The Effect of Note-Taking Strategy on Complex Analysis Problem
Solving Skill
Th. Kriswianti Nugrahaningsih
, Iswan Riyadi
Departement of Mathematics Education, Faculty of Teacher Training, Universitas Widya Dharma, Klaten, Indonesia
Departement of Geographic Education, Faculty of Teacher Training, Universitas Widya Dharma, Klaten, Indonesia
Keywords: Note-taking, Strategy, Problem solving Skill, Complex Analysis.
Abstract: This study aims to increase student’s problem solving skills by using note-taking strategies for Complex
Analysis. Students habituation to write the necessary materials at right colom of the paper work, will allow
them to connect mathematics topics with the related mathematical topics, which will ultimately increase
problem solving skills. This research is a classroom action research conducted in Mathematics Education
Department of Widya Dharma University Klaten. The study was conducted in several cycles. At the end of
the cycle, we did evaluation and reflection to determine the deficiencies and their advantages, then repaired
for the next cycle. The Cycles would be stoped when the indicator of success target has reached. The study
was stopped in second cycle as it already has reached the indicator of success target. The result of this research
showed that by using note-taking strategy for every step of Polya’s theory, the student’s problem solving skill
has signifantly increased. It ould be seen that the average value of problem solving skills in the first cycle was
63.26, increased to 81.28 at the end of the second cycle.
Mathematics is one of the subjects that has a big share
in preparing students. Mathematics is a science that
cannot be separated with other sciences, such as
Chemistry, Biology, Physics and Economics.
Without mathematics these sciences will have
difficulty in solving problems. Mathematics is needed
as a tool in solving problems. No wonder that many
people say that mathematics is a servant of science,
as queen of science and as a language of science also
(Bell, 1996).
General objectives of mathematics learning
formulated in The Regulation of National Education
Ministry regarding Content Standards are students
have the ability, 1) to understand the concept of
mathematics, explain the interconnection between
concepts and apply the concept or algorithm flexibly,
accurately, efficiently and appropriately in problem
solving, 2) to use reasoning in patterns and traits,
performing mathematical manipulations in
generalizing, compiling evidence, or explaining
mathematical ideas and statements; 3) to do problem
solving that includes the ability to understand
problems, designing mathematical models, solving
models and interpreting solutions obtained; 4) to
communicate ideas and symbols, tables, diagrams, or
other media to clarify circumstances or problems 5)
to have an appreciative attitude to the use of
mathematics in life, that is to have curiosity, attention,
and interest in learning mathematics and resilience
and confidence in problem solving (Menteri
Pendidikan Nasional Republik Indonesia, 2006).
According to the National Council of Teaching
Mathematics the goals of learning mathematics in
schools are: (1) problem solving; (2) mathematical
reasoning and proof; (3); mathematical
communication (4) mathematical connection; and (5)
mathematical representation (Midget and K.Edin,
2001). Problem solving becomes an important part of
mathematics learning. that have the potential to
provide intellectual challenges for enhancing
students' mathematical understanding and
development (Bradbury, 2010). Problem solving is
also needed in everyday life and at work. Referring to
the purpose of learning mathematics, problem solving
is the goal of learning mathematics but is also a tool
for doing so. Most mathematical concepts can be
introduced through problems based on experiences
that come from the life of students. To achieve
mathematical learning objectives well, a teacher is
required to be qualified and professional in order to
Nugrahaningsih, T. and Riyadi, I.
The Effect of Note-Taking Strategy on Complex Analysis Problem Solving Skill.
