Creative Problem-Based Learning: A Need Analysis for Developing
Learning Model and Tools for Enhancing Students’ English
Competence in Vocational High School
, Dwi Bambang Putut Setiyadi
, Iswan Riyadi
Graduate Program , Universitas Widya Dharma Klaten, Klaten, Indonesia
Teacher Training Faculty, Universitas Widya Dharma Klaten, Klaten, Indonesia
Keywords: Creative problem-based learning, Need analysis, Vocational high school.
Abstract: The aims of this research: (1) to describe the condition of teaching and learning English in Vocational High
School (VHS) in implementing the 2013 National Curriculum, and (2) to determine the needs analysis of the
teachers and students for developing the Creative Problem-Based Learning (CPBL) model and tools for
English learning in VHS. This research was the initial stage of Research and Development (R&D) conducted
through descriptive qualitative approach involving ten participants (English teachers) and twenty respondents
(VHS students) of ten schools from different regions and provinces in Indonesia. Data were collected from
questionnaire, interview, observation, and document study. Triangulation technique was employed to examine
the trustworthiness of the data, then analysed using interactive model of Miles & Huberman (1994). The
finding indicated that there are two crucial problems faced by teachers in conducting English teaching
practices in VHS: the time constraint in implementing scientific models, and the usage of the general learning
material which was not relevant for preparing students entering the workplace. Based on the needs analysis,
both teachers and students need other alternative learning models and tools which are developed based on the
needs in VHS. Conceptually, CPBL Models and Tools is appropriate for English learning in VHS.
At present, one big challenge for English teachers in
Vocational High School (VHS) is fostering students’
English competence needed for completing the tasks
relevant with the requirements in the workplace. As
stated in 2013 curriculum, English learning in VHS is
conducted only in 2- 3 hours/ week. The limited time
allotted brings lots of barriers for teachers since they
have to teach their students using scientific learning
models as recommended. This condition is worsened
by the policy to implement the same curriculum as
used in Senior High School. Consequently, there is
not any different on the use of the learning material,
whereas both schools have different objectives, need,
learning system, and characteristic.
Based on the preliminary study conducted at three
schools in Klaten, the findings indicated that in
implementing 2013 curriculum, there was positive
attitudes of the VHS teachers towards the scientific
learning, however, it was not optimally reflected in
the teaching practice. One important finding showed
that in teaching, teachers encountered problems with
the limited time to use the scientific learning models
because they needed longer time to perform the
whole syntax of the models (Hersulastuti and
Yuliantoro, 2016). Another study revealed that in
teaching, not all teachers were qualified to use the
scientific learning models, such as discovery/inquiry
based learning, project-based learning, and problem-
based learning. Surprisingly, as it was observed, there
was a teacher carrying out the lesson without making
preparation, as a consequence, the learning could not
run effectively (Novillia, 2016).
In relation with the learning tools, the initial
analysis toward the book of Bahasa Inggris which
was provided by government and widely used to
teach tenth grade students demonstrated that the
material presented was too general for VHS students,
most of the texts provided were less authentic,
moreover the activities designed had not optimally
supported the development of critical thinking and
problem solving skills of the students. This condition
challenges teachers to look for other relevant
Hersulastuti, ., Setiyadi, D. and Riyadi, I.
Creative Problem-Based Learning: A Need Analysis for Developing Learning Model and Tools for Enhancing Students’ English Competence in Vocational High School.
DOI: 10.5220/0008409801970203
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Learning Innovation (ICLI 2018), pages 197-203
ISBN: 978-989-758-391-9
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
materials to fulfil the students’ need by exploring
more appropriate materials browsed from the internet.
The two phenomenon presented in the previous
studies above might occur in other different districts,
or other provinces in Indonesia.
Meanwhile, following the nature of the scientific
learnings and accommodating the 21st century
learning, there is a strong requirement to lead VHS
students at least develop 4 Cs (critical thinking,
creative, communicative, and collaborative) which
are very important for successfully performing the
assignments of their job. To achieve this condition,
there should be great efforts to provide better learning
exposure to make them optimally achieve their
English competence so that they are able to win the
job competition in the workplace. Therefore,
developing learning model and tools of Creative
Problem-Based Learning (CPBL) is crucial to do.
