Analysis of Attitude Assessment Instrument in Pancasila and
Citizenship Education Student Textbook for Tenth Grade
Winarno, Rusnaini, Machmud Al Rasyid
Pancasila and Citizenship Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, University of Sebelas Maret, Surakarta,
Keywords: assessment instrument, attitude assessment, PPKn textbook.
Abstract: Pancasila and Citizenship Education as a curricular program of citizenship education is a value-based
education. Therefore, development of attitude on students becomes the attention of Pancasila and Citizenship
Education. The study aimed to find out whether there is any attitude assessment instrument contained in
Pancasila and Citizenship Education textbook and what attitudes are contained in the attitude assessment
instrument in the Pancasila and Citizenship Education textbook. The technique used was content analysis of
document. The document analysed was Pancasila and Citizenship Education Student Textbook for Tenth
Graders issued by Ministry of Education and Culture year 2016. The result of the study shows that the attitude
assessment instrument was contained in Self-Assessment section of Chapter 2 and 3 while the other chapters
did not reflect any attitude assessment. The attitudes assessed were the attitudes towards values contained in
the topic learned. However, most of the attitude assessment instrument did not conform to the attitude
competence that was supposed to be assessed based on Basic Competence of Core Competence 2 as contained
in Pancasila and Citizenship Education Teacher Textbook for Tenth Graders.
The learning activities done by teachers and students
are generally based on the applicable curriculum.
Curriculum is a set of plan and arrangement regarding
objectives, contents, and lesson materials, as well as
the implemented methods as the guide in organization
of learning activities to achieve certain educational
goals (The Law No. 20, 2003). The methods used as
a guide include assessment. Therefore, in simple way,
the elements of learning include objectives, contents,
process, and assessment.
As one of the elements of learning, assessment
has an important role to measure and assess the
achievement of objectives and accuracy of
implementation of learning. Classroom assessment
and evaluation are highly concerned with qualitative
judgments that are used to improve students'
knowledge and learning. Assessment and evaluation
also give teachers useful information about how to
improve their teaching methods (Jabbarifar, 2009).
Education standard also contains assessment standard
as a process of collection and processing of
information to measure the achievement of student
learning outcome (Regulation of Minister of
Education and Culture. 23, 2016).
To conduct assessment, various assessment
techniques and instruments are used. Assessment
includes some assessment techniques because it
contains the element of knowledge (cognitive), skills
(psychomotor), and attitude (affective) (Suwandi,
2009). It can also be said that assessment includes
attitude, knowledge, and skills (Regulation of
Minister of Education and Culture. 24, 2016).
Pancasila and Citizenship Education subject as
one of the subjects at school is oriented to education
that puts more emphasis on the aspect of attitude. It is
in line with the idea that Pancasila and Citizenship
Education is a curricular program as a part of
citizenship education that emphasizes the content that
carries values and basically is a value-based
education (Budimansyah et al., 2008). According to
Pancasila and Citizenship Education Teacher
Textbook X 2016, Pancasila and Citizenship
Education subject is understood as a subject that
develops its function as value and moral education in
addition to its function as community education,
nationality education, citizenship education, political
education, law and human rights education, and
democracy education. Because it carries a function as
Winarno, ., Rusnaini, . and Al Rasyid, M.
Analysis of Attitude Assessment Instrument in Pancasila and Citizenship Education Student Textbook for Tenth Grade.
DOI: 10.5220/0008408801260131
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Learning Innovation (ICLI 2018), pages 126-131
ISBN: 978-989-758-391-9
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
moral value education, attitude assessment becomes
crucial in Pancasila and Citizenship Education
Attitude competence assessment is a series of
activities designed to measure student attitude as an
outcome of a learning program. Attitude is an
evaluative statement on object. Attitude starts with
feelings (like or dislike) related to the tendency of
someone in responding to something or an object.
Attitude is a readiness to give positive or negative
response to an object or situation consistently
(Ahmadi, 2007).
