Sleep Quality Relation with Hemodynamic Status on AMI Patients in
Akhmad Rifai
and Syifa Mutia Desiani
Health Polytechnic of Surakarta
Keywords: Acute Myocardial Infarction (AMI), Sleep Quality, Hemodynamic, MAP, Pulse, Respiration.
Abstract: Acute Myocardial Infarction (AMI) causes clinical symptoms that are felt by the patient, some of them are
shortness of breath, pale, headache, nausea, vomiting and the most common are chest pain. The presence of
such sleep disorders may affect the patient's hemodynamics. This study was conducted with the aim of
knowing whether there is a relationship between the quality of sleep with hemodynamics in AMI patients.
The research used descriptive analytic research design with cross-sectional approach. The sample used as
many as 30 respondents, sleep quality assessment using questionnaire and hemodynamic assessment done by
observation. The correlation test that used is Spearman test. The results of this study found sleep quality with
light sleep disorder 43.3%, medium 50%, weight 6.7%. The result of statistic analytic with Spearman test
showed relationship of sleep quality with MAP with p-value 0,003, sleep quality relationship with pulse
significance(p-value) 0.0001, and relation of sleep quality with respiration significance (p-value) 0.0001.
From the value of significance between sleep quality variables and hemodynamic variables showed that there
was a correlation between sleep quality and hemodynamic status (MAP, pulse and respiration) in AMI
patients. The conclusion is that there is a correlation between the quality of sleep with hemodynamic status
(MAP, pulse, respiration) in AMI patients in ICVCU RSUD Dr.Moewardi.
Acute Myocardial Infarction causes clinical
symptoms that the patient feels, some of them are
dyspnea (shortness of breath), orthopnea, pale, cold
sweat, headache, nausea vomiting. Clinical
symptoms in such AMI patients will leave nursing
problem and disturbing basic human needs, such as
chest pain at rest, and sleep disturbances that can
affect the patient's hemodynamic (Smeltzer, 2002).
In addition to hemodynamic changes, AMI
patients may have other symptoms; weakness,
burnout, irregular exercise schedule, dyspnea at rest
or work (Carpenito, 2000). AMI patients will
generally experience a decrease in sleep quality and
cardiovascular status. Poor sleep quality may result in
improved patient condition, which will extend
hospital stay (Nurarif 2013). The sytem of activity or
sleeping habits of nowadays is largely ignored by
society. Like people with heart disease if the sufferer
lack of sleep time resulted in the heart will work
harder. Sleep disorders characterized by increased
incidence of chest pain, increased heart rate,
electrocardiogram changes, high blood pressure and
risk of heart disease and stroke (Potter, 2010). The
hemodynamic conditions of patients with myocardial
infarction vary as cardiac output may be reduced
slightly or maintained within normal limits, increased
heart frequency is usually not continuous unless there
is myocardial depression, blood pressure is a function
of interaction between myocardial depression and
autonomic reflex (Muttaqin, 2009).
AMI patients experience hemodynamic changes
requiring intensive care in hospitals. RSUD
Dr.Moewardi Surakarta has a special room to handle
heart disease problem that is Intensive Cardio
Vascular Unit (ICVCU) room. ICVCU is a special
care unit for treating life-threatening cardiovascular
system patients with trained personnel and supported
with the completeness of specialized equipment
Based on a preliminary study conducted by
researchers at RSUD Dr.Moewardi Surakarta
obtained prevalence data of AMI patients in ICVCU
Room in 2010-2011 as many as 183 patients, in 2012
as many as 175 patients, while the year 2013-2014
increased to 825 patients. From 28 November 2015 to
9 December 2015 there are 20 cases of patients with
AMI (Medical Record, 2015). From the results of
Rifai, A. and Desiani, S.
Sleep Quality Relation with Hemodynamic Status on AMI Patients in ICVCU Room.
DOI: 10.5220/0008331407030706
In Proceedings of the 9th International Nursing Conference (INC 2018), pages 703-706
ISBN: 978-989-758-336-0
2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
interviews with 20 patients data obtained patients
complained of chest pain and there is sleep
disturbance. 25% of patients awaken from sleep
during the night due to cold, pain and not feel
comfortable during sleep. And 25% of other patients
say they can not sleep because they feel pain. Patients
with AMI who experience sleep disturbances usually
experience hemodynamic changes characterized by
blood pressure may be normal or ups and down, pulse
can be normal or up and down, increased respiratory
frequency, shortness of breath, pale and even
cyanosis (Doengoes, 2000).
The general objective of this study was to prove
the relationship between sleep quality and
hemodynamic status in AMI patients in the ICVCU
RSUD Dr.Moewardi.
