The Effectiveness of Psychoeducation in Improving Psychological and
Emotional Health Patients with Chronic Diseases (Tuberculosis): A
Systematic Review
Nurul Khoirun Nisa, Soedarsono
and Makhfudli
Faculty of Nursing Universitas Airlangga, Kampus C Mulyorejo, Surabaya, Indonesia
Keywords: Psychoeducation, Psychological and Emotional Health, Chronic Disease Patients, Tuberculosis.
Abstract: Background: individuals suffering from chronic disease were 2.6 times greater risk for an emotional mental
disorder. Tuberculosis (TB) is a chronic and infectious disease, caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis that
affects the lungs and can affect not only physical health but also psychological and social conditions.
Psychically and socially perceived by clients due to TB-related stigma and changing attitudes of people
around it, thus requiring the right method to know and handle it. the aim of this study was to describe the
patient's psychological and emotional health, especially patients with chronic diseases. Methods: this
systematic review using PICO frameworks on some databases to searching international scientific articles
such as Pro Quest, Ebscho, Pubmed, Science direct bounded from 2006 until 2017. The searching with the
keyword found 1,124 articles, Those articles are identified in accordance to the inclusion criteria, which got
7 articles. The search results are identified further to have critical appraisal to the stage of making
systematic review. Results: In general, all the journals conducted by the review provide results that
psychoeducation provides positive benefits as a medical handling strategy in improving the psychological
and emotional health of the patient in terms of decreasing levels of anxiety and stress as well as providing
good emotional support to the patient. Conclusions: Psychoeducation give an effective method that is
beneficial in providing a positive effect and good emotional support to the patient. This effect occurs in the
decline of good psychological health conditions, and increased levels of patient satisfaction to nurse.
Tuberculosis (TB) has become a health problem in
the world, a chronic and contagious infectious
disease, the third cause of death and ranks first for
infectious diseases class. The situation of
Tuberculosis in the world is getting worse, the
number of TB cases is increasing and many which is
not successfully cured, especially in countries
grouped in 22 countries with high burden countries.
TB caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis that
affects the lungs and can affect not only physical
health but also psychological (mental) and social
conditions. Physically, the patient will have a long
cough with coughing up blood, breathing difficulties,
weight loss, night sweats, and fever, while
psychologically and socially sensed patients are due
to TB-related stigma and changes in the attitude of
those around them. The impact of pulmonary TB can
affect many aspects of life and lead to a deterioration
in the quality of life of the patient (Jannah, 2016).
Tuberculosis therapy has a positive effect on the
physical condition, but there are other effects
obtained after tuberculosis patients completed
treatment and microbiologically declared cured, the
quality of life of patients with tuberculosis
significantly worse than the healthy population, in
terms of physical health (physical function, physical
health status, overall body pain, general health view)
and mental health (vitality of life, health effects on
living activity, restriction by mental health status,
general mental health) (Guo et al., 2009).
One form of therapy to reduce the psychological
impact is with psychoeducation. Psychoeducation is
the development and provision of information in the
form of community education as information related
to simple psychology that affects the psychosocial
well-being of society (Supratiknya, 2011). With the
provision of psychoeducation therapy, is expected to
increase knowledge and ability in self care, self
management in patients with chronic diseases
undergoing therapy.
Nisa, N., Soedarsono, . and Makhfudli, .
The Effectiveness of Psychoeducation in Improving Psychological and Emotional Health Patients with Chronic Diseases (Tuberculosis): A Systematic Review.
DOI: 10.5220/0008331907340737
In Proceedings of the 9th International Nursing Conference (INC 2018), pages 734-737
ISBN: 978-989-758-336-0
2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Provision of education has been shown to
increase therapeutic satisfaction, especially in the
comfort, social and quality of life domains,
especially in the domain of treatment satisfaction
(Mustikanigtyas, 2013). The results of the Yuni
study (2016) also show that there is a significant
relationship between knowledge of the disease and
medication adherence. Education is one of the
indicators that determine the success of treatment.
