Association of Birth Weight, Immunization, and Parity with
Nutritional Status of Children Under Five Years
Ony Linda
and Nurul Huriah Astuti
Study programme of public health, Faculty of health sciences, Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. HAMKA, South
Jakarta, Indonesia
Keywords: Immunization status, Low birth weight, Nutritional status, Parity
Abstract: Children under five are one group at risk of health. This study aimed to assess variables associated with the
nutritional status of children under five. This cohort retrospective study of 216 children under five and their
mothers/ caregivers were conducted (January 2018) using cluster random sampling technique. This study
involved collecting information on the socio-demographic characteristic and anthropometric measurement
(Weight for height z-score) of the eligible children. About 51.9% were male, 32.9% mother/ caregivers were
illiterate. The result showed that about 70.1% were found to have normal nutritional status, 10.3% were
found to be moderately wasted, and 7.5% were found to be severely wasted. About 8.3% had low birth
weight, 11.6% were partially immunized, and 9.3% had high parity ( 5 children). There was a significant
statistical association of children having low birth weight, immunization status, and parity with nutritional
status among the children studied. There is a need to promote and encourage girl/ female health education in
the communities in order to build their awareness about maternal health and immunization.
Children under five are one of the vulnerable
groups to health risk. Optimal nutritional status can
help them avoid disease problems. The impact of
malnutrition status includes reducing the quality of
human resources, increasing the risk of disease,
death and lack of intelligence of children, the risk of
death of children suffering from malnutrition, as
well as increasing malnutrition to 2.5 and 8 times
that of normal children. That influence nutritional
status are direct factors (food intake and infectious
diseases) and indirect (demographics, birth weight,
immunization, parity, etc.) Sukmawati dan Ayu
(2010). This study analyzed nutritional status based
on variables of birth weight, immunization, and
The research employed quantitative analytic with
a retrospective cohort design. The population
selected was all aged 10--59 months; they were the
visitors of posyandu. Samples were determined
using cluster random sampling (cluster = integrated
service post/ posyandu). The research location was
in the district Cipayung, Depok City (West Java),
particularly Cipayung (Posyandu RW 1, 9 and 11)
and Bojong Pondok Terong (Posyandu RW 2, 5, and
7). The sample size was calculated using the simple
random sampling formula (n = 98) with a design
effect of 2 (WHO provisions) and an additional
sampling error of 20% so that the total respondents
were 235, but only 216 respondents’ result can be
analyzed. The study was conducted in December
2017 until May 2018. Nutritional status data was
collected by measuring the weight for height index
Linda, O. and Astuti, N.
Association of Birth Weight, Immunization, and Parity with Nutritional Status of Children Under Five Years.
DOI: 10.5220/0008371000240027
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Social Determinants of Health (ICSDH 2018), pages 24-27
ISBN: 978-989-758-362-9
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
(WFH). The results of calculations with WHO-
Anthro software were compared to the WHO NCHS
standard; other data (demography, birth weight
immunization, and parity) were by observation and
interview. Before conducting the data collection, this
study was approved by the UHAMKA Health
Ethical Research Committee.
Based on the analysis, the mother giving
exclusive breastfeeding have not met the WHO
standards (4.8 months) as shown in the following
table 1.
Table 1: Statistical value of the independet variabel.
No Variable Mean SD Min Max
Birth weight (kg) 3.04 0.45 1.4 4.5
Exclusive BF
4.8 2.4 0 12
Start MP-ASI
4.8 2.4 0 12
Mother age
30.7 6.9 17 47
Parity (child) 2 1.04 1 8
Income (Rp) 3286800 1788455 600000 15000000
Family Size
4.4 1.5 1 11
By using nutritional status measurements based
on weight for age (WFA), the results obtained
revealed that about 77% of respondents have good
nutritional status.
Figure 1: Nutritional status of children under five years
based on WFA.
Demographic, immunization, weight, and
parity variables can be seen in the following
(table 2).
Table 2: Distribution of demographic, immunization,
weight and parity variables.
Variable n %
1. Yes 27 12.5
2. No 189 87.5
Birth Weight
1. Low 18 8.3
2. Normal 198 91.7
Immunization Status
1. Incomplete 25 11.6
2. Complete 191 88.4
Infection Diseases
1. Yes 91 42.1
2. No 125 57.9
1. Male 112 51.9
2. Female 104 48.1
Born Status
1. Twins 2 0.9
2. Single 214 99.1
1. No 91 42.1
2. Yes 125 57.9
Bivariate analysis resulted in the following table
(Table 3).
Table 3: Bivariate analysis of independent variabel.
Nutritional Status
OR ((5%
Other Normal
Birth Weight
1. Yes (< 2.5
(1.887 –
2. No ( 2.5
1. Incomplete
(1.621 –
2. Complete
1. Risky (4
(1.238 –
2. No Risky
(<4 children)
Association of Birth Weight, Immunization, and Parity with Nutritional Status of Children Under Five Years
The nutritional status of respondents was not
good (about 22.7%). It was caused by less optimal
food intake. Food intake is influenced by purchasing
ability, which is also influenced by parents' income.
More than half (54.6%) of the respondents’ parents
have inadequate income. In addition, almost half of
them suffered from infectious diseases (42.1%). In
line with the results of research by Linda and Hamal
(2011) in Tangerang, Banten, it was found that
30.1% of children under five had poor nutrition.
Likewise, Linda’s (2012) study on children under
five in Bogor regency shows 19.9% of the
respondents were in poor nutrition.
Children in this research were born with low
birth weight/ LBW (8.3%). The cause of LBW,
among others, was mother having an upper arm
circumference (LILA) of less than 23.5 cm before
pregnancy, thereby exposing her to the risk of
chronic lack of energy. The condition leads mother
to be at risk of giving birth to LBW. LBW status is
related to the nutritional status with a value of OR
5,096. It means that babies born with LBW
conditions have a risk of 5,096 times greater to get
poor nutritional status than those born with normal
Linda’s (2013) study found that there were still
4.3% of babies born with LBW conditions. The
results of Riskesdas in 2007, 2010, and 2013,
claimed that LBW in Indonesia amounted to 8.3%,
11.1%, and 10.2%, respectively. In other words, the
prevalence of LBW in the study area was still
relatively lower than the national figure, but higher
than the Linda study (2013).
Incomplete immunization status (11.6%) could
happen because parents were reluctant to bring their
children to health facilities to be immunized on the
grounds that after the immunization they become
feverish, fussy, and even sick. Statistically, there is a
correlation between the completeness of
immunization and the nutritional status of children.
The OR showed a value of 3,842. It means that
respondents who have incomplete immunization had
a risk of 3,842 times greater to experience poor
nutritional status than those with the complete one.
In addition, working mothers are likely to be the
cause of their children not being immunized.
However, this figure is still lower compared to the
results of the 2013 Riskesdas, where children who
did not have complete immunization were 40.8%.
The parity was more than 4 people (9.3%). There
were mothers who did not support family planning
(KB) programs. The results of the Linda’s (2013)
study found that 6.4% of mothers had high parity.
However, the result does not show any relation with
nutritional status.
Although the nutritional status of children
under five is better, about half of them still
experience LBW, incomplete immunization, and
high parity.
Thanks to Financial supporter, University
Muhammadiyah of prof. DR HAMKA (UHAMKA)
through the Research and Development Institute.
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Association of Birth Weight, Immunization, and Parity with Nutritional Status of Children Under Five Years