Husband Knowledge and Attitude Towards Mother's Breastfeeding
Retnayu Pradanie
, Rr Dian Tristiana
and Risma Dwi Lestari
Faculty of Nursing Universitas Airlangga, Kampus C Mulyorejo, Surabaya, Indonesia
Undergraduated Student, Faculty of Nursing, Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya, Indonesia
Keywords: Husband, Knowledge, Attitudes, Self-Efficacy, Exclusive Breastfeeding.
Abstract: Breast milk is an ideal source of nutrition for infants. However, the level of exclusive breastfeeding has not
reached government targets. This might be affected by internal factors such as breastfeeding self-efficacy or
external factors that may originate from the husband. The aim of this study was to identify the relationship
between the husband’s knowledge and attitude about exclusive breastfeeding with breastfeeding self-
efficacy in mothers with infants aged 0-6 months. This study used a correlation study design with a cross-
sectional approach. The sample consisted of 85 mothers and their husbands who had infants aged 0-6
months through a purposive sampling technique in Puskesmas Pucang Sewu Surabaya. Data was taken
using questionnaires and analyzed statistically using a Spearman Rank Correlation test. The results showed
that there was a significant relationship between the husband’s knowledge and breastfeeding self-efficacy (p
= 0.002 r = 0.338) and the husband’s attitude with breastfeeding self efficacy (p = 0.000 r = 0.723). The
relationship between knowledge and breastfeeding self-efficacy was weak. It could be influenced by other
factors such as education, occupation, age, and the mother’s breastfeeding experience. While the
relationship between the husband’s attitude and breastfeeding self-efficacy was strong. This shows that the
husband’s positive attitude will increase the level of breastfeeding self-efficacy.
Breastfeeding is an important concern because
breast milk is an ideal source of nutrition since its
composition meets the needs of growth and optimal
development for the baby. The World Health
Organization (WHO) and the United Nations
Children’s Fund (UNICEF) encourage mothers to
exclusively breastfeed until infants are aged 6
months, continuing until the age of 2 years with
additional complementary feeding (Kementerian
Kesehatan Republik Indonesia 2014). But, the
coverage of exclusive breastfeeding in Indonesia in
2015 was still at 55.7% (Kementerian Kesehatan
Republik Indonesia 2017), while in East Java
Province it was 74.1%. Based on a report from the
Surabaya City Health Office profile 2015, coverage
of exclusively breastfed infants in Surabaya is
64.99% and has not reached the target set by the
government at 80%.
Exclusive breastfeeding may be influenced by
internal and external factors. Internal factors that can
support exclusive breastfeeding include the mother's
breastfeeding self-efficacy, which is a sense of
confidence that mothers have in terms of
breastfeeding and can be a predictor of breastfeeding
decisions, major efforts to breastfeed, and how to
respond to problems and difficulties during
breastfeeding (Dennis 2011). Low self-efficacy in
breastfeeding can lead to negative perceptions and
poor motivation (Pradanie 2015).
Based on initial surveys through interviews with
health workers at the Puskesmas Pucang Sewu
Surabaya, 50% of mothers in their area were not
exclusively breastfeeding their babies under 6
months old. The condition of some working mothers
makes them less confident to breastfeed babies
exclusively for 6 months because of poor time
management. This illustrates that a mother's self-
efficacy is important to support exclusive
Health officers in Puskesmas Pucang Sewu said
that environmental factors in the family, especially
the husband, play an important role for mothers in
deciding on infant breastfeeding (Pertiwi 2012).
Lack of a husband's support during breastfeeding
Pradanie, R., Tristiana, R. and Lestari, R.
Husband Knowledge and Attitude Towards Mother’s Breastfeeding Self-Efficacy.
DOI: 10.5220/0008324603190323
In Proceedings of the 9th International Nursing Conference (INC 2018), pages 319-323
ISBN: 978-989-758-336-0
2018 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
can cause the mother to feel less attention so they
fail to exclusively breastfeed their baby, while good
psychological support from a husband for a mother
could improve the success of exclusive
breastfeeding (Bahiyatun 2009).
The antecedent factors of breastfeeding self-
efficacy include direct experience, indirect
experience, verbal persuasion, and emotional state
(Dennis 2011). The encouragement of family,
especially the husband, can be used as a source of
verbal persuasion that can influence a mother's
motivation to develop self-efficacy in exclusive
breastfeeding. The husband's encouragement can be
influenced by the attitude and knowledge of the
husband about exclusive breastfeeding (Suciati et al.
