Figure 1: The study area
2.2 Data Acquisition
The data used in this study are Landsat-7 satellite
image data path / row: 118/065 in 2002 and Landsat-
8 satellite image data path / row: 118/065 in 2017.
Data in a period of 15 years was used to determine the
major changes of physical condition such as land
cover changes that occur in the coastal area.
2.3 Data Processing
2.3.1 Digital Classification
Digital classification that used in this image
classification process is a supervised classification
with the type of maximum likelihood classification
using image processing software. Guided
classification is the stage of making comparisons
between each pixel image with each category in key
interpretation is done numerically by determining the
training area. Ground truth is carried out in this
classification process aims to take samples of field
data that are used as reference data to test the accuracy
of image classification using confusion matrix
calculations. Remote sensing techniques, including
the use of conventional aerial photography, can be
used effectively to complement surveys based on
ground observation and enumeration, so the potential
of a timely and accurate inventory of the current use
of the Nation's land resources now exists (Anderson,, 1976).
2.3.2 Sub-setting Study Area
The research area used in Lamong Bay and its
surroundings, the image used must be subset based on
the specified study area.
2.3.3 Ground Truth
In this research, field survey or groundtruth is
something that must be done. It aims to determine the
condition of sedimentation in field and condition of
the waters in general. Field data is used as a basis for
the interpretation of satellite imagery that represents
the area so that it can support the process of making
land cover maps. The results of the digital
classification are determined by the truth or accuracy
through a test of classification accuracy which is done
by calculating the confusion matrix using image
processing software. Things that must be done before
performing the classification accuracy test are
groundtruth which aims to check in the field about the
truth of the image classification results with the
appearance of the land cover objects in the field.
Based on research conducted by Ecoton, type of river
from Lamong River which has a high sedimentary
estuary, makes this area as a transit and feeding area
for migra birds from continental Europe to Australia.
Assessment of Land cover changes and
transformation for 15 years in the study area is
extracted from the Landsat 7 images (30 m) for the
period of 2002 and Landsat 8 images (30 m) for the
period 2017 using the Maximum Likelihood
Classifier (MLC) algorithm of supervised image
classification technique. Thus, the result describes the
different land cover feature classes based on the
Level-II category of USGS-LULC classification table
with overall classification accuracies of 79.93% and
81.67% and overall Kappa coeffient statistical values
of 0.69 and 0.76 respectively. The information of land
cover changes and transformation is an essential
source for coastal resources management in the
coastal area.
3.1 Assessment of Land Cover Change
between 2002 and 2017
Assessment of land cover change area in coastal area
of Lamong Bay can be seen in the following table