Effectiveness Oxytocin Massage to Colostrum Release for Post
Partum Pervaginam in Coastal Area of Surabaya
Hidayatus Sya’diyah, Sukma Ayu Candra Kirana, Navy Retno Octaviana W
Institute of Health Science, Hang Tuah Surabay, Indonesia
Keywords: Oxytocin Massage, Colostrum Release.
Abstract: Colostrum is a breastmilk that is produced some time after the baby is born until the day of the third or fourth,
the color is more yellow and more viscous than breast milk. The phenomenon that occurs in the community
lack of knowledge about Early Breastfeeding Initiation so that mothers who have not issued a colostrum
directly provide formula milk to the baby. Design of this research used Pre-Experimental design. The
population in this study was postpartum mother who had not released colostrum. The research sampling
technique used Non probability sampling with purposive sampling counted 6 mother. Independent variable
in this research was oxytocin massage and dependent variable was the time of release of colostrum on vaginal
postpartum mother. Instrument of questionnaire research on demography. Data were analyzed with Paired
Samples T-Test.The results of this study found that the effect of oxytocin massage on postpartum vaginal
mother who has not issued a colostrum with the result ρ = 0.001. Results obtained by postpartum vaginal
mothers who have not released colostrum with ρ = 0.001. The implications of this study are the effect of
oxytocin massage with colostrum release. Factors that affect breastfeeding of working mothers, stressful
mothers, scuffed nipples, increased promotion of infant formula. As a task nurse we should educate the public
about the importance of colostrum for the baby's immunity.
Colostrum is a mother's milk that is produced some
time after the baby is born until day three or fourth,
the color is more yellow and more viscous than the
milk (Siti Nur Khamzah, 2012). Colostrum will
stimulate the formation of immune system to function
as active and passive immunization (Dwi Sunar
Prasetyo, 2009). Colostrum can serve as an ideal
laxative for cleansing unused substances from the
newborn's gut, and prepares the baby's food digestive
tract for future food (Siti Nur Khamzah, 2012). Breast
Milk (breast milk) is the first, main and best food for
babies, which is natural. Breast milk is an ideal source
of nutrition with a balanced composition and in
accordance with the needs of infant growth, which
has good quality and quantity. Breast milk contains
nutrients such as Colostrum, Protein, Fat, Lactose,
Vitamin A, Iron needed for baby's brain growth.
Breastfeeding (Mother's Milk) must be given to
newborns to infants aged 6 months. The first 6 month
old baby purely consumes breast milk where
breastfeeding is given exclusively which still contains
Survey results of Indonesia Demographic and
Health Institution (SDKI) 2013 Exclusive
breastfeeding increased to 42% compared to 2012 as
much as 32%. Data by Basic Health Research
(Riskesdas) 2010 percentage of infants exclusively
breastfed for up to 6 months was 15.3%. Early
initiation of breastfeeding less than 1 hour after birth
was 29.3%, highest in NTT (East Nusa Tenggara)
56.2% and lowest in Maluku 13.0%. Most
breastfeeding takes place in the range of 1-6 hours
after birth but still 11.1% of the process begins to be
breastfed after 48 hours. Colostrum is quite well done
by 74.7% of mothers to their babies. Provision of
infant formula in newborn in South Sulawesi is
45,90% and that gives honey 16,20%. Based on
preliminary study results that have been done by
researchers there are 5 of 15 mothers who do
breastfeeding first after giving birth.
The low level of exclusive breastfeeding in
Indonesia is due to the minimal socialization of early
breastfeeding initiation and the awareness and
knowledge of the community on the importance of
exclusive breastfeeding. According to the Director
General of Nutrition and MCH (2011), the main
Sya’diyah, H., Kirana, S. and Octaviana W, N.
Effectiveness Oxytocin Massage to Colostrum Release for Post Partum Pervagina in Coastal Area of Surabaya.
DOI: 10.5220/0008328605630566
In Proceedings of the 9th International Nursing Conference (INC 2018), pages 563-566
ISBN: 978-989-758-336-0
2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
problem of low breastfeeding in Indonesia is the
socio-cultural factors, the lack of knowledge of
mothers, families and the community about the
importance of breastfeeding, and the health ranks that
have not fully supported breastfeeding. In addition,
other factors cause the mother does not provide
breastfeeding for the baby because the lack of
encouragement from families such as husbands or
parents can relax the mother's spirit to breastfeed and
reduce the mother's motivation to breastfeed alone, so
that mothers prefer milk cans as a substitute for breast
milk. Other causes of mothers not giving breast milk
are abnormal nipples or nipples are injured, also
caused by increased stress on the mother giving birth.