2016). The husband's knowledge plays an important
role in encouraging, assisting and rewarding mothers
in the process of breastfeeding, sharing household
chores, and raising children (Rumaseuw et al. 2018).
A husband's negative attitude and poor knowledge
may cause the husband to be incapable of motivating
or encouraging the mother to exclusively breastfeed
(Sopiyani 2014).
Based on interviews conducted by researchers
with 6 breastfeeding mothers in Posyandu it was
stated that 3 fathers gave positive support and 3 were
negative. Researchers also found that the mother
with a positive husband still had low confidence
about being able to breastfeed her baby exclusively.
This phenomenon was interesting, and needs to be
explained by investigating the correlation between a
husband's knowledge and attitude with breastfeeding
self-efficacy. Many studies have been conducted on
breastfeeding self-efficacy, but most of them only
involved mothers as respondents. Whereas factors
derived from the husband, who can be seen as one
source of self-efficacy, also have an important role
in improving a mother's breastfeeding self-efficacy
and this is still rarely studied. Therefore, mothers
and family, especially husbands, together should
give attention to the breastfeeding process to achieve
exclusive breastfeeding (Bich & Cuong 2017).
The design used in this research was correlational
with a cross-sectional approach. The population
were couples of mothers and fathers who have
babies under 6 months in the area of Puskesmas
Pucang Sewu Surabaya totalling 109 respondents.
By using purposive sampling, the sample in this
research numbered 85 respondents.
The variables in this research were the husband's
knowledge about exclusive breastfeeding, the
husband's attitude, and the mother's breastfeeding
self-efficacy. All data was measured using
questionnaires. The husband's knowledge
questionnaire about exclusive breastfeeding was
modified from Widjayanti (2010) which comprised
13 questions about the exclusive breastfeeding
concept. The husband's attitude was assessed using a
modified questionnaire from Purwaningrum (2009)
consisting of 19 questions with a Likert scale
containing favorable questions and unfavorable
questions. Breastfeeding self-efficacy was measured
using a Breastfeeding Self-Efficacy Short Form
(BSE-SF) questionnaire by Dennis (2003), which
comprised 14 questions with a Likert scale. All
questionnaires were tested for validity and reliability
with valid and reliable results.
This study has passed the ethical clearance from
the Health Research Ethics Committee, Faculty of
Nursing Universitas Airlangga with certificate
number 423-KEPK. This research was conducted in
the working area of Puskesmas Pucang Sewu
Surabaya during July 2017. Data was collected by
visiting the respondent's house. The collected data
was analyzed using a Spearman Rank Correlation
test with significance level of α 0.05.
General description of respondents (husbands) in
this study: 48 people (56.5%) aged 26-35 years old,
7 respondents (8.2%) aged 21-25 years old, 29
respondents (34.1%) aged 36-45 years old, and only
1 respondent (1.2%) aged > 45 years old. The
education level of husbands: 56 respondents (65.9%)
were graduated from senior high school, 5
respondents (5.9%) only finished elementary school,
15 people (17.6%) completed junior high school, 8
respondents (9.4%) graduated from university, and
there were still respondents who did not complete
elementary school – 1 person (1.2%). In terms of
occupation, most of the husbands work as
employees (67.8%), 16 people (18.8%) were self-
employed, and only 1 respondent (1.2%) worked as
a civil servant (government staff) and teachers.
For mothers as respondents, the majority were
aged 26-35 years old, as many as 46 respondents
(54.1%), 22 respondents (25.9%) were aged 21-25
years old, and 17 respondents (20%) were aged 36-
45 years old. In terms of education, 56 respondents
(65.9%) of the mothers were graduates from high
school, 15 people (17.6%) were graduates of junior
high school, 10 respondents (11.8%) were graduated
INC 2018 - The 9th International Nursing Conference: Nurses at The Forefront Transforming Care, Science and Research
from university, and still there were respondents
who did not complete primary school, 2 people
(2.4%). Most of the mothers (61 people or 71.7%)
were housewives, 20 mothers (23.5%) were
employees, and only 2 respondents (2.4%) worked
as self-employed and teachers.
