inequalities in living standard, there is elevated
stress level, especially in the lowest socio-economic
status, leading to poorer health and even lower life
satisfaction (Marmot & Richard, 2006). Low socio-
economic status possibly affects QOL because
financial insecurity or problems has led to high
stress level among elderly in general, especially
related to retirement and family neglect.
Although QOL scores tends to decreased with
increasing age, a support of physical functions
optimization in older adults can be important for
increasing QOL and functional independence
(Bozkurt & Yilmaz, 2016). In elderly with
hypertension, some vascular risk factors are
associated with functional impairment due to clinical
and subclinical vascular disease (Canavan, et al,
014). Age-related physiological changes also bring a
reduction in functional capabilities resulted in
problems with self-care, activities of daily life, and
psychosocial problems. It has been identified that
intense exercise was not an obligatory condition for
optimal QOL in elderly people. Active part in
moderate intensity daily activities associated with
higher QOL (Pavlova, et al., 2015).
Other factor that possibly affects QOL in elderly
who are living with hypertension is social support,
especially from family subgroup. Elderly living with
their spouse and children had better social support
family subgroup scores compared to ones living
alone. A positive correlation was found between
social support and QOL (Unsar, et al, 2016). A study
in Korea towards 1,056 elderly showed that the
elderly who give and receive family support had
higher QOL than the one who only receive support.
Elderly and the younger generation put more value
on two-way intergenerational relation based on
mutual care and assistance (Kim & Cheong-Seok,
2003). Family and friend support are different across
ethnic because culture also influence the support
pattern in our society (Poulin et al, 2012).
Cultural factor could also be a potential factor
influencing QOL Social and cultural norms,
informed by religious principles that prescribe
familial elder care, impact how QOL is described by
elderly. It is also possible that religious faith or
traditions might provide a different account of how
individual’s own religious faith impacts expectations
of care and QoL in old age (Shreshta & Zarit, 2012).
A study in Singapore towards elderly showed that
QOL was more likely to be determined by socio-
cultural context rather than along racial lines (Wong,
There was no correlation between self-efficacy and
QOL in elderly who are living with hypertension.
Self-efficacy was potentially influenced by cognitive
function, affective, and selection process in elderly’s
state of mind. Independency level, family support,
socio-economic status, living standard, and culture
were potentilly influenced QOL in elderly who are
living with hypertension stronger than self-efficacy.
This study and publication were funded by Faculty
of Nursing, Widya Mandala Catholic University
Surabaya (WMCUS).
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