Developing Business Simulator Media Application-Based to Improve
Analytical Capability and Independent Business Decision Making for
Business Management Students
Heri Pratikto, Suryo Hadi Wira Prabowo, Achmad Murdiono, Andi Basuki
Jurusan Manajemen; Fakultas Ekonomi, Universitas Negeri Malang, Malang, Indonesia
Keywords: Business Simulator Applications, Case Analysis and Business Decisions, Learning Media Innovations.
Abstract: Objective of this research to designing, building, and testing business simulator applications which have
purpose as an effective learning media in term of training and increasing constructive and transformative
capability of students to do business analysis and decision making for business management students. So,
students able to understand what will be happened in industry and able to take a right business decision. This
research designed have 4 research stages, which are preliminary research and collecting data stage, planning
and creating business simulator media stage, preliminary testing and its revisions stage, and main field testing
and its revisions stage. Based on testing result, it shows that this business simulator application is effective
improving student’s ability to analysing business cases and make decision which profitable for their business.
Researcher hope, this business simulator able to be a reference of constructive learning media application-
based where students able to proactive in business problem solving.
Development of working industry right now demands
university to adapt and improve their graduate’s
ability (Sadiman, Arief S, 2006). University
graduates not only have to have cognitive skill but
also had business decision making skills (Bovee,
1997). University graduates, who don’t able to fulfil
qualification by working industry, then will increase
number of unemployed in society. Based on data from
Badan Pusat Statistik, number of graduates who
unemployed is 360 thousand person in February
2013, or 5, 04% of total unemployed, which is
reaching 7,17 million person ( Those
data shows that hiring level of university graduate in
Indonesia still in low category. Based on those
phenomena, then needs learning that able to form and
create graduates who had business situation analysis
and decision making ability which profitable for their
Analysing competence in business and
management learning will make student able to
understand what happened in an industry and will
affect their perception of planning which they made
(Assauri, 1990). Otherwise, decision making
competence will made students able to make and
make a right business decisions based on analysis
which they had earlier. So, those two competences
have to have by university graduates, especially
business management graduates. For understanding
those two competences, it will need learning media
that able accommodate those two competences, so
students able to apply theory that they had learned in
some application which made to replicate business
condition in real-life (Pimmel, Karr and Todd, 2002).
Simulators are needed because simulator can
simulate a condition based on real-life condition. That
real-life condition can be a training case for students,
so they know newest and actual case to train their
competence. If they used to solve an actual newest
problem, they will solve a problem in their business
life easier. In using simulator, competence that will
students have is an analytical capability and business
decision making. Analytical capability are trained
while students understand the condition of the case
that given by system. Business decision makes are
trained while students choosing the best solution for
specific case.
Media, in term of learning perspective, is a
strategic instruments that determining successfulness
of learning process. With limitation which they have,
students sometimes don’t able to understand and
Pratikto, H., Prabowo, S., Murdiono, A. and Basuki, A.
Developing Business Simulator Media Application-Based to Improve Analytical Capability and Independent Business Decision Making for Business Management Students.
DOI: 10.5220/0008411202850293
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Learning Innovation (ICLI 2018), pages 285-293
ISBN: 978-989-758-391-9
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
respond abstract conditions or conditions which they
didn’t ever experience. Learning media able to
support learning successfulness because it has
advantages. Learning media’s advantages, based on
(Buchari, 2007), are able to give deeper
understanding toward learning material that
discussing, because able to explain easier concept,
able to explain concrete learning material, help
teacher to provide learning media become easier and
faster, so students easier to understand, more
interested and creating attention, passion, motivation,
activity, and student’s creativity (Kotler, 1997).
Based on problems about learning differences
which describe above, learning media is a solution
which able to help student to increase their analysis
ability for making a right business decision (Abdullah
and Tantri, 2012). It hope that business simulator
applications become a learning media reference for
business management students in Indonesia, because
there isn’t a constructive learning media in business
simulator applications form, where student able to
contribute for business problem solving using
application approach (Rohani, 1997).
As research objective that mention earlier, this
research using research and development approach by
(Borg and Gall, 1986) contain systematic steps which
done by researcher so product that designed fulfil
proficiency standard. In this research, product which
developed is business simulator application-based
learning media.
2.1 Research Procedure
These are research stage which will applied in this
research, Based on figure 1, there is several research
stages which will do for building business simulator
Figure 1: Research procedure.
ICLI 2018 - 2nd International Conference on Learning Innovation
2.2 Preliminary Study and Data
Collecting Stage
In this stage, researcher collecting information and do
preliminary research from previous research or
related disciplines. Then researcher does requirement
analysis to determine which data need to input into
media that will be made.
2.3 Planning and Business Simulator
Media Building Stage
In this stage, researcher start to planning program
framework for business simulator application, then
build business simulator application-based media as
preliminary product. Learning strategy that applied in
this simulation is problem based learning. That
learning strategy chosen because in simulation will be
included case that will be a problem that need to solve
by students.