The type of this research is non-experimental research
with analytical descriptive and cross-sectional
approach. Data collection in this study was conducted
by providing questionnaires, observation and
documentation study that aims to analyze the
independent variables and dependent variables.
Implementation of sampling technique in this study
using nonprobability sampling method by total
sampling of 30 respondents. By using Spearman
correlation test.
3.1 Characteristics of Respondents by
3.2 Characteristics of Respondents by
3.3 Distribution of Frequency based on
Sleep Quality
Table 3: Frequency Distri.bution Based on Sleep Quality.
Sleep Quality Amount Percentage(%)
no sleep disturbance
light sleep disorder
medium sleep disorder
severe sleep disorder
Total 30 100
3.4 Spearman Test between Sleep
Quality and MAP
Table 4: Spearman test between sleep quality and MAP.
N R p-value Evidence
30 0.517 0.003 There is a
3.5 Spearman Test between Sleep
Quality and Pulse
Table 5: Spearman test between sleep quality and pulse.
-value Evidence
30 0.660 0.0001 There is a
3.6 Spearman Test between Sleep
Quality with Respiration
Table 6: Spearman test between sleep quality and
NRp-value Evidence
30 0.760 0.0001 There is a relation
The most aged AMI respondents among 40-60 years
was 66.7%. So from the results of the study concluded
that AMI sufferers more attack at the age of 40-60
years. This is consistent with the theory of Corwin
(2009) which states that 45% AMI occurs at age >40
years and above are likely influenced by several
factors such as stress, obesity, hypertension which
causes increased afterload which will directly
increase the workload of the heart so that trigger
Table 1: Age-Based Frequency Distribution.
e Amount Percenta
< 40 years
40-60 years
>60 years
Total 30 100
Table 2: Frequency Distributions by Sex.
Gender Amount Percentage (%)
Total 30 100
INC 2018 - The 9th International Nursing Conference: Nurses at The Forefront Transforming Care, Science and Research
ventricular hypertrophy left which results in an
imbalance between the need and supply of oxygen.
AMI patients who experience acute pain are
caused by hypoxia in the heart muscle tissue that
forces cells to perform anaerobic metabolism,
resulting in lactic acid and also stimulate the release
of other iriatif substances such as histamine, quinine
or cellular proteolytic enzymes that stimulate the ends
of muscle pain receptors heart and impulse pain are
transmitted through afferent nerve fibers and are
precipitated by pain due to excessive sympathetic
nervous stimulation will lead to increased cardiac
work by stimulating the SA node resulting in more
than normal or fast heart beat frequency (Corwin,
The majority of AMI patients were male. Men are
more likely to have bad habits or lifestyles that can
affect the health such as smoking and drinking
alcohol that can affect a person's health.
In a person who smokes, cigarette smoke will
damage the walls of blood vessels. Cigarettes contain
many thousands of chemicals that are harmful to the
health of the body that can cause the heart will pump
even stronger and cause increased blood pressure.
Factors that affect the heart rate are physical
exercise, temperature, emotion medicine, posture
changes and pulmonary disorders. In addition to these
factors from the study also showed that the quality of
sleep also affects the heart rate. This is because a
person who is lack of sleep will increase RAS
(Reticular Activing System), when RAS increases
one's emotions also increases finally hormone
stimulates heart and heart contractions eventually
work faster and lead to increased pulse (Potter, 2010).
Respiration of respondents >20x/min is caused by
the increasing of body oxygen requirement, while
body oxygen is not increased so that it will cause the
increase of oxygen requirement to fulfill the
requirement of body metabolism so that there will be
increasing of breathing frequency along with the
increase of pulse frequency (Potter, 2010).
In patients with heart disease such as AMI patients
usually feel the pain especially the patient with the
first attack, other than that usually patients feel
shortness of breath because the circulation of oxygen
in the blood is reduced. Lack of oxygen supply which
can cause tissue hypoxia and cause shortness of
breath. Shortness of breath in AMI patients will
usually cause sleep disorders.
MAP is the mean arterial pressure during one
heart cycle is affected by cardiac output (CO), tone,
arterial elasticity and peripheral resistance, blood
viscosity and blood pressure preservation mechanism
(Smeltzer, 2002).
The adequate of blood pressure in each individual
should always be assessed. Increased or decreased
blood pressure is strongly influenced by the sensory
nerve where the nerve can affect vasomotor activity,
especially related to pain. Light pain can increase
vasomotor activity resulting in an increase in blood
pressure, while severe pain can decrease vasomotor
activity and cause a decrease in blood pressure
(Jevon, 2009).
Most of IMA patients with age between 40-60 years.
Respondents of male sex more than women. Most
have medium sleep disorder and light sleep disorder.
There is a relationship between sleep quality and
MAP. There is a relationship between sleep quality
and pulse. There is a relationship between sleep
quality and respiration
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