receptive to information, so many knowledge
possessed (Landers et al. 2018).
The higher the frequency of interactions of
mothers on toddlers, then the higher the care that
was provided to support the growing swell toddlers.
High education can also improve the quality of
flower growing toddlers, because mothers find it
easier to get information related treatments and
nutritional fulfilment on her son. However, working
mothers will reduce interaction with his son and his
son's growth less so nutritional deficiencies against
the toddlers. The lack of nutrients needed by this
toddler, due to being too busy parents against his
work so that the decrease in attention to his son.
The results showed the mother who finished
education SLTA obtained bad growing toddler 4
respondents (7.1%). A variety of factors that affect
nutritional status on the toddler, among others, the
lack of food supplies, the less good the quality of the
environment, socio-economic conditions (income,
level of education, and employment) and the family
culture such as family, parenting as well as
knowledge (Ony Linda 2011). Nutritional status
with burukyang growth experienced by this toddler,
not only because education on parenting but happens
because there are other founders of the values that
are in the personal religious beliefs by the main
coastal communities that the main job of the
fishermen that the food a member of the family is
eating at the remainder of unsold fish and on the
products, so as to save expenditure on the family,
because the money can be used for additional tuition
fees and more expensive.
Research results in the category of family
income of Rp. 2,000,000-3,500,000 obtained bad
toddler growth by as much as 4 respondents (6.8%).
Any increase in income generally have a direct
impact on the nutritional status of the population
(Pahlevi 2012). Poor growth in toddlers is not an
influence of the level of family income per month.
Poor growth that occurs in this toddler can be
affected by several factors, one being the factor of
environmental sanitation. The cleanliness of the
environment less affect on food hygiene, especially
in management, so that it becomes the source of the
originator for the onset of growth in toddlers is bad.
Neighbourhood toddlers in the coastal areas with
dense population as well as access to clean water is
lacking, resulting in the mother's difficulty also
applies the clean and healthy lifestyles in the rearing
of their toddlers.
The results showed that 16 people are toddlers
experiencing growth in more categories. A mother
who has a knowledge attitude and less nutrients will
be very effect on nutritional status balitanya and will
be difficult to choose nutritious foods for her son
and his family (Julita 2011). The research of the
knowledge of good mother with a toddler growth
more 2 respondents (5.7%). The quality of the
growing swell toddlers are very determined by the
fulfilment of nutrients, because that mother needs to
observe the toddler food consumption as required
should be based on a balanced diet with nutrition
(Julita 2011).
The low nutritional knowledge could hamper
efforts repair good nutrition on a family and
community conscious nutrition means not only
knowing nutrition but must know and want to do.
The addition of knowledge in communities through
a variety of outreach activities and the like, basically
a business improvement using how to educate the
public so that it can address the problem of its
nutrition value (Pahlevi 2012). Besides the factor of
knowledge concerning maternal nutrition is also one
of the most influential factors are active in fulfilment
of nutrition. Knowledge of maternal role in the
fulfillment and the selection of nutritious meals for
toddlers, so as to achieve maximum growth for
The results of this study showed that 72.7% of
parents with the education of the College had a
normal child development, this figure is much
higher than the development of the child from the
parents who educated middle and Basic Research
(Azizah 2012) stated that mothers with a college
education have a higher knowledge about the
stimulation of child development.
Children who are experiencing growth in limit
warning, 37.5% never get stimulation from his
parents. Factors affecting the parents in providing
stimulation such as parents age, education,
occupation, length of time to interact with the
children and the parents ' income(Azizah 2012).
Parents often provide stimulation to the child as
much as 47 parents (26.7%), based on the
demographics of the work parents with parents
obtained data stimulation as much as working
parents 29. According to Santi at al (2012) stated
that working mothers have less time to interact with
children tend to be less so little time to provide the
stimulation of development of the child.
Most of the parents in the neighbourhood
frequently give Kenjeran stimulation are the parents
who work. This is not in accordance with the results
of previous research because parents in Kenjeran
working mostly worked as a self-employed at home
so it still allows parents in optimizing stimulation of
granting to the child, In addition to the things that