QUR’ANI: Assistive Technology Based on Android to Recite Qur’an
for the Hearing Impaired Children
Yusuf Hanafi
, Heppy Jundan Hendrawan
, Ilham Nur Hakim
Department of Arabic Literature, Faculty of Letter, Universitas Negeri Malang, Jl. Semarang 5, Malang 6514, Indonesia
Department of Non-Formal Education, Faculty of Education, Universitas Negeri Malang, Jl. Semarang 5, Malang 6514,
Keywords: Qur’ani, Android, Hearing Impaired, Qur’an, Children
Abstract: Reading the Al-Qur’an is an ability that must be possessed by every Muslim, including children with hearing
impairments. Conventional learning and limited assistive technologies to aid them in reading the Al-Qur’an
make it even harder for them to learn. This research is aimed to solve this problem by developing assistive
technology in the form of an Android application. The result of this research is the QUR’ANI application
composed of a menu of Arabic letters (hijaiyah), iqro parts 1-6, juz amma, evaluation, and about the
application. This application uses the Indonesian sign language system and emphasizes the visual-oral
approach as well as the application of the Maternal Reflective Method. Evaluations from experts in media,
design, and materials indicate that QUR’ANI is considered to be good. General testing with students indicate
that this application may be used for easy learning of the Al-Qur’an, but a number of dimensions of specific
practice needs to be considered in the next stage of testing.
Based on Law Number 12 of Year 2012, Islamic
Religious Education (Pendidikan Agama Islam
PAI), which includes lessons on reading the Al-
Qur’an, is a part of the National Education
Curriculum in Indonesia. PAI is a required subject for
every Muslim student, and students with hearing
impairments in special education are no exception.
Teaching children with hearing impairments is a
serious issue (Sládek, Bednárová and Miléřa, 2011).
Their inability to hear affects their difficulty in
pronouncing letters, which becomes their primary
impediment to be able to read well, let alone reciting
the Al-Qur’an fluently (Ishak, 2016). Research
conducted by (Kyle and Cain, 2015) also indicate that
the reading ability of children with hearing
impairments is lower in comparison to normal
children of the same age. This condition demands a
way of learning to read the Al-Qur’an that applies
appropriate approaches and teaching strategies for
students with hearing impairments (Ishak, 2016).
From the observation and interview carried out to
student and teacher in a number of places for special
education of hearing-impaired children indicate that
teaching strategies for reading the Al-Qur’an for
students with hearing impairments are still
conventional in nature and invariant. Similarly,
(Saari, 2012) who stated that teachers in special
education of hearing-impaired children do not
sufficiently implement varied strategies and almost in
entirety use auditory methods in teaching the Al-
Qur’an. These non-interactive strategies in
conventional teaching have caused the learning
motivation of children to remain low (Hussain et al.,
2014). In addition, conventional strategies will also
add to the learning difficulties of children with
hearing impairments (Shepherd and Alpert, 2015).
Some researches indicate that the low reading
abilities of children with hearing impairments is also
related to a low working memory (L. Hall and
Bavelier, 2010; Nunes et al., 2014; Kyle and Cain,
2015). Children with low working memory require
teaching with a repetitive method (L. Hall and
Bavelier, 2010; Nunes et al., 2014). (Stinson, 2010;
Debecv, Stjepanovič and Holzinger, 2014) explained
in their researches that technology becomes the right
solution to aid in a learning process that is appropriate
to the characteristics of hearing-impaired children. In
other researches such as (Shepherd and Alpert, 2015)
showed that introducing technology to hearing-
Hanafi, Y., Hendrawan, H. and Hakim, I.
QUR’ANI: Assistive Technology Based on Android to Recite Qur’an for the Hearing Impaired Children.
DOI: 10.5220/0008407600470056
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Learning Innovation (ICLI 2018), pages 47-56
ISBN: 978-989-758-391-9
2019 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
impaired children makes them more interested and
active in learning.
