The Correlation of Motivation with Cadre’s Performance in the
Implementation of Posyandu
Mumpuni Dwiningtyas,Tesa Isnawati, Monika Sawitri Prihatini and Effy Kurniati
STIKES Pemkab Jombang
Keywords: Motivation, Cadre’s Performance, Posyandu.
Abstract: The lack of motivation Posyandu cadres is one of the factor which causes the lack of performance in
implementation of posyandu. This purpose of the study was to determine the correlation of motivation with
cadre’s performance in the implementation of Posyandu at Sumobito Jombang. The design of this study used
analytic correlation with Cross Sectional approach. The population of study was Posyandu cadres with total
respondents were 40 people, 40 samples were obtained by using total sampling technique. Independent
variable was motivation and dependent variable was cadre‘s performance in the implementation of Posyandu.
Data analysis technique used Spearman Rank test. The results of study showed that respondents had strong
motivation as many as 67.5% respondents, moderate motivation as many as 30% respondents, weak
motivation 2.5% respondent. Whereas respondents who had positive performance in the implementation of
Posyandu as many as 70% respondents, and the negative performance as many as 30% respondents. The
correlation between motivation variables with cadre’s performance r= 0.489 and p = 0.001. It means that there
was a correlation of motivation with cadre’s performance in the implementation of Posyandu. It was expected
that the profession of nursing could provide input for the profession in developing of nursing planning that
would be done the motivation with the Posyandu cadre’s performance in the implementation of Posyandu.
Every Posyandu cadre has a different attitude and
motivation in the implementation of Posyandu. This
condition affects the quality of Posyandu service.
According to (Widiastuti et al. 2006), cadre
motivation in performing Posyandu service is only on
the desire to fill the spare time. Some have a fairly
idealistic motivation for example to improve the
degree of public health in the environment.
The role of cadres is very important because the
cadres are responsible for the implementation of the
Posyandu program. If the cadre is not active then the
implementation of Posyandu will also become non-
current and consequently the nutritional status of
infant or toddler (Under Five Years) cannot be
detected early on clearly. This will directly affect the
success rate of Posyandu programs especially in
monitoring the growth of infants (Martinah in Vinella
According to (Ministry of Health RI 2011), the
development of Posyandu in Indonesia is very
encouraging in quantity, since every village there are
about 3-4 Posyandu. At the time the Posyandu was
announced, the number of Posyandu recorded as
many as 25,000 Posyandu and in 2009 increased to
266,827 Posyandu with a ratio of 3.55 Posyandu per
village. The amount is viewed from the aspect of
quality is still found many problems such as the
completeness of facilities and skills of the cadre is not
adequate. Based on health profile data of East Java
Provincial Health Office (2014), the number of
posyandu 45,603 Posyandu spread in 38 districts /
cities consisted of strata Pratama Posyandu 4.137
(9.07%), Madja 18,532 (40.64%), Purnama 21.843
(46.14%) and Mandiri 1,891 (4.15%). According
Sofiyati Sucahyani, the Chairman of Development
and Empowerment of Public Health Department of
East Java Province Ideally, every Posyandu has 4
cadres. In East Java province there are 226,829
Posyandu cadres. While, the active cadres in
Posyandu as many as 205,227. Based on the data
contained in the profile of the District Health Office
of Jombang (2016), there are 1,563 Posyandu, and
number of inactive were 332 Posyandu. One of the
areas in Jombang regency with the highest number of
Posyandu disabling rate in Sumobito Health Center
Dwiningtyas, M., Isnawati, T., Prihatini, M. and Kurniati, E.
The Correlation of Motivation with Cadre’s Performance in the Implementation of Posyandu.
DOI: 10.5220/0008330906820686
In Proceedings of the 9th International Nursing Conference (INC 2018), pages 682-686
ISBN: 978-989-758-336-0
2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
area with the number of Posyandu disablement is 24
from 62 posyandu.
