can cause the mother to feel less attention so they
fail to exclusively breastfeed their baby, while good
psychological support from a husband for a mother
could improve the success of exclusive
breastfeeding (Bahiyatun 2009).
The antecedent factors of breastfeeding self-
efficacy include direct experience, indirect
experience, verbal persuasion, and emotional state
(Dennis 2011). The encouragement of family,
especially the husband, can be used as a source of
verbal persuasion that can influence a mother's
motivation to develop self-efficacy in exclusive
breastfeeding. The husband's encouragement can be
influenced by the attitude and knowledge of the
husband about exclusive breastfeeding (Suciati et al.
2016). The husband's knowledge plays an important
role in encouraging, assisting and rewarding mothers
in the process of breastfeeding, sharing household
chores, and raising children (Rumaseuw et al. 2018).
A husband's negative attitude and poor knowledge
may cause the husband to be incapable of motivating
or encouraging the mother to exclusively breastfeed
(Sopiyani 2014).
Based on interviews conducted by researchers
with 6 breastfeeding mothers in Posyandu it was
stated that 3 fathers gave positive support and 3 were
negative. Researchers also found that the mother
with a positive husband still had low confidence
about being able to breastfeed her baby exclusively.
This phenomenon was interesting, and needs to be
explained by investigating the correlation between a
husband's knowledge and attitude with breastfeeding
self-efficacy. Many studies have been conducted on
breastfeeding self-efficacy, but most of them only
involved mothers as respondents. Whereas factors
derived from the husband, who can be seen as one
source of self-efficacy, also have an important role
in improving a mother's breastfeeding self-efficacy
and this is still rarely studied. Therefore, mothers
and family, especially husbands, together should
give attention to the breastfeeding process to achieve
exclusive breastfeeding (Bich & Cuong 2017).
The design used in this research was correlational
with a cross-sectional approach. The population
were couples of mothers and fathers who have
babies under 6 months in the area of Puskesmas
Pucang Sewu Surabaya totalling 109 respondents.
By using purposive sampling, the sample in this
research numbered 85 respondents.
The variables in this research were the husband's
knowledge about exclusive breastfeeding, the
husband's attitude, and the mother's breastfeeding
self-efficacy. All data was measured using
questionnaires. The husband's knowledge
questionnaire about exclusive breastfeeding was
modified from Widjayanti (2010) which comprised
13 questions about the exclusive breastfeeding
concept. The husband's attitude was assessed using a
modified questionnaire from Purwaningrum (2009)
consisting of 19 questions with a Likert scale
containing favorable questions and unfavorable
questions. Breastfeeding self-efficacy was measured
using a Breastfeeding Self-Efficacy Short Form
(BSE-SF) questionnaire by Dennis (2003), which
comprised 14 questions with a Likert scale. All
questionnaires were tested for validity and reliability
with valid and reliable results.
This study has passed the ethical clearance from
the Health Research Ethics Committee, Faculty of
Nursing Universitas Airlangga with certificate
number 423-KEPK. This research was conducted in
the working area of Puskesmas Pucang Sewu
Surabaya during July 2017. Data was collected by
visiting the respondent's house. The collected data
was analyzed using a Spearman Rank Correlation
test with significance level of α ≤ 0.05.
General description of respondents (husbands) in
this study: 48 people (56.5%) aged 26-35 years old,
7 respondents (8.2%) aged 21-25 years old, 29
respondents (34.1%) aged 36-45 years old, and only
1 respondent (1.2%) aged > 45 years old. The
education level of husbands: 56 respondents (65.9%)
were graduated from senior high school, 5
respondents (5.9%) only finished elementary school,
15 people (17.6%) completed junior high school, 8
respondents (9.4%) graduated from university, and
there were still respondents who did not complete
elementary school – 1 person (1.2%). In terms of
occupation, most of the husbands work as
employees (67.8%), 16 people (18.8%) were self-
employed, and only 1 respondent (1.2%) worked as
a civil servant (government staff) and teachers.
For mothers as respondents, the majority were
aged 26-35 years old, as many as 46 respondents
(54.1%), 22 respondents (25.9%) were aged 21-25
years old, and 17 respondents (20%) were aged 36-
45 years old. In terms of education, 56 respondents
(65.9%) of the mothers were graduates from high
school, 15 people (17.6%) were graduates of junior
high school, 10 respondents (11.8%) were graduated