Experiences of Teenagers Spending the Night Hanging Out at Coffee
Shops: A Phenomenology Study
Ah Yusuf, Praba Diyan Rachmawati and Mulyana
Faculty of Nursing Universitas Airlangga, Kampus C Mulyorejo, Surabaya, Indonesia
Keywords: Teenagers Experience, Hanging Out, Coffee Shop.
Abstract: Adolescence is a phase of childhood development between the ages of 10 to 19 years. This phase is
triggered by biological, psychological, and social changes during that period. Hanging out is a familiar trend
for teenagers, during which they spend time with friends or peers to relieve stress from daily routine
satieties. There are various entertainment spots such as nightclubs, cafes, parks, and coffee shops. Giras, a
so-called coffee shop, became a favorite place for teenagers to hang out. The purpose of this study was to
explore the emotions of teenagers hanging out in this kind of coffee shop. This research was a
phenomenology study that invited seven participants, selected using inclusive criteria. The data were
collected through in-depth interviews and field notes. Five themes emerged in this study, including feelings,
lifestyles, reason for hanging outs, negative impact, and positive impact. Hanging out was found to be a
resource for happy, relaxed, and comfortable feelings. The impact that teens experience when hanging out is
more dominant and dangerous regarding negative impact.
Hanging out with friends has become a trend among
young people; it is a way to spend their leisure time.
Teenagers who have negative experiences in school
and within their family see this trend as a way to
relieve stress (Mahoney, 2004, Veenstra, 2010).
Giras or street-vendor coffee shops are one of the
favorite places for these teenagers. Eight out of ten
teenagers love to hang out at these places until late
at night (Nidyastari, 2008). Unfavorable behaviors
such as smoking, hanging out with the opposite
gender, wearing inappropriate outfits, and the use of
harsh words become normal. If this continues it will
lead to maladaptive behavior.
An interview in Kelurahan Kota Bangun Kutai
Kartanegara suggested that there are more than 40
Giras’s open 24 hours a day and most of their
visitors are teenagers. The local authority claims that
they have already warned the Giras owners to limit
their opening hours. However, many of the owners
refused to do so. Community leaders in the village
of Bangun Town also appealed to the teenagers not
to hang out at the shops late at night, but the
teenagers ignored the appeal. In 2016, the Kota
Bangun Kutai Kartanegara Police Station closed a
24-hour coffee shop that was raided for drug dealing
and prostitution.
Data from BNN 2012 shows that hanging out at
night can increase juvenile delinquency (BNN,
2012). The presence of the coffee shop has the
potential to become a place of introduction for
teenagers. The existence of a shift in the norms of
adolescent life affects psychosocial development of
Hanging out has become a feature of puberty that is
used by peers and has inherently become a joint
activity (Siennick and Osgood, 2012). Therefore,
researchers want to deepen their understanding of
teenagers’ experiences when hanging out in the
coffee shop at night.
Qualitative research with a phenomenological
approach was conducted at the coffee shop of Kota
Bangun Village Kutai Kartanegara Regency. A total
of seven teenagers were selected using a purposive
sampling technique.
Data collection was carried out through in-depth
interviews with the aid of a recorder and field notes,
then verbatim validation, and transcripts given to the
Yusuf, A., Rachmawati, P. and Mulyana, .
Experiences of Teenagers Spending the Night Hanging Out at Coffee Shops: A Phenomenology Study.
DOI: 10.5220/0008324403090313
In Proceedings of the 9th International Nursing Conference (INC 2018), pages 309-313
ISBN: 978-989-758-336-0
2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
participant. Data analysis was done by transcribing
the interviews, compiling and scanning materials,
then defining themes, keywords, categories, and sub-
Participants lived in Kota Bangun Village, Kutai
Kartanegara regency. Bangun City is a sub-district
located in the hinterland of Kutai Kartanegara
Regency, East Kalimantan. Bangun City is known
for its fish cracker production because some
residents utilize the Mahakam river as fishermen.
Bangun City also has many trees and rice fields, so
the air feels cool. Some roads are made of rock and
others are paved. The village of Bangun City has
many places to hang out and one of them is a coffee
shop. Some visitors of the coffee shops in Kota
Bangun are teenagers.
The seven participants included five men and
two women, with age range between 14 until 16
years, with the classification of early adolescent and
middle adolescent. The participants follow the Islam
and Catholic religions. All participants come from
the Kutai Tribe and are still studying at Junior High
School (SMP). The last education of the participant's
parents varies; there are four parents that only went
to elementary school, two parents who went to
junior high, and one parent who went to high school.
The occupations of the parents are also diverse: two
fishermen, four farmers, and one laborer. The length
of time hanging out varied between participant at
one to two years. Their schedule is also varied, every
night, three times a week and once a week.
The results of this study identified five themes.
teenagers’ feelings, teenagers’ lifestyles, the reason
for hanging out, negative impact, and positive
impact for teenagers, as seen in the following chart.
