Revisiting 3 Srikandi Film as Gestural Multimedia on Teaching ini
and itu Deixis to Foreign Students
Destiani, Andayani, Muhammad Rohmadi
Sebelas Maret University, Surakarta, Indonesia
Keywords: Bahasa Indonesia, Deixis, Foreign Students, Gesture, Multimedia
Abstract: Foreign students who study in Indonesia must learn Indonesian Language for Foreigner/ Bahasa Indoensia
bagi Penutur Asing (BIPA). Teaching deixis by using multimedia is urgent because it can bring both verbal
and nonverbal elements. This study was aimed to (1) describe the gestural use of ini and itu deixis, (2) to
determine the gesture functions on those deixis use, and (3) to find relation between gesture and verbal deixis
of 3 Srikandi film. This qualitative study took multimodal corpus approach for the analysis. The research
material was 3 Srikandi film to seek verbal and nonverbal elements on deixis use. The verbal elements were
ini and itu deixis while the nonverbal elements are gesture, facial expression, and voice. The sampling
technique was purposive and the data were retrieved through annotation. Content analysis was fully occupied
to reach conclusion. The result of the study found that gesture, facial expression and intonation were utilized
at 3 Srikandi film in using ini and itu deixis based on context. BIPA teachers are suggested to use the film for
teaching ini and itu deixis in order to enhance students’ comprehension on its nonverbal elements.
In the last decades, there are many countries
interested in Indonesian language. Fourty six
countries started to learn Indonesian language such as
Australia, US, Canada, Japan, Russia, Africa, and
Germany. Recently, Indonesian language is the fourth
most popular language in Australia (Andayani, 2015).
It may indicate that the attempt to spread over the
language through teaching program of Bahasa
Indonesia bagi Penutur Asing/ Indonesian Language
for Foreigner (BIPA) was successful. The more
learners the more well known will be.
Language Center (UPT Bahasa) of Sebelas Maret
University has been conducting BIPA program for
years. The program has been followed by numerous
foreign students from many countries. They must
learn Indonesian language even though they are from
various first languages (Kusmiatun, 2016). Most
BIPA teachers utilize textbook as learning source
which becomes prevalence among foreign language
learning. Skolverket (2006) revealed that 75%
teachers use textbook as the only learning source to
teach second language. It can be implied that textbook
has a significant role as learning input for learners.
Sahabatku Indonesia textbook is one of widely used
material for teaching BIPA. Vocabulary and grammar
become important aspects in teaching BIPA because
they relate to understanding discourse. Further,
Tanskanen (2006) emphases that grammar
comprehension is signed by cohesion understanding.
Cohesiveness of a sentence or utterance will make a
discourse is coherence and logical (Alarcon and
Morales, 2011).
Deixis is part of cohesive device which functions
as sign of a temporarily spatial context (Levinson,
1983; Green, 1992). Deixis links language and
context, good comprehension on deixis will result
context understanding (Prasch, 2016). A language
form is deictical when it denotes something or the
reference moveable or changeable to speaker and
depends on where the words produced. Deixis
comprises various grammatical terms such as
pronoun and verb which clarify entities in social,
linguistic or broader spatial context. It can be
synthesized that deixis is a word or more than one
word which becomes part of language and is
contextually bound on time, distance, and producer
(Putrayasa, 2014).
Grammatically, written language depend on the
context in which unspecified pronoun can cause
misinterpretation among the readers (Fairclough and
Wodak, 2008). In the face to face communication,
Destiani, ., Andayani, . and Rohmadi, M.
Revisiting 3 Srikandi Film as Gestural Multimedia on Teaching ini and itu Deixis to Foreign Students.
DOI: 10.5220/0008408300960104
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Learning Innovation (ICLI 2018), pages 96-104
ISBN: 978-989-758-391-9
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
utterances from the speaker will easily understood by
the addressor because a direct clarification is possible
and the denoted object might be close (O’Keefe,
Clancy and Adolphs, 2011). Deixis is devided into
three, they are producer, time and location. The
examples of each type are pronoun (I, you),
demonstration (this, that), and time or space (now,
here, there) (Mulderrig, 2012). The AntConc version
3.4.5 software revealed ini (this/these) and itu
(that/those) deixis in Sahabatku Indonesia textbook
were amounting to 309. AntConc is a software that is
able to show frequency of a word in a book,
newspaper, magazine, document or others. As
addition, the software provides keywords and
concordance of a word to see the context (Anthony,
Deixis of ini and itu teaching which was focused
only on verbal element may cause difficulties for
BIPA students in practice. A communication can be
effective when it engages both verbal and nonverbal
elements. Verbal element consists of both spoken and
written utterances. Nonverbal element may invoke
gesture, expression (mimic), voice, and posture.