Based on data from health care center of Sumobito
was found that the health care center in 2016 has 147
cadres spread in 62 Posyandu with the number of
cadres inactivity of 24 people, which is in 11 villages
that one of the villages is Curah malang Village. It has
8 Posyandu with a number of 40 cadres.
Based on data from preliminary study conducted
on March 6, 2017 to 10 posyandu cadres in Talun
Kidul Village, Sumobito District, it was found that
there were 2 less participating members in every
posyandu activity. This was because they were busy
with their work.
Health Care Center as the spearhead of health
development has a mission to encourage community
independence in terms of healthy living through
community empowerment. The realization of
community empowerment efforts is the presence of
various forms of Community Based Health Efforts in
every work area of health care center. Community
Based Health Efforts that more real role and has been
able to develop in the community is Integrated
Service Post (Posyandu) (Departemen Kesehatan
The development and improvement of Posyandu
service quality is strongly influenced by the
participation of the community such as cadres. The
function of cadres to Posyandu is very big, that is
starting from posyandu pioneering stage, liaison with
institutions that support the Posyandu, as
implementation planning and as a coach and
facilitator to motivate people who participate in
Posyandu activities in their area (Departemen
Kesehatan 2006).
The performance of good cadres can be seen from
its role in running Posyandu starting from before,
during and after activity of Posyandu. Based on the
guidebook of Posyandu cadres, a cadre should have
sufficient knowledge. It is certainly necessary to
obtain accuracy in the measurement and to know the
existence of growth deviation, so that can be done as
early as possible to prevent the occurrence of
disruption in the process of growth and development
of children under five (Ministry of Health RI 2011).
A person's motivation according to Robbin
(2003), is influenced by many things among others
are the level of education and age of a person, the
higher of education level of a person is the higher
motivation to perform their work. The ability to
perform tasks is a key element in assessing a person's
performance, but tasks cannot be solved properly
without being supported by a will and motivation
(Nursalam 2015). Recognizing the importance of
cadre role in improving the quality of Posyandu, the
government has made efforts to improve the
performance of cadres, among others by generating
cadre motivation in Posyandu services.
2.1 Study Design
The type of this study was correlation method with
cross sectional approach.
2.2 Study Population, Sampling,
Populations were 40 respondents while the sample
was taken for 40 respondents’ cadres Posyandu
children under five in the Village of Curah Malang
Sumobito Jombang. Independent variable was
Motivation and the dependent variable was
2.3 Measure and Data Analysis
The data collected by using questionnaire and
then analyzed by using Spearman Rank Correlation
with α=0.05.
The result showed that all (100%) of female
respondents were 40 respondents. Most (55%) of
respondents had high school education. Most (60%)
of respondents worked as private workers and Most
(52.5%) of respondents aged between 20-40 years. A
half (47%) were married and (77.5%) of respondents
earned Rp 2,082,730. Most of the respondents
(60%) had working period to become cadres 5 year
and (57.5%) had attended the training (table 1).
Most (67.5%) of respondents had strong
motivation and (70.0%) of the respondents had a
positive performance. Based on cross-tabulation of
motivation with cadre performance in Posyandu
implementation showed that almost all (85.2%) of
respondents had strong motivation with positive
The result of Spearman Rank correlation showed
that r=0.489 with p=0.001. It means that there was a
correlation between motivations with the
performance of cadres in the implementation of
Posyandu with the medium degree of correlation.
The Correlation of Motivation with Cadre’s Performance in the Implementation of Posyandu
Motivation is the desire that founded in an individual
that encouraged him to perform actions deeds,
actions, behavior or behavior (Notoatmodjo 2007).
Based on the results of study and theory could be seen
that the motivation was used because without any
encouragement from within the self and outside of the
individual person then a cadre person could not
perform the implementation, action and behavior to
achieve a goal of the implementation of Posyandu
activities. The situation occurred because there were
several factors that affect motivation such as age,
marital status of respondents.
Most aged 41-60 years had a strong motivation.
