73,000 cases of non-traumatic limb amputations in
adults over 20 years old with a diagnosis of DM.
The prevalence of diabetic foot ulcers patients in the
United States was 15-20%, the risk of amputation
was 15 to 46 times higher than those not suffering
from DM. Data Center and Information of PERSI in
2011, it is known that the number of visits DM
clients with diabetic foot ulcers at Cipto
Mangunkususmo Hospital in 2012 amounted to 111
patients. Amounts of amputation accounted for 35%,
consisting of 30% major amputation and 70% minor
amputation, while amputation death rate was about
Diabetic foot ulcers have several underlying risk
factors, namely peripheral neuropathy, ischemia and
infection (Clayton & Tom, 2009). Peripheral
neuropathy was an important cause of the
occurrence of diabetic foot ulcers. Peripheral
neuropathy in the diabetic client concerns all the
components of the nervous system, sensory, motor
and autonomic nerves that each contribute to the
development of diabetic foot ulcers (Chand et al.,
2012). The most common type of diabetic
neuropathy was the Distal Symmetric Polyuropathy
(DSP). More than 50% of PDS is asymptomatic and
clients at risk of unwitting injury to the foot resulting
in foot ulcers (Boulton, 2005). Ischemia was a state
of tissue lacking oxygen due to low oxygen supply
in the tissue. It caused by the process of
macroangiopathic on blood vessels so that blood
circulation in the tissue decreases. This condition is
characterized by the loss or decrease in pulse in the
tibial artery, dorsalis pedis and popliteal, leg muscles
experience shrinkage, cold and thickened nails.
The angiopathic process in clients of diabetes
mellitus often occurs in the lower legs, especially the
feet, in the form of narrowing and blockage of
peripheral blood vessels, due to perfusion of the
distal tissue of the leg becomes reduced, causing the
occurrence of diabetic foot ulcers (Tambunan,
2010). Diabetic Mellitus sufferers with diabetic foot
ulcers were particularly vulnerable to infection.
Infectious bacteria in diabetic foot ulcers were
Staphylococcus or Streptococcus aerobic bacteria
and anaerobic bacteria Clostridium Perfringens,
Clostridium Noy and Clostridium Septicum (Kateel
et al., 2018).
Complications caused by diabetic foot ulcers
require good holistic penalization. PERKENI (2011)
mentions that in the management of Diabetes
Mellitus is holistic that includes metabolic, vascular,
infectious, pressure, and educational controls.
Wound control is a form of effort in the treatment of
diabetic foot ulcers by performing cleansing and
necrotomy action if necessary on infected tissues on
a regular basis. Infection control is a preventive
measure of the activity of microorganisms that can
cause infection in diabetic foot ulcers. Measures that
can be done include preventing port de entry to a
minimum and perform wound care regularly with
aseptic techniques PERKENI (2011).
Management of infection is very important in the
healing process of diabetic foot ulcers (Pressman,
2007) reveals modern treatments that can be done in
the healing process of diabetic foot ulcers one of
them by using ozone bagging. The use of ozone as a
complementary / alternative therapy is now popular
in Indonesia and has been used since 1992
(Inggraini, 2007). As a molecule that has enormous
energy, Ozone can inactivate bacteria, viruses, fungi
and some types of protozoa. this may occur due to
the presence of radical ions of ozone degradation
results in water in the form of hydrogen peroxide
(HO2) and hydroxyl (HO) (Zhafira, 2012).
The function of ozone in healing diabetic
wounds is as an antimicrobial. It was generally
believed that bacteria are destroyed by the
protoplasm oxidation process. The oxidation of
protoplasm will damage the capsid or outer skin of
the microorganism comprising the unsaturated bond
of phospholipid or lipoprotein, then penetrate into
the cell membrane, react with cytoplasmic
substances and convert the circular plasmid of
closed DNA into an open DNA circular, which can
reduce the efficiency of bacterial proliferation,
directly activate cytoplasmic integrity, and disrupt
some degree of metabolic complexity (Dewayanti et
al., 2009). The purpose of this study was to
determine the effect of home care with modern
wound care: ozone bagging towards diabetic foot
ulcers healing in Palembang.
This research was a pre-experimental pretest –
posttest used quantitative and qualitative research,
which used together through the mixed methodology
design approach model. The type of mixed methods
used explanatory sequential.
This method carried out in sequence, quantitative
research methods first then followed by qualitative
research. Researchers use this design with the
expectation of qualitative findings will help
interpretation or contextualize the results of
quantitative research.
This research conducted in Palembang on
September 18 to December 25, 2017. The population
Home Care by Ozone Bagging towards Diabetic Foot Ulcers Healing