DOI: 10.5220/0008409902040210
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Learning Innovation (ICLI 2018), pages 204-210
ISBN: 978-989-758-391-9
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
improve the quality of education. So the teachers
should be able to choose and apply the right learning
Problem in mathematics is an inquiry starting
from given conditions to investigate or demonstrate a
fact, result, or law. According to Shadiq (2004) a
question will be a problem only if the question
indicates a challenge that cannot be solved by a
known routine procedure. So to solve a problem is
treated a relatively longer time than the process of
solving regular routine problems. Meanwhile,
according to (Hudoyo, 2003), a question is a problem
only if a person does not have rules / laws that can
immediately be used to find answers to these
questions. A question is called a problem depends on
the knowledge it has. Problems are subjective to
everyone, it means that a question can be a problem
for a person, but not a problem for others (Hudoyo,
2003). Furthermore, Herman Hudoyo also stated that
for a person, the question can be answered by using a
routine procedure, but for others, it could be use a non
routine procedure. So a question can be a problem if
the question is challenging to answer which the
answer can not be done routinely. Furthermore, this
challenging question becomes a problem for someone
when the person accepts the challenge (Hudoyo,
The Department of Mathematics Education has an
obligation to prepare students to become competent
mathematics teachers who will be the spearhead of
mathematics learning. So it is necessary that the
students of The Department of Mathematics
Education be provided complete competence in
mathematics and mathematics education. Complex
Analysis is one of the subjects that taught in The
Department of Mathematics Education in 7th and 8th
semesters. To study the subject of Complex Analysis
requires previous knowledge among others set theory,
logic, trigonometry, analytical geometry, algebra,
calculus, advanced calculus, and topology. If the
student has not mastered the previous knowledge,
he/she will find difficulties in studying further
complex analysis. Instead, studying Complex
Analysis becomes a vehicle for revealing these
previous knowledge to further strengthen the mastery
of the concept. To solve the problem of Complex
Analysis requires previous knowledge such as the
skills of applying trigonometric functions,
performing operations in the form of exponents,
performing logarithmic operations, applying the
properties applicable in set theory, logic, describing
functions, operations applicable to limits, differential
or integral.
Mathematical problem solving steps were first
introduced by Polya and are still used today (Polya,
1973) are: 1). Understand the problem, What is
known and what is unknown, and what conditions are
known; 2). Devise a plan, Choose the theorems or
concepts that have been studied to be combined, so
they can be used to solve the problem; 3). Carry out
the plan, Fixed the problem as planned. Check each
step. Prove that the steps are true; 4).Look back: Re-
examine the results obtained, by matching the
answers with the problem and writing the
conclusions. In mathematical problem solving, note-
taking can help students to solve the problem by
taking the note of required previous knowledge, note
the associated formulas,
The note-taking strategy was first examined by Di
Vesta and Gray (1972), who found that making notes
contained two activities at once namely, processes
and products. Taking notes (note-taking) can help
improve students' understanding and retention of the
material being studied. (Kirkgoz, 2010) stressed that
the main purpose of making notes is to capture
important points from textbooks or lessons and save
them, with the aim of being able to be used later in
the framework of revisions, especially for the purpose
of facing exams or writing summaries or reports that
need notes (Kirkgoz, 2010). Making notes requires
high-level skills. Note-taking can be useful when
students re-learn the subject matter. (Cardetti,
Khamsemanan and M. Carolina Orgnero, 2010)
confirmed that partial notes in mathematical
assignments are related strongly to high academic
It is believed that students’ notes which are written
in class during the lesson or while reviewing a course
material or comprehending a text are essential tool for
learning. Good note-taking practices can lead to
efficient study practices, better course outcomes, and
improve retention of content beyond a course’s
conclusion. It is because learning can occur during
both the production and review of notes by allowing
learners to make connections between the idea units
and engage in deep processing of course content
(Bohay et al., 2011)
Note-taking in solving mathematics problem, is a
strategy to improve learning of both oral and written
materials. It is a beneficial technique for studying
the content, developing language skills, and learning
task in general (White, 1996). Hebert, Graham, &
Ganson (2014) prove that note-taking is useful tool
for improving students’ reading comprehension. The
beneficial effect of note-taking covers two major
functions as process and product (Boch & Piolat,
2005), First, the process of taking notes facilitates
The Effect of Note-Taking Strategy on Complex Analysis Problem Solving Skill
learning. It works well to increase students’ attention,
to raise awareness of text organization, and to store
the information into memory. Second, the notes, as
product serve as an external storage of information
that is useful to retrieve the content in delayed recalls
or answering some exam questions.
