The materials required in this study are
bathymetry data obtained from the Pusat Hidro
Oseanografi TNI-AL (Pushidrosal), tidal data
obtained from field observations using tidal palms,
five years of wind data obtained from Badan
Meteorologi Klimatologi dan Geofisika (BMKG).
Current data obtained from field observations using
current meters at depth of 0.2d, 0.6d, 0.8d.
Equipment needed to assist data processing in order
to obtain the results of current patterns in the waters
of Kalbut Port Situbondo using hydrodynamic
module program.
The implementation of this research is divided
into two stages, the first stage is the data collection
bathimetri, tides, winds, waves, currents and
sediments and then proceed with data processing and
data analysis. The first step is to digitize the
bathymetry map to get the depth contour. Tidal data
is processed using Admiralty method to obtain tidal
harmonic constants (Fikri,, 2013). Wind data as
a wave generator is used to determine the direction,
height, and significant period, while the current data
is processed to determine the current velocity as the
validation of the model results. The results of tidal,
bathymetric, and wind data processing as inputs to
create a simulation in hydrodynamic module
(Oktiarini, 2015) which will produce simulation in
the form of pattern and current velocity.
3.1 Bathymetry
The depth of Kalbut Waters Situbondo ranged from
2-5.2 meters indicated by the gradation of dark orange
to purple. The depth of the water in the pond is about
2-2.4, while slightly in front of the pond water depth
ranging from 2.8-4 meters. The average slope of the
topography of this area is 0.02 ° or 1:42. Based on
Verstappen which refers to the United State Soil
System Management (USSSM) and Universal Soil
Loss Equation (USLE), a slope of less than 1 ° is
included in the almost flat category (Verstappen,
1953). The bathymetry profile of The Port of Kalbut
waters region as shown in Figure 2.
Figure 2: Bathimetry of The Port of Kalbut Situbondo.
3.2 Tidal
The observed data obtained were calculated using
the admiralty method to find the tidal harmonic
constant. The harmonic constant will be used to
process time series data that will be input into the
hydrodynamic module. The harmonic constants are
as shown in Table 1:
Table 1: Constant tidal harmonics.
128 38 2 55 22
347 20 112 112
16 1 2 0.4 7
296 91 282 20 112
The values of the constants M2, S2, O1 and K1
have relatively larger values than the other constant
values because they are the major constants in the
tides used as determinants of the type of tides. M2 is
a constant influenced by the moon, O1 is a constant
influenced by the declaration of the moon, K1 is a
constant influenced by moon and sun declination,
whereas S1 is a constant influenced by the sun.
Among the four constants M2 and O1 values are
relatively larger than K1 and S2, this indicates that
the moon has a greater influence than the influence
of the sun in the up and down movement of water in
Kalbut Situbondo waters. Rthe tides are influenced
by the gravitational pull of celestial bodies,
especially the moon and the sun, because the
position of the moon closer to the earth, the gravity
of the earth is stronger so that its influence on tidal
fluctuations is also more Great than the sun
(Pariwono, 1989). The value of Fromzahl in these
waters is 0.97 which indicates that this type of tidal