Warm Steam Therapy to Increase Breast Milk Production of Post-
Partum Mothers
Rosnani, Jawiyah
and Devi Mediarti
Department of Nursing, Polytechnic of Health Palembang, Palembang, Indonesia
Keywords: Warm Stream, Therapy, Breast Milk, Post-Partum Mothers.
Abstract: One form of community independence in the vision of the Ministry of Health by building the empowerment
of women and children directed at improving the quality of life and the role of women. In the postpartum
period the mother cares for her baby with breastfeeding. To help the success in breastfeeding, warm steam
therapy is needed to stimulate milk production. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of
warm steam therapy to increase maternal production of postpartum mothers. This research used quantitative
and qualitative approach with mixed methodology design. Sampling technique used purposive sampling and
obtained 32 people in treatment and 32 in control group. Quantitative analysis used independent and
dependent samples test paired t-test and qualitative used non-statistical analysis through logical inference
based on actual considerations and conditions. Result showed the average breast milk production before
treatment was 97.19 with SD=15.077 and after treatment was 103.59 with SD=11,447. Treatment with
warm steam therapy gave affects for the production of breast milk (p=0.017). Conclusions: treatment with
warm steam therapy was very beneficial for the health of post-partum mothers. Therefore, warm steam
therapy should be used as a model of post-partum maternal care at home.
Efforts to build self-reliance was to instill a
proactive and not reactive or defensive.
Independence was a dynamic concept because it
recognizes that life and conditions of
interdependence are constantly changing, both in
terms of their constellation, their equilibrium, and
their underlying and influencing values (RPJPN
2005-2025). The vision in line with the vision of the
Ministry of Health is the realization of a healthy
society that was independent and fair. Smooth public
health, through community empowerment, including
private (Depkes 2012).
The form of community independence is one of
them by developing the empowerment of women
and children directed at improving the quality of life
and the role of women, welfare, and child protection
in various fields of development (UU RI No.17,
2007). Improving the quality of children life was the
improvement of the quality of Human Resources
(HR). The basic capital of quality human resource
formation begins since the baby is in the womb and
from an early age. One of the things that can be done
in optimizing the quality of human resources is the
provision of breast milk (breast milk) (Depkes
2012). WHO, UNICEF and the Ministry of Health
support the government program in Global Strategy
for infant and Young Child Feeding (GSIYCF) and
Kepmenkes RI No 450 / MENKES / SK / IV / 2004
and Health Act No. 36 Year 2009 article 128
recommends breastfeeding.
Although the support and efficacy of breast milk
was great but realizing breastfeeding by the mother
to her baby was not always easy because many
women have problems applied. Basic Health
Research in 2010 noted that in Indonesia babies
given breast milk by their mothers for 6 months only
15.3%, this figure was below the global exclusive
figure breastfeeding that was 32.6%. The low rate of
breast feeding prevalence by the mother to her baby
one of them caused by the production of mother's
milk was less.
Tasya (2010) stated that mother's mental and
psychological factors have a big role in influencing
milk production. Stress experienced by the mother
will inhibit the release of the hormone oxytocin, if
there was stress from breastfeeding mothers there
will be a blockade of the reflux of oxytocin due to
the release of adrenaline by stress hormones that
Rosnani, ., Jawiyah, . and Mediarti, D.
Warm Steam Therapy to Increase Breast Milk Production of Post-Partum Mothers.
DOI: 10.5220/0008325503730378
In Proceedings of the 9th International Nursing Conference (INC 2018), pages 373-378
ISBN: 978-989-758-336-0
2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
cause vasoconstricts blood vessel, so that little hope
of oxytocin reaches the target organ mieopitelium
(Hegar 2012).