Attitude assessment objects in learning include:
attitude towards the subject, attitude towards the
subject teacher, attitude towards the learning process,
attitude towards the existing topics and subjects,
attitude related to certain values to be instilled in
students through certain topics, and attitude related to
cross-curriculum affective competence (Zakaria and
Ramli, 2006). Another opinion states that the attitude
objects that can be assessed include: attitude towards
the subject, attitude towards the subject teacher,
attitude towards the learning process, attitude related
to certain values and norms related to the lesson
material (Winarno, 2013). While the attitudes
assessed according to Curriculum 2013 include
spiritual attitude related to the development of
religious and cautious students and social attitude
related to the development of noble, independent,
democratic, and responsible students (Regulation of
Minister of Education and Culture. 66, 2013).
In the classroom, attitude assessment is done
using instrument of observation, self-assessment,
peer assessment, and journal (Ministry of Education
and Culture., 2014). Each instrument has special
specification used to assess the attitude. Attitude is
generally assessed using attitude scale instrument,
such as Likert scale, semantic differential, Thurstone
scale, and so on (Putra, 2013).
To be able to assess including attitude assessment,
ideally textbook contains attitude assessment
instrument. In book analysis guide, it contains an item
whether the book contains the component of
assessment, either assessment of knowledge, skills, or
attitude (Ministry of Education and Culture., 2014). It
shows that a good textbook contains assessment
instrument. Such provision should also apply to
Pancasila and Citizenship Education textbook as the
learning source and media in Pancasila and
Citizenship Education learning at school. In line with
the characteristic of Pancasila and Citizenship
Education as moral value education, indeed attitude
assessment needs to get more attention in assessment.
Assessment regarding attitude in Pancasila and
Citizenship Education has been done by some
researchers. (Soleh, Khumaedi and Pramono, 2017)
has succeeded to develop an instrument of attitude
assessment in Citizenship Education subject using
Likert scale with valid and reliable result. The result
of a study by (Rahmah and Ilham, 2015) finds that
attitude assessment in Citizenship Education subject
is generally done using observation technique on the
aspect of spiritual and social attitude. (Tursinawati
and Ulfa, 2018) have identified the items of student
attitude in learning process made as the objects of
attitude assessment in a Student Textbook for Fourth
Graders with theme Energy. Some results of studies
above generally assess the attitude, namely the
students during learning process or the attitude shown
during learning process. Whereas attitude object does
not only include attitude in the learning process, but
also attitude related to the values in connection with
learning material.
Pancasila and Citizenship Education subject is
considered as a subject that emphasizes the
development of attitude and is a value-based
education. Based on this condition, it is crucial to
know whether there is attitude assessment instrument
contained in Pancasila and Citizenship Education
textbook, whether the assessment technique
contained in the textbook conforms to assessment
guide, what attitudes are contained in assessment
instrument in the Pancasila and Citizenship Education
textbook, whether the attitudes assessed are only
spiritual and social attitude of students during
learning process, and whether the assessed attitude
makes other attitudes need to be assessed. Based on
those things, the problem was formulated: what are
the assessment techniques and what attitudes are
assessed in the assessment instrument in Pancasila
and Citizenship Education textbook?
The study used descriptive qualitative approach with
document analysis technique. It aimed to describe
what attitude assessment technique and instrument
were contained in the book and what attitude objects
were assessed. The document analyzed was Pancasila
and Citizenship Education Student Textbook for
Tenth Graders published by (Ministry of Education
and Culture a, 2016) by Tolid and Nuryadi. The book
was made as the main source of data because the book
was established as Electronic Schoolbook and used
generally in Pancasila and Citizenship Education
learning in senior high schools in Surakarta City and
even applicable nationally. The data validation was
done by expert judgment, namely by teachers and
experts of Pancasila and Citizenship Education. The
data analysis was done by data collection, data
reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusion
Analysis of Attitude Assessment Instrument in Pancasila and Citizenship Education Student Textbook for Tenth Grade
regarding the assessment technique and the attitude
objects contained in the assessment instrument in the
Pancasila and Citizenship Education textbook.