Although note-taking is not a substitute for
attendance, practice, instruction, or tutoring, it is one
of many ingredients that can lead student to success
in developmental math courses and is cited as an
important, common student practice impacting
student behaviour and performance (Bauer and
Koedinger, 2006, 2008). Note-taking is believed to
simulate the generative process in which students
encode connections between prior knowledge and
learning content. Note-taking strategy provides
students with a method for increasing their short-term
and long-term memory (Boyle, 2010). Although there
are many new methods of teaching and learning have
been developed, Boyle (2011) believes that note-
taking is still an important learning skill for students.
Note-taking remains an essential study skill for
students. Note taking can be done in various activities
such as lectures, reading, or when making simple
observations. In the classroom, students who used
notes can improve their learning experience. As
students move on to post secondary education, note-
taking will become even more essential as it is
reported that 98% of college-level classes are in the
form of lectures (Eades, Carol; Moore, 2007) (Boyle,
2011). In making notes, students have to write notes
that are organized, can distinguish between important
and unimportant points, connect to prior knowledge,
and make a re-statement (Boyle, 2011).
This study will develop a note-taking strategy in
solving complex analysis problems for Mathematics
Education students, through classroom action
research. To solve mathematical problems, students
need to develop strategies, such as making
appropriate diagrams, choosing the right formula,
connecting with previous knowledge, finding suitable
patterns, trying out values or special cases. These
strategies can be applied by using note-taking
strategies at each problem-solving step, This
strategies need to be taught to students so that
students can practice to monitor their thinking as they
solve problems. Thus, it is expected to improve
student problem solving skills.
In this study, making notes while solving the
Complex Analysis problem is by writing down the
essential contents of the text on the right-hand side of
work paper. Things to note include prior knowledge,
necessary formulas and other important things. By
keeping in mind the prior knowledge and taking the
notes on the right side of the worksheet, will make it
easier for students to solve problems. According to
opinions of Shrager & Mayer (1989) that note-taking
activities will also improve students' problem solving
skills and recall ability.
The purpose of this study is to increase students’
problem solving skills by using note-taking strategies
for Complex Analysis problem solving.
This research is a Classroom Action Research which
is conducted in several cycles. Each cycle has four
main activities: a) planning, b) implementation, c)
observation, and d) reflection. An advanced cycle will
be implemented if success indicators have not been
achieved, by correcting the weaknesses of the
previous cycle. The cycle will be stopped if the
success indicator is reached. The indicator of success
in this study is if more than 70% of students obtain a
score of problem solving skills Complex Analysis at
least 70.
Subjects in this study are students who studied
Complex Analysis in the 7th semester on
Mathematics Education Department of Universitas
Widya Dharma Klaten, with 23 students consisting of
15 female students and 8 male students.
The learning instrument was validated by 3
validators before being used in the study. As a
validators are 3 lecturers on Mathematics Education
Department. If it is less valid, the learning instrument
should be revised according to the suggestion of the
To see the effectiveness of this strategy, the
results of post-test in the first cycle and the last cycle
are compared using the difference mean test. If the
value of problem solving skills has increased
significantly then the cycle is stopped.
3.1 Validation for Learning Instrument
An instrument is said to be valid if it is able to
measure what should be measured. To determine
valid or not an instrument is, we need validation
action. In this study, we employed expert’s judgment,
i.e. the instrument validated by validators who are
experts in mathematics, mathematics education, and
educational psychology.
ICLI 2018 - 2nd International Conference on Learning Innovation
3.1.1 The Validation Result of Lesson Plan
Lesson plan is validated by three validators, the
average value given by the three validators is 3.7. All
three validators conclude that Lesson Plan can be
used as a guide in the implementation of learning.
3.1.2 The Validation Result of Student’s
The validation of student’s worksheet by three
validators obtained an average value of 3.6. As per
the criteria of the scoring scale, each aspect obtained
a good category. All three validators conclude that the
Student’s worksheet can be used with a few revisions.
3.1.3 The Validation Result of the Post-test
of Each Cycle
Based on the validation result of each post-test by
three validators, the average score of the post-test of
each cycles can be categorized as valid,
understandable and can be used without revision.