Nowadays a lot of research that has been
generated about the therapy can be done to obtain a
relaxation of the physical and psychological
condition of the mother post-partum. One therapy
recommended by the Minister of Health is
complementary therapy. Traditional complementary
therapies or alternatively referred to as CAM
(Complementary Alternative Medicine) were non-
conventional treatments that are shown to improve
community health status, including promotive,
preventive, curative and rehabilitative measures
obtained through structured education with quality,
safety and effectiveness which is based on
biomedical science.
Complementary therapy was strengthened in RI
Law no. 36 of 2009 on Health, outlined in article 1
point 16. Traditional health services were
medication and or treatment by means and
medications that refer to empirical experience and
hereditary skills that can be justified and applied in
accordance with the norms prevailing in the
community. This is reinforced by the Minister of
Health Regulation No: 1109 / Menkes / Per / IX /
2007 regarding the provision of alternative-
complementary medicine in health care facilities.
Steam therapies given to postpartum mothers can
have vasodilatory effects on skin exposed to warm
steam, then this provides a smooth flow of maternal
blood flow to smooth. Heat from steam causes body
heat to increase 1 - 20oC, in the presence of heating,
the body's automatic mechanism is to fight to cool
the body temperature. How to remove the sweat
through the pores of the skin. Sweat itself is actually
a mixture of water, minerals, fatty acids and toxins
in the body. Heating also makes the blood vessels in
the skin widen. As a result, the blood circulation
becomes smooth so that the provision of nutrients to
the body's cells and removal of metabolic waste
from within cells or tissues, to be better.
Dilation of blood vessels also makes blood
pressure in the body decreases slowly. Heart rate
also increases. Every 10oC body temperature rise,
the heart will work with 11 more pulses. Supplement
oxygen to the muscles of the body also more and
more. So, sweating a lot and circulating blood flow
in the body will cleanse and revitalize the skin.
Increased blood flow to the whole body of the
mother impacts on the arousal LDR (let down
reflex) is the reflex of milk expenditure. When the
baby sucks, it will push the sinus and breast milk out
through the holes in the nipple.
In Indonesia, post-partum treatment is done with
steam boiled water (daily) such as in Sangihe
Archipelago (Sulawesi), to restore body heat, give a
drink of turi leaf juice, to compress the mother's
head with leaf dregs, eat stew Ketapang tree skin
restores health, treatment lasts 2 weeks to a month or
40 days (Sutanwijaya 2014).
The results of the research on post-partum
mothers in the working area of Local Goverment
Clinic Multiwahana Palembang, got statistical test
result with p value = 0.001, it can be concluded that
there was difference of milk production between the
control group and the intervention group after the
warm steam therapy of peppermint (Mediarti 2015).
2.1 Study Design
The design of this research is Quasi Experimental
pre and posttest with control group, mixed methods
with explanatory sequential type. This method is
carried out in sequence. Quantitative research
method is firstly done the pretest and posttest of
intervention, both to intervention group and control
group. Quantitative data is obtained from the scale
of clinical assessment of postpartum mother's milk
production. Then proceed with qualitative research.
Researchers use this design with the expectation of
qualitative findings to help interpret or contextualize
the results of quantitative research. Qualitative data
obtained from interviews, observations and
documentation of patient assessment regarding the
treatment of warm steam therapy.
The research was conducted in the house of the
post-partum mother in the Working Area of Local
Goverment Clinic 23 Ilir Palembang. The study was
conducted from 15 September to 28 December 2017
2.2 Study Population, Sampling,
Inclusion Criteria
The population in this study was the mother of the
partum who gave birth and domiciled in the city of
Palembang. The sampling technique in this study
used purposive sampling technique: the mother who
gave birth at the maternity clinic in Local
Goverment Clinic Area 23 Ilir Palembang. Then the
patient was discharged and the therapy was carried
out at the respondent's home. The sample in this
study amounted to 32 people for each group.
For qualitative research, participants were taken
from quantitative research samples, after data
INC 2018 - The 9th International Nursing Conference: Nurses at The Forefront Transforming Care, Science and Research
saturation was obtained that is 10 participants,
qualitative research was discontinued.
