The Relationship of Spiritual Level and Patient Anxiety in the
General Ward
Merina Widyastuti, Iis Fatimawati, Siti Fatimah
STIKES Hang Tuah, Surabaya, Indonesia
Keywords: Spiritual Level, Adult, Anxiety Level.
Abstract: Spiritual state has a wide and strong influence on health. Spiritual level can decrease anxiety, depression,
anger, and improve the life quality of the patient. Anxiety is one of many psychological problems experienced
by patients in hospital. The purpose of this research was to define the relationship of spiritual and anxiety
levels in patients. The research design was used correlational observation. Simple random sampling was used
to obtain sample consisting of 52 respondents. The independent variable was the spiritual level, whereas the
dependent variable was the level of anxiety. Instruments using questionnaires. Data were analyzed using
Spearman's Rho < 0.05). Out of 52 respondents, 57,7 % were indicated to have high spiritual level. In
addtion to 30,8% were medium level, 17,3 % of whom were indicated low. There was a significant
relationship of spiritual and anxiety levels of the patient in general ward. The Spearman rho test results
obtained by value ρ = 0.01 with a level of trust = 0.05. The role of nurses is very important in providing
nursing care holistically, especially on the fulfillment of spiritual needs.
Anxiety is one of the many psychological problems
experienced by patients during their stay in the
hospital. Anxiety is a common human experience that
is the basic human emotion with anxiety, discomfort,
uncertainty, or fear of a danger (Varcarolis, Elizabeth
M & Jordan, 2010).
Spirituality is one's belief in the existence of
God, and this belief becomes a source of strength in
times of illness that affects his beliefs about the cause
of illness, the process of healing illness and choosing
the person who will take care of it (Hamid, 2008). A
person's faith has a broad and powerful influence on
health. Wahyu (2012) mentions that spiritual factors
influence the likelihood of increasing life expectancy,
decreased anxiety, feelings of depression and anger
other than that affect the decrease in blood pressure,
and improve the quality of life for patients. Until now
research of spiritual level can affect anxiety has not
been studied further. The purpose of this research was
to define the relationship of spiritual and anxiety
levels in patients.
Basic Health Research in 2013 showed that 14
million people in Indonesia aged over 15 years
experienced an emotional mental disorder shown by
symptoms of anxiety and depression (Kementerian
Kesehatan - Ministry of Health/Indonesia, 2014).
Survey of researchers in the month of September until
December 2017 in the hospital room dr. Ramelan
Surabaya showed 40% of patients experienced very
severe anxiety, 20% experienced severe anxiety and
20% experienced moderate anxiety and the rest did
not experience anxiety.
Asmadi (2008) states that anxiety experienced by
patients will affect the physiological system of the
patient This occurs through a series of actions
mediated by the pituitary adrenal hypothalamus,
anxiety will stimulate the hypothalamus to increase
the production of corticotropin releasing factor This
will stimulate the anterior pituitary hormone to
produce adrenocorticotrofic hormone
adrenocorticotrofic hormone will stimulate the
adrenal cortex to secrete cortisol. cortisol will
suppress the body's immune system
The spiritual dimension is an individual way of
maintaining harmony with the outside world in order
to maximize the power it has in itself to deal with
emotional stress, chronic, critical, terminal and death
physical illnesses (Utami, 2009). Spiritual approach
through praying will increase the autosuggestion that
can encourage someone to do according to the prayed,
ask for healing, optimism of hope for healing (Good,
2010). Therefore the role of nurses is very important
Widyastuti, M., Fatimawati, I. and Fatimah, S.
The Relationship of Spiritual Level and Patient Anxiety in the General Ward.
DOI: 10.5220/0008328405520556
In Proceedings of the 9th International Nursing Conference (INC 2018), pages 552-556
ISBN: 978-989-758-336-0
2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
to help patients in meeting spiritual needs such as
providing prayer equipment, always remind and
motivate to pray.
This research was correlational analytic research with
cross sectional approach. The independent variable
was the spiritual level and the dependent variable was
the level of anxiety. The population of this study were
patients who were hospitalized in the hospital room
Dr. Ramelan hospital Surabaya during November
2017 January 2018 with random sampling
technique obtained 52 respondents
The inclusion criteria such as 1) patients treated
in at ward room of internal disease in Dr. Ramelan
hospital Surabaya 2) the final adult age is 36 45
years 3) willing to be a respondent 4) all religion.