This model uses theoretical bases of problem based
learning where learner’s simultantly develop new
knowledge and skills based on their initial knowledge
and treat them as the active subject of learning to
become problem solvers by facing them to problems
reflecting of the real life (Arends, 2007). This model,
theoretically, is believed to be appropriate for VHS
context to improve students’ competence and develop
positive characters, think critically, to be creative in
finding solutions of the problems, and develop
collaborations at once. These skills are essential to
gain success in their job performances which have
different complexities and require smart and creative
The choice to develop CPBL model and tools was
triggered by some proofs of the previous findings that
students were able to learn effectively in the problem
solving class as they were required to develop their
high order thinking skills and resulted higher grade in
accomplishing their assignments (Ormrod, 2006;
Idowu, Muir and Easton, 2016). Another evidence
demonstrated that in the language learning, problem-
based learning could foster student’s grammar
mastery, acquire more vocabulary, and successfully
handle problems in the communication process. It
happened because students were challenged to be
problem solvers to explore and communicate their
solution creatively to be accepted by others
(Doghonadze and Gorgiladze, 2008). (Othman and
Shah, 2013) highlighted the effect of PBL in essay
writing and they found that the experiment group
could develop thesis and supporting arguments
variously than the control group. The use of PBL in
English class enhanced students doing more
exploration and meaningful interaction as they had a
freedom to determine the solutions to solve the
problems without interfering with their mother
Taking the results of the previous studies, it is
important to recommend English teachers in VHS put
PBL into practices, however as VHS has different
learning situation and specific characteristic, a
particular modification or adjustment needs to be
made for accommodating VHS learning context to
achieve the learning success. It is, therefore, the
present study mainly aims at describing English
learning in VHS and analysing the needs for
developing the CPBL model and tools for enhancing
students’ English competence in VHS context.
The present study was the initial phase of Research
and development (R&D). It was conducted through
descriptive research by means of qualitative
approach. There were thirty participants and
respondents consisted of ten participants from
different provinces (East Java, Mid Java, West Java,
DIY, DKI, Bali) and twenty respondents from two
different provinces (West Java, and Mid Java). They
were selected purposively to take part in the study.
This study used questionnaire, observation,
interview, and document study to collect the data.
The interview was conducted to the participants
either by face to face and phone as well as by written
communication using e-mail, Line, or WhatsApp
focusing on English learning in VHS and the needs
for developing CPBL Model and Tools for enhancing
students’ English competence in VHS. The
questionnaire was administered to obtain data from
the respondents contained questions relating to their
general views about the learning, especially focusing
on the learning models and material used in their
study and identified their needs of the learning
materials which are relevant to support their
competence. Meanwhile, observations were done at
three schools (Solo, Klaten, and Magelang) and it was
video recorded aimed at obtaining the factual data of
the English learning. Several documents, like
syllabus, lesson plans, and book which was used in
English learning were studied to support the data. To
examine the trustworthiness of the data, this study
used triangulation of multiple method of data
collection to ensure that the data obtained were
dependable each other. Data then further analyzed by
interactive model analysis (Miles and Huberman,
1994), consisted of three main activities: data
reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing/
verification. At the first step, the data from the field
ICLI 2018 - 2nd International Conference on Learning Innovation
note and interview script, and questionnaire were
reduced and selected according to the main focus of
the study, only the relevant data were analyzed, while
the irrelevant data were reduced. At the second step,
the data were presented in narrative text and table to
help the researcher’s understood and what was
happening. The data were displayed systematically
and objectively. The data display in this study was
passed through several activities: cross checking the
findings, synthesizing, and writing report. The last
step was conclusion drawing/verification. It was done
by noting patterns and themes, giving meaning and
interpreting the data, comparing, and verifying to add
the clarity. Confirmation and verification was carried
out through triangulation.
By referring to the data collected from questionnaire,
interview, observation, and document study, they can
be presented according to the focus of the research.
The data obtained were classified into three major
aspects: (1) teachers’ point of view about English
learning in VHS: the purpose, syllabus, instruction
material, method, media, and assessment; (2) the
practice of English learning in VHS (3) the need
analysis for developing CPBL models and tools for
enhancing students’ English competence.