Inclusion criteria consists of willing to be
researched, post-partum the first day, age of mother
20-35 years, no mental disorders, babies are not
given formula milk, not experiencing physical
illness or complications that accompany the mother
(mother's nipple normal) and her baby (good baby
suction reflex, BB born baby> 2500 gram)
2.3 Procedures
The data collected through interviews, participatory
observation and document analysis are presented in
fieldnote form, each of which is coded and records
related to the research question. After going through
data reduction or directly verified, the data from
each research question is interpreted and combined
with the result of analysis of research data of early
stage (quantitative method), so that can be obtained
by complete research result.
2.4 Data Analysis
Quantitative clinical assessment data and patient
assessment data in qualitative form. To analyze the
quantitative data used statistical analysis, while to
analyze the qualitative data used non-statistical
analysis through logical inference based on actual
considerations and conditions. The form of the
analysis of quantitative data with numerical use of
mean, median, standard deviation, and minimum
maximum (Hastono & Luknis 2010). Descriptive
analysis in this research is used to analyze data about
the characteristics of respondents and research
Statistical technique used to test the hypothesis
using data difference test. The data collected is then
tabulated by the researchers using computerized
software. Furthermore, the data is tested normality to
determine the type of test used to analyze the
research. Normality test results are said to be
normally distributed if p> α = 0.05), so the
formula used is t test. If the normality test results are
abnormally distributed p = 0.05) then use the
test formula Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test and Mann-
Whitney U Test.
In the final stage (qualitative method), qualitative
data analysis is done by searching and arranging
data systematically from interview transcript,
observation, field notes and other materials to
improve the researcher's understanding on the case
studied and present it as research findings. Analysis
of data to be used using interactive models (Miles et
al. 2014)
2.5 Ethical Clearance
This study has passed the review and certified of
Ethical Approval with No. 656/KEPK-
PTKMKS/XII/2017, December 12, 2017 that issued
by Health Research Ethics Committee of Health
Polytechnic Makasar.
3.1 Quantitative Results
The average number of mother's milk post-partum
before treatment with warm steam therapy was
97.19 and standard deviation = 15.077. The average
amount of breast milk after warm steam therapy was
103.59 and standard deviation = 11.447.
Based on the table 1 is known the most
respondents of were multigravida respondents
Table 1: Distribution of Respondents Based on
Gravida of Post-Partum Mother.
Table 2: Distribution of Respondents Based on
Employment of Post-Partum Mother.
Not Work
Table 3: Distribution Average Number of
Breastfeeding Post-Partum mothers.
Number of Breastfeeding
Table 4: Distribution of Average Breastfeeding
Production Before and After Warm Steam Therapy.
- 6.406
Warm Steam Therapy to Increase Breast Milk Production of Post-Partum Mothers
Based on the table 2 is known that the number of
respondents who work and does not work almost
equal 18 (56.3%) and 14 (43.8%).
Result of statistic test got p value = 0.017, hence
can be concluded treatment action with warm steam
therapy affect to mother's milk production of post-
3.2 Qualitative Results
3.2.1 Health Benefits
The informant explained that in addition to making
the body fresh again and can restore stamina, since
the girl has often used a steam bath, can make his
skin white and clean even though he is often
exposed to heat and dust due to his work selling in
the market. In addition, it can treat rheumatism
experienced so that when rheumatism or body feels
stiff due to fatigue.
3.2.2 Get Rid of Body Toxin
The informant reveals that during pregnancy the
pores are so wide open that toxins and unnecessary
substances Mother can enter the body, and after
delivery the mother usually still bleeds like
menstruation, but even if the blood stops out in the
body still perceived dirty blood that has not
completely out of the body of the puerperal mother
so, seeing it need to do a steam shower.