In contrast with this solution, observations that the
researcher conducted indicate that assistive
technologies being used in teaching the Al-Qur’an in
special education for children with hearing
impairments are still insufficient. The lack of
technological support in schools for hearing-impaired
children in the learning of the Al-Qur’an is another
very unfortunate fact (Ghadim et al., 2013). This
finding is reinforced by (Hussain et al., 2014) who
stated that teaching materials and learning aids in the
field of Islamic studies for children with hearing
impairments are still very much limited. As such, this
research was conducted to provide a solution in the
form of developing assistive technology for hearing-
impaired children to be able to learn to read the Al-
Research on appropriate assistive technologies for
hearing-impaired children had been done by (Kim et
al., 2017) showed that the majority of respondents in
their research suggests that assistive technologies
based on ICT and specifically mobile devices be
developed. These results were also used as their basis
in developing mobile applications specifically for
people with hearing impairments. Another
consideration why mobile applications need to be
developed is because this kind of technology can very
easily be used anytime and anywhere. This
technology can also provide a learning resource that
is appropriate and has been proven to be effective in
aiding the learning process of children with hearing
impairments (G. Ng’ethe, H. Blake and Glaser,
Research conducted by (Çuhadar and Odaba,
2009) indicate that mobile technologies are very
helpful in aiding children with hearing impairments
because these provide knowledge in a spoken manner
and a better learning experience. In addition, it has
also been reported that people with hearing
impairments can utilize and require mobile phones as
is the case with normal people (Nathan, Hussain and
Hashim, 2016; Singleton et al., 2018). Based on this
explanation, it can be concluded that mobile
applications are appropriate assistive technologies to
be developed for hearing-impaired children (Yue and
Zin, 2013; Cumming and Draper Rodríguez, 2017).
Many mobile applications specifically for people
with hearing impairments have actually been
developed, but special applications for learning the
Al-Qur’an are still quite limited. Thus far, mobile
applications for learning the Al-Qur’an specifically
for children with hearing impairments have only been
developed by (Hussain et al., 2014) as the application
mFakih on the Android platform, while a version for
the iPad had previously been developed by (’Aziah,
Jomhari and Zubi, 2012) as the application iFakih.
Both of these applications utilize the FAKIH method
which was developed by (’Aziah, Jomhari and Zubi,
2012); this method emphasizes the utilization of a
system of numbers and colors in teaching the Arabic
alphabet to hearing-impaired children.
The mFakih and iFakih applications have the
potential to be made into alternative solutions to solve
the problem of limited assistive technologies in the
learning of the Al-Qur’an by hearing-impaired
children in Indonesia. The two applications were
developed using English and Malay as the languages
of instruction, making them less fitting to be used in
special education for children with hearing
impairments in Indonesia. The use of foreign
languages becomes a more serious obstacle because
it makes children unable to interact with the assistive
technology. Because of this, the development of a
similar mobile application with Indonesian as the
language of instruction needs to be done. The
development of a mobile application with the
Indonesian Sign Language (Sistem Bahasa Isyarat
Indonesia – SIBI) has actually been conducted by
(Iqbal, Supriyati and Listyorini, 2017); the
application contains features for learning sign
language and providing sign language translations of
written texts, but is not specifically designed to aid in
learning to read the Al-Qur’an. Thus, the
development of QUR’ANI as an assistive technology
in the form of a mobile application that uses SIBI
becomes very important in increasing the interests of
children with hearing impairments to learn to read the
Al-Qur’an in special education in Indonesia.
QUR’ANI on the Android platform will provide a
different learning experience compared to
conventional learning. Learning which utilizes
Android-based mobile applications will encourage
and motivate children with hearing impairments to
learn, as has been reported by (Yue and Zin, 2013).
(Gardner, 2007; Carrió-Pastor and Mestre, 2014)
stated that motivation is the primary aspect in
learning, in particular in relation to learning to
pronounce letters and words. Results of research
conducted by (Saari, 2012) indicated that the most
significant factor that affects the mastery of students
with hearing impairments in learning the Al-Qur’an
is self-factors, and thus instilling and increasing
motivation through the facility of assistive
technology is the most appropriate method to be used.
From the observation and interview also had been
done by researcher indicated that students with
hearing impairments consider that mobile
ICLI 2018 - 2nd International Conference on Learning Innovation
applications may be developed to aid them in learning
to read the Al-Qur’an. Similar results were also found
in a research conducted by (Ibrahim, Alias and
Nordin, 2016) that students with hearing
impairments possess positive attitudes toward
technology by seeing that technologies, in particular
mobile technologies, have a very important role in
their learning. (Rekkedal, 2012) showed that the
positive attitudes of hearing-impaired children
toward assistive technologies is one of the most
important aspects for increasing their use of assistive
technologies. The positive attitudes that students
already possess as target users with their hearing
impairment is expected to aid in increasing their
motivation to actively learn to read the Al-Qur’an
using the QUR’ANI application.
This research is a research and development (R&D).
