Max (a distance > 320 metres) are able to perform
more physical activity. However, based on the
obtained data some fit elderly could not achive a
distance > 320 metres. The factors causing the
elderly to stop the walking test after 6 minutes
included dizziness, joint pain, and using walking
aids. The elderly who did moderate-hard physical
activity were more active and had more interaction
than the elderly who did less physical activity,
because their physical fitness condition was also
different. This is in accordance with the study by
Akmal (2012) which states that elderly with physical
activity moderate-hard are more likely to participate
in activities such as gymnastics routines. The result
of the study was also consistant with the research by
Alrushud, Rushton AB, Kanavaki AM et al. (2017)
on elderly with obesity, which states that physical
activity has a significant result in weight loss, so that
the body composition remains ideal.
In accordance with the concept of healthy ageing
for the elderly good physical activity will achieve a
state of healthy ageing, which is achieved through
active ageing, in various fields – cultural, economic
determinant, social, spiritual and health. The active
elderly will increase their quality of life, active
participants enjoy well-being and are able to
optimize the healthy body (Darmojo, 2015) Physical
activity has an impact on physical fitness as
evidenced by the significant relationship, in
accordance with the concept of healthy ageing.
According to the reseacher achieving a healthy old
age should be stimulated by factors that influence it,
but the whole of the factors must be optimal in order
to achieve the purpose. All of these factors meant
belonging to endogenous aging and external factors.
Physical activity acts as an external factor and will
make the eldery more active. At the level of physical
activity moderate and heavy the elderly become
more active in moving than the elderly with physical
activity very mild and mild. The increasing
movement of the elderly’s gestures will stimulate the
muscles and they do not atrophy. The habit of
regular activity during old age will maintain the
body systems, ranging from cardiovascular system,
respiration, and neuromuscular.. If all the body
systems are still functioning properly, the body will
remain in a healthy condition and fit.
4.2 Relationship of Sleep Quality and
Physical Fitness
Sleep quality and physical fitness in the elderly
have a significant relationship. This is in accordance
with the results of a study showing that good quality
sleep maintained 50 elderly (49%) in a fit condition,
while for the elderly with poor quality sleep only 3
elderly (2.9%) were in a fit condition. This showed
that good sleep quality has a greater impact on the
elderly’s physical fitness.This is in accordance with
the indicators of elderly physical fitness by
Nugraheni (2013), which were that physical fitness
was good if having good sleep quality and adequate
rest of at least 6-7 hours per day.
Sleep is one of the basic needs for maintaining
health and functioning of the body’s cells (Miller,
2012). According to Mubarak, Indrawati and
Susanto (2015) during sleep regeneration of
damaged cells occurs, with immune enhancement,
repairation of the brain’s neurons and recovery of
the body’s energy that has been used during a full
day. This was consistent with the results of a study
showing that respondents having good quality sleep
also had good fitness. The good sleep quality
increased the cell regeneration activity, resulting in
better fitness when waking the next day.
When an individual sleeps well the body’s
metabolism for repairing damaged cells also occurs
releasing hormones from the pons and brainstem
(Bulbar Syncronizing Regional) (Anita D. Christie,
Seery & Jane A. Kent, 2016). The hormones
released are serotonin, melatonin, endorphin dan
enkephalin. Serotonin hormone functions to regulate
body temperature, appetite, sleep quality, memory,
mood, and circulatory function. Melatonin is
associated with circadian rhythm. Endorphin results
in euphoria, repressing pain so helping in cell
regeneration, and Enkephalin inhibits pain impulse
through a prostaglandin inhibitor (Khasanah &
Hidayati, 2012). When an individual has good
quality sleep, then the stages of the sleep cycle will
be fulfilled both NREM and REM. The hormone
secretion of sleep if occurring properly will impact
to regenerate cells during sleep. The body feels fresh
the next morning if experiencing good sleep quality.
Conversely, poor quality sleep will mean the
elderly’s physical condition is not fresh the next
morning, they will be drowsy interfering with daily
activities. Based on the results of interviews and
recall questionnaire PSQI, the poor sleep quality of
the elderly is caused by unfavorable environment
conditions, frequent wakening, insomnia and not
being able to go back to sleep after wakening in the
night. This is in accordance with the theory that the
elderly’s sleep pattern will change, namely
shortening NREM III and REM, so the elderly will
be easy awakened. If the elderly fail to gain good
sleep quality, hormone secretion will be inhibited