Effectiveness Poskestren to Overcome Health Problems
in Islamic Boarding School
A Systematic Review
Ulum Mab’ruroh
, Sulistiawati
and Retno Indarwati
Faculty of Nursing Universitas Airlangga, Kampus C Mulyorejo, Surabaya, Indonesia
Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Airlangga, Kampus C Mulyorejo, Surabaya, Indonesia
Keywords: Poskestren, Islamic Boarding School, Health Problem.
Abstract: Various health problems often occur in boarding schools. Health facility in islamic boarding school called
Poskestren is one of the community based health units that involve in the empowerment of Islamic boarding
school community members. Searching articles follows the PICO framework with population was health
problems in boarding schools, intervention was poskestren, comparison of boarding school does not have
poskestren, and the result of this research is knowledge, attitude, and behavior in facing health problems.
Journal article collected through several databases such as Google Scholar, Pubmed, Science Direct,
Atlantis Press, Plos One and limited in 2011 until 2017. The inclusion are 1) health problems in Islamic
boarding school, 2) the intervention given by poskestren, 3) student in Islamic boarding school (santri)
experiencing health problems. Result showed that most of the research explaining that poskestren is one of
the health programs in boarding schools that are able to overcome health, able to improve the health of the
santri, and reduce the costs incurred for treatment. It can be conclude that poskestren can be used as a
guideline to improve the health of santri in boarding school, able to overcome health problems in Islamic
boarding school, and reduce expenses for medical treatment.
Islamic boarding school grows and flourishes serve
various needs of society, as Indonesian Islamic
cultural heritage (Ikhwanudin, 2013). Various health
problems occur in islamic boarding schools for
example: abdominal worms, diarrhea, toothache,
skin problems including scabies, malnutrition, upper
respiratory infections (ISPA) and head lice (Susanto,
et.al., 2016).
Karim et al, explained that hyperendemic
incidence of scabies in Bangladesh. Prevalence in
2003 as many as 98% of 492 children from 6 islamic
boarding school affected by scabies. This is due to
unclean conditions, lack of personal hygiene, no air
vents, borrowed clothes and towels. The prevalence
of reported scabies in India is 20.4% (Baur, 2013).
The prevalence of scabies in Indonesia is highest in
the Islamic boarding school cottage community
(Nanda et al., 2016).
According to Yusnita et al, 2015, cases related to
nutrition are also found in boarding schools such as
indigestion (gastritis, diarrhea), obesity, and
malnutrition. The application of balance nutrient in
Islamic boarding school is a challenge because of
the large number of santri” and different needs.
Pediculosis capitis is also a common disease in
boarding schools. Pediculosis of capitis in students
in Thailand the prevalence from 12.26% to 29.76%
(W. Rassami and M. Soonwera, 2012). Prevalence
of pediculosis capitis in Malang Indonesia from
preliminary studies on 20 students who alternated
bedding suffered pediculosis capitis with 2 students
(10%) experienced a second infection of pus and dry
skin (Kristiawati et.al, 2017).
Poskestren is one of the community based
health units in which poskestren activities also
involve the empowerment of islamic boarding
school community members, so that people are able
to recognize the health problems faced, plan, and
make efforts to solve them. The general purpose of
the establishment of poskestren is the realization of a
Mab’ruroh, U., Sulistiawati, . and Indarwati, R.
Effectiveness Poskestren to Overcome Health Problems in Islamic Boarding School.
DOI: 10.5220/0008327705130515
In Proceedings of the 9th International Nursing Conference (INC 2018), pages 513-515
ISBN: 978-989-758-336-0
2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
healthy islamic boarding school and care and
responsive to health problems in the area of islamic
boarding school (Kemenkes RI, 2013). This
research aims to explain the effectiveness poskestren
to overcoming health problems in islamic boarding
This review begins with searching for journal
articles with the PICO framework, with the study
population being health problems in Islamic
boarding schools, interventions conducted in
research are poskestren, comparison of boarding
school does not have poskestren and interventions
other have poskestren, and the result of this research
is knowledge improvement , attitude, and behavior,
in facing health problems in boarding school.