The informant also re-issued the dirty blood as
usual in the form of spots or blood clots that are
solid red, while for the poison itself is expelled
through the sweat through the evaporation process.
The effect of steam therapy according to (Crinnion
2010) that was peripheral circulation increased 5-
10%; circulation to the muscles, kidneys and
visceral passages decreased; increased metabolic
rate; increased oxygen consumption; liquid
discharge; increased heart rate; decreased blood
pressure; increase plasma cortisol, corticosteroids,
growth hormone, TSH and prolactin;
bronchodilation; muscle relaxation and decreased
activity of the neuromuscular system; loss of water
and electrolytes (Na, K, Cl) which are compensated
by aldosterone hormone regulation in the kidney;
The heat of the environmental temperature will
be accepted by the skin as a heat stimulus to the
central body temperature regulation of the
hypothalamus. Thus, the body will try to maintain
body temperature by increasing heat loss to the
environment. Dilation of blood vessels and increased
blood flow to peripheral areas attempt to get rid of
body heat (Irianto 2014). Increased ambient
temperature will reduce the heat gradient between
the environment and the surface temperature of the
skin and between the surface temperature of the skin
and the core temperature. Although it was
homoiotherm, but the human body temperature can
increase if the increase in ambient temperature
exceeds the skin temperature. Thus, the temperature
in the steam room therapy bath can increase the
body temperature of a person because the
temperature is above the normal temperature of the
human body (Indra 2011).
The increase in body temperature will stimulate
increased metabolic processes of the body.
Metabolism itself is all the chemical and energy
reactions that occur in the body. While the metabolic
rate or metabolic rate can be expressed as the rate of
heat released during the occurrence of various
chemical reactions in all body cells. Logically the
more the body releases heat, the faster the rate of
metabolism (Guyton & Hall 2014).
Increased metabolic rate due to high
temperatures during steam bath therapy leads to an
increase in blood flow in general. This is reinforced
by the vasodilation (dilation) of blood vessels that
cause the higher blood circulation. Increased blood
flow and circulation in general will be followed by a
rise in cardiac output. (Guyton & Hall 2014).
Cardiac output is an indicator of heart function.
Cardiac output is also the amount of blood pumped
by the heart in every minute. Thus, cardiac output is
strongly influenced by the frequency of the
heartbeat. Increasing the frequency of heart rate or
pulse is the body's attempt to compensate for an
increase in cardiac output (Hudak & Gallo 2010).
Increased metabolism in addition followed by an
increase in pulse frequency, also accompanied by an
increase in respiratory frequency. This is due to the
need for metabolic processes to oxygen and the
importance of removing carbon dioxide from the
body. Metabolic rate is also closely related to
respiration because respiration is the process of
energy extraction from food molecules that depend
on the presence of oxygen. This is what makes
measurements of metabolic rate can be estimated by
measuring how much oxygen is consumed by
creatures of time union. The amount of oxygen the
body needs during this metabolism is also known as
the rate of oxygen consumption (Tobin 2009).
INC 2018 - The 9th International Nursing Conference: Nurses at The Forefront Transforming Care, Science and Research
One of the factors that influence the high rate of
metabolism followed by the rate of oxygen
consumption is the temperature or temperature of the
environment in which living are. Room temperature
steam guidance range 38OC - 520C can increase the
rate of metabolism and the rate of oxygen
consumption so that will be accompanied by an
increase in respiratory frequency (Tobin 2009).
Breastfeeding in the postpartum period requires
energy and causes fatigue because to meet the needs
of the baby, the mother must be willing to give it on
demand. The Wambach study (1998) in McGovern,
Dowd, Gjerdingen, Gross, Kenney, Ukestad, et al
(2006) reported that there was a significant
relationship between breastfeeding with fatigue (r =
0.38, p <0.05) at four measurements (3 days, 3
weeks, 6 weeks and 9 weeks post-partum).