Exclusion criteria include 1) Patients experiencing
disorientation 2) Patients who experience a decrease
in consciousness. This study was conducted on 3 to 7
January 2018 at general ward in Dr. Ramelan hospital
This research has been ethical clearence with
number ND/09/I/2018/Diklat in Dr. Ramelan
Hospital Surabaya. The instrument used to measure
the spiritual level was the spiritual experience scale
which adapted from Underwood and Teresi (2002).
Hamilton Anxiety Rating scale was used to measure
anxiety level. The Statistical test used was Spearman
rho test
Based on table 1 the majority of respondents are
female 41 (78.8%). Related age, the majority of
respondents aged 38-39 years were 13 respondents
(25%) and 40-41 year olds were 13 respondents
(25%). Related to the level of education, the majority
of respondents last high school education as much as
24 respondents (46.2%). Regarding employment, the
majority of respondents who work private sector as
much as 23 respondents (44.2%). Related diseases,
the majority of respondents suffering from diabetes
mellitus as many as 19 respondents (36.5%). With
regard to health insurance, the majority of
respondents who are responsible for the cost of using
BPJS as much as 45 respondents (86.5%).
Based on table 2 majority of respondents have
high spiritual level as many as 30 respondents
(57.7%) followed by moderate spiritual level as many
as 13 respondents (25.0%), and the remaining
Table 1: Selected sociodemographic variables of study
n 52
last education
No School
primary school
Junior high school
Senior High School
3-year diploma
No job
government employees
Diabetes Mellitus
Chronic Kidney
Urinary Tract Infection
Not using health
Social Insurance
Organization (BPJS)
Table 2: Spiritual levels on respondents in general ward
(n = 52).
Spiritual level
Frequency (f)
The Relationship of Spiritual Level and Patient Anxiety in the General Ward
low spiritual level as much as 9 respondents (17.3%).
Based on table 3, The majority of respondents
experienced no anxiety as much as 28 respondents
(53.8%) followed by mild anxiety as many as 14
respondents (26.9%), severe anxiety 7 respondents
(13.5%), and anxious weight once 3 respondents
(5.8%). Result of analysis relation of spiritual level
with patient anxiety level through Spearman rho test
got value ρ = 0,01 with level of meaning <α = 0,05
and correlation coefficient -0,708.
It can be concluded that there is a relationship
between the spiritual level with patient anxiety. The
direction of the relationship is strong and the opposite
where the higher the spiritual value the lower the level
of anxiety
According to Mohammed (2017) that a mother's
spirituality is a form of maintenance by providing for
the needs of the child and her husband. It is used as a
symbol of the nature of divine providence, because
the point of spirituality is obedience and obedience to
God. But another thing that needs to be considered in
this study is the characteristics of respondents who
are not homogeneous because the number of female
respondents more than the number of male
Respondents with high spiritual level (30
respondents) comprised 56.7% were 40-45 years old
and 43.3% were 36-39 years old. Researchers argue
that early adulthood is a transitional period, in that
age a person is usually more concerned with work and
social pursuits, whereas the spiritual changes that
occur in late adulthood are characterized by maturity
in their diverse lives.
Mature spiritual development will help in the face
of reality, play an active role in life, formulate the
meaning and purpose of life (Monir, R., Kazemnejad,
A., & Mohammadi, 2014). Based on the results of
research related to age, the majority of respondents
(53.8%) did not feel anxiety. The data of 28
respondents are over the age of 40 years. According
to Nursalam (2014) young age more easily anxious
than individuals with older age.
According to the researchers' observation why the
anxiety of the late adult respondents is lower because
they are already taking a step and believe that God is
giving a trial. This appears in the phenomenon of
some respondents who have a good quantity of
worship show a calm attitude. The majority of them
believe that illness is a guidance to be able to reduce
some of their sins.
Another case in the respondents with low spiritual
level found the majority felt the severe anxiety as
much as 6 respondents (66.70%) followed by
respondents who felt very heavy anxiety as much as
3 respondents (33.30%).