Keywords used are "Poskestren, boarding school,
health problems in boarding school, health problem
in Islamic boarding school". Journal article
submission is done through several databases such
as Google Scholar, Pubmed, Science Direct, Atlantis
Press, Plos One and this search is limited to start in
2011 until 2017.
From the search results obtained 26 journals, and
selected 9 journals which meet inclusion and
exclusion criteria. The inclusion criteria in this
systematic review are 1) health problems in boarding
school, 2) the intervention given by the poskestren,
3) the sample is the santri experiencing health
problems. From the selected journal then conducted
a review.
The result of the journal review on various health
problems that exist in boarding school include:
research conducted by Nanda M, 2016 about factors
that influence the occurrence of dermatitis that is
personal hygiene. The cleanliness of the towel and
the bed is a very influential factor on the incidence
of dermatitis in the Islamic boarding school.
The most common disease incidence in Islamic
boarding schools is scabies (25.5%). This is due to
the condition of personal hygiene of the less good
santri and environmental sanitation is not good
(Ardiansyah AA., 2017).
The result of research by Kristiawati, Setyowati
R, Rachmawati PD, 2017, shows that knowledge,
behavior, environment and health factors also have a
significant relationship in preventing Pediculosis
capitis in islamic boarding school. Health workers at
Islamic boarding school lodge are a very influential
factor in the prevention of Pediculosis Capitis.
Research conducted by Nanda FD, Murti B, and
Dharmawan R (2016) shows that knowledge, myths,
finances, are indirectly related to the incidence of
scabies. It is also supported by the lack of
maintaining personal hygiene in boarding schools.
Prevalence of scabies before intervention 61%
in the intervention group and 62% in the control
group. After intervention in the form of prevention
of scabies and health education. The program
demonstrates useful programs and cost effective
ways to control scabies in madrasah. After
intervention the incidence of scabies decreased in
the intervention group by 5% and 50% in the control
group (Talukder K et al., 2013).
The results of a study conducted by Susanto T,
et al. (2016) show that there is a significant
difference in the improvement of knowledge about
clean and healthy life behavior related to health
education. Health promotion programs in schools
provide a positive change in health and its
relationship to Islamic knowledge. The level of
education also affects the process of receiving
information in accordance with the development of
the child's age. Schools can develop health education
programs to increase students' knowledge of school
Poskestren in facing health problems in Islamic
boarding school. Various health problems that often
occur in Islamic boarding schools are scabies,
dermatitis and pediculosis capitis. Many of these
factors affect the event. The most important factor in
increasing the occurrence of health problems is the
factor of personal hygiene or hygiene that is less
The result of research done by Kristiawati,
Setyowati R, Rachmawati PD (2017) indicate that
health officer at Islamic boarding school very
influence to prevention Pediculosis capitis in Islamic
boarding school. The student who receive
responsibility to run poskestren is usually called by
the health cadre who is part of the health post at the
boarding school (Poskestren).
Ministry of Health has issued about Guidelines
for Implementation and Development of Islamic
Boarding School Health Posts (Poskestren) and
INC 2018 - The 9th International Nursing Conference: Nurses at The Forefront Transforming Care, Science and Research
suggest Poskestren to always live clean free from
disease (Kemenkes RI, 2013).
Poskestren is one form of community-based
health effort in boarding school environments, with
the principle of, by and for the boarding school
cottage residents who prioritize promotive,
preventive services without ignoring the curative
and rehabilitative aspects with the local Puskesmas
(Kemenkes, 2013).
Health volunteers perform their duties by visiting
each room to assess students who have health
problems, room hygiene observation including the
bathroom, remind the students to dry towels outside
and prohibit the use of towels in turn, maintain
personal hygiene, do sports together the santri every
Friday, do first aid in the accident, if santri there is
sick then taken to the nearest health service facility.
