knowledge management processes that are related to
each other.
The data on the number of nurses who were
trained and attended the seminar at Airlangga
University Hospital in 2016 was 21.3%. The low
number of nurses who were trained due to financial
factors in institutions is still small because it is still
prioritized for the use of repair and development of
facilities and infrastructure. Besides, the training and
seminars are done by sending the nurses to other
institutions so it needs a high cost. Based on that, at
the beginning of 2017 a knowledge-sharing program
from nurses who have participated in training to
representatives of nurses who did not attend the
training. The results of these activities have little
impact on improving knowledge and quality in
providing services to patients. Because not all nurses
are exposed to the same knowledge and unstructured
implementation. Evaluation result of this activity is
still 26, 6% nurse who have gain knowledge to
support in effort to improve service quality. Based on
the above experience, we want to develop a structured
KM system to have a positive impact on the quality
of services provided by the nurses.
Implementation of Knowledge Management at
Airlangga University Hospital was conducted in two
stages, the first was to design the application of
Knowledge Management using Wiig’s KM cycle.
Wiig’s KM cycle addresses how knowledge is built
and used as individuals or as organizations. There are
four major steps in this cycle, such as building
knowledge, holding knowledge, pooling knowledge
and applying knowledge. The methods that we used
in this research was a qualitative study with data
collected from semi-structured interviews with
strategic management team and nurses and than give
intervention to the 263 nurses.
Before starting the KM system, We start from the
entire head of nurse to set the strategy to be used. We
set the KM day of the nursing field is on the day of
every Wednesday afternoon. We set a Wednesday
afternoon due to the fact that the number of patient
visits in Wednesday is less than the other day so as
not to interfere with patient care. On the first
Wednesday trained were the head of nurses to
become trainer for the nurses. The number of nurses
at the Airlangga University Hospital is 263 nurses and
there are 19 head of nurse, so the total nurse is 244
nurses. Each meeting can be attended by 30 nurses,
so in one topic we need 8 meetings.
At the stage of building knowledge, we determine
the source of information can be obtained with formal
and informal education. In upgrading nurses’
capacity, we send nurses for further study to nursing
faculty at a qualified university, that is for
undergraduate and master's degree in nursing. By
2017 we can send five nurses for further study in the
master's degree education in nursing. For informal
education, we set by using the KM system with
selected topics are customer services, nursing care in
patients with respiratory and respiratory failure, ECG
training, intravenous infusion, and ICU nurse
training. Setting topics, we use the PDCA approach
and the concept of Kaizen. Example of PDCA cycle
implementation, When there is patient with
respiratory failure requiring referral to higher level
hospital, We have problem to contact by phone so that
the risk of impairment in the handling patient. P:
Increase nurse knowledge about nursing care in
patient of breath and respiratory failure. D: Provide
training to all nurses. C: Evaluate of nurse’s ability to
provide treatment to the patient. A: Make standard,
make job description specification each member of
code blue team (ABC and CPR management team).
All activities are conducted at Airlangga University
Hospital with an experienced internal resource person
and experienced in the field. At the holding stage of
knowledge we create a list of training that must be
followed by each nurse in the competence book that
is distributed to all nurses based on career path that
has been set. This will be able to monitor and evaluate
the development of knowledge in each nurse. The
first meeting will attended by all head of nurse with
trainer from expertise. At the next meeting, the
participants were 30 nurses and head of nurse as
trainer. At the pooling knowledge stage we do by
using role play and bedside teaching training methods
that adjust to real conditions in the field. Participants
are given the opportunity to try to demonstrate and try
the skills they need when giving services. Training
materials are provided in ppt format so as to facilitate
the participants to understand and can be saved and
where needed at any time can be accessed again. At
the applying knowledge stage, all nurses must apply
what has been obtained in the training and if required
standard operational procedures, it must be made
SOP it.
The results of the implementation of this KM
system can be seen from the results of patient