The spiritual level when associated with age
according to Hamid (2009) that spiritual development
is divided into several levels seen from age. The
middle age group and the elderly have more time for
religious activities and seek to understand the value
of religion. In the elderly the feeling of loss due to
retirement, facing the death of another (brother,
friend) will cause a sense of loneliness and
The more mature religious physiological
developments can often help the elderly to face
reality, play an active role in life and feel valuable,
and more acceptable to death as something that can
not be denied or avoided. High spiritual level when
attributed type of disease experienced shows the
majority of respondents who suffer from chronic
diseases such as DM, chronic renal failure, hepatitis
and hypertension as much as 27 respondents (90%)
Other types of acute diseases such as gastritis and
urinary tract infections are experienced by
respondents who have moderate and low spiritual
levels. When the anxiety level is associated with the
type of disease, the results showed 28 respondents
(58.3%) did not feel anxiety with the majority of
respondents 24 respondents (85.7%) suffered from
chronic diseases such as diabetes mellitus, chronic
renal failure, hepatitis, and hypertension.
According to the researchers that respondents who
have chronic diseases and often hospitalized majority
have a low level of anxiety compared with
respondents who first entered the hospital. This is
because the respondent has adapted to the hospital
environment. In addition there are other factors that
affect the anxiety of respondents is the length of care.
But researchers are not the focus of current research.
According to the researcher's analysis of
spirituality is also a force that the patient needs during
Table 3: Level of anxiety in respondents in the general
Anxiety level
No sense of anxiety
Mild anxiety
Medium anxiety
Serious anxiety
Very severe anxiety
INC 2018 - The 9th International Nursing Conference: Nurses at The Forefront Transforming Care, Science and Research
hospitalization. Spirituality can affect the process of
healing and self-reinforcement or coping of the
patient in the face of his illness.
Putri, S. (2013) mentions spirituality as one's
belief in the existence of God, and this belief becomes
a source of strength during illness and thus affects his
beliefs about the causes of illness, the process of
healing illness and choosing the person who will care
for him
According to Nursalam (2014) the anxiety
experience of each individual varies and depends on
the situation and interpersonal relationships. There
are two precipitation factors that affect anxiety that is
internal factors and external factors. External factors
include the threat of self-integrity including
physiological inadequacies to basic needs due to
physical illness and trauma.
Respondents with low spiritual level showed the
majority felt the severe anxiety as much as 6
respondents (66,70%), felt very heavy anxiety
counted 3 respondents (33,30%). According to Basofi
(2016) religious approach becomes one form of
coping in the face of anxiety. In this case spiritual life
has an important role, someone who is grateful for the
favors will feel more sincere in the face of life.
Researchers analyzing religious activities can
result in an increase in serotonin levels that affect
spiritual awareness by generating fun / excitement.
Pleasure and happiness brings the effects of
relaxation, so relaxation can suppress anxiety that
arises feeling relaxed. Researchers analyze mild
anxiety that occurs in patients with high spiritual
levels due to several factors that can affect a person's
spiritual culture, life experience, and religious
One's spirituality is also influenced by life
experience. A person's positive and negative life
experiences can affect a person's spirituality and are
also influenced by how one perceives spiritually the
experience. Hamid (2008) states events in a person's
life are regarded as a trial God gives humans to test
their faith
According to Iswara (2016) severe anxiety greatly
reduces the field of individual perception. Individuals
will tend to focus on something detailed and specific
and do not think about anything else. All behaviors
are shown to reduce tension. Individuals need a lot of
referrals so they can focus on other areas.
From the observation of the researchers that
respondents with severe anxiety have a low spiritual
level associated with spiritual support.
Spiritual support serves as the shaper of individual
coping mechanisms against life-threatening
situations, in this case a reference to healing (Riley et
al., 1998). The spiritual role in coping mechanisms is
as a spirit or motivation for life. The coping
mechanism that is formed depends very much on the
personality of the person and the extent to which the
pressure of a condition it faces.
Dr. Ramelan Hospital Surabaya has also provided
spiritual guidance on a regular basis. This is
illustrated by reminding of the prayer times
announced through the speakers in each treatment
room. The role of nurses in providing nursing care
holistically includes physiological, psychological,
sociocultural, and spiritual dimensions is very
important. Such spiritual support as bringing
religious leaders to the faith of the believer, giving
privacy to prayer, giving the patient the opportunity
to interact with others, family or friends
Based on the findings of the study, it was concluded
that the role of nurses is very important in providing
nursing care holistically, especially on the fulfillment
of spiritual needs For further research it is necessary
to note the gender homogeneity of the respondents so
that the results obtained are more representative and
also with the larger number of samples in addition to
the length of treatment is also an influential factor.
Subsequent research can be done by comparing
spiritual levels in hospital-based patients with
religious values with other private hospitals
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INC 2018 - The 9th International Nursing Conference: Nurses at The Forefront Transforming Care, Science and Research