This happens because the holder of an important role
of the motivation as one of the internal factors,
internal factors was the motivation that come from
within the human self, usually arise from the
behaviour that meet the needs to be satisfied. Maturity
of age would affect the process of thinking and
decision making in conducting activities that support
his achievements (Sari N, 2014).
Based on the results of study and theory can be
seen that age was a factor that made respondents had
a strong motivation. With the motivation they were
more enthusiastic because their age was enough with
the physical condition in accordance with age both
physically and spiritually healthy then a person gets
encouragement, think better and mature in doing
activities effectively in carrying out activities
according to the implementation procedure that will
be done to achieve a goals by getting good results or
achievements on the individual or group.
Respondents who had married had a strong
motivation. This is because social support in the form
of emotional support from other family members,
friends, time and money are important factors in
compliance with the medical program (Niven 2002).
Most of respondents had a positive performance.
Performance is a description of the achievement of a
program of strategic planning and operational
activities of an individual or group of persons in an
organization both in quantity and quality, in
accordance with the authority and duties of
responsibility, legal and not violating the law, ethics
and moral. Performance itself is a description of the
vision, mission, goals and strategy of the organization
(Supriyanto & Wulandari 2007).
Based on the results of study and theory can be
seen that the performance of cadres can be influenced
by various factors. This situation can be seen that the
performance of cadres were positive, both in quantity
and quality in accordance with the authority and
responsibility, legal and do not violate the law is a
program of individual and group activities to achieve
a goal in the implementation of Posyandu.
Most of respondents aged 41-60 years had a
positive performance. It happens because a worker or
an employee in an organization or work institution
was influenced by many factors, both within the
employee itself and the environmental or
organizational factors of the work itself, one of them
(Notoatmodjo 2010). The age of the individual leads
to changes in physical and psychological aspects
related to mental development and individual mind-
Table 1: The demographic data of cadres.
Category f (%)
Gender :
Education :
Junior High School
Senior High School
Occupation :
Civil servants
Private entrepreneur
retired civil servants
Age (years old)
Marital Status :
Rp 2.082.730
Rp 2.082.730
Working Period of Cadre
5 tahun
5 tahun
Table 2. Distribution frequency of posyandu cadres
f %
27 67.5
12 30
1 2.5
Total 40 100
INC 2018 - The 9th International Nursing Conference: Nurses at The Forefront Transforming Care, Science and Research
set (Fitriyah & Makhfudli 2009). (Widiastuti et al.
2006), explained Posyandu cadres who were younger
age would be easier to invite mother toddler in doing
weighing under five years age difference from either
too old or same age.
Based on the results of study and theory can be
seen that the increase of age was going to happen a
physical changes or work patterns of a person to the
activity, so with the mind-set of a person when the
older or increasing age then the mind-set of
performance or activity would be less effective,
young people thus still have a physical and mind-set
that can be effectively controlled then to follow the
activities in the implementation Posyandu hence
easier and more effective according to the provisions
of the implementation.
Respondents who have high school education had
a positive performance. This occurred because
education could affect the behavior, lifestyle of
individuals, especially in motivation to participate in
health development efforts (Widiastuti et al. 2006).
Individuals with higher education were easier to
understand information and there was a tendency to
be concerned about health for the sake of improving
the quality of life (Fitriyah & Makhfudli 2009). Peer
education and under-five mother with age that is not
old able to build a positive norm in his group for
healthy living (Widiastuti et al. 2006). Higher
education will easily get the information so that more
knowledge owned (Widagdo et al. 2009). The study
by (Widiastuti et al. 2006) mentioned the knowledge
of cadres had a positive correlation to the utilization
of weighing toddlers in Posyandu. High school
education was high school and can be categorized
enough to receive insight.