Increased stress causes the hormone cortisol also
increases. As a result, with the increase of the
hormone cortisol causes the production of the
hormone oxytocin to be inhibited. The inhibition of
the hormone oxytocin affects a small amount of
breast milk release. Minor breastfeeding can be
overcome with oxytocin massage.
The oxytocin massage is a spinal massage action
from the 5th to the scapula that will speed up the work
of the parasympathetic nerves to deliver the command
to the back of the brain so that oxytocin is released
(Suherni et al, 2010). As Lun et al (2002) writes in the
European Journal of Neuroscience, that repeated
massage treatment can increase the production of the
hormone oxytocin. The effects of the oxytocin
massage itself can be seen in reaction after 6-12 hours
of massage (Lun, et al 2002).
The design of this research is One-Group Pre test-
Post test Desaign with Purposive Sampling
techniques. The variable of this reasearch is oxytocin
massage and colostrum exposure on postvoline
postpartum mothers. The research instrument
consisted of SOP oxytocin massager, demographic
data quizard and colostrum discharge observation
sheet. this study aims to determine the effect of
oxytocin massage on the expenditure of colostrum on
the vaginal postpartum mother before and after the
oxytocin massage. The collected data will be
presented in the form of cross tabs tested using Paired
T-Test samples.
Table 1: Effect of colostrum release prior to the
administration of oxytocin massage in the Pomegranate
Midwife Practice of Coastal Area of Surabaya on March 6-
April 27, 2017,(n = 6).
Sdt. Dev.
Release of
colostrum before
in the oxytocin
Table 2: Effect of colostrum release following the
administration of oxytocin massage in the Pomegranate
Midwife Practice of the Coastal Area of Surabaya on March
6-April 27, 2017.
Std. Dev.
Release of
colostrum after in
the oxytocin
Table 3: Effect of colostrum release on oxytocin massage
in Puskesmas Delima Practice Surabaya Coastal Area on
March 6-April 27, 2017.
Release of
0-5 cc
Release of
> 5 cc
Effect of colostrum release prior to the administration
of oxytocin massage in the Pomegranate Midwife
Practice of Coastal Area of Surabaya on March 6-
April 27, 2017, (n = 6). shows that from 6 respondents
the average of colostrum release before treatment is
1.33 cc, and min-max is 0-5 cc, the standard deviation
is 516.
Effect of colostrum release following the
administration of oxytocin massage in the
Pomegranate Midwife Practice of the Coastal Area of
Surabaya on March 6-April 27, 2017, (n = 6). Shows
that of the 6 colostrum release respondents the
increase in colostrum release after treatment was 2.83
cc, and the min-max release was > 5 cc standard
deviation was 408.
Effect of colostrum release on oxytocin massage
in Puskesmas Delima Practice Surabaya Coastal Area
on March 6-April 27, 2017, (n = 6) shows that of 6
respondents in Practice Midwife Delima Coastal
Area of Surabaya city average value of release of
colostrum before giving of massage of oxytocin is
1,33 with lowest colostrum release 0 cc, and highest
INC 2018 - The 9th International Nursing Conference: Nurses at The Forefront Transforming Care, Science and Research
is 5 cc, mean value after administration of the
oxytocin massage was 2.83 with the lowest colostrum
excretion <5 cc, and the highest > 5 cc.
Colostrum release after the administration of
oxytocin massage has increased colostrum release. In
addition, it can be seen that from the statistical test
using Paired Samples Test T-Test with a significance
level of 95% (ɑ = 0.05) obtained value of ρ = 0.001.
It shows that ρ <0,05 meaning that there is influence
of giving of oxytocin massage to increase of
colostrum release in Practice Delima Midwife
Surabaya Coastal Area.
The data on colostrum release shows that from 6
respondents the average of colostrum release before
treatment is 1.33 cc, and the lowest colostrum release
is 0 cc and the highest colostrum release is 5 cc. The
standard deviation is 516. Obtained respondents who
took colostrum as much as 0 cc amounted to 4 people
and respondents who secreted colostrum as much as
<5 cc as many as 2 people. (Guyton, 2007) mentions
that massage or stimulation of the spine
neurotransmiter will stimulate the medulla oblongata
send messages to hypotalamus dihipofise posterior
releasing oxytocin which causes the breast to expel
milk with a spinal area massage will also relax the
tension and relieve stress and so the hormone
oxytocin out and will help the release of breast milk,
assisted with the baby's sucking on the nipple as soon
as the baby is born with normal baby state. Found in
respondents 4 mothers who become housewives and
2 people who work, in mothers who do not work
spending more colostrum than working mothers.