In this research 42 (49.4%) respondents have 2
children, with the age of the last child 6 month (24
respondents or 28.2%). The respondents who had 1
child totalled 22 people (25.9%), the respondents
who had 3 children totalled 18 people (21.2%), and
those respondents who had more than 3 children
numbered 3 people (3.5%). Based on breastfeeding
experience, 42 mothers (49.4%) had breastfed and
used formula milk for their infants, only 15 mothers
(17.6%) had ever given exclusive breastfeeding from
infants born to 6 months. 22 respondents (25.9%)
had no experience at all of breastfeeding, and 6
respondents (7.1%) only gave formula milk without
breast milk to their babies.
Thirty-nine people out of 85 husbands as
respondents in this study (45.9%) had good
knowledge on aspects of the benefits of breast milk
for their babies, while 11 respondents (12.9%) had
less knowledge. Lack of knowledge among
husbands included colostrum, problems during
breastfeeding, and incorrect perceptions about
exclusive breastfeeding, that breast milk may be
supplemented with other foods and formula for
infants under 6 months of age.
Attitudes demonstrated by husbands as
respondents about mothers who breastfed babies 0-6
months are mostly positive, which amounted to 53
respondents (62.4%). The husbands did not mind if
the mother could not handle housework when
breastfeeding her baby. Some other respondents, as
many as 32 respondents (37.6%), have a negative
attitude to breastfeeding mothers. This lies in the
aspect of responsibility for assisting the mother's
work during breastfeeding, and less
acknowledgement for the mothers that exclusive
breastfeeding is good for the baby. Some husbands
provide incorrect advice regarding breastfeeding
believing that supplemental feeding and formula
feeding could be given during an exclusive
breastfeeding period. Husbands also made
objections to the mothers breastfeeding in public
Descriptions of breastfeeding self-efficacy
among mothers as respondents indicate that 35 from
85 respondents (41.2%) had high levels of
breastfeeding self-efficacy. Most mothers were
confident of managing sufficient breastfeeding and
breastfeeding situations as desired. Mothers with
low self-efficacy level numbered 19 persons
(22.3%), and 2 persons with very low self-efficacy
level of total mother respondents (2.4%). Some
mothers with low self-efficacy levels still had low
confidence in breastfeeding without formula, and
were not sure they could overcome problems during
breastfeeding. Mothers had low confidence in being
able to meet the nutritional needs of infants with
breast milk alone so that mothers chose to add infant
formula for babies under 6 months old.
Table 1: The correlation between husband’s knowledge about exclusive breastfeeding and breastfeeding self-efficacy on
mothers who had babies under 6 months in the work area of Puskesmas Pucang Sewu Surabaya (July, 2017).
Husband’s knowledge Breastfeedin
h Moderate Low Ver
f % f % f % f % Σ %
22 25.9 12 14.1 5 5.9 0 0 39 45.9
Moderate 11 12.9 13 15.3 10 11.8 1 1.2 35 41.2
Low 2 2.4 4 4.7 4 4.7 1 1.2 11 12.9
Total 35 41.4 29 34.1 19 22.4 2 2.4 85 100
earman rho test = 0.002. The coefficient correlation
= 0.338
Table 2: The correlation between husband’s attitude and breastfeeding self-efficacy on mothers with babies under 6 months
in the work area of Puskesmas Pucang Sewu Surabaya (July, 2017).
Husband’s attitude Breastfeedin
self efficac
h Moderate Low Ver
f% f%f% f% Σ %
Positive 33 38.8 20 23.5 0 0 0 0 53 62.3
Negative 2 2.4 9 10.6 19 22.3 2 2.4 32 37.7
Total 35 41.2 29 34.1 19 22.3 2 2.4 85 100
i S
earman rho
= 0.000. Koefisien korelasi
= 0.723
Husband Knowledge and Attitude Towards Mother’s Breastfeeding Self-Efficacy
Table 1 shows that 22 mothers of 85 as
respondents (25.9%) who had high levels of
breastfeeding self-efficacy had husbands with good
knowledge about exclusive breastfeeding. Whereas
low breastfeeding self-efficacy was found in 4
mothers who had husbands with lack of knowledge
about exclusive breastfeeding (4.7%). The results of
statistical analysis using a Spearman rho correlation
test with significance level alfa <0.05 obtained p
value 0.002 with coefficient correlation (r) 0.338
meaning that there was a sufficient correlation
between husband knowledge and self-efficacy of
breastfeeding in mothers with infants aged 0-6
Table 2 shows that 33 from 85 mothers with high
breastfeeding self-efficacy had husbands with
positive attitudes (38.8%), while 19 mothers with
low breastfeeding self-efficacy were found who had
husbands with negative attitudes about exclusive
breastfeeding (22.3%). The results of statistical
analysis using a Spearman correlation test obtained p
= 0.000 with a correlation coefficient (r) of 0.723
which means there is a strong correlation between
the husband's attitude with self-efficacy
breastfeeding in mothers with infants aged 0-6
months, the more positive the husband's attitude, the
better breastfeeding self-efficacy.