Patients with low education will be difficult to
receive treatment, where treatment takes a long time,
with more toxic drugs, more expensive with a very
large effect (WHO, 2013).
The study of psychoeducation therapy on anxiety
in chronic disease patients, ever done by Espahbodi,
Hosseini, Mirzade, & Beygom, 2015 entitled Effect
of Psycho Education on Depression and Anxiety
Symptoms in Patientson Hemodialysis said that the
results showed Psychoeducation decreased
depression score and total score HADS. However, it
is not enough to conclude the effect of
psychoeducation therapy on anxiety in patients with
renal failure who underwent hemodialysis.
The purpose of this study is to conduct a
systematic review of psychoeducation therapy on
improving the psychological and emotional health of
patients with chronic diseases. It is expected to
facilitate the provision of nursing interventions and
ultimately reduce the level of anxiety / psychological
and emotional impacts on chronic disease patients
undergoing therapy as well as other cases that allow
this therapy to be given.
The method used in Systematic review begins with
topic selection, then the keyword is determined to
search the journal using English through several
databases such as Science Direct, Ebscho, Pro Quest,
Google Scholar, e-resources, and Pub Med.
Keywords used are "psychoeducation", "health
psychological", "emotional", "chronic disease",
"TB/Tuberculosis". This search is bounded from
2006 until 2017. Journals were selected for review
based on studies that fit the inclusion criteria. The
inclusion criteria in this systematic review is
psychoeducation performed on patients with chronic
diseases. The searching with the keyword found
1,124 articles, Those articles are identified in
accordance to the inclusion criteria, which got 7
articles, then be observed and done Critical
This systematic reviews 7 journals. All journals
discuss about the influence of psychoeducation to
improve the psychological and emotional health of
patients with chronic illness.
Martin's research (2017) suggests that there is a
better improvement in sickle cell disease level
knowledge and self-efficacy for adolescents and
young adults who participate in SCD interventions
than those who participate in control conditions
(medication as usual). Further analysis revealed that
participants in psychoeducation interventions proved
significantly greater improvement in the subscale
outcomes of medical treatment and handling
strategies compared to those who participated in
control conditions.
This results were supported by research
conducted by Hemdi and Daley (2017) that
improvements were found in T2 (postintervention)
for stresses (F = 234.34, p = 0.00, and d = -1.52) and
depression (F = 195.70, p = 0.00, and d = -2.14) but
not anxiety, and these results are maintained in
T3(follow up 8 weeks). Changes in child behavior
problems were limited to hyperactive improvement
in T2 (F = 133.66, p = 0.00, and d = -1.54). Despite
the statistically significant changes in stress and
depression, changes to normal clinical levels are
limited to depression. None of the participants had
recovered after the intervention (Mother Stress Index
Short Form stress score), while 23 mothers (71.87%)
in the intervention group had recovered at T2 and 22
(68.75%) in T3 (Hospital of Anxiety and Depression
Scale depression score).
Similar research was also conducted Khanal et al
(2017) revealed that behavioral changes proved to
assist individuals in identifying appropriate changes
in levels of practice and policy. The findings of this
study emphasize the need for psycho-social support
tailored to work on simple aspects of psychological
support for the general population can be used easily
for use with people with MDR-TB.
The results were supported by Montoya (2013)
in the results of his qualitative study obtained
analysis of participants' answers to different
questions from semistructured interviews of patients
in identifying major categories of self-beliefs' 'To
realize that life is short' 'and requires active support
from the surrounding environment.
Chan (2006) also describes Psychoeducation
interventions that contain education, relaxation and
effective group support in improving outcomes from
the care provided, while also providing a positive
effect and good emotional support to the individual.
The Effectiveness of Psychoeducation in Improving Psychological and Emotional Health Patients with Chronic Diseases (Tuberculosis): A
Systematic Review
Research conducted Hosseini (2012) in Iran J Jid
Kidney Dis explained that Psychological training
and citalopram therapy useful in reducing symptoms
of anxiety and depression of patients undergoing
A similar study by Al-Rishawi (2015) proves
that there is a relationship between anxiety and
depression levels with socio-demographic
characteristics in clients with renal failure. The
results of this Psycho-educational program are
suggested to improve the client's psychological and
emotional status
In general, all journals conducted by the review
provide results that psychoeducation provides
positive benefits as a medical handling strategy in
improving the psychological and emotional health of
patients viewed from the aspect of decreasing the
level of anxiety and stress as well as providing good
emotional support there are patients.
