susceptible to disease infection, otherwise infections
such as diarrhea and RTI will result in the intake of
nutrients cannot be absorbed properly.(Ernawati
Dwi, 2014). The Research on stunting in the UK
shows the results of ongoing analysis of diarrhea to
stunting. Based on 24-month old children who
continuously experienced diarrhea for more than 14
days have a greater chance of experiencing stunting,
than children aged 24 months who had diarrhea for
less than 14 days(Checkley et al., 2008)
Toddlers who often suffer acute diarrhea will be
at greater risk of growing into stunting. During
diarrhea, bacteria get into the small intestine and
undergo multiplication. The bacteria release toxins
that will affect small intestinal mucosal cells
(stimulates enzyme adenilsiklase). These enzymes
transform Adenosine Tri Phosphate (ATP) to cyclic
Adenosine Mono Phosphate (cAMP) and cAMP
increased the expected increase in Cl ion secretion
into the intestinal lumen. Isotonic solution secretion
by intestinal mucosa (hypersecretion) as a result of
the formation of toxins will make the function more
absorption of intestinal mucosa impaired (decreased
number sakaridase enzyme, lipase, and
protease)(Almatsier Sunita, 2011). This results in
malabsorption of nutrients, dehydration and loss of
nutrients. If the condition is not treated immediately
and be balanced with adequate food intake, then
there will be severe dehydration, malnutrition and
failure to thrive. Diarrhea impact on linear growth in
children. If the child often had diarrhea within the
first 24 months of life, the child tends to be shorter
on 1.5 times(Checkley et al., 2008). Based on
previous research, on the 20 largest countries in the
world there is an 80% of children who had suffered
stunting, child malnutrition is accompanied by cases
of diarrhea by 51%, in the case of malaria by 57%,
cases of pneumonia by 52%, and measles cases by
45% ending in death(Hussein and Adam, 2015)
There is a significant correlation between the
economic status of families with incidence of
stunting in children under five in Primary Care Unit
of Tanah Kali Kedinding Surabaya, this can be seen
from the value of p = 0.009 (p <0.05). Showed that
36 toddlers and 14 toddlers severe stunting stunting
have parents with low economic status. Research in
Indonesia and Bangladesh show that children from
low-income families have higher risk of stunting
compared to children from families of higher
socioeconomic. This indicates that the family
economic circumstances affect the incidence of
stunting among children under five(Semba, 2016),
Social and economic factors include per capita
income, parental education, mother knowledge about
nutrition has also indirectly associated with the
incidence of stunting (Dian Hidayati, T. M. Thaib,
There is a significant relationship between
energy intake with stunting under-fives in Primary
Care Unit of Tanah Kali Kedinding Surabaya, this
can be seen from the value of p = 0.001 (p <0.05).
Showed that 30 toddlers and 14 toddlers severe
stunting has a low energy intake. The body is
experiencing a shortage of energy will experience
negative energy balance will be reduced so that the
weight of body weight should be. This will inhibit
growth in children and cause weight loss and tissue
damage in adults(Siagian Albiner, 2010), The intake
of nutrients that children need a complete continue
during the growth process continues because the
growth process is influenced by the food given to
children. The food given should be appropriate both
type and quantity to their nutritional content. The
child's body still needs all the main nutrients are
carbohydrates, fat, protein, fiber, vitamins and
minerals, if the lack of the growth of children,
including his height will be disrupted(Almatsier
Sunita, 2011), Adequate nutrition is necessary to
ensure optimal growth and development of infants
and children. Daily nutritional needs are used to run
and maintain the normal function of the body can be
done by selecting and food intake was good (quality
and quantity)(Sutomo Anggraini, 2010).
Food is a source of energy to support all human
activities. Their burning carbohydrates, protein, and
fat in the human body produces energy. Therefore,
in order that adequate human energy needed food
into the body adequately. Nutrient intake is not
adequate, especially of total energy, protein, fat and
micronutrients, are associated with physical growth
deficit in pre-school children(Almatsier Sunita,
2011), However, consumption, diet enough not
guarantee normal physical growth, because the
incidence of other diseases, such as acute or chronic
infection, can affect a complex process to the
occurrence or maintenance of growth deficits in
children. RISKESDAS data analysis in 2013 showed
no significant relationship between energy
consumption with the incidence of stunting in
children aged 12-59 months in Sumatra (Almatsier
Sunita, 2011).
There is a significant correlation between protein
intake with the incidence of stunting in children
under five in Primary Care Unit of Tanah Kali
Kedinding Surabaya, that can be seen from the value
of p = 0.006 (p <0.05). Showed that 30 toddlers and
13 toddlers with severe stunting has a low protein
intake. Malawi has a child stunting in serum