Based on the results of study and theory could be
seen that the higher the education of a person affect
their performance. This was due to the knowledge or
ability to think properly, especially about the
importance of cadre performance in the
implementation of Posyandu maximally in
accordance with the desire or motivation they were
expected or achieved in implementing such an
Respondents who work as private workers with a
positive performance. This happens because Attitude
was defined as the tendency to act in the form of
individual closed response to the stimulus
(Notoatmodjo 2010). This attitude would guide
individual behavior (Sunaryo 2004). The cadres
should have free time. The condition was intended,
the type of work will affect the activeness of cadres
in Posyandu (Notoatmodjo 2005 in (Bangun 2012).
Based on the results of study with the theory can
be seen that attitude (attitude), work can affect the
implementation of Posyandu. This is because if the
respondent has the attitude or work that is so binding
as employees of the factory, employees of private
offices and so the respondents lack the free time to
follow the implementation of Posyandu due to limited
time and attitudes of them in the readiness to react to
the implementation of Posyandu activities. Married
respondents had married with a positive performance.
This happens because the marital status affects the
cadres carrying out the Posyandu activities because
there is family support. The cadres must share the
time, attention, energy provided to the community
and family. Nurhayati 1997 study in (Nilawati 2008),
states that unmarried cadres certainly do not have the
attachment and busyness of the household so there is
spare time to contribute in Posyandu (Pinem 2010).
Based on the results of study with the theory can
be known that marital status can affect the
performance of cadres. This was because if they got
support from their husbands or families in carrying
out an activity outside the family's interest without
any support then the activity can hinder due to lack of
motivation from self-obtained from family and
Respondents who had income Rp 2,082,730 had
a positive performance. This was because Efendi and
Cahyadi 2005 in (Lubis 2010), mentioned the
individual factors of income influencing the role of
posyandu cadres. Similar conditions are expressed in
(Nilawati 2008) research, which finds one of the traits
of active cadres who have income. Based on the
results of study and theory can be seen that someone
respondents who had income can be distinguished her
activeness because of the income effect more
participate in an activity due to wages or their work
as a supporter in the implementation of these
Respondents had a working period to become
cadres 5 years with a positive performance. This as
because the intensity of individual work had a
correlation with the skills of the task implementation
(Robbins, 1996 in (Bangun 2012). The basic of such
statements was the years of work expressed as work
experience, may form the basic of individual
productivity estimates because seniority in work
would be more focused (Robbins & Judge 2008). The
results of (Widagdo et al. 2009), explained the longer
of cadre, the more experience and knowledge so that
service to the visiting community becomes good and
quality. Based on the results of study and theory could
be known that the cadres were active or positive in the
implementation of Posyandu activities because
The Correlation of Motivation with Cadre’s Performance in the Implementation of Posyandu
gaining experience from seniors or cadres whose
working period is longer than them. This may result
in the performance of the cadres, without any learning
or experience they are less effective in implementing
the Posyandu.
Most respondents had a strong motivation with a
positive performance. The results of statistical tests
Spearman Rank showed there was a relationship
between motivation with the performance of cadres in
the implementation of Posyandu. The results were
also known level of relationship between the numbers
0,400 - 0,599 with the medium category. This is
because Motivation was the drive that caused the
individual to do business and work (WHO et al.
1999), (Syahmasa 2002) explained that cadre
motivation indicators consisting of incentives /
wages, recognition of individuals, group acceptance
had a significant relationship to the performance of
cadres in participating in improving nursing services
in Posyandu. Performance is effort (activity) plus
work result, (Supriyanto & Wulandari 2007).
Based on the results of study and theory could be
seen that of 23 respondents had a strong motivation
and had a positive performance. Motivation included
factors from the performance of cadres in the
implementation of Posyandu so that cadre
performance had positive outcomes in accordance
with existing procedures or rules. Without
motivation, the cadres could not perform well in the
implementation of Posyandu, because motivation was
an incentive to achieve a desire or a person's goals.
Most Posyandu cadres motivation had strong
motivation and positive performance. There was a
relationship of motivation with the performance of
cadres in the implementation of Posyandu.
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INC 2018 - The 9th International Nursing Conference: Nurses at The Forefront Transforming Care, Science and Research