The Influence of Jasmine Essential Oil Through Foot Submersion
and Inhalation Method in Elderly Sleep Quality and Quantity
Happy Restu Widayati
, Retno Indarwati
and Erna Dwi Wahyuni
RSU Haji Surabaya, Manyar Kertoadi Street, Surabaya, Indonesia
Faculty of Nursing Universitas Airlangga, Kampus C Mulyorejo, Surabaya, Indonesia
Keywords: Jasmine Essential Oil, Foot Submersion Method, Inhalation Method, Sleep Quality, Sleep Quantity, The
Abstract: The elderly undergo the circardian function alteration, with the result that they get disruption of the sleep
and wake- up regulation. Jasmine essential oil is used as one of the non-pharmacological interventions for
insomnia. The aim of this research is to know the difference of Jasmine essential oil through foot
submersion and inhalation method in the elderly sleep quality and quantity. The used research design was
quasy experiment. The number of 21 respondents was obtained with the design of total sampling. Then, the
respondents were divided into three groups foot submersion, inhalation, and control group. The data
collections of the elderly sleep quality and quantity used PSQI questionnaire. The dependent variables were
the elderly sleep quality and quantity; the independent variable was the use of Jasmine essential oil in foot
submersion and inhalation method. The obtained data were analyzed with chi-square test, significance level
p=0,05. The result of statistical test using Chi-square test is p=1,00 which means there is no difference of
Jasmine essential oil given through foot submersion and inhalation method for the elderly sleep quality and
quantity. For the other researchers, they can research about the role of peer group in the guidance of the
elderly’s psychology as an effort to fulfill the sleep need.
In elder, the ability of organs and systems within the
body decrease, with the result that function
deterioration is occured (Santoso & Andar 2009).
One of the main disruptions in elderly is insomnia
which is defined with inability to get sleep inspite of
having will to sleep (Beare & Micey, 2006).
According to the gaining of initial data in UPT
PSLU Pasuruan, the number of 25 elders got
disturbance of sleep quality and quantity.
In 2009, elder in Indonesia numbered 20.547.541
(U.S Census Bureau International Data Base, 2009
dalam KPPA, without year). Having 11,4% of elder
among the societies, East Java included in 5
province with the greatest number of elders in
Indonesia (BPS SUSENAS, 2007 in KPPA, without
Sleep disturbance in elder belonged to 50% of
65-year-old people or elder who live in their own
house and 66% people living in long-term care
facilitation. Collecting initial data in UPT PSLU
Pasuruan was obtained total of 62% (25 from 40
elders who were interviewed) with disturbance of
sleep quality and quantity, twenty-one elders (52%)
with long sleep latency, and 47% (19 elders) owning
sleep fragmentation or night awakening. Elder with
sleep quantity less than 6 hours was 60% (24 elders).
Internal factors leading sleep pattern disruption
are psychological stress, nerve development, and
health; moreover, external factors predisposing sleep
pattern disturbance are environmental change and
social function (Widiarti, et al., 2011).
The advantage of sleep is to restore the body
function until optimum functional level (Beare &
Micey, 2006). Person with inadequate sleep can get
effect as forgetfulness, confusion, disorientation,
mood influence, neurocognitive function, and
homeostasis (Fismer & Pilkington, 2012).
One of the non-pharmacological interventions
for sleep disturbance is the use of essential-oil aroma
(Cuellar, et al., 2007). Essential oil of aromacare has
main effect through skin and sense of smell
(inhalation) (Johannessen, 2013). Essential oil can
be used through foot submersion and inhalation
(Fismer & Pilkington, 2012).
Widayati, H., Indarwati, R. and Wahyuni, E.
The Influence of Jasmine Essential Oil Through Foot Submersion and Inhalation Method in Elderly Sleep Quality and Quantity.
DOI: 10.5220/0008322902150219
In Proceedings of the 9th International Nursing Conference (INC 2018), pages 215-219
ISBN: 978-989-758-336-0
2018 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
The application of essential oil in foot
submersion with warm water can decrease core body
temperature (Liao, et al., 2013). Warm sensation in
the skin can activate anterior preoptic hypotalamic,
the key of sleep regulation (Liao, et al., 2013).
Essential oil used through skin can enter the pores,
and it will be distributed to whole the body vessels
(Tahir 2009 in Nuryanah, 2010).
Jasmine has benefit for insomnia (Smith, 2011).
Jasmine essential oil affects in alfa and delta wave
biorhythm; therefore, it causes calmness, harmony,
and sleep sensation (Pitman, 2004).
In the implementation of giving Jasmine
essential oil to gain the elder sleep quality and
quantity, Roy’s adaptation theory was used in this
theoretical approach. This theory guides individual
to maintain and enhance adaptive behaviour, as well
as to change from ineffective to effective behaviour
(Stanhope & Lancaster, 2004). These aims can be
achieved with nurse’s effort to change, manipulate,
or block the stress producing stimulus in patient. The
nursing intervention helps client get more effective
coping with reducing strees (Basavanthappa, 2007).
This study was held on December 10
- 23
2014 in
UPT PSLU Pasuruan. Research design used quasy
experiment with pre-post test design. In this
research, the number of 21 elders was divided into
three groupsintervention group of foot
submersion, inhalation intervention group, and
control group. Group distribution used matching
based on age classification according to WHO
elderly (60-74 years old) and old (75-90 years old).