2.4 Expert and Preliminary Testing
and Business Simulator Media
Revision Stage
In this stage, researcher do expert field testing done
by expert for validating study material, media, and
application. Then, researcher revise application based
on suggestion that gave by expert. After that, continue
by preliminary testing which will be consideration for
further revision. Result will be showed by several
variables that evaluate of this learning media.
2.5 Main Field Testing and Business
Simulator Media Revision Stage
In this stage, research test business simulator which
validated and revised by expert and preliminary field.
Current testing used for measuring performance of
business simulator which have been made then do
final revision for final product of this research is
business simulator media.
2.6 Data Analysis Method
Data analysis which used in this research is
descriptive and inference analysis. Descriptive
analysis used for analysing data which get from
material and media expert validations and student’s
questionnaires. Inference analysis used for analysing
data that measure effectiveness of this media. There
are several data analysis techniques that will be used
in this research
2.7 Validity Test
Validity test done for make sure how valid of some
instruments that used for measuring specific object.
Construct validity used in this research, and equation
that will be used is product moment equation,
rxy= Correlation Coefficient Values
X = Question Score
Y = Total Score
N = Number of Respondents
∑X = Sum of X value square
∑Y = Sum of Y value square
If Corrected Item-Total Correlation values is
positive and higher than r-table, then those variable
are valid. Otherwise, if a Corrected Item-Total
Correlation value is negative and lower than t-table,
then those variables are invalid. Then result from rxy
compare to critical value for product moment, if result
from equation above is higher than r-table, then those
instruments are valid.
2.8 Reliability Test
Reliability test used for determine that result of some
measurement is stable and give same result
(Sukmadinata, 2009). Reliability test done by using
cronbach alpha equation,
r = Instrument Reliability Coefficient k = Number
of Question
σb2 = Total Answer
σt 2 = Total Answer
Table 1: Relationship between number of question and
instrument reliability.
Number of Question
Developing Business Simulator Media Application-Based to Improve Analytical Capability and Independent Business Decision Making for
Business Management Students
For testing reliability of instrument done by
calculating reliability number of each question from
questionnaire using alpha equation. After get (α)
value, then comparing those value with critical
reliability value from α-table, and it will show how
relationship between number of question and
instrument reliability, those value are represented in
Table 1,
2.9 Inference Statistic Analysis
Inference statistical analysis used for knowing
effectively of this learning media in term of
improving student’s learning result (Hubbard, 1983).
This learning media effectively determine based on
inference statistical analysis using t-test with IBM
SPSS 21. But beforehand, data needs to analyse using
normality test.
2.10 Normality Test
Normality test did to know those samples which will
use in this research are from normally distributed
population or not (Pummawan, 2007). Normality test
using Kolomogorov smirov test with α = 0,050. H0
state that sample is taken from normal distributed
population. If sig value from normality test bigger
than α, then H0 rejected.
Kolmogorov-smirov normality test equations are:
z = normality value of the data x = data
s = standard deviation
2.11 Hypothesis test (t-test)
Correlated t-test equations used for effectively test for
this learning media (Sezer, Karaoglan Yilmaz and
Yilmaz, 2013), are:
x1 = sample average data 1 x2 = sample average
data 2
s1 = sample standard deviation 1 s2 = sample
standard deviation 2
n1 = sample variance 1 n2 = sample variance 2
t = correlations between two data groups
This research held in 4 stages which described as
3.1 Preliminary Study
In preliminary study stage, we did literature study and
field research. The literature study did by searching
reference about business theory. Field research did by
observing in real life to identify several business
cases that happened in some business.
The result of this stage is that business frequently
facing several problems, such as changes in market
demand, changes in material price, changes in wages
regulation, and other case. That real case will be case
in simulation that we make. Also, variable that takes
effect of decision making are distribution of products,
total production, number of worker, and loan from
bank. Those variables will insert in the decision
making system.
3.2 Learning Media Creations
Learning media are made to make learning process
easier and more effective. Learning media also help
execute right learning process. Learning process that
applied in this learning media are initial perception,
material explanation, simulation, and evaluation.
Initial perception using for make students understand
what material will study in class. Then material
explanation is a process to give student basic
knowledge of material that studied in class. After
material explanation, students will apply materials
that have been studied in simulation. It will make
students more understand into material that have been
learned. After applied material in simulation, system
will give students the result and the result will be
evaluated. Those evaluations based on simulation
result become suggestion for make students more
understand of what they have done and better
Data which got from field survey also based on
basics theory found from literature study used to
create business simulator model by researcher. There
are explanations about simulation applications which
created in this research.
Based on the image shown in Figure 2, the
business simulation application begins with the initial
page containing the title of the SIMBIZ application
ICLI 2018 - 2nd International Conference on Learning Innovation
and 3 main buttons that will lead to another page,
Mulai SIMBIZ button to enter business case page
(case screen), Petunjuk Aplikasi button to go to the
tutorial for application (tutorial
screen), and Tentang Aplikasi button to go to the
description page of the app and the research team
involved in this research (about app).