3.1 Teachers’ Point of View about
English learning in VHS
Ten teachers (T1, T2, T3...T10) who are selected in
this study state that English learning based on the
2013 National Curriculum, either VHS or Senior
High School (SHS) implement the same syllabus and
learning materials provided by the ministry to achieve
the mastery of communicative competence. As a
consequence, there is no difference in using the
learning materials for both schools. Whereas seen
from the learning characteristic, teachers think that
teaching and learning English in VHS should be
different from SHS. For this matter, they claim that
ideally, English learning in VHS should be directed
to make students proficient in both written and
spoken language to support their competence relevant
with their field of expertise. To facilitate this to occur,
there should be a suitability of other learning
components. It includes the implementation of
appropriate learning models and the use of relevant
materials to support students have communication
skills required in the workplace. They believe that
appropriate materials in learning can lead students get
better achievement. In this case, there is a
discrepancy between what is regulated and what is
The belief held by the teachers supports
(Ojanperä, 2014) study that English matters,
especially for contributing the employees’ job
performance. This study proved that having good
English mastery, some employees got some merits for
enhancing their career path as they were given more
opportunities and promotions to be sent to other
countries for handling particular jobs, hence they
earned more financial and rewards. In contrast, those
who were lack of English competence might get some
barriers in accomplishing their tasks. This finding
implied that the ability to communicate in English
fluently in the workplace was a very valuable skill
and became great asset to many companies.
In relation with the scientific method which
should be conducted in all schools, including in VHS,
all teachers showed positive responses. It is because
all teachers have attended workshops on the
implementation of the 2013 National Curriculum.
They agree that implementing such a method
comprising of five or six phases (observing,
questioning, experimenting, associating,
communicating, or/and creating) in learning is a
golden way to lead students develop attitudes, skills,
and knowledge. Such belief was similar with the
finding of the previous study that the good perception
on the implementation of scientific approach was
possibly influenced by some professional
development, like seminar, or workshop they have
attended before. Therefore they did not hesitate to put
it into practice (Sofyan, 2016). Another reason was
because they believed that this methods could direct
students to act like scientist by putting forward the
inductive reasoning rather than deductive one. With
this nature, in conducing learning, teachers realize
that they have to change their mind set from teacher-
oriented learning to student- oriented one. This
condition brings consequences that in the learning
process they should provide students with
opportunities to develop their curiosity and construct
knowledge in their cognitive process to make students
develop high order thinking skills, foster problem
solving skills, as well as gain communication skills at
Teachers in this study viewed media as an
important factor to gain the learning success. An
interesting media could arouse students’ motivation
to learn. They also believed that various media would
make good impacts in learning. The analysis showed
that the kinds of media which teachers usually used
were pictures, printed media (newspapers and
Creative Problem-Based Learning: A Need Analysis for Developing Learning Model and Tools for Enhancing Students’ English
Competence in Vocational High School
magazines), electronic media (film, video, tapes) and
some other new Medias like mobile phone, tablet, and
internet. This finding was similar with the previous
study that English teachers in Czech secondary school
used a variety of media in their EFL classroom. In
comparing which kinds of media which is appropriate
for teaching English, the finding showed that both the
old and new media were commonly used and
regarded as effective. However, seen from the
student’s preference, the new media, especially
internet was the most popular for the students than the
old media (Slavíková, 2014).
The assessment recommended in the 2013
National Curriculum is authentic assessment.
Teachers (T3, T6, and T7) admitted that they did not
know in particular details, however they viewed that
authentic assessment as the method for assessing
students’ competence comprising three areas, namely
attitudes, knowledge, and skills. In conducting the
assessment, it could be in form of project,
performance, and portfolio. The finding revealed that
teachers had understood about this kind of
assessments. However, it was not quite easy to put it
into practice. Further checking in the lesson plan,
although they had implemented several techniques in
assessing students’ progress and achievement, but
they still encountered some problems in designing
assignments, providing the rubric for scoring, and
writing the report. This finding has been similar with
the previous study that teachers get difficulties in
implementing authentic assessment due to the lack of
teachers’ comprehensive understanding of the 2013
National Curriculum. Therefore, further
recommendation was addressed to provide teachers
with effective training program (Retnawati, Hadi and
Nugraha, 2016).
3.2 The Practice of English Learning in
In teaching practice, based on the interview, all
teachers admitted that they carried out learning
following the phases of the scientific approach.
Different activities were designed in every phases of
the method. The procedures of each phases simply
summarized as follows: (1) observing give students
opportunity to observe text, picture, or certain object
relevant to the topic presented, identify the important
things from the object, and comprehend the result; (2)
questioning encourage students to actively learn and
develop questions relating what they have observed,
inspire others to answer logically, support students to
participate in the discussion, encourage tolerance, and
foster students’ ability to think critically; (3)
experimenting put students into several groups for
discussion, supervise and guide the process, and
monitor the results; (4) associating provide students
opportunity to analyse and associate the information
obtained from the discussion, ask students to make
connection of each information for drawing
conclusion; (5) communicating - encourage students
to communicate the result to other by demonstrating
their abilities, or reporting the result, and (6) creating
the follow up activity by creating products or ideas
by using the knowledge that has been constructed.