Pretest and posttest data in those groups were elder
sleep quality and quantity. This population was all of
the elders with insomnia in the number of 21 elders.
Quantity of sample was 21 people. Total
sampling was used in sampling technique. Inclusion
criteria were sixty to ninety years old, SPMSQ value
at 0-2 (normal mental function), cooperative
manner, and the willingness to sign for informed
consent. Elder having medical hystory of asma and
using other types of essential oil for handling
insomnia came as exclusion criteria.
Dependent variables were elder sleep quality and
quantity; likewise, independent variables were the
using of jasmine essential oil through foot
submersion method and inhalation method. Research
instruments applied PSQI questionnaire (The
Pittsburg Sleep Quality Index) for measuring sleep
quality and pattern in adult, sleep quantity
observation sheet, and standard of operational
procedure of giving jasmine essential oil through
foot submersion and inhalation.
Every group had been giving intervention of
giving jasmine essential oil through foot submersion
or inhalation for 10 days. The intervention was
implemented with coming to every dormitory of
respondents at 5-7 PM.
The posttest result of foot submersion and
inhalation group was analyzed with statistical test of
Chi-square to identify the difference jasmine
essential-oil influence between through foot
submersion and inhalation on elder sleep quality
and quantity. Significant level in this study was 5%
= 0,05). If only there were p<0,05, H
accepted. However, p≥0,05 meant that H
The statistic result of post intervention using Chi-
square was p=0,100 with significant level of 0,05, by
that H
was rejected. This described that there was
no difference of influence on sleep quantity of elder
given with jasmine essential oil between through
foot-submersion and inhalation method.
From Chi-square statistic test of post
intervention, the result showed p=0,100 with
significant level of 0,05 which meant 0,100>0,05;
accordingly, H
was rejected. In mean, there was no
difference of influence on sleep quality of elder
given with jasmine essential oil between through
Table 1: Identification of The Difference of Jasmine
Essential Oil Influence Between Through Foot
Submersion and Inhalation.
Identification of The
Difference of Jasmine
Essential Oil Influence
Between Through Foot
Submersion and Inhalation
Statistic Test
result of Post
The Difference of Jasmine
Essential Oil Influence
Through Foot Submersion
on elder sleep quantity
The Difference of Jasmine
Essential Oil Influence
Through Foot Submersion
on elder sleep quality
INC 2018 - The 9th International Nursing Conference: Nurses at The Forefront Transforming Care, Science and Research
foot-submersion and inhalation method.
After comparing the influence of both the groups
with using Chi-square, p value was 1,00 indicating
that there was no difference of influence on sleep
quantity of elder given with jasmine essential oil
between through foot-submersion and inhalation
In the same test for another dependen variable,
Chi-square statistic test demonstrated p=1,00, so that
there was no difference of influence on sleep
quanlity of elder given with jasmine essential oil
between through foot-submersion and inhalation
Investigation purposed to know elder’s sleep
quality in each respondents within both the groups
got information that respondent lacking sleep
quantity also suffered lack of sleep quality. This case
was caused as sleep quantity was involved in the
component of PSQI score count.
Elder’s circardian rhytm underwent both aging
process and sleep circle disturbance. Sleep pattern
disturbance in elder is caused by internal factors
(illness and pshycological stress) as well as external
factorsenvironmental alteration and social
function. Elder’s brain alteration due to aging
process induces excitation and inhibition within
nerve system. The inhibition function is decrease
along with aging process. Frontal cortex also affects
sleep regulation device; hence, aging process can
lead the alteration of sleep and awakening. The
change of sleep and awakening in elder can be
triggered by brain alteration involving cell death
except frontal cortex, blood flow reduction, and
neurotansmitter mechanism alteration as well as
synaptic (Widiarti, et al., 2011).
Aging process promotes elder to get sleep
disturbance. Sleep deferment, sleep latency, can
affect circardian circle alteration in elder (Widiarti,
et al., 2011). The research conducted by Pressman
and Fry (1988) and Lankford (1994) showed that
first NREM sleep level increased in elder. In this
stage, elder was often awakened by sound, touch, or
light. First NREM sleep level disruption was able to
induce sleep fragmentation. Elder suffered reduction
of total and depth in the third and fourth sleep level.
Nonetheless, this condition was almost not seen in
the fourth NREM sleep level. The alteration could
affect elder’s sleep efficiency (Widiarti, et al., 2011).
From the statistic test, the result showed that
there was no difference of influence on sleep quality
and quantity of elder given with jasmine essential oil
between through foot-submersion and inhalation
Sleep need fulfillment, which included quantity
and quality of sleep, was affected by some factors
(environment, physical condition, disease, and aging
process). Regarding Sister Calista Roy’s adaptation
theory, that everyone is integrated with whole of his
pshycology, social component, and constant
interaction with his circle. Thus, suppose that
someone can interact and achieve stimulus with
adaptive coping, there will appear adaptive
behaviour and its reverse.
Age factor would influence the success of the
giving of jasmine essential oil in elevating elder’s
sleep quality and quantity, for the simple reason that
the elder someone was, the less the biological
function, as circardian rhytm function, was.
There was no difference of influence of jasmine
essential oil given between through foot submersion
and inhalation method in elevating elder’s sleep
quantity and quality.
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The Influence of Jasmine Essential Oil Through Foot Submersion and Inhalation Method in Elderly Sleep Quality and Quantity