The research that supports the poskestren
conducted by Wahyudin U and Arifin H.S, (2015)
stated that the socialization of sanitation and the
environment through poskestren in the high
category, it means they more quickly receive health
information that was received by poskestren. They
are more inclined to change the habits that originally
did not behave clean and healthy to be living clean
and healthy.
The results of research conducted by Sanny,
2015, shows that the incidence of scabies in Islamic
boarding school who have poskestren 2.3% while in
pondok pesantren who have no poskestren of
40.45%. This shows that poskestren have a big
influence in overcoming of disease in boarding
Most of the research reviewed explaining that
poskestren is one of the health program in islamic
boarding school which is able to overcome health
problems in boarding school, able to improve health
status, and reduce expenses for medical treatment.
Summary of research conducted by researcher
poskestren is a design that uses observasional or
intervention, in the form of disease enforcement
program, improvement of health degree and health
education either through Islamic boarding school
who have poskestren or who do not have poskestren.
Ardiansyah AA., 2017. Keterkaitan antara sanitasi pondok
pesantren dengan kejadian penyakit yang dialami
santri di pondok pesantren sunan drajat, Medical
Technology and Public Health Journal (MTPH
Journal, vol.1 no.1.
Baur B., 2013. The pattern of dermatological disorder
among patients attending the skin O.P.D of a tertiary
care hospital in Kolkata, India”, Journal of dental and
medical sciences. 3, pp: 1-6.
Ikhwanudin, A., 2013. Perilaku Kesehatan Santri: Studi
Deskriptif Perilaku Pemeliharaan Kesehatan,
Pencarian dan Penggunaan Sistem Kesehatan da
Perilaku Kesehatan LIngkungan di Pondok Pesantren
Assalafi Al Fithrah, Surabaya Jurnal Sosial dan
Politik Departemen Sosiologi, FISIP, Universitas
Karim SA, Anwar KS, Khan MA, Mollah MA, Nahar N,
Rahman HE, et al., 2007. Socio-demographic
characteristic of children infested with scabies in
densely populated communities of residential
madrashas (Islamic education institutes) in Dhaka,
Bangladesh, Public Health; 121, pp: 923-934.
Kementrian Kesehatan Replubik Indonesia, 2013.
Pedoman Penyelenggaraan Pembina Pos
Kesehatan Pesantren (Poskestren). Jakarta: Depkes
Kristiawati, Rachmawati PD, Setyowati R, 2017. Factor
affecting pediculosis capitis prevention at Islamic
Boarding School in Indonesia. Advances in health
sciences research, atlantis press, vol.3.
Nanda FD, Murti B and Dharmawan R, 2016. Path
Analysis on factors associated with the risk of scabies
among students at Darussalam Islamic Boarding
School, Blokagung, Bayuwangi, Indonesia. Jurnal of
epidemiologi and public health. 1 (1), pp:18-26.
Nanda Meutia, 2016. Faktor yang mempengaruhi kejadian
dermatitis pada santri di pesantren modern Al
Mukhlishin Tanjung Morawa Kabupaten Deli Serdang
2014. Jurnal Jumantik, vol. 1 (1).
Talukder K, Talukder M.Q.K, Khairul M, Sharmin F, Jerin
L, Rahman M.A, 2013. Controlling scabies in
madrasahs (Islamic religious schools) in Bangladesh.
Public Health, vol. 127, pp: 83-91.
Wahyudin U and Arifin H.S, 2015. Sosialisasi saitasi diri
dan lingkungan di pesatren salafi melalui pos
kesehatan pesatren (Poskestren) dalam membentuk
sikap santri terhadap sanitasi. Jurnal Kajian
Komunikasi, vol.3 (2), pp: 148-153.
W. Rassami and M. Soonwera, 2012. Epidemiology of
pediculosis capitis among schoolchildren in the
eastern area of Bagkok, Thailand. Asian Pacific
Journal of Biomedicine, vol.2 (11), pp: 901-904.
Effectiveness Poskestren to Overcome Health Problems in Islamic Boarding School