The development model used in this research is the
waterfall model of (Sommerville, 2011), with the
following stages. The first stage, “Requirements
Definition”, is the stage of analysis of software needs,
which are adjusted to its users. Analysis of the needs
of the QUR’ANI application was done by looking at
the field conditions in a number of special education
institutions for hard-of-hearing children on their
methods of teaching the Al-Qur’an. Through the
process of interview and direct observations of
hearing-impaired children, a detailed picture is
obtained regarding the specifications of the system
that needs to be developed.
The second stage, “System and Software Design”,
covers the design of a prototype to allocate the needs
of the QUR’ANI application such as hardware and
software, creation of a wireframe, and design of the
QUR’ANI application using Adobe Photoshop CS 7
by forming the architecture of the system in its
entirety. Results of documentation of this stage cover
a Usage Case Diagram in Figure 1 and Class Diagram
can see in Figure 2.
The third stage, “Implementation and Unit
Testing”, is the stage of creating the application and
writing the code to create the prototype design in the
form of the Front End design of the application using
XML. After the Front End design is completed, this
is followed by writing the code for the program in
Java using the IDE (Integrated Development
Environment) of Android Studio 2.0. Testing
involves the verification that each unit of the program
fulfills the specifications.
The fourth stage, “Integration and System
Testing”, covers the union of the design and program
units for the QUR’ANI application, which is then
combined with other programs and tested as a
complete system to ensure whether or not they are
appropriate with the needs of the software. After
going through this stage, the QUR’ANI application
may be distributed to users in order to test the product.
Testing of the system is composed of two parts, which
are expert validation (by experts in design, media,
material, and religion) and user testing. The media
expert also conducts a testing technique using a black
box to test the functionality of the system (the
software engineering aspect).
Figure 1: Use case diagram of QUR’ANI.
QUR’ANI: Assistive Technology Based on Android to Recite Qur’an for the Hearing Impaired Children
Figure 2: Class diagram of QUR’ANI.
The instruments used in testing the system are
expert validation forms utilizing the Likert scale from
1-5 and student response questionnaires. Data in this
research consist of both quantitative and qualitative
data. Quantitative data were obtained from
calculating the numerical average of every
component of statements. Qualitative data were in the
form of suggestions and commentary given by the
experts and target users. Results from this testing
would be used as a basis to implement a number of
improvements for the QUR’ANI application.
The fifth stage, “Operation and Maintenance”,
covers the process of fixing errors that did not appear
in previous stages and adjusting to the needs of users.
Addition of another menu was also adjusted with the
needs of users for application development, to enable
them to more easily learn the Al-Qur’an.
The resulting product of this research is the
QUR’ANI application, which is developed to assist
hearing-impaired children in reading the Al-Qur’an
well. QUR’ANI is a mobile application on the
Android platform with multimedia components that
cover text, pictures, audio, animation, and video.
Audio, video, animation, and text are a few of the
important requirements that must be considered for a
mobile application specially designed for children
with hearing impairments (Nathan, Hussain and
Hashim, 2016). The multimedia technology in this
application is intended to be able to accommodate all
learning styles of children with hearing impairments.
(Nathan, Hussain and Hashim, 2017) in their
research discovered the fact that children with hearing
impairments tend to require applications containing
more pictures and multimedia content because it is
easier for them to adapt with technology without
being left behind. The same results were also
discovered in a research conducted by (Liu et al.,
2010) that people with hearing impairments more
often suggest video as an addition that could be
inserted into an application. This indicates that visual
orientation is very important in the design of a mobile
application specific for individuals with hearing
impairments. Results of research conducted by
(Sládek, Bednárová and Miřa, 2011) indicated that
visual information has been proven to be more
effective compared to information received through
sound for children with hearing impairments.
However, (Knoors and Marschark, 2014) explained
that while children with hearing impairments possess
the characteristic of not very much relying on hearing,
this does not necessarily make them learners with a
visual style rather than an auditory one. Findings of
research by (Ibrahim, Alias and Nordin, 2016) also
stated that hearing-impaired children prefer visual
learning, but others also prefer learning through
ICLI 2018 - 2nd International Conference on Learning Innovation
verbal/auditory channels. This is what underlies our
intention to still include audio content in the
QUR’ANI application.
Although audio can be said to be less important in
learning carried out by children with hearing
impairments, audio content in this application is
intended to provide greater access to children with
only minor hearing impairments (who can still hear).
(Motlhabi et al., 2013; G. Ng’ethe, H. Blake and
Glaser, 2015) also explained that audio is considered
as a less important aspect, but adding audio content to
an application can provide benefits for
communication between people with hearing
impairments and those with normal hearing. Visual
and auditory content may also eliminate the
“juggling” that many hearing-impaired students
experience while learning in the classroom (Shepherd
and Alpert, 2015).
