his work with the indicator of service time
compliance, compliance with the rules, adherence
to nursing standards, and obedience to superiors.
the problem of work discipline, is a matter to note,
because with the discipline can affect the effectiveness
and efficiency of achieving organizational goals. With
frequent unskilled employees, the target completion of
work is never achieved which in turn affects the
productivity of the organization's work. This agrees
with (Nitisemito, 1991) who says that a job will be done
as effectively as possible, when discipline is well
Discipline of work at dr. Ramelan Surabaya
hospital structurally will be influenced by the rules of
the navy that has a very high work discipline focus.
High work discipline at dr. Ramelan Surabaya
hospital does not appear just like that but it is a
continuous learning process that is developed in a
military way with leadership center as role model or
role model for subordinates so that it can generate
motivation and motivation for their subordinates.
Implementation of discipline in dr. Ramelan Surabaya
hospital applies the existence of rules and regulations
as guidelines of employees in working with
progressive approach, using a number of steps in
shaping employee behavior.
4.2 Nurses Work Productivity
Result of research about work productivity in hospital
dr. Ramelan Surabaya more than half of it is classified
as good (58%). Nursing is one form of professional
health services aimed at clients both in good health
and illness through nursing tips using nursing process
approach. Nursing services provided by a nurse
greatly affects the quality of nursing care that will be
accepted by the client. Therefore, to be able to provide
quality nursing care so nurses need to be oriented to a
better client outcome. These conditions can be
achieved if the work environment created a qualified
nurse. To realize professional nursing services in
hospitals, productivity is very important for hospitals
to be well managed.
The nursing manager must be able to determine the
strategic steps in the management of existing
resources. One of the strategic steps that can be
applied is with existing input and output management
systems. Inputs include human resources, facilities,
regulatory policies, and capital that must be developed
optimally, the outcome is the result of activities of the
organization including productivity as the end result
of the production process, which is inseparable with
the effectiveness and efficiency of the company. In
order to improve work productivity, spirit and good
performance in dr. Ramelan Surabaya actually has
tried to do the arrangement in various fields one of
them is the arrangement in the field of nursing
Various efforts have been made by the head of the
Department of Nursing, among others, by doing daily
supervision to provide guidance, direction and
motivate nurse implementers to work passion
according to professional demands. Another policy is
the provision of opportunities to improve higher
education gap.
4.3 Compliance Relation to Working
Hours with Work Productivity
Compliance to working hours in this study is the
perception of nurses implementing in obeying the
attendance of the time agency that has been
established by the institution. Based on the results of
the study found that there is a significant relationship
between employee compliance with the work time
that has been determined with the productivity of
work. This finding concurs with the statement of
(Stamps P.L, 1997) which says that one component
of job satisfaction relevant to the health sector is the
existence of organizational policies in the form of
rules or limits established and enforced by the
management of the hospital.
These policies include employee supervision,
arrangement of work schedules, holidays and
opportunities for growth and prosperity. setting job
schedules according to the percentage of time spent,
for example when a person should start and stop
working, when to start working again and when will
end and so on, will likely prevent waste and work will
be effective and efficient.
If the employee enters work in accordance with
the specified working hours then the job completion
targets will be achieved in accordance with the target
set. Regulation of discipline working time in hospital
dr. Ramelan Surabaya with the implementation of
morning apple around 07.00 am and apple lunch at
2:45 pm which is required to all employees in the
hospital. Implementation of time discipline in
hospital dr. Ramelan Surabaya is also supported by
the shuttle for employees who live in Surabaya and
surrounding areas.
4.4 Compliance Relationship to the
Code with Work Productivity
Compliance with the discipline in this study is the
perception of nurse implementers in obeying the
order set by the institution. Based on the result of the
research, it shows that there is a significant
correlation between the respondent's compliance to
the order and the productivity of the kerjan. The
results of this study concurred with (Siagian S.P,