ventricular hypertrophy left which results in an
imbalance between the need and supply of oxygen.
AMI patients who experience acute pain are
caused by hypoxia in the heart muscle tissue that
forces cells to perform anaerobic metabolism,
resulting in lactic acid and also stimulate the release
of other iriatif substances such as histamine, quinine
or cellular proteolytic enzymes that stimulate the ends
of muscle pain receptors heart and impulse pain are
transmitted through afferent nerve fibers and are
precipitated by pain due to excessive sympathetic
nervous stimulation will lead to increased cardiac
work by stimulating the SA node resulting in more
than normal or fast heart beat frequency (Corwin,
The majority of AMI patients were male. Men are
more likely to have bad habits or lifestyles that can
affect the health such as smoking and drinking
alcohol that can affect a person's health.
In a person who smokes, cigarette smoke will
damage the walls of blood vessels. Cigarettes contain
many thousands of chemicals that are harmful to the
health of the body that can cause the heart will pump
even stronger and cause increased blood pressure.
Factors that affect the heart rate are physical
exercise, temperature, emotion medicine, posture
changes and pulmonary disorders. In addition to these
factors from the study also showed that the quality of
sleep also affects the heart rate. This is because a
person who is lack of sleep will increase RAS
(Reticular Activing System), when RAS increases
one's emotions also increases finally hormone
stimulates heart and heart contractions eventually
work faster and lead to increased pulse (Potter, 2010).
Respiration of respondents >20x/min is caused by
the increasing of body oxygen requirement, while
body oxygen is not increased so that it will cause the
increase of oxygen requirement to fulfill the
requirement of body metabolism so that there will be
increasing of breathing frequency along with the
increase of pulse frequency (Potter, 2010).
In patients with heart disease such as AMI patients
usually feel the pain especially the patient with the
first attack, other than that usually patients feel
shortness of breath because the circulation of oxygen
in the blood is reduced. Lack of oxygen supply which
can cause tissue hypoxia and cause shortness of
breath. Shortness of breath in AMI patients will
usually cause sleep disorders.
MAP is the mean arterial pressure during one
heart cycle is affected by cardiac output (CO), tone,
arterial elasticity and peripheral resistance, blood
viscosity and blood pressure preservation mechanism
(Smeltzer, 2002).
The adequate of blood pressure in each individual
should always be assessed. Increased or decreased
blood pressure is strongly influenced by the sensory
nerve where the nerve can affect vasomotor activity,
especially related to pain. Light pain can increase
vasomotor activity resulting in an increase in blood
pressure, while severe pain can decrease vasomotor
activity and cause a decrease in blood pressure
(Jevon, 2009).
Most of IMA patients with age between 40-60 years.
Respondents of male sex more than women. Most
have medium sleep disorder and light sleep disorder.
There is a relationship between sleep quality and
MAP. There is a relationship between sleep quality
and pulse. There is a relationship between sleep
quality and respiration
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