Internal factors include attitude, experience,
observation, personality, self-conception,
motivation, and perception. External factors include
reference groups, family, social class, and culture.
Teenagers need good guidance from their families
and from the environment. Teenagers that are
experiencing puberty will continue to seek their
identities until they discover their true self. Their
true self becomes linked to a certain individual
behavior. Teenagers searching for their self-identity
can be guided by families and the environment,
whether in school, or outside school. Family
guidance is done by notifying the limits of norms
that apply to a religion or society. Guidance in
school can be provided through lessons about
morals, norms, and puberty. Outside school,
environments can also affect a teenager’s behavior
because of their good environment (Potter, 2005).
The role of teenagers’ peers is mainly related to
attitude, speech, interests, appearance, and behavior.
Failure to develop relationships with peers and lack
of parental support will lead to identity doubts, an
inability to identify future careers, and a lack of
confidence (Yusuf Ah, 2015). There are system and
group norms that become an agreement in
friendship. The negative influence of social
interaction in friendship often leads to aberrant
behavior that is juvenile delinquency. Great curiosity
and wanting to gain recognition from peers can
influence a teenager's judgment and decisions about
his or her behavior. Although adolescents have
reached a complete stage of cognitive development
to determine their own actions, adolescent self-
determination can still be affected by peer pressure
(Santrock, 2007).
Peers play an important role, especially towards
attitude, speech, interests, appearance, and behavior.
If one of the group members tries negative
behaviors, such as cigarette smoking, alcohol
drinking, and drugs, then the others will copy. This
shows that peer influence in the development of
social relationships is very strong. Teenagers that
tend to mingle with peers who often drink and use
drugs will be very susceptible to follow their
lifestyle. Although it is not definite that teens will
follow their friends’ lifestyle, it is inevitable that
adolescence is still in an unstable state, both in
thought and within the principle of life.
When the research was conducted, an adolescent
stated that coffee shops were often used as a place
for drug transactions. Coffee shop owners knew this,
but the owner let the drug dealer sell the drugs to
visitors because it is a regular place for drug
transactions. This coffee shop was also used as a
place for teenagers to drink alcohol until they were
drunk. Teenagers say that they were often
reprimanded by the surrounding community because
of their bad behavior, but they did not care about
being admonished by the community.
The research found that maladaptive behavior
leads to risky behavior. Adolescence promotes a
rapid change in biological, psychological, and social
development. This requires a change in adolescent
behavior to adjust to their current condition. The
process of adjustment can take place without any
problems if the teenager can recognize themselves
and have sufficient social support. Both are
important to play a role in adolescent adjustment,
but some teenagers may experience problems. The
problems usually begin with risky behavior that can
lead to psychosocial problems, either personal or
social. In Indonesia some teenagers are known to be
involved in risky behaviors regarding mental health,
such as speeding up and causing accidents, violence,
brawling, bullying, violence in a relationship,
unplanned pregnancy, risky sexual behavior, being
exposed to sexually transmitted diseases such as
hepatitis and HIV-AIDS, smoking and alcohol abuse
at an early age, and the use of marijuana and other
addictive substances. Teenagers’ risky behavior
makes them often labelled as troubled teenagers and
they are treated negatively by their social
environment. The risky behavior is a form of
behavior that can harm the health and well-being of
teenagers and harm others.
Results of the research indicated that teenagers felt
happy, relaxed, comfortable, relieved their stress,
and enjoyed feeling free. It becomes a bad thing
because, during adolescence, there should be a sense
of happiness to gather with family members.
Meanwhile, the negative impact felt by teenagers is
relates to being tired, drowsiness, lack of focus,
drugs and drinking, and making money by selling
themselves. The positive impacts on teenagers were
improving social relationships, such as getting
together, meeting new friends and sharing
experiences with peers.
BNN 2012. Mahasiswa & Bahaya Narkotika, Jakarta,
Badan Narkotika Nasional Republik Indonesia.