Textbook is the synonym of schoolbook, as the book
that provides instructions in a subject at school or
university. Textbook contains certain learning
material and is based on learning objectives referring
to the applicable curriculum. According to (Agustina,
2011), textbook or schoolbook is a book contains
learning material arranged systematically, based on
certain goals, oriented to learning and student
development, and can be used as learning media in
learning activities.
The textbook analyzed was Pancasila and
Citizenship Education Student Textbook for Tenth
Graders published by (Ministry of Education and
Culture a, 2016) by Tolib and Nuryadi here in after
referred to as PPKn Textbook X. The textbook
consisted of 7 (seven) chapters. The chapters were 1)
Pancasila Values in State Government Organization
Practice Framework, 2) Provisions of Constitution
1945 of the Republic of Indonesia in Nation and State
Life, 3) Powers of State Institutions according to
Constitution 1945 of the Republic of Indonesia, 4)
Structural and Functional Relations of Central and
Regional Government, 5) National Integration in
Unity-in-Diversity Frame, 6) Threats on the State in
Unity-in-Diversity Frame, and 7) Archipelagic
Insight in the Context of the Republic of Indonesia.
For assessment instrument, the PPKn Textbook X
provided 3 (three) sections, namely 1) Self-
Assessment, 2) Citizenship Learning Practice, 3)
Chapter Competence Test. The three sections were
available in each chapter.
After that, identification and analysis were done
on the section that was attitude assessment. Attitude
starts with feelings related to the tendency of
someone in responding to an object. According to
(Ahmadi, 2007), attitude is defined as someone’s
readiness in responding to an object or situation that
can be positive or negative. People who have positive
attitude towards certain object or situation will show
fondness or delight. On the contrary, people who have
negative attitude will show dislike or displeasure.
Attitude assessment is an assessment done by
teachers to measure the achievement level of student
attitude competence including acceptance, response,
respect, management, and character (Tursinawati and
Ulfa, 2018).
Based on Curriculum 2013, attitude is categorized
into 2 (two), namely spiritual and social attitude.
Attitude competence is as core competence, namely
Core Competence 1 (CC 1) for spiritual attitude and
Core Competence 2 (CC 2) for social attitude.
Spiritual attitude relates to the development of
religious and cautious students. Social attitude relates
to the development of noble, independent,
democratic, and responsible students. In the PPKn
Textbook X (Ministry of Education and Culture b,
2016), attitude assessment was done with
observation, self-assessment, peer assessment, and
journal. The instrument used for observation, self-
assessment, and peer assessment was checklist or
assessment scale accompanied by rubric. The
instrument for journal was in form of teacher’s note.
In general, assessment instrument in PPKn
Textbook X was contained in 4 (four) sections,
namely Reflection, Self-Assessment, Citizenship
Learning Project, and Chapter Competence Test.
Based on the identification and analysis, it was found
that there was no attitude assessment in Chapter 1. In
Reflection section (page 27-28), there was an
assignment that read “Think about forms of positive
attitude you can show in various environments of
life”. To answer it, choices were provided for
students, namely family environment, school
environment, and society environment. Based on the
result of analysis and expert judgment, the assessment
instrument was included in knowledge assessment,
not attitude assessment. It is because students were
asked to express in writing the forms of positive
attitude they can show in various environments, not
asked to show their attitude whether they agreed or
disagreed with the attitude object. Self-Assessment
section (page 29-31) did not reflect attitude
assessment either. Although the assessment
instrument was in form of checklist, the statement
items contained knowledge statements. The statement
items used verbs “know, understand, and recognize”.
In Chapter 2, Self-Assessment section (page 71-
72) could be categorized as attitude assessment
instrument. The instrument used was in form of
attitude scale with statement items in form of attitude.
Students were asked to choose from the options Al
(Always), Fr (Frequently), So (Sometimes), and Ne
(Never). The question was written as the following:
“Now observe yourself, has your attitude
reflected that you are a good citizen? Be honest by
filling the following list of attitude by giving tick ()
in the following columns.” (page 71)
In Chapter 3, Self-Assessment section (page 96-
97) could be categorized as attitude assessment. The
instrument was in form of scale of attitude towards
student attitude statement items. In this case, students
were asked to choose the most appropriate one, with
options Al (Always), Fr (Frequently), So
(Sometimes), and Ne (Never). The assignment read
as the following:
ICLI 2018 - 2nd International Conference on Learning Innovation
“Now observe yourself, has your attitude
reflected that you are a good citizen? Be honest by
filling the following list of attitude by giving tick ()
in the following columns.” (page 96)
In Chapter 4, no assessment was found.
