the tendency of learners in learning activities that are
driven by the desire to achieve the best achievement
or learning outcomes (Hamdu & Agustina, 2011).
Motivation is divided into two types, intrinsic
motivation is the motivation that arises from person
in accordance with they needs, while extrinsic
motivation arise because of stimulation or
encouragement from outside or from others, such as
learning models provided by lecturers during the
learning process teaching (Sardiman, 2007).
Motivation to achieve optimal learning outcomes.
This is because each individual person has a desire
to get achievement and outperform the other
(Kristini & Mere, 2010).
Motivation to study at Faculty of nursing is
influenced by two factors which both have equal
value in determining motivation learn in influencing
motivation, that is intrinsic motivation and extrinsic
motivation. Students faculty of nursing have
maximal learning motivation if the result of learning
is as expected, beside that student struggle to face
difficulties in learning by asking to lecturer and
close friend. In addition, students also have
perseverance in learning, for example, students are
happy to follow and read the lecture materials.
However, with the many duties and submission of
boring material resulted in students less motivated
in teaching and learning process in college.
4.3 Correlation between
implementation of SCL and
Learning Motivation
The result of bivariate analysis showed that there
was a correlation between SCL with the motivation
of nursing student, Faculty of Nursing, University of
Jember. This result is similar to previous research
which showed that there was a significant
correlation between PBL learning method with
student learning motivation PSIK STIKES
Yogyakarta (Indriasari, 2016).
Motivation can be influenced by dynamic
elements in learning, is meant in the learning
instrument such as hardware and software
(Nursalam & Efendi, 2012) . Hardware is in the
form of teaching and learning tools, while software
such as curriculum, facilitator, and the methods or
models used while studying (Notoatmodjo, 2007).
Learning motivation can also be influenced by the
model and the learning method applied by the
educational institution where the student places the
education (Indriasari, 2016).
The coefficient correlation of SCL and student's
learning motivation has positive correlation , which
means the greater the value of the application of SC,
the greater value of learning motivation. Positive
perceptions formed by students on the learning
model will increase the student's motivation to
conduct learning activities, and will be active and
productive in the process of teaching and learning in
the classroom (Indriasari, 2016).
However, SCL has not been fully able to
improve student's learning motivation. Based on the
results of this study, the correlation strength between
application of SCL and learning motivation shows
weak correlation. This is in accordance with the
results of previous studies which indicate that there
is a significant relationship between PBL learning
model (Problem Based Learning) with learning
motivation of nursing students with weak correlation
strength. Motivation learning is not only influenced
by the learning model, but many factors that can
affect learning motivation (Indriasari, 2016).
There are several elements that influence the
motivation of learning, including the condition of
learners, the ability of learners, aspirations, teaching
strategies in educating learners, dynamic elements in
learning, and learning environment (Nursalam &
Efendi, 2012). There are aspects of input, process,
and output also affect student learning motivation
(Sardiman, 2007). Therefore, the motivation of
students in faculty of nursing is not only influenced
by SCL learning model, however, many factors
influence the motivation of learning, one of which is
intrinsic motivation where intrinsic motivation is
more effective in influencing one's learning
Implementation of SCL in faculty of nursing has
average value 76,71. The motivation of nursing
students has an average score of 100.19. There is a
positive relationship with the weak correlation
strength between the application of SCL with the
motivation of nursing students in faculty of nursing.
Suggestions for educational institutions, can
upgrading SCL learning model that has been done as
well as academics can be more active role in
realizing SCL learning model in PSIK University of
Jember in order to realize optimal learning
objectives. Suggestions for further researchers that
researchers can carry out more in-depth research
related factors that affect learning motivation. The
next researcher can also do research with
experimental research design and also can use other
variable that can influence student's learning
Correlation between Student Centered Learning (SCL) and Learning Motivation of Nursing Student at Faculty of Nursing, University of