Bonsignori (2018) emphasizes that the use of both
verbal and nonverbal elements ease delivering
information. Unfortunately, BIPA textbook
Sahabatku Indonesia presented ini and itu deixis
material in the verbal form. Some researchers, Kress
& Van Leeuwen (1996) reveal that textbooks
concentrate more on verbal aspect, instead of
In the modern era, video is part of multimedia in
teaching. A video becomes an enjoyable learning
media since it can show a real object as well as an
abstract concept becoming more concrete
(Rahmawati, Santoso and Andajani, 2017). As
addition, Lei (2016) found that multimedia
successfully improved teaching in the class. Students
were stimulated and motivated to learn foreign
language. Video provides both spoken language and
its body language, mimic, and voice. Nonverbal
elements in a video present significance for learning
(Harmer, 2007). Not only does it help concentration,
but also does maintain the relevance of teaching
material and objectives.
Body language of a speaker have functions on the
uttered message. Kendon (2004) argues that gesture
functions as deictic (hand or head position pointing to
an object close from the speaker or pointing to
interlocutor); representational (hand gesture and
facial expression to represent an abstract object);
performative (shaking head to say No); framing
(gesture which used to explain or tell story followed
by emotion); discursive (gesture to sign discourse or
cohesion of a story); interactive (gesture followed
with gazing to addressee, to ask attention from
addressor); and word searching (hand gesture or
facial expression that indicate the speaker tries to find
Further, Kendon (2004) explains the relations
between verbal and nonverbal that comprise reinforce
(the information performed by the gesture is similar
with the linguistic message); complement (the
reference of the object is not explicit, the gesture add
information on incomplete linguistic element);
supplement (gesture signifies linguistic information);
integrates (the gesture makes the message more
precise); contradicts (the gesture is the opposite of
linguistic utterances); and substitute (the gesture
replace linguistic information such as shaking head
for No).
For understanding gesture, 3 Srikandi film can be
used as a multimedia in learning Indonesian
language. It is about the struggle of three female
archery athletes to gain medals at Summer Olympiad
in Seoul, South Korea 1988. The film was released in
the mid of 2016 when Rio de Janeiro Olympiad was
held, the film was to commemorate the three women
who made Indonesia proud. The film achieved the
highest Indonesian film award, Piala Citra, because
high quality performers starred the film such as Reza
Rahardian, Bunga Citra Lestari, Chelsea Islan, and
Tara Basro (, 2016). The film is
able to use as multimedia because it provides various
type of gesture in using ini and itu diexis as explained
by Parker & Faulk (2004) and Toman & Rak (2000)
that a film can engage students to be more active in
This study tried to investigate verbal and
nonverbal elements of 3 Srikandi film. The verbal
elements were two references stated by actor or
actress, they were ini and itu. The nonverbal aspects
were as gesture, expression, and voice during uttering
ini and itu. Subsequently, the relations between verbal
and nonverbal elements were discussed. Therefore,
the current study has three research questions, they
1. How are the gestures on ini and itu deixis
presented on 3 Srikandi film?
2. What are the functions of the gestures?
3. What are the relations of gesture toward speech?
This is a qualitative study with multimodal corpus
approach. Multimodal refers to discourse analysis
that uses various types of material to analyze such as
Revisiting 3 Srikandi Film as Gestural Multimedia on Teaching ini and itu Deixis to Foreign Students
motion, utterances, image (static or dynamic), written
text, music or film in a website (Kress, 2011). The
subject of the study was 3 Srikandi film that depicts
about the struggle of three female archers to gain
three medals in an international sport competition.