Thus the post test of each cycles can be used without
3.2 Result from the First Cycle
Based on observations in the first cycle we obtained
the following results.
3.2.1 Result of Lecturer Observation
From the results of learning observation, it have
found that the learning was begun by direct learning,
the lecturer explained the problem solving steps. To
explain the definition, lecturer used expository
method. In proving the theorem or solving complex
analysis problems, the lecturer has involved students
to actively participate in thinking. Lecturers solved
the problems by Polya's problem solving steps. At
each problem solving step, the lecturer wrote down
everything needed based on the students' opinions.
The lecturer conditioned students to express the initial
knowledge needed. In the next activity, students
solve the Complex Analysis problem by using
Student Worksheets that have been provided by the
lecturer, as a guide to solving problems using note-
taking strategies.
3.2.2 Result of Student Activity Observation
From the results of students’ activity observation, it
have found that the students who participate actively
in the learning process were not much. Many students
were just silent, did not dare to express his opinion.
This is because of students forgot the prior knowledge
that needed. Likewise in working on worksheets,
many students who had not been able to write the
prior knowledge or the things needed in problem
solving, so not many students got good results.
The average score on the post test of the first cycle
is 63.26. The students who reached a score more than
70 are only 52.17%. It means that the success
indicator has not reached, so it should be continued to
second cycle.
Based on that description it can be concluded that the
study should be continued in second cycle, by
eliminating the weaknesses and utilizing the
advantages. The improvements should be do in
second cycle are:
1. Lecturers must remind students how to make
notes when solving problems. In solving problem
of Complex Analysis, students are accustomed to
work on using problem solving steps according
to Polya and write down everything needed to
solve the problem. In understanding the problem,
students need to be accustomed to: 1) write down
what is known and what is being asked, 2) write
down prior knowledge, 3) write down the goals,
4) sketch or draw that can help solve the problem.
When doing device a plan, students need to be
accustomed to: 1) write down the relationship
between the data and the question, 2) write down
something useful from the data, 3) write down
the necessary prior knowledge, 4) write down a
related problem, 5) write down the tool if the
relationship cannot be found, 6) write down the
plan of the solution, 7) write down the formula
that used at each step. When carrying out the
plan, students need to be accustomed to: 1) write
down the formula that used, 2) write down the
steps of solving problem, 3) write down the
important information. When doing look back,
students need to be accustomed to: 1) check the
truth of the step, 2) convince that the evaluation
is correct, 3) evaluate goal achievement.
2. In demonstrating note-taking strategies at front
of the class, lecturer are required to be smarter in
expressing student opinions.
3. The lecturer gives task to strengthen the prior
knowledge that needed to solve The Complex
Analysis problem.
4. The lecturer requires students to write down the
necessary prior knowledge, and matters that
related to the existing problems on the right side
of the worksheet.
5. Lecturers should give intensive guidance and
The Effect of Note-Taking Strategy on Complex Analysis Problem Solving Skill
3.3 Result from the Second Cycle
Based on observations in the second cycle we
obtained the following results.
3.3.1 Result of Lecturer Observation
In addition to using direct learning, the lecturer added
a cooperative method of think-pair-share type. In this
cooperative type, students discussed with their peers
to solve the problem and write down what is needed
in the space that provided on the worksheet.
3.3.2 Result of Student Activity Observation
Students who actively participate in the learning
process has increased. By discussions with their
friend, students become more dare to express their
opinions and be able to write down what is needed in
problem solving. Because students often using the
initial knowledge, they become more understand the
mathematics mater that required. Thus, students'
ability to solve problems has increased, the mastery
of other mathematical material related to Complex
Analysis has increased too.
Recapitulation of student’s ability in solving
Complex Analysis problem at each cycle can be seen
in Table 1.
From the Table 1 it can be seen that the lowest
value increased from 25 to 45, the highest score
increased from 85 to 95, the average value increased
from 63.26 to 81.28.the average score on the final test
of the second cycle is 81.28, and who reaches a score
of more than 70 to 86,97%, it means that the success
indicators have been reached, so the cycle can be
To be more strengthening, we did the mean
differences test between the average post test score of
students’ problem solving skill in the first cycle and
the second cycle. Calculations were done by using the
Minitab program. The results shown at Table 2.
