.
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