Patients suffering from chronic diseases are
prone to psychological problems. Through the
research of Al-Rishawi, M.K.dan Al-Juboori, A.K.
(2015) suggests that the variant levels of anxiety and
depression in hemodialysis patients are associated
with sex, age, and occupation. The difference of
variant of psychological pressure with education
level showed significant result according to HADS
scale. Psychoeducation is therefore expected to
improve psychological function and emotional
Psychoeducation significantly affects stress
levels, anxiety and depression is demonstrated
through research conducted by Rahimipoour et al
(2015) through educational therapy hope to reduce
depression, anxiety, and stress levels in patients
undergoing hemodialysis. There were significant
results on the average score of depression, stress, and
anxiety in the treatment group. Through hope-
therapy education, individuals will have more
realistic goals and get rid of despair that can damage
self-confidence. So it is possible that the individual
is more resistant to negative events. In addition, hope
is a kind of feeling that enlarges the possibility of
future behavior or fun events.
The reseach An Gyeong-Ju's (2011) study also
showed that e-mail education decreased the stress
score, epinephrine and cortisol serum lower than the
control group after the 6-week e-mail education
program. The content and encouragement given in
the e-mail education program psychologically
supports elderly hemodialysis patients.
Psychological pressure is known to be greater than
physical stress. However, e-mail patient education
does not affect the limitations of time for face-to-
face and space.
In Research of Montoya (2013) nurses are
expected to reduce the impact of terminal illness on
clients, not only by controlling the symptoms but
also supporting the patient's health, by increasing the
sense of satisfaction in life, providing honest and
accurate information, building the patient's thoughts
on realistic health , and facilitate patients and
families in effective and quality communication).
Research conducted by Khanal (2017) also
indicates that with behavioral changes proven
helpful in identifying appropriate changes in attitude
and decision making. This study describes the need
for psycho-social support appropriate to the patient's
condition. Recent research on simple psychological
support packages for the general population can be
used easily for use with MDR-TB. Good
psychological support is expected to improve
attitudes and ways of making decisions in
determining therapy so that the success of therapy
will be more optimal.
Some studies do not statistically show significant
results regarding the influence of psychoeducation in
reducing stress, anxiety, or depression. In the
Espahbodi study (2015), psychoeducation affects
anxiety, depression and total HADS levels. Total
HADS is a combination of HADS depression and
HADS anxiety scores. Total depression and HADS
levels in decline significantly after educational
treatment, but, in women, psychoeducation effects
can only be seen in depression scores. Although
psychoeducation reduces an anxiety HADS score, it
is statistically insignificant. This may be due to the
duration of education as well as follow-up with a
short period of time. In addition, special skills taught
such as muscle relaxation require continuous
practice and require a fairly long duration.
Similar results were also raised by Hosseini
(2012) in his research. There were no significant
differences between citalopram groups and
psychological education groups on depression,
anxiety and total HADS scores. However,
psychological-social interventions for depression in
dialysis patients suggest that psychological
interventions added to routine medical therapy may
decrease depression in ESRD patients
INC 2018 - The 9th International Nursing Conference: Nurses at The Forefront Transforming Care, Science and Research
Psychoeducation can be an effective method useful
in giving positive effects and good emotional
support to Patients. This effect occurs in the decline
of good psychological health conditions, and
increased levels of patient satisfaction to nurse.
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An, Gyeong-Ju, 2011, Effect of e-mail education on
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Chan, Carmen W.H., 2006, ‘Psychoeducational
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The Effectiveness of Psychoeducation in Improving Psychological and Emotional Health Patients with Chronic Diseases (Tuberculosis): A
Systematic Review