The film obtained outstanding achievement in the
highest Indonesian film award, Piala Citra 2016. The
film was starred by four prolific actor and actresses;
Reza Rahardian as Donald Pandiangan, Bunga Citra
Lestari as Nurfitriyana Saiman, Chelsea Islan as
Lilies Handayani, and Tara Basro as Kusuma
Wardhani (Maulana, 2016). The focuses of this study
were both verbal and nonverbal elements of 3
Srikandi film. The verbal element involved ini and itu
deixis while nonverbal elements were body
movement, expression, and intonation. The data were
retrieved through observing the film clips. This
purposive sampling (Sugiyono, 2017) was done to
gain the intended performance of ini and itu deixis
production. The data collection procedure was begun
by downloading the video from the internet. The film
was watched to identify the verbal and nonverbal
elements. Watching and identifying enabled this
study achieved the data (Mahsun, 2007).
Based on the annotation process, the deixis of ini and
itu were used in various contexts on the film. The
deixis were used to denote either real or imaginary
object. The gesture functions which were performed
in the film varied from deictic, representational,
performative, framing, discursive, interactive, and
word searching. For the sake of verbal and nonverbal
relation, the film depicted reinforce, complement,
supplement, integrates, contradicts and substitute.
The following parts show the functions and relations
of gestures.
3.1 Verbal and Nonverbal of ini Deixis
The Figure 1 represents a clip of Pak Udi and the
chief. The chief performed ini deixis with binocular
on his hand. In the context, Pak Udi explained about
training progress in Sukabumi of three female
archers, Fitriyana, Suma and Lilis. Hearing the
positive report, the chief was encouraged and curious
to observe the ongoing exercise on the field. The
chief enthusiastically took the binocular provided by
Pak Udi. In few seconds, after setting the binocular
on his eyes, the chief’s facial expression changed
drastically. He expressed disappointment and anger
because the reality was not as good as the expectation.
The three female archers missed their shoots. The
chief furiously shouted “What is this?” and handed in
the binocular to Pak Udi. At the end, Pak Udi was
stunned with the chief expression. Table 1 shows the
excerpt of the conversation.
Figure 1: Clip when ini deixis was used by the chief.
Table 1: Dialog between Pak Udi and National Chief.
in Indonesian
in English
Pak Udi
“Selama ini kloter
terbaik yang
Fitriayana, Kusuma
wardhani, dan Lilis
selalu di atas empat
So far, the group
achieved the best
point, over 400.”
“Oh, ya?”
(penasaran dan
“Oh, really?
(curious and
Pak Udi
“Mari kita lihat hasil
gemblengan pelatnas
di Sukabumi.”
(kemudian ketua
“Let’s see the
result of training
at Sukabumi.”
(put the binocular
on chief’s eyes)
“Apa ini?” (ekspresi
berubah menjadi
marah dan kecewa)
What is this?
(disappointed and
angry together
with hand in the
binocular to
Pak Udi).
Verbal Element
Based on the dialog which occurred on the time of
01: 15: 42 between pak udi and the chief, ini deixis
was focused. On the sentence apa ini? (what is this)?
The word ini refers to the missing target or bad
performance of the three archers. The chief’s
expectation was as high as description told by pak udi
but he witnessed bad performance.
ICLI 2018 - 2nd International Conference on Learning Innovation
Nonverbal Element
The video depicted that the body movement which
was done by the chief when saying ini was handing in
the binocular to the addressee (pak udi). The chief’s
facial expression depicted anger and disappointment
because the athletes showed bad performance. Saying
ini to refer a real object in this conversation, the
arrow, and followed by expression and body
movement indicated that the chief created deictic and
framing gesture functions. The relation between what
is this? (apa ini?) Utterance and gestures were
reinforce and supplement. The gesture signifies
commentary created by the chief on behalf of
disappointment because the three athletes missed
their points.
Figure 2: Lilis beg bless from her mother.
Figure 2 represents a clip where lilis had a sorrow
monolog towards her mother. This is a sample of ini
use. The setting was in a hospital where her mother
laid on a bed with injury after an accident. Previously,
lilis and her mother had a dispute because her mother
insisted her to marry a man. Lilis refused it because
she had a boyfriend namely deni. Her mother always
opposed the relationship, on the contrary, lilis never
agreed her mother choice. When her mother got the
accident, lilis visited her mother at the hospital. In the
scene, lilis cared her mother hair and cried. She held
her mother’s hands and kissed them. She begged her
mother to approve her relationship with deni. To
make her mother proud, she promised she would
achieve a medal from the Olympic. The excerpt can
be seen in Table 2.
