Table 5 showed that 37 respondents of stroke
patients in Flamboyan Pavilion of RSUD Jombang,
46-65 years old, almost half had mild anxiety level
of 8 people (38.1%).
According to (Kaplan & Sadock, 1997), that
anxiety disorders could occur at any age, more often
in young adulthood, ie at age 21-44 years.
This was contrast to what was found by
researchers, the age that experienced anxiety most of
the respondents aged 46-65 years. According to the
analysis of age researchers were more often
experienced psychological problems. When
someone aged 46-65 years then they will face
various kinds of problems both in terms of physical,
psychological, and social. From some of these
problems, when someone did not have strong beliefs
would experience anxiety.In addition, when
conducted research on stroke patients in the Pavilion
Flamboyan RSUD Jombang at the age of 46-65
years so that ultimately the anxiety felt by stroke
patients more in the age range 46-65 years.
Table 6 showed that 37 respondents of stroke
patients in the Flamboyan Pavilion of RSUD
Jombang were mostly 23 elementary school students
(62.2%), some had minor anxiety about 9 people
(24.32%) and a few had severe anxiety a total of 2
people (5.4%). This was supported by (Struart &
Sundeen, 1998), that the lower education level of a
person then the knowledge obtained tend to be less.
Conversely, the higher education would be easier to
think rationally and capture information.
Based on facts and theories, one's education
greatly affected the level of anxiety. This was
because a person with a lower level of education had
less experience and knowledge that would affect a
person's knowledge. One of them was the
knowledge of the disease that was suffered, so it
would cause a negative response that is anxiety.
4.2 The Correlation of Self-Efficacy
with Anxiety Level of Patients with
In this section would be discussed about the
correlation of self-efficacy with anxiety. Based on
statistical test results showed correlation coefficient
r = 0.376 and significance value p = 0.022 which
means smaller than 0.05 then H1 accepted. This
means there was a correlation of Self-efficacy with
anxiety levels in stroke patients in the Flamboyan
Pavilion of RSUD Jombang. This means that the
higher self-efficacy of stroke patients, the lower
anxiety of the stroke patients. Similarly, the lower
self-efficacy of stroke patients affected the higher
perceived anxiety of the stroke patient.
The results of this study were in line with
previous research conducted by (Anwar, 2009) on
the relationship between Self-efficacy with the
anxiety of speaking in front of the students at the
University of North Sumatra psychology faculty
who showed the result that there was a significant
negative relationship between Self-efficacy with
public speaking anxiety in public faculty of
psychology of Universitas Sumatera Utara.
From the results of this study with the results of
research from researchers themselves about self-
efficacy with anxiety, it could be concluded that the
level of self individual efficacy would affect anxiety
in the individual in the face of a problem. Or with
another sentence that self-efficacy owned by stroke
patients could improve or alleviate anxiety for stroke
Self efficay person was associated with several
factors, among others: gender, age, education and
employment. Self-efficacy determines the form of
action they would choose to do, as strong as the
individual could survive in the face of the problems.
According to Bandura, self-efficacy was useful for
training control of anxiety itself. When people
experience high anxiety they usually had low self-
efficacy, while those with high self-efficacy would
feel able to overcome obstacles and perceive threats
as a challenge that was unnecessary to avoid. With a
high Self-efficacy, individuals will run their business
with enterprising, not easily give up, and would
make every effort to get maximum results in the face
of its duties. While individuals with low Self-
efficacy would feel easily give up and easily
desperate in the face of problems. This means that
stroke patients with low Self-efficacy did not dare to
face the problem and easy to give up.
According to Adler and Rodman (Ghufron dan
Risnawita, 2016) there were two factors that cause
anxiety, namely: negative experiences in the past.
Anxiety that could arise may be palpitations, cold
sweats, tremors and other anxiety responses.
Another factor that was unpleasant thoughts would
happen to him. While factors that may affect anxiety
include: age, physical condition and education level.
Bandura (Blackburn and Davidson, 1994)
describes what matters in relieving anxiety, among
others, as follows: Self-efficacy was an individual's
estimate of his or her own ability to handle
situations. Outcome expectancy had an
understanding as an individual estimate of the
possibility of certain consequences may have an