The nutritional status of respondents was not
good (about 22.7%). It was caused by less optimal
food intake. Food intake is influenced by purchasing
ability, which is also influenced by parents' income.
More than half (54.6%) of the respondents’ parents
have inadequate income. In addition, almost half of
them suffered from infectious diseases (42.1%). In
line with the results of research by Linda and Hamal
(2011) in Tangerang, Banten, it was found that
30.1% of children under five had poor nutrition.
Likewise, Linda’s (2012) study on children under
five in Bogor regency shows 19.9% of the
respondents were in poor nutrition.
Children in this research were born with low
birth weight/ LBW (8.3%). The cause of LBW,
among others, was mother having an upper arm
circumference (LILA) of less than 23.5 cm before
pregnancy, thereby exposing her to the risk of
chronic lack of energy. The condition leads mother
to be at risk of giving birth to LBW. LBW status is
related to the nutritional status with a value of OR
5,096. It means that babies born with LBW
conditions have a risk of 5,096 times greater to get
poor nutritional status than those born with normal
Linda’s (2013) study found that there were still
4.3% of babies born with LBW conditions. The
results of Riskesdas in 2007, 2010, and 2013,
claimed that LBW in Indonesia amounted to 8.3%,
11.1%, and 10.2%, respectively. In other words, the
prevalence of LBW in the study area was still
relatively lower than the national figure, but higher
than the Linda study (2013).
Incomplete immunization status (11.6%) could
happen because parents were reluctant to bring their
children to health facilities to be immunized on the
grounds that after the immunization they become
feverish, fussy, and even sick. Statistically, there is a
correlation between the completeness of
immunization and the nutritional status of children.
The OR showed a value of 3,842. It means that
respondents who have incomplete immunization had
a risk of 3,842 times greater to experience poor
nutritional status than those with the complete one.
In addition, working mothers are likely to be the
cause of their children not being immunized.
However, this figure is still lower compared to the
results of the 2013 Riskesdas, where children who
did not have complete immunization were 40.8%.
The parity was more than 4 people (9.3%). There
were mothers who did not support family planning
(KB) programs. The results of the Linda’s (2013)
study found that 6.4% of mothers had high parity.
However, the result does not show any relation with
nutritional status.
Although the nutritional status of children
under five is better, about half of them still
experience LBW, incomplete immunization, and
high parity.
Thanks to Financial supporter, University
Muhammadiyah of prof. DR HAMKA (UHAMKA)
through the Research and Development Institute.
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