(Aini 2015) showed that nursing mothers who
are not relaxed in the state, the mind is not calm and
feeling depressed so let down reflex will be
hampered. This occurs due to the release of
adrenaline which inhibits the oxytocin hormone
work where vasoconstriction of vessels occurs so
that oxytocin slightly reaches the organ of the
myoepithelium to squeeze out the milk.
Oukup is a traditional Karo tribe sauna that
utilizes the diversity of plant species as a herb for
postpartum health and treatment of various types of
diseases (Nasution 2009). It used to be done by
cooking water that has been mixed with various
spices to boil in a large cauldron. The steam that
arises from that process will be absorbed by the
body. Usually this is done Karo woman who gave
birth to healthy and fresh again. Today, not only is
done by Karo women who have just given birth but
also performed by men and women, teenagers to old
age and from various tribes. This steam bath can
secrete toxins through sweat, cleanse the skin and
stimulate circulation. This great public interest can
be seen from the increasing number of places of
business opened.
The results of research conducted by (Mediarti et
al. 2015) about the influence of warm water vapor
therapy of peppermint aroma to milk production in
post-partum mother, obtained statistical test result p
value = 0,084, hence can be concluded there is no
difference of milk production between control group
and group intervention before being given warm
steam therapy peppermint scent. The result of
statistical test obtained p value = 0,001, hence can be
concluded there is difference of milk production
between control group and intervention group after
given warm steam therapy of peppermint aroma.
Engkartin et al (2013) The effect of terapy steam
on the decrease of blood glucose level in patients
with Type 2 DM in the work area of Local
Government Clinic Bukateja, Purbalingga District,
was the difference between blood sugar levels in the
intervention group and control group after the
intervention group was given steam sauna therapy
(p-value = 0,000 <α = 0.05).
Increased body temperature caused by sauna
therapy leads to an increase in glucose or glucose
metabolism and more open capillary meshes
allowing more insulin receptors and more active
insulin receptors to affect the decrease in blood
glucose in people with diabetes mellitus (Aviv et al.
2010). This agrees with (Primadiati 2008) who argue
that steam sauna therapy is good for diabetics as it
can improve pancreatic function and other than that
the resulting steam can help increase glucose
metabolism in the body.
Research conducted by Kihara, et.al (2004)
proves that a steam bath (sauna) can decrease
cardiac arrhythmia in patients with chronic heart
failure. (Raisanen et al. 2010)revealed that there are
six benefits of steam baths that reduce stress,
detoxify, make good sleep, relax muscles and relieve
aches and pains in muscles and joints, improve heart
work, fight disease and relieve stress.
The results of statistical tests showed a
significant difference between mean respiratory
frequency before and after treatment (p value =
0.000). Similarly, the mean frequency of pulses per
minute, before and after treatment showed a
significant difference (p = 0,000). The average of
respiratory rate and pulse after treatment showed a
significant increase compared to before treatment
(Purnawan 2015).
The result of the analysis was obesity that a total
increase in body fat where if found overweight
>20% in men and >25% in women caused by fat. As
a result of obesity or obesity will be a problem for
health, such as coronary heart disease, diabetes.
Prevention of obesity or overweight can be done by
doing therapy or treatment. Steam therapy (saunas)
in humans is done at 82° C twice the normal body
temperature of 37° C, of course the sauna room
temperature determination for humans. The saunas
for relaxation are recommended 1-2 times in 2
weeks while for obesity therapy 1-2 times in a week,
with a steam temperature of 180oF or 82oC, for
approximately 15-20 minutes in a single treatment
(Mualianda 2017).
Warm Steam Therapy to Increase Breast Milk Production of Post-Partum Mothers
Treatment measures with warm steam therapy have
an effect on postpartum mother's milk production. p
value = 0.017. Treatment with warm steam therapy
was very beneficial for the health of post-partum
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INC 2018 - The 9th International Nursing Conference: Nurses at The Forefront Transforming Care, Science and Research