Table 2: Monolog by Lilis.
In Indonesian
“Bukan maksud Lilis
nggak nurut sama ibu.
Bukan maksud Lilis
ngelawan ibu. Lilis
tahu, Lilis sering
mengecewakan ibu.
Nggak nurut sama ibu.
Tapi sekali ini aja ya
Bu. Sekali ini aja Bu.”
(menangis sambil
menciumi jemari ibu)
“Lilis... (agak jeda)
minta restune menikah
ambek Mas Deni, Bu.
Lilis janji Lilis akan
membawa pulang
medali dari olimpiade,
Bu. Lilis janji. Lilis
janji sesuai harapan
ibu. Lilis janji, Bu.
Hanya Deni yang bisa
membahagiakan Lilis,
Bu. Iya, Bu.” (terus
Verbal Element
Table 2 showed the use of ini verbally. The
actress stated Tapi sekali ini aja ya Bu. Sekali ini aja
Bu (But, only for this time) said by Lilis on 01: 11:
07. The ini deixis refers to request of Lilis to be
blessed, for her relationship with Deni, by her mother.
Nonverbal element
The nonverbal aspect performed by Lilis was
dominantly sad expression. When saying ini, she held
her mother’s fingers with eyes gazing on them
followed by crying and nodding. Her expression was
very gloomy. Ini deixis in this scene denoted
nonconcrete object together with nodding and
miserable expression. The combination of this gesture
and facial expression indicated Lilis utilized multiple
functions, they were representational, performative,
and framing. In the term of relation, Lilis created
supplement relation because she nodded her head
vigorously when saying ya to signify her point.
Revisiting 3 Srikandi Film as Gestural Multimedia on Teaching ini and itu Deixis to Foreign Students
3.2 Verbal and Nonverbal Elements of
itu Deixis
Figure 3: Pandi was mad of Suma’s failure.
Set at archery field, Figure 3 depicts distress and
pressure that experienced by Suma. She tilted her
head down with grief. As the trainer, Pandi scolded to
Suma because she performed unfavorably when the
national chief saw her terrible performance. Pandi
was very mad and spoke with high intonation to
Suma. Here is the extract of the dialog.
Table 3: Dialog when Pandi was angry with Suma.
In Indonesian
In English
“.... Jarimu tidak
rileks. Bagaimana
mau dapat rilis
yang halus? Bodoh
kau! Mau menangis
lagi? Hah?!”
(marah dan nada
“…. Your fingers
are stiff. How to
release smoothly?
You idiot! Wanna
cryagain? Hah?!
(angry with high
“Bang... Bang....”
(meredakan Pandi)
….” (trying to calm
down Pandi)
“Yang perlu kau
perhatikan adalah
kecepatan anak
panah dan arah
yang sudah pasti
sama. Maka dengan
begitu kau akan
mendapatkan rilis
yang halus. Mulus
itu terbangnya.
Bukan geradak-
geruduk seperti isi
kepalamu ini.”
(masih memarahi)
What you need to
focus is that the
arrow speed and its
direction making
one point. So that,
you will get smooth
release. That take
off must be smooth.
Not bustle or hustle
like your mind.
Verbal element
Table 4 shows the context of deixis use. Pandi
used itudeixis in the sentence of That take off must be
smooth. The word itu denoted arrow bolted from the
bow. The distance between addressor and addressee
towards the arrow was slightly far. Itu was stated by
Pandi on the time of 01: 16: 16.
Nonverbal element
Pandi pointed his index finger to the target board.
His expression was mad with high tone voice. Pandi
and Suma became center of other people’s attention.
Suma bowed her head when Pandi was mad at her.
The existence of a real object, arrow and target board,
followed with body movement, expression and
intonation constructed gesture functions, i.e. deictic,
framing, and interactive. The relations between
verbal and nonverbal were reinforce and supplement.
These multimodal actions occurred on 01: 16: 16.
Figure 4: Pandi explained regulation in his training.
On the Figure 4, Pandi was standing in front of the
female athletes. Pandi exclaimed that the discipline is
supremacy. He asked all of the athletes must be
obedient to the regulation. He emphasized that
disciplne is the success key. The setting was at a field
in the peak of noon. Right when Pandi finished his
words, Lilis came late and joined the line. Lilis was
punished to run around the field as consequence.