Theme 1: Teenagers’ Feelings
A feeling is a state in an individual, because of
what he or she has experienced or perceived
(Chaplin, 1972). Feelings experienced by individuals
(teenagers) as pleasure or displeasure may vary at
different levels (Walgito, 2002).
Based on the interviews, the participants
experienced happy, relaxed, and comfortable
feelings. Three participants expressed happiness, and
two participants expressed comfort while hanging
out in a coffee shop at night.
"... hanging out with friends, I’m happy, better than
in the home ..." (R4)
"... how can I explain it? The burden I felt in the
house is like gone ..." (R2)
"... nothing special, talk with friends ..." (R3)
"... nothing special, relaxed, I am an ignorant
person, so I do not really care about others’ lives ..."
Theme 2: Teenagers’ Lifestyle
Lifestyle describes how a person lives and how
big their moral values are in society and the
surrounding environment (Chaney, 2009). During
the interviews, participants stated that the coffee
shop was not only used as a place to hang out, gather
with friends, and drink coffee, but was used as a
place to make money. They do negative things to get
money, even sell themselves. Teenagers do that with
the excuse of making money so they can follow their
lifestyles. Here are the transcripts of the participants:
"... I am looking for a lot of money too here ..." (R4)
"... you know, there are lot of adults here, you also
know how society and economy demands, that also
made me do that thing ..." (R4)
"... economic demands, my parents do not work, I
make my own money. I also want to follow my
friends’ lifestyle ... "(R5)
"... my friends are wicked, I have three girlfriends
that are really naughty; they usually sell themselves
with a man that has a lot of money..." (R5)
Demands to follow such lifestyles make
teenagers do anything to get what they want.
Financial reasons are stated, such as the participant's
parent who is not working, while the participant
wants to follow the trend like his peers. It was clear
while conducting this research that teenagers realize
that it is a bad thing, but they do not care about the
impact or any negative perceptions of the
surrounding community. Teenagers are only
concerned with things that meet their needs and
Theme 3: Reasons for Hanging Out
The results of the research indicate that teenagers
spend the night hanging out at the coffee shop to try
something new or when they are invited by friends.
One of the most important aspects of adolescent
growth is the development of their social life.
Problems occur in adolescents’ social development
because teenagers cannot yet carry out the task
INC 2018 - The 9th International Nursing Conference: Nurses at The Forefront Transforming Care, Science and Research
relating to their social development. Teenagers must
fulfill their duties such as assignments at school, but
on the other hand, the task is so difficult that they
need to interact with their peers, classmates, and
family in a social environment (Santrock, 2007).
Peers are a very influential factor in adolescence,
as teens spend most of their time with them. During
adolescence, relationships with peers increase
dramatically and while the relationship with their
parents also decreases dramatically, even though a
family is one of the important social contexts for
individual development, adolescent development is
also strongly influenced by what happens in other
social contexts. Factors that influence the
development include imitation, suggestion, and
sympathy. The imitation factor is the impulse to
imitate others, for example, in terms of behavior or
how to dress. Suggestion is a factor that influences
psychological whether they can be accepted without
criticism (from themselves or from others. The
sympathy factor is the feeling of being attracted to
others (Santrock, 2007).
Theme 4: Negative Effects
Teenagers stated that hanging out in the coffee shop
made them tired, and they were often sleepy and
lacking focus during lessons. They also often sleep
when the lessons begin. Teenagers say that they
were often reprimanded by the teacher for sleeping
in the classroom; they received punishment, but it
did not deter them. For teens, hanging out becomes a
compulsory and routine activity, regardless of the
In this study the negative impacts that teenagers
experience when hanging out in a coffee shop are
the impact on schooling, trying drugs, and drinking,
as described in the following transcripts:
"... I still come to school: I get up, shower quickly
then go to school, but I am so sleepy at school ..."
"... sometimes I feel sleepy, so when the lesson
begins I am searching for a chance to take a nap..."
"... sleepy, if the teacher is not strict I can sleep
during the class ..." (R3)
"... so sleepy, not really pay attention to the teacher,
I just want to sleep..." (R4)
"... for example, drug transactions. I am still a kid,
so they do not offer the drugs to me ..." (R1)
"... sometimes there are friends who invite me to
drink alcoholic beverages ..." (R2)
"... the boys mostly drunk or took drugs ..." (R4)
"... mostly to have some entertainment, get a woman
also place for hanging out and take alcoholic
beverages..." (R4)
Theme 5: Positive Effects
The research found that the positive impact that
teenagers experienced when hanging out at night
was their social relationships. Social relationships
are mutual relationships between individuals that
influence each other based on their awareness.
Individual social relationships develop because of
the urge of curiosity regarding everything around it.
Social relationships are defined as the way
individuals react to people around them and how the
relationship affects them (Pendidikan, 2014).
Factors that affect social relationships are
communicating with others to achieve their desire,
building a family, and the desire to survive in life,
especially when facing a problem. Positive effects
that teenagers experience are social relationships
such as getting together, chatting, making new
friends, and sharing experiences.