The icon of the application can be seen in Figure
3. The splash screen (Figure 4) appears when the
application is accessed and before entering the
primary screen shown in Figure 5. On the primary
screen, there are the menu items “Hijaiyah Letters”,
“Iqro Volume 1-6”, “Juz Amma”, “Evaluation”, and
“about the Application”. The contents for each of
these have unique and differing lessons that adjust to
the needs of hearing-impaired children.
For the menu item “Hijaiyah” (Arabic Letters),
the letters alif to ya’, which number to 28 in the
alphabet, is shown in Figure 6, where children will
choose one of the letters to learn, alif being one
example. The “Hijaiyah” menu is very important,
because learning of the Al-Qur’an usually begins by
learning the basics of the Arabic alphabet, or the
consonants and vowels that make up the text of the
Al-Qur'an. With this content, children will learn how
to pronounce the letters by tapping the microphone
button, which will then show the word being
pronounced can see in Figure 7. The content is also
supplemented by sounds that play and hand signs in
the form of animations that appear on the screen. This
speech-to-text system can increase the accessibility
for hearing-impaired children (Subhaashini et al.,
2015). This system also allows the possibility for
users to be able to interact with other people,
including people with normal hearing, in a
comfortable and efficient manner while using the
application (Chiu et al., 2010).
Figure 3: Icon.
Figure 4: Splash screen.
Figure 5: Primary screen.
QUR’ANI: Assistive Technology Based on Android to Recite Qur’an for the Hearing Impaired Children
Figure 6: Menu item “Hijaiyah”.
Figure 7: Menu item “Hijaiyah” is supplemented by
microphone and animation.
For the menu item “Iqro” (Readings), this is
divided into “part 1 to 6” in Figure 8 where children
will pick the content of one of the parts of Iqro 1-6;
each part contains approximately 30 pages in Figure
9. The Iqro content is supplemented by a system of
sounds and example signing animations. Animations
are an important aspect that must be considered in
developing an application specially designed for
children with hearing impairments (Adamo-Villani,
2007). Results of a research conducted by (Nathan,
Hussain and Hashim, 2016) showed that children
with hearing impairments need applications that are
eye-catching to them, and one of the criteria is
animation. With the presence of animation, children
will become interested to learn more actively with
this application.
For the menu item “Juz Amma” in Figures 10, its
content comprises short chapters of the Al-Qur’an
with Arabic text, translation, and transcription in
Roman script to make it easier for children to learn.
The menu item is supplemented by video learning
content integrated in the application (Figures 11). The
advantage of these videos is that they are also
supplemented with the Indonesian Sign Language,
Sistem Bahasa Isyarat Indonesia (SIBI), which has
been legalized by the Government of the Republic of
Indonesia. This use of sign language is as a learning
tool for memorizing and understanding the meaning
of the Al-Qur’an with hand signs.
Findings of a research conducted by (Ibrahim,
Alias and Nordin, 2016) showed that videos are a
learning resource that is selected by a majority of
children with hearing impairments. The use of videos
for learning has been proven to be effective for
hearing-impaired children (G. Ng’ethe, H. Blake and
Glaser, 2015). (Ahmadi, Abbasi and Bahaadinbeigy,
2015) explained that the use of learning videos
encourages hearing-impaired children to learn in an
effective manner. Another advantage of the use of
videos is that students who do not understand the
material being delivered can repeat the videos to
better understand them.
Although there are researches that suggest that
learning to read the Al-Qur’an using sign language is
hard to master by students who are hearing-impaired
(Hussain et al., 2014), this application still uses sign
language. This research follows the findings of the
research conducted by (Muhn and Juhn, 2015) that
videos of sign language in special education for
children with hearing impairments is very important.
These findings are reinforced by (Ibrahim, Alias and
Nordin, 2016) who indicated that a majority of
students with hearing impairments prefer to use sign
language in aspects of communication. Sign language
is the most natural form of communication for many
people in hearing-impaired communities. Sign
language and the oral method are the most
appropriate ways of communicating for children with
hearing impairments (Kim et al., 2017). As such, the
videos in this application utilize sign-language
translations in order to make it easy for children to
understand their contents. Understanding of sign
language is an important predictor of the
understanding of texts by children with hearing
impairments (Dockery, 2013).
ICLI 2018 - 2nd International Conference on Learning Innovation
Figure 8: Menu item “Iqro”.
Figure 9: Menu item “Iqro” each part.