Table 4 describes the dialog.
ICLI 2018 - 2nd International Conference on Learning Innovation
Table 4: Dialog between Pandi and Lilis.
In Indonesian
In English
“Perlu kalian ingat,
disiplin itu mutlak.”
(tegas sambil
“Itu peraturan saya
di sini.” (Lilis lari
menuju lapangan)
“Saya percaya,
kalau kalian ini
adalah pemanah-
pemanah dengan
semangat tinggi.”
(kemudian melihat
Lilis berlari menuju
“Cepat-cepat, cepat,
cepat.” (menyuruh
Lilis segera
mendekat dan
“All of you must
remember, that
discipline is absolute
(assertive speech
with pointing).
That’s my rule here
(Lilis ran
approaching the
I believe, all of you
are the chosen
archers with high
Hurry up!
(commandLilis to
get closer and join
the group).
“Maaf Pak Pelatih.
Aku terpontang-
pontang mengejar
bajay.” (napas
terengah- engah)
I am sorry Coach. I
was running after
bajay crazily.”
“Tujuh menit kau
telat, tujuh kali
(sambil melihat jam
lalu menunjuk ke
arah lapangan lain)
“Seven minutes, you
are late, run around
the field seven
times….” (checking
his watch and
pointing to the field)
Verbal element
Table 4 showed itu deixis in the utternaces Perlu
kalian ingat, disiplin itu mutlak dan itu peraturan saya
di sini (All of you must remember, that discipline is
absolute). The itu deixis denotes regulation of archery
training that urged all athletes to be discipline. Itu
deixis was stated on the minute of 00.29.53. The itu
deixis denoted to discipline which previously stated
on the itu peraturan saya di sini.
Nonverbal element
The object stated by Pandi was abstract. When he
said itu, his finger pointed to ground and his eyes fell
to the athletes. Submissiveness and obedience were
represented by word itu which occurred on 00.29.53.
Pandi wants what he said was understood and
implemented well. The gestures had functions as
representational and interactive. As addition, the
realtion between the utterances and the gesture was
integrates because the gesture and expression
construct a meaning that the rule cannot be bargained
by anyone. The word itu made the communication
more effective because Pandi did not need to repeat
what he said.
Discipline is an abstract word. Pandi pointed the
ground while his eyes were on athletes followed with
uttering di sini. The setting was on a field in the sunny
day. The word itu indicated discipline word which
was mentioned on the previous part. The gesture
functioned as representational, discursive and
interactive. The relation between utterances and
gesture were complement and integrates.
Figure 5: Pandi was questioning why he became trainer for
Table 5: Dialog between Pandi and Pak Udi.
in Indonesian
in English
“Kok aku melatih
tim putri?” (menatap
Pak Udi)
“Are you serious, I’ll
train female
contingent?” (Staring
at Pak Udi)
“Kenapa? Apa
menurutmu mereka
nggak bagus”
Why? Are they
below qualification?
“Bukan, bukan,
bukan itu. (sambil
geleng-geleng dan
Aku sangat yakin
jika mereka
memiliki potensi
yang sama.”
“No, no, that’s not
true. (vigorously
shake his head and
close his eyes).I
believe they have
same potential.
Figure 5 was taken place at Pak Udi’s office room.
He visited the room after being asked to train female
archers. Previously, Pandi was reluctant to do the job.
However, finally Pandi came to the room because he
was motivated by his own nationalism in the dialog,
Pandi was astonished because he was gotten to train
female archers. He bargained whether he could train
Revisiting 3 Srikandi Film as Gestural Multimedia on Teaching ini and itu Deixis to Foreign Students
male team. Pak Udi asked the reason why Pandi was
hesitate to train female one. Replying Pak Udi’s
question, Pandi denied that he distinguished gender.
The conversation shows at Table 5.
Verbal element
Deixis itu was presented on Table 5 with utternce
No, no, that’s not true (Bukan, bukan, bukan itu).Itu
deixis in the excerpt Bukan, bukan, bukan itu refers
to previous question stated by Pak Udi which asking
about performance of female archers. Itu deixis was
uttered on the minute 00:29:26.