This is done by the research done (Dr. MHD
Arifin, 2004) which states that the post partum mother
who work has a social busyness. Increased levels of
women's participation in the labor force and their
emancipation in all areas of work and in the needs of
society leads to a decrease in the willingness of
breastfeeding. According to research conducted by
(Rani Juliastuti, 2011) that a mother who does not
work can be said to be a mother who only performs
his function as a housewife and spends much of her
time at home without being tied to work outside the
home so have ample opportunity to be able to perform
breast care. While the mother who works outside the
home does not have much opportunity to do breast
care so that when post partum colostrum can not get
There are several factors that affect the release of
ASI, namely: (a) psychological factors:
harmoniousness in the family, the inner peace of a
mother in giving milk for her child. If the mother is
depressed, anxious, and there is a problem or does not
have the support of the husband, will affect the
release of breast milk. (b) knowledge factor: lack of
counseling to the community, one of the factors is due
to lack of officers so that the public lacks knowledge
and encouragement about the benefits of
breastfeeding (Mochtar, 2007) by providing
information in ways of healthy living, and how to
avoid harm will increase public knowledge about it
(Soekidjo, 2007). (c) Socio-Economy: The influence
of the environment or advertising, working career
women will be difficult to set the time to breastfeed
her baby. (d) Other factors: Increased promotion of
canned milk as a companion of breast milk (PASI),
illumination or even false suggestion which
originated from the mistake officer himself who
advocated to use PASI, baby refused when breastfed
because since birth day was first introduced PASI by
health personnel so babies become confused nipples
(Moctar, 2007).
The research shows that of the 6 respondents
colostrum release experienced an increase in the
average increase in colostrum is 2.83 cc, and the
lowest colostrum release <5 cc is and the highest is >
5 cc. The standard deviation obtained is 408. The
benefits derived from the treatment of oxytocin
massage is to increase breast milk, facilitate breast
milk, help the mother psychologically, soothing, and
not stress (Anik, 2016). According to researchers in
addition to the benefits contained in the back massage
(massageoksitosin) there is motivation from the
family, the husband who always motivate.
From interviews to mothers, most mothers do
not yet know what the oxytocin massage is.
According to (Endah, 2011) in post partum mothers,
not all breastfeeding directly because breast milk
release is a very complex interaction between
mechanical stimuli, nerves and various hormones that
affect the release of oxytocin. Expulsion of the
hormone oxytocin in addition influenced by baby
sucking is also influenced by receptors located in the
ductal system, when the ducts widen or become soft
then the reflectoris issued oxytocin by the pituitary
that plays a role to squeeze milk from the alveoli.
Results of research at the practice of midwife
Pomegranate Area Surabaya showed that 6
respondents the average value of increased release of
colostrum before the massage oxytocin 1.33 cc.
According to (Endah, 2011) in post partum mothers,
not all breastfeeding directly because breast milk
release is a very complex interaction between
mechanical stimuli, nerves and various hormones that
Effectiveness Oxytocin Massage to Colostrum Release for Post Partum Pervagina in Coastal Area of Surabaya
affect the release of oxytocin. Expulsion of the
hormone oxytocin in addition influenced by baby
sucking is also influenced by receptors located in the
ductal system, when the ducts widen or become soft
then the reflectoris issued oxytocin by the pituitary
that plays a role to squeeze milk from the alveoli.
Through a massage or stimulation of the spine, the
neurotransmitter will stimulate the medulla oblogata
to send a message directly to the hypothalamus in the
hypofise to release oxytocin causing the breasts to
release their milk. This spinal massage also relaxes
the tension and relieves stress and so the oxytocin
hormone comes out and will help with breastfeeding,
assisted by baby sucking on the nipple as soon as the
baby is born with a normal baby (Anik, 2016).
There is an effect of oxytocin massage on the release
of colostrum on the vaginal postpartum mother.
Postpartum colostrum of the vagina prior to the
oxytocin massage is 1.33 cc. Most postpartum vaginal
mothers in Practice Midwife Pomegranate Surabaya
after doing the massage oxytocin can expend
colostrum as much as 2.83 cc.
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INC 2018 - The 9th International Nursing Conference: Nurses at The Forefront Transforming Care, Science and Research