The better the knowledge possessed by the husband,
the higher the level of self-efficacy possessed by the
mother. Husbands who have a good knowledge of
breastfeeding can lead to a higher level of
understanding. Kong and Lee (2004) state that the
husband’s knowledge affects the support provided
by the husband when the mother breastfeeds her
baby. The increasing understanding of husbands
about breastfeeding can raise awareness for
husbands to be positive by supporting mothers to
breastfeed their babies (Bich & Cuong 2017). Thus,
affecting the psychological condition of the mother
and increasing self-confidence, and hence improving
a mother’s breastfeeding self-efficacy.
There are four sources that can affect a person's
level of self-efficacy, experience of success, other
people's experiences, verbal persuasion, and
physical-emotional circumstances (Dennis 2003).
Verbal persuasion could be defined as supporting
information that is communicated verbally by other
influential persons which states that a person has the
ability to do something (Dennis 2011). One of the
important influences in shaping the self-efficacy of a
mother is family, especially the husband. The family
is the smallest unit in the community where many
mothers spend time taking care of the baby so that
the family, especially the husband, has an important
role in providing support that can affect the
psychological condition of the mother while
breastfeeding her baby (Kusumaningrum et al.
2010). Information that will be used to provide
verbal persuasion to nursing mothers depends on the
knowledge of husbands who provide support
(Rumaseuw et al. 2018). The knowledge possessed
by husbands about exclusive breastfeeding can be
important for verbal persuasion of mothers who
breastfeed their babies.
A husband’s positive attitude has a significant
effect to improving breastfeeding self-efficacy in
mothers with infants aged 0-6 months. The source of
self-efficacy through verbal persuasion is used to
convince a person of their ability to perform a
particular task. People who are experience verbal
persuasion have the ability to better master the tasks
related to that persuasion and try harder to deal with
problems. The suggestion can contribute
significantly in improving self-efficacy (Dennis
Husbands become an important part in verbal
persuasion for breastfeeding mothers because it is
the closest person who can improve the physical and
psychological state of the mother (Kohan et al.
2016). This can be caused by the knowledge and
attitude factors of the husband (Rumaseuw et al.
2018). A husband’s positive attitude can affect the
level of a mother's self-efficacy through the source
of verbal persuasion. A husband’s positive attitude
can be demonstrated through the provision of
maternal support to always breastfeed the baby.
Positive attitudes shown by husbands will cause
positive emotions in mothers who are able to
increase the hormone oxytocin so that milk
production becomes more fluent because the mother
feels cared for and supported (Roesli 2008). This
stable emotional state can have an impact on
enhancing the mother’s self-efficacy while
breastfeeding her baby. The more the husband has a
positive attitude towards breastfeeding, the higher
the level of the mother’s self-efficacy during
The lack of a husband's role in the process of
breastfeeding the baby is due to cultural habits; one
is the division of roles in which the husband only
plays an obligatory part as the breadwinner and the
mother takes care of all household affairs including
the matter of breastfeeding (Bich & Cuong 2017).
While Roesli (2008) states that the husband can play
INC 2018 - The 9th International Nursing Conference: Nurses at The Forefront Transforming Care, Science and Research
an active role in supporting the success of
breastfeeding the baby by being positive through the
provision of attention and assistance, and
encouraging the mother to continue to breastfeed her
baby because not infrequently mothers who
experience emotional and physical conditions are
less stable after delivery (Sari 2011). This can lead
to a reduction in the mother’s level of self-efficacy
in breastfeeding her baby. A husband’s positive
attitude can help to prevent a reduction in the level
of self-efficacy possessed by the mother.
Most of the husbands in this study had good levels
of knowledge and positive attitudes about exclusive
breastfeeding. This affects the high level of
breastfeeding self-efficacy in the mother, especially
regarding the aspect of the mother's belief in being
able to meet the needs of breastfeeding for infants
for 6 months.
The findings of this study indicate that it is very
important that health education about exclusive
breastfeeding be given continuously, not only to the
mother but also to the support system around the
mother, especially husbands, in order to create an
environment conducive to supporting exclusive
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Husband Knowledge and Attitude Towards Mother’s Breastfeeding Self-Efficacy