Teachers’ explanations above was in accordance
with the steps stated in the Regulation of Minister of
Culture and Education Number 103 of 2014. In the
real practice, T1 and T5 further explained that the five
or six phases of the scientific method were not always
delivered in one meeting at once. They sometimes
broke up the syntax into several meetings to deal with
the limited time they had, for this matter, there was
another problem relating with developing four
language skills integrated. Such findings was in line
with the previous study conducted by (Budianto,
2014) who proved that due to the limited time
available, the teacher observed was not able to
perform all the scientific stages as recommended.
However, some features presented by the teacher
could encourage students to participate into the
learning and build student’s confidence in
accomplishing tasks given by the teacher.
The analysis on 3 lesson plans made by the
teachers (T3, T4, and T7) reflected the teachers’
knowledge that in general, they have understood the
nature of scientific learning. It could be traced from
the method chosen by the teachers which was
presented in the main learning activities reflecting the
syntax of the method stated.
Confronting to the result of the observations
conducted in three schools in different places: Solo
(S1), Klaten (S2), and Magelang (S3), it was clear to
see that teachers have implemented scientific learning
variously. The summary of the observation can be
presented in Table 1.
ICLI 2018 - 2nd International Conference on Learning Innovation
Table 1: The teaching practice in 3 vocational high schools.
English syllabus for
English syllabus for
English syllabus for
Project-Based Learning:
(start with the essential
question; design a plan for
the project; create a
schedule; monitor the
progress of the project; and
asses the outcome)
Scientific Method:
(observing; questioning;
experimenting; associating;
Problem-Based Learning:
(problem orientation;
organizing learners;
conducting investigation;
presenting the result; and
evaluating the problem
solving process)
Material &
Exposition writing; Bahasa
Inggris Kelas XI; other
texts taken from internet
Describing people; Bahasa
Inggris Kelas X
Asking and giving
information; Bahasa Inggris
Kelas XII, other
supplementary materials
taken from internet.
Authentic assesment
Authentic assessment
Authentic assessment
It can be seen from the Table 1, teachers have
conducted scientific learning, however, some
fundamental problems encountered during teaching
and learning process. The teacher in S1, though she
has a good capability in presenting the materials, at
the beginning she still found difficult to encourage
students to engage in the learning. This situation
challenged the teacher to elicit several questions to
make students think critically about the topic
presented. Another problem found was relating with
the time constraint. It was observed that to present
Project-Based Learning method by following its
whole syntax really consumed longer time. This was
similar with the result of the preliminary study
conducted for the present study (Hersulastuti and
Yuliantoro, 2016). Confronted to some students, they
said that actually they enjoyed the learning as the
teacher was qualified, but they were not accustomed
to learn in such learning situation, they needed time
to adjust.
Several barriers also found in S2. In applying the
scientific method, especially in the questioning phase,
there was a stagnant of the learning as students did
not pose any questions relating with the picture
observed, instead of that, the teacher himself
delivered questions to students. The findings of the
present study was in line with the study conducted by
(Zaim, 2017). In questioning phase, students were
expected to actively learn and develop questions to
raise skills and the other answer systematically and
logically using correct grammar, however it was
found out that in general, teachers still had problems
to do this activity. The problems occurred were
related to students’ ability as they have limited
vocabularies to ask questions, another reason was that
they were afraid of making mistakes. Similar problem
occurred in the communicating phase. It was still
difficult to encourage students to present their
Meanwhile, different problems occurred in S3. In
implementing Problem-Based Learning method,
teacher tried to perform its syntax as it was prepared
in her lesson plan, nevertheless she was looked in
rush to move from one phase to another phase. When
it was confirmed, she argued that she was limited by
the time allotted.
Apart of the finding above, another finding
showed that not all teachers participating in this study
(T4, and T9) experienced in using all learning
methods as recommended in curriculum. In addition,
three other teachers (T1, T3, and T6) sometimes used
other methods, like jigsaw, or think pair share
depended on the learning situations.
In relation with the use of learning materials. In
this case, there were four teachers (T2, T4, T5, T9)
who committed using the books distributed by the
ministry as the main learning source, whereas six
others (T1, T3, T6, T7, T8, T10) prefer using other
authentic materials taken from other learning sources
which considered more relevant with the needs of the
students. The difficulties laid on adjusting the
authentic materials which are appropriate with the
topics they were going to teach. In most cases, such
materials contain more difficult language and terms
which require more explanation.