Reflection section (page 138) did not reflect attitude
assessment but knowledge assessment. In the section,
students were asked to write the forms of positive
attitude that could be shown in various environments,
not asked to express their attitude, whether positive or
negative towards the attitude object according to the
chapter, which was the ongoing government
organization. Self-Assessment section (page 140-
141) did not reflect attitude assessment either.
Although the instrument was in form of checklist, the
statement items were in form of knowledge. It was
signified by verbs “know”, “understand”, and
“recognize”. However, there were 3 (three) statement
items that illustrated attitude, namely item 13)
Participating in activities organized by regional
government, 14) Paying regional and central tax, and
15) Monitoring the implementation of each policy of
central or regional government. Therefore, the
assessment instrument contained combination, most
part was knowledge assessment and only small part
was attitude assessment.
In Chapter 5 entitled National Integration in
Unity-in-Diversity Frame, no attitude assessment was
found. Reflection section (page 172) contained a task
to identify community behavior in supporting in
diversity. The activity was done by writing on
worksheet. The assessment was categorized as
knowledge assessment. Self-Assessment section
(page 174) did not reflect attitude assessment either.
In this section, students were asked to answer
questions related to “Natural disasters hitting
Indonesian territory”.
Chapter 6 Reflection section (page 194) could not
be categorized as attitude assessment but knowledge
assessment regarding student attitude and behavior
that could support the efforts to overcome threat to
national integration. It could be known from the form
of assignment for students, as the following: “Now
identify the behavior of people around your residence
in supporting the efforts to overcome threat to
national integration!” (page 194) While an example
of answer that could be given by students was
“Conducting night patrol routinely” (page 194).
Therefore, students expressed their knowledge
regarding attitude and behavior, not showed their
attitude with tendency to agree or disagree with the
statements. In Self-Assessment section (page 196-
197), there was a written question that asked for a
statement of student attitude, which was contained in
question number 2, that read “Do you agree if foreign
parties give aid without asking permission to the
government of Indonesia first? Explain your
reasons!” (page 197) The question could be
categorized as attitude assessment because it asked
students to express their attitude, whether they agreed
or disagreed with the attitude object. In the section,
the technique of attitude assessment was written test,
while the instrument was written expression.
Chapter 7 Reflection section (page 225) could not
be categorized as attitude assessment. The section
contained written questions and asked students to
answer in writing regarding “Struggle of the heroes
before Indonesia’s independence”. Self-Assessment
section (page 227) could not be categorized as
attitude assessment. The section contained written
questions that asked students to express their opinion
regarding “Many people still destroy the nature”.
Based on the document analysis and the result of
expert judgment, Reflection and Self-Assessment
section of Chapter 7 were appropriate to reflect
knowledge assessment.
Based on the finding, it can be said that
techniques of attitude assessment in PPKN Textbook
X were contained in Self-Assessment section of
Chapter 2 and Chapter 3. While the other chapters,
namely Chapter 1, 4, 5, 6, and 7, did not reflect any
attitude assessment. Self-Assessment section of
Chapter 2 and 3 can be said as attitude assessment
because they contained techniques of appropriate
attitude assessment, namely self-assessment that
contained statement items of attitude or behavior. In
the self-assessment technique, students were asked to
choose using rating scale instrument. It was in line
with attitude assessment guide as stated in Pancasila
and Citizenship Education Teacher Textbook for
Tenth Graders (Ministry of Education and Culture b,
2016). Instrument using rating scale is a measurement
tool that is frequently used to assess attitude (Azwar,
2005; Zakaria and Ramli, 2006).