Table 1: Score of student’s ability in solving complex
analysis problem.
The Highest
Average score
The Lowest
earned a score
of ≥ 70
Indicator of
success has
been achieved
Table 2: Calculation of mean differences test.
Two sample T for first vs second
First cycle
Second cycle
95% CI for mu First - mu Second ( -23.57, -12.63)
T-Test mu First = mu Second (vs <): T= -6.49
P=0.0000 DF= 44
From these results, we obtain a t-test value of -
6,49 with a probability of 0,000. It mean that there is
a significant difference between the average score in
the first cycle and the second cycle. From the results
it can be concluded that there is a significant increase
between the average post test scores in the first cycle
to the second cycle. So, the cycle can be stopped.
The results of this study are that note-taking
strategies can improve the problem-solving skills of
Complex Analysis. While (Senkowski, 2016) also
conducted research about structured note-taking
techniques to improve the mathematics performance
of K 12 students. In his research he divided subjects
into two groups, one group was given a structured
note-taking strategy treatment, the other one was not
given treatment. The result showed there is no
significant difference between students' mathematics
performance in treatment and non-treatment groups.
However, this study will continue for different
schools. Although, student perceptions of note-taking
showed growth based on student survey responses.
Meanwhile, (Riyadi, Hersulastuti and Theresia
Kriswianti N., 2017) developed metacognitive
learning strategy that consisting of highlighting, note-
taking, summarizing and concept maps for reading
comprehension. It was concluded that note-taking
helps someone to carry out a range of intellectual
processes, especially in making judgment, resolving
issues, and further making decisions. This is not much
different from our research. By noting important
things when solving the problems, students become
actively thinking in constructing their own
knowledge. It will make students’ knowledge more
meaningful. Every time doing an action, they should
have a logical reason. This will keep students
accountable for what they do. By writing down the
necessary formulas, the mastery of mathematical
material related to Complex Analysis will increase
and integrated one and other. This is in accordance
with the opinion of (Bohay et al., 2011) that active
engagement with material, such as note-taking,
appears to have the greatest benefit at the deeper
ICLI 2018 - 2nd International Conference on Learning Innovation
levels of understanding. (Hartley, 2002) claims that
note-taking as an effective information-processing
tool that is commonly used both in daily life and in
many professions. Note- taking helps someone to
carry out of a range of intellectual processes,
especially in making judgments, resolving issues, and
making decisions. Teachers should develop a
problem-solving culture in classroom to make
problem solving as a regular and consistent part of
one’s classroom practice. The strength of the note-
taking strategy are:
1. Students become more active, more critical and
have high motivation because students are
actively involved in the problem-solving
2. By applying note-taking strategies on solving
complex analysis problems, students can be
trained to construct their own knowledge with
teacher scaffolding.
3. Mastery of mathematics materials increased and
integrated one and other
4. Student problem solving skill has increased
While the weakness of the implementation of this
strategy are:
1. For students who have not mastered the initial
knowledge yet, such as number operations,
trigonometric formulas, logic, functional graph,
limit, differential, integral, they will find
difficulty to solve the problem.
2. Many students lazy to write down the things
needed on the right side of the worksheet,
because they are still confused what to write.
This study shows that by using note-taking strategy in
learning Complex Analysis can improve problem
solving skills of mathematics education students. In
addition, by using note-taking strategy, can improve
the mastery of mathematical material. Students who
are accustomed solve problems by using note-taking
strategies on every step of Polya problem solving, can
improve metacognitive ability and metacognitive
awareness. Furthermore, students have self-
confidence, thorough, critical, systematic, and skilled
in making decisions. Students can master
mathematical material such as Set Theory, Logic,
Trigonometry, Algebra, Analytical Geometry, and
Calculus as a whole and integrated, so there are not
easy to be forgotten. As a math teacher candidate, this
mastery is needed, as a provision to become a
competent teacher.
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ICLI 2018 - 2nd International Conference on Learning Innovation