Figure 10: Menu itemJuz Amma”.
Figures 11: Menu “Juz Amma” with Video.
Figure 12: Menu item “Evaluation”.
Figures 13: Result of evaluation.
QUR’ANI: Assistive Technology Based on Android to Recite Qur’an for the Hearing Impaired Children
The menu item “Evaluasi” (Evaluations) contains
2 kinds of evaluations, which are “Hijaiyah” and
“Iqro” in Figure 12; these evaluations utilize the
system of speech recognition, where the system of
sound input becomes a good oral learning tool for
hard-of-hearing people to instill habits. This content
will train children to speak, and at the end of a lesson
an evaluation will appear for the results and spoken
answers seen in Figure 13. This content facilitates the
application of the Maternal Reflective Method
(MRM) as special learning for hearing-impaired
children, which prioritizes the repetition of words.
(Ishak, 2016) explains that children with hearing
impairments always ask for the repetition of words
and have problems in speaking and so they need
access to communication in order to be able to read
the Al-Qur’an. This menu can also optimize access to
communication for them. This method has also been
proven to be able to train the speaking abilities of
children with hearing impairments in an effective
manner (Prasetyo, 2017).
Results of expert evaluation showed an average
media score between 4.7-5.0 (Table 1), an average
design score between 4.3-4.8 (Table 2), and an
average material score between 4.5-5.0 (Table 3).
Expert evaluation showed that the QUR’ANI
application is considered to be very good in terms of
media, design, and material.
The practicality of the QUR’ANI application was
tested by 5 hearing-impaired students and 1 teacher at
the Yayasan Pendidikan Tunas Bangsa (YPTB)
Malang, where it was shown that the QUR’ANI
application could be easily used by both students and
teachers. The students appeared to be enthusiastic in
learning how to read Arabic Letters using the
QUR’ANI application. When the students and
teachers were interviewed for their opinions about the
application, in general they stated their appreciation:
“Cool… good… it makes me more spirited to learn”
Table 1: Data of expert appraisal of media.
Criteria of
4.9 5.0 Very good
4.7 5.0 Very good
Table 2: Data of expert appraisal of design.
Criteria of
Illustration 4.6 4.7 Very good
4.3 4.8 Very good
Table 3: Data of expert appraisal of material.
Criteria of validity Expert
Instruction 4.5 4.8 Very good
Substance of
5.0 5.0 Very good
“QUR’ANI is very interesting…visualization is
very important for communication with students who
possess hearing impairments…this media will also
further motivate them to learn; on the other hand, this
media provides us a solution to overcome the
limitations of other media that are used in teaching
them how to read the Al-Qur’an, and so we can
reduce the amount of conventional learning”
The limitations in this research are the limited test
subjects available for testing, and that the testing had
not considered the background of the students.
(Dammeyer, Lehane and Marschark, 2017)
explained that differences in the usage of technology
by children with hearing impairments is very much
related to age, level of hearing loss, the mode of
communication between children and adults, gender,
and the level of education that the adults possess. At
this stage of testing, students were still limited in their
usage and pronunciation of the Arabic letters, without
paying attention to their fluency. Fluency is an
important aspect of teaching how to read, and this has
not been fully explored in the field of educating
students with hearing impairments. Reading fluency
contributes to the abilities of hearing-impaired
students to achieve a reading level that is equivalent
to their colleagues with normal hearing (Luckner and
Urbach, 2012).
Evaluation of the usability of the application for
children with hearing impairments is usually
conducted generally without paying attention to a
number of specific and further-detailed criteria. This
causes a number of applications that have been
developed to be unable to some portion. The
development stage of the QUR’ANI application has
reached the stage of expert evaluation and testing, but
the testing is still very much general. The next stage
to be done is conducting tests that pay attention to a
number of dimensions of application practicality for
children with hearing impairments as described by
ICLI 2018 - 2nd International Conference on Learning Innovation
(Nathan et al., 2017), which cover efficiency,
satisfaction, ease, effectiveness, and accessibility. In
addition, we would also like to pay attention to the
backgrounds of students and their level of fluency in
This research has succeeded in developing the
QUR’ANI application especially for children with
hearing impairments to learn to read the Al-Qur’an.
QUR’ANI emphasizes on the visual and oral aspects,
which will provide greater accessibility to hearing-
impaired children. The Maternal Reflective Method
can also be applied in this application with the
presence of speech recognition content. This
application has been validated by a number of experts
and has been tested out on students; in general, the
results showed that this application can be used to
teach how to read the Al-Qur’an to students with
hearing impairments.
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