Attitude assessment was also found in Reflection
section of Chapter 6 with written assessment
technique. In one of the questions (question number
2), students were asked to express their attitude (agree
or disagree) to the attitude object. The instrument
used was written direct expression. Although the
technique and instrument were not contained either in
Pancasila and Citizenship Education Teacher
Textbook for Tenth Graders or the applicable
curriculum guide, written direct expression was one
of the ways to assess attitude (Mar‘at, 2000; Azwar,
Attitude assessment in PPKN Textbook X
contained in Self-Assessment section of Chapter 2
and 3 had not been able to assess the attitude object
that should be assessed as contained in the
formulation of Core Competence 2 of Pancasila and
Citizenship Education curriculum for Tenth Graders.
Based on (Regulation of Minister of Education and
Culture. 24, 2016), the basic competence assessed for
Analysis of Attitude Assessment Instrument in Pancasila and Citizenship Education Student Textbook for Tenth Grade
social attitude in Chapter 2 and 3 was BC 2.2 Caring
about the implementation of provisions of
Constitution 1945 of the Republic of Indonesia that
governs about state territory, citizen and resident,
religion and belief, defense and security, and BC 2.3
Caring about organizations at school as a reflection of
state institutions. The attitude object assessed in
Chapter 2 and 3 was the attitude as good citizen as
stated in the sentence “whether your attitude has
reflected that you are a good citizen” (page 71, 96).
The attitude assessment object can be said as in line
with Pancasila and Citizenship Education because
indeed developing good citizens is the general
purpose of citizenship education (Kalidjernih and
Kirana, 2011). However, the general purpose can be
described into more specific purposes, for example in
the core competence and basic competence of
Pancasila and Citizenship Education subject. Attitude
assessment aims at achievement of attitude
competence as mandated by the curriculum that
consists of spiritual and social attitude contained in
the formulation of Core Competence 2 (Regulation of
Minister of Education and Culture. 23, 2016).
Description of spiritual attitude and social attitude
is further contained in the Basic Competence of Core
Competence 2. In Pancasila and Citizenship
Education subject, the Basic Competence of Core
Competence 2 (BC of CC 2) is formulated into items
of social attitude competence that needs to be made
as learning achievement of Pancasila and Citizenship
Education subject. The existence of formulation of
the BC of CC 2 makes Pancasila and Citizenship
Education a typical subject or different from other
subjects. Attitude assessment in Pancasila and
Citizenship Education does not only include attitude
assessment in general, which is the attitude during
learning process, but also the attitude related to
learning material of Pancasila and Citizenship
Education. In category of attitude object, the attitude
includes the value contained in learning material
(Winarno, 2013). Social attitude object in form of
value contained in learning material of Pancasila and
Citizenship Education is contained in the formulation
of Basic Competence of Core Competence 2 of
Pancasila and Citizenship Education. In Pancasila and
Citizenship Education for tenth graders, social
attitude is reflected in the formulation of basic
competence of Core Competence 2 that consists of 7
(seven) items of attitude achievement. The
assessment of attitude achievement has not been
reflected in the assessment of PPKN Textbook X.
PPKn Textbook X assessed the attitude using self-
assessment technique but the attitude object was the
attitude as good citizens.
Attitude assessment in PPKn Textbook X was
contained in Self-Assessment section contained in
Chapter 2 and Chapter 3. While the other chapters,
namely Chapter 1, 4, 5, 6, and 7, did not reflect any
attitude assessment. The assessment technique was
self-assessment with instrument in form of attitude
scale. The attitude object assessed was the attitude
towards the value contained in the material learned
but it still aimed at the achievement of objectives of
citizenship education, namely attitude as good
citizens. Most of the attitude assessment instrument
did not conform to the attitude competence that
should be assessed based on the Basic Competence of
Core Competence 2 as contained in Pancasila and
Citizenship Education Teacher Textbook for Tenth
Graders. An attitude assessment instrument needs to
be developed in line with the competence of social
attitude as mandated by Pancasila and Citizenship
Education subject for tenth graders.
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Analysis of Attitude Assessment Instrument in Pancasila and Citizenship Education Student Textbook for Tenth Grade