Nonverbal element
Nonverbal element, Figure 6 depicted that when
Pandi said bukan, bukanitu his index finger pointed
to Pak Udi’s question together with closing his eyes
and shaking head. Pandi’s finger pointed to Pak Udi’s
face to indicate what has been said by Pak Udi.
Pandi’s eyes were closed because he searched a
correct word to answer Pak Udi’s question. Pandi
showed that he did not underestimate female
potentials. The gestures performed by Pandi were
representational, performative and word searching.
The gesture and utterances created supplement
relation since Pandishaked his head and used itu to
denote an abstract thing, i.e. female potential.
Figure 6: Pandi showed his anger because cannot depart to
On Figure 6, Pandi raised his index finger pointing
to the sky in front of the journalists. He was
questioned why he did not go to a game in Moscow.
He furiously and emotionally answered that he was
fail to depart due to government’s political issue
which was not his concern. Pak Udi wanted to explain
the problem but Pandi did not want to hear a reason
anymore. The quotation shows in Table 6.
Table 6: Dialog between Pandi and Pak Udi.
in Indonesian
in English
“Buat apa berlatih
bertahun-tahun tapi
pada akhirnya batal
berangkat ke
Moskow? Buat
(menginterogasi Pak
Udi, ekspresi
kecewa dan marah)
What is the function
of training for years
just to know inability
to depart toMoscow?
What is it for?
(interrogated Pak Udi
with regret and mad)
“Nanti akan aku
“I’ll tell you later.”
“Tolong dicatat ya!
Saya paling tidak
suka kalau ada
urusan politik
dicampur dengan
urusan olahraga.
Dicatat itu!”
tubuh ke arah
wartawan sambil
dan intonasi
Notice this! I hate
politics intruding
sports.Notice that!
(turn his body to
reporters followed
with pointing
upwards and high
Verbal Element
Table 6 presented the use of itu deixis on the
sentence Notice that! (Dicatat itu!) which refers to an
abstract idea about politic that interrupt sport and
denote previous statement made by Pandi. The deixis
was exclaimed on the second 00:04.
Nonverbal Element
On the Figure 6, when saying itu, Pandi’s index
finger was pointing to the sky while his eyes fell to
reporters. Pandi made an outrage expression with
high pitch voice he made bold on itu deixis for Notice
that! (Dicatat itu!) The combination of those elements
indicated Pandi made representational, framing,
discursive, and interactive. The correlation between
verbal and nonverbal elements created by Pandi was
Based on analysis, the clips of 3 Srikandi film
presented gesture variation that influence types of
gesture function and relation. The functions of the
gestures were deictic, framing, representational,
interactive, discursive, performative, and word
searching. Meanwhile the relations include reinforce,
supplement, complement, substitution and integrates.
By presenting multimedia, imaginary ideas or
abstract things can be easily understood. The
ICLI 2018 - 2nd International Conference on Learning Innovation
multimedia will assist language teacher to improve
vocabulary of learners as suggested by Kaiser (2011),
Sherman (2003), and Webb and Rodgers (2009) that
multimedia enhance vocabulary mastery among
students during second language learning. As
addition, teaching by using multimedia exposure
enables constructing meaning among the students
(Holder and Young, 2010). As addition, the verbal
and nonverbal elements presented through
multimedia enrich student communication
competence and enable them to guess idea of a
speaker early (Harmer, 2007). In short, using
multimedia for teaching second language suggests
interactive, communicative and conducive learning.
Deixis material ini and itu which have been presented
by the book can be improved through using
multimedia (Kanev et al., 2009) to get instruction.
Using textbook for main learning source for teaching
deixis is not enough. Deixis ini and itu are important
parts of language learning, therefore, a teacher must
consider a media for effective teaching. By using film
as multimedia two elements are possible to present at
BIPA classroom in one time. The verbal element
which includes deixis ini and itu together with
nonverbal aspects such as gesture, expression and
intonation is reflected by 3 Srikandi Film. After
knowing the verbal and nonverbal elements in the
film will ease BIPA teacher to identify functions and
relations among them. Moreover, the film can be a
teaching supplementary at the BIPA class to teach
both abstract and concrete forms of ini and itu.
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ICLI 2018 - 2nd International Conference on Learning Innovation