In this research, teenagers said hanging out is a
way for them to socialize, make new friends and
new experiences, but, on the other hand hanging out
can have negative effects such as staying up late and
wasting time. Teenagers are more concerned about
their social relationships than the negative effects
they will experience.
The joys that teenagers feel include stress relief, the
feeling of freedom, making new friends, and sharing
experiences. Teenagers think hanging out at the
coffee shop until late at night is one way to be free
from home and school assignments. Teenagers also
feel bored and surfeited with monotonous routines
such as going to school, doing homework, and an
early bedtime. Teenagers want to find other
activities that are more fun. Teenagers express
happiness outside the home because they feel
uncomfortable and stressed while at home because
their parents are not cooperative with their children.
They are less concerned and do not want to know
about their children's activities. This relates to poor
communication, which happens because parents
have less time for their children so the children,
moreover teenagers, spend more time outside the
house with their peers (Sharif, 2011).
Factors affecting lifestyles are comprised of
internal and external factors (Nugraheni, 2003).
Experiences of Teenagers Spending the Night Hanging Out at Coffee Shops: A Phenomenology Study
Internal factors include attitude, experience,
observation, personality, self-conception,
motivation, and perception. External factors include
reference groups, family, social class, and culture.
Teenagers need good guidance from their families
and from the environment. Teenagers that are
experiencing puberty will continue to seek their
identities until they discover their true self. Their
true self becomes linked to a certain individual
behavior. Teenagers searching for their self-identity
can be guided by families and the environment,
whether in school, or outside school. Family
guidance is done by notifying the limits of norms
that apply to a religion or society. Guidance in
school can be provided through lessons about
morals, norms, and puberty. Outside school,
environments can also affect a teenager’s behavior
because of their good environment (Potter, 2005).
The role of teenagers’ peers is mainly related to
attitude, speech, interests, appearance, and behavior.
Failure to develop relationships with peers and lack
of parental support will lead to identity doubts, an
inability to identify future careers, and a lack of
confidence (Yusuf Ah, 2015). There are system and
group norms that become an agreement in
friendship. The negative influence of social
interaction in friendship often leads to aberrant
behavior that is juvenile delinquency. Great curiosity
and wanting to gain recognition from peers can
influence a teenager's judgment and decisions about
his or her behavior. Although adolescents have
reached a complete stage of cognitive development
to determine their own actions, adolescent self-
determination can still be affected by peer pressure
(Santrock, 2007).
Peers play an important role, especially towards
attitude, speech, interests, appearance, and behavior.
If one of the group members tries negative
behaviors, such as cigarette smoking, alcohol
drinking, and drugs, then the others will copy. This
shows that peer influence in the development of
social relationships is very strong. Teenagers that
tend to mingle with peers who often drink and use
drugs will be very susceptible to follow their
lifestyle. Although it is not definite that teens will
follow their friends’ lifestyle, it is inevitable that
adolescence is still in an unstable state, both in
thought and within the principle of life.
When the research was conducted, an adolescent
stated that coffee shops were often used as a place
for drug transactions. Coffee shop owners knew this,
but the owner let the drug dealer sell the drugs to
visitors because it is a regular place for drug
transactions. This coffee shop was also used as a
place for teenagers to drink alcohol until they were
drunk. Teenagers say that they were often
reprimanded by the surrounding community because
of their bad behavior, but they did not care about
being admonished by the community.
The research found that maladaptive behavior
leads to risky behavior. Adolescence promotes a
rapid change in biological, psychological, and social
development. This requires a change in adolescent
behavior to adjust to their current condition. The
process of adjustment can take place without any
problems if the teenager can recognize themselves
and have sufficient social support. Both are
important to play a role in adolescent adjustment,
but some teenagers may experience problems. The
problems usually begin with risky behavior that can
lead to psychosocial problems, either personal or
social. In Indonesia some teenagers are known to be
involved in risky behaviors regarding mental health,
such as speeding up and causing accidents, violence,
brawling, bullying, violence in a relationship,
unplanned pregnancy, risky sexual behavior, being
exposed to sexually transmitted diseases such as
hepatitis and HIV-AIDS, smoking and alcohol abuse
at an early age, and the use of marijuana and other
addictive substances. Teenagers’ risky behavior
makes them often labelled as troubled teenagers and
they are treated negatively by their social
environment. The risky behavior is a form of
behavior that can harm the health and well-being of
teenagers and harm others.
Results of the research indicated that teenagers felt
happy, relaxed, comfortable, relieved their stress,
and enjoyed feeling free. It becomes a bad thing
because, during adolescence, there should be a sense
of happiness to gather with family members.
Meanwhile, the negative impact felt by teenagers is
relates to being tired, drowsiness, lack of focus,
drugs and drinking, and making money by selling
themselves. The positive impacts on teenagers were
improving social relationships, such as getting
together, meeting new friends and sharing
experiences with peers.
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Experiences of Teenagers Spending the Night Hanging Out at Coffee Shops: A Phenomenology Study