gaining experience from seniors or cadres whose
working period is longer than them. This may result
in the performance of the cadres, without any learning
or experience they are less effective in implementing
the Posyandu.
Most respondents had a strong motivation with a
positive performance. The results of statistical tests
Spearman Rank showed there was a relationship
between motivation with the performance of cadres in
the implementation of Posyandu. The results were
also known level of relationship between the numbers
0,400 - 0,599 with the medium category. This is
because Motivation was the drive that caused the
individual to do business and work (WHO et al.
1999), (Syahmasa 2002) explained that cadre
motivation indicators consisting of incentives /
wages, recognition of individuals, group acceptance
had a significant relationship to the performance of
cadres in participating in improving nursing services
in Posyandu. Performance is effort (activity) plus
work result, (Supriyanto & Wulandari 2007).
Based on the results of study and theory could be
seen that of 23 respondents had a strong motivation
and had a positive performance. Motivation included
factors from the performance of cadres in the
implementation of Posyandu so that cadre
performance had positive outcomes in accordance
with existing procedures or rules. Without
motivation, the cadres could not perform well in the
implementation of Posyandu, because motivation was
an incentive to achieve a desire or a person's goals.
Most Posyandu cadres motivation had strong
motivation and positive performance. There was a
relationship of motivation with the performance of
cadres in the implementation of Posyandu.
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