Creative Problem-Based Learning: A Need Analysis for Developing Learning Model and Tools for Enhancing Students’ English
Competence in Vocational High School
3.3 The Need for Developing Creative
Problem-Based Learning Model
and Tools
The two crucial problems relating with the
implementation of scientific learning in VHS brings
implication to develop CPBL Models and Tools for
alternative solution to overcome the barriers faced by
teachers. Based on the analysis of the interview, there
is a need from the teachers (100%) to remain using
scientific method in their learning, as it becomes
mandate of the curriculum, however it should
accommodate the limited time available. They
claimed that based on their practices, to perform the
whole syntax of the learning models as recommended
really consumed longer time. T1, T7, and T10
experienced of such matter often that made their
learning unfinished. This statement further
strengthens the finding of the previous studies
(Budianto, 2014; Hersulastuti and Yuliantoro, 2016).
For this reason, they suggest that the model which
will be developed through the present study should
have simple syntax and easy to remember to avoid
teachers taking a look often into their lesson plan
during they are implementing the model. This is
important matter as it will build their confidence and
generally will influence students’ perception toward
teachers’ readiness as well. Therefore, 100 % of the
participants agree with the development of the model
and tools which encourages students’ active
participation. 90 % of them are willing to take part in
developing CPBL models and tools by actively
contribute in the development process. Whereas 10 %
of the participants still need to see the effectiveness
of the model which will be developed and know its
impact on students’ learning before stating the
willingness to be involved.
To optimally support the students’ enhancement
on their communicative competence, teachers (100%)
need learning tools, especially learning materials
which accommodate the students’ needs for
habituating them to the communication context of
workplace. It is because the existing book they used
to teach at present contains too general material for
VHS students. They need other supporting material to
encourage students to be more competent in English
since they have to compete for getting job as soon as
they graduate from schools. The analysis shows that
teachers need any supplementary book which
contains the balanced proportion of the four
integrated skills, provides authentic material,
grammar insert, vocabulary building, and uses
interesting illustrations to attract students to learn.
Another point to include is the guidelines on how to
use the books, summary, and reflection page.
The analysis of students’ needs highlights the
importance of learning English for preparing them to
enter the workplace. 90 % of the respondents believe
that having good English mastery is beneficial for
supporting their competence. Whereas 10% believe
that productive skills are more important for them. In
relation with the English learning conducted by the
teachers, surprisingly, only 70 % of the respondents
claimed that they enjoyed learning English using the
scientific models. The rest of 30% felt confused as
teachers changed activities often, even when they had
not finished doing a certain task yet, soon they needed
to move to another task. Such situation made them not
so excited since it put them in rush to accomplish the
task. In answering to their preference of the learning
methods, 100% of the respondents stated that they
like to study English in situations where they could
participate actively in more fun learning situation.
Further analysis on their needs of learning
materials, 100% of the respondents agree that the
existing book they used to study contained general
materials, therefore they need other supporting
sources which could fulfil their vocational English to
improve their competence. The reason was to prepare
them to enter to the workplace. Taking the needs
analysis conducted in this initial phase, it signifies
that developing the CPBL models and tools which
accommodates VHS learning context is urgently
needed to enhance the students’ competence.
The present study have revealed the factual condition
in English learning in VHS in implementing the 2013
National Curriculum. The findings show that teachers
have sufficient knowledge about the implementation
of the curriculum for English learning in VHS
context. Teachers have implemented scientific
models as recommended in the curriculum, however
there are two crucial problems that become barriers in
conducting the English learning, firstly, dealing with
the time constraint to perform the whole syntax of the
scientific learning models, and secondly in relation
with the learning material used to teach English
which is not relevant with the student’s needs.
The needs analysis conducted to teachers and
students resulting the needs to develop other
alternative scientific learning models which are
simple in its syntax and practical to be implemented
in VHS context. To optimize such models, teachers
and students need learning tools, including learning
ICLI 2018 - 2nd International Conference on Learning Innovation
materials which are relevant with their needs to
habituate students to the field of English in the
workplace. Conceptually, CPBL model and tools can
meet the needs for enhancing students’ English
competence, and developing their positive characters.
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Creative Problem-Based Learning: A Need Analysis for Developing Learning Model and Tools for Enhancing Students’ English
Competence in Vocational High School