We can see in Figure 3 (login screen), to be able
to enter into the case, we must enter the NIM that we
have and the code of the case that has been given by
the instructor. After that, the view will be directed to
the case selection page (case screen). On that page,
we can choose an open case based on a pre-entered
case code. After selecting the case, the view will be
directed towards the description of the case to be
faced (case description). After understanding the case
that has been described, then it will go to the case
problem display (case problem) which will then be
completed on the decision-making view.
Figure 2: Home screen case screen tutorial screen about app.
Figure 3: Login screen case screen case description case problem.
Developing Business Simulator Media Application-Based to Improve Analytical Capability and Independent Business Decision Making for
Business Management Students
Figure 4: Decision screen validation screen report chart screen.
If we have understood the case and its problem, as
shown in Figure 4, it will lead to the decision screen.
On that page the user will enter the number of
distributions corresponding to the case. After the user
determines his decision, then it will enter in the
validation screen (validation screen). This will bring
up all the decisions we make, and the program asks
the user to make sure that the decisions included are
in accordance with what is intended. When you are
confident with the decision made, then will go to the
view report (report). On this page will show the
results of financial statements of decisions that users
make before, so can know the performance of the
decision. On the other hand, the report can also be
viewed in graphic form on the chart report page to
find out the company's performance on all cases that
have been undertaken.
3.3 Model Testing
Test models include test validity and reliability
questionnaire, expert team validation, Test
acceptance level of business simulation applications
3.4 Questionnaire Validity and
Reliability Test
Validity indicates the extent to which the measuring
instrument to measure what the valid measurement of
an instrument item can be known by comparing the
Product Moment Pearson correlation index with a
significance level of 5% with the critical value.
Validity and reliability test are divided into two,
which is the validity and reliability test for experts
and students. Based on the result of expert validity
test, it is known that all questionnaire items for
experts and students have a probability value (sig)
less than 0.05 so it can be said that all question items
in questionnaire for expert have valid.
Reliability test used in this research using Alpha
Cronbach. The results of the reliability test show that
the variables in the questionnaire have the value of
Alpha Cronbach coefficient greater than 0.6 so it can
be said that the question instrument used in student
and expert questionnaires are reliable.
3.5 Expert Validation (Expert
The validity of the assessment in this study refers to
the opinion of (Husnan, 2000) states that a valid
instrument means the measuring instrument used to
obtain the data (measure) is valid. Valid means the
instrument can be used to measure what should be
Assessment of business simulator learning media
conducted by experts or practitioners through
assessment instruments based on existing theories
then used as indicators in the assessment by experts.
Based on Table 2 it can be seen that the
acceptance score is above 60% so it is stated that
based on the three elements of assessment that is the
aspect of programming, content, and appearance of
business applications made judged good as learning
media and can improve the ability in business
decision making.
Thus the experts in this study agreed to accept
business simulation applications that have been made
functional as a medium of learning.
ICLI 2018 - 2nd International Conference on Learning Innovation
Table 2: Result of learning media assessment by expert.
Acceptance Score
Table 3: Application acceptance test result by students.
3.6 Acceptance Test of Business
Simulation Application by Students
Acceptance test of business simulation applications
by students is done to find out whether students feel
satisfied and helped in business learning conducted
with the help of business simulation applications. The
result of student acceptance for business application
as learning media is described in the Table 3.
Table 3 shows that the score of acceptance of
business simulation applications as learning media is
more than 80% which means that based on the aspect
of display, material, and also the benefit of business
simulation application made very good by the
students and can attract student interest to use the
business simulation application.
3.7 Normality Test
Normality test was performed using Kolmogorov-
smirnov Test by comparing the probability value (p-
value) obtained with the specified significance level
of 0.05. If the probability value (p-value) of each
independent variable is greater than 0.05 then the data
is normally distributed, but if the probability (p-
value) of each independent variable is less than 0.05
then the data is not normally distributed (Thorn,
1995). Normality test results can be seen in Table 4.
The table above shows that the probability value
(p-value) of each variable has a value greater than
0.05 So that all data in this study is normally
Table 4: Data normality test result.
Most Extreme
Smirnov Z
Asymp. Sig. (2-
Test distribution is Normal
Table 5: Student pre-test score t-test result.
3.8 Preliminary Test of Business
Simulation Application toward
Analytical Capability and
Independent Decision Making for
Management Major Students
Business simulation applications that have been
approved by experts and accepted by the students in
their application as learning media and then tested
limited to know the effectiveness of business
simulation applications in improving the ability of
analysis and business decision-making independently
on students majoring in management. The acceptance
criteria of H1 on T-Test if the calculated T-calculated
value at T test> T-table value at 5% error level =
0.05), or probability value <α = 0.05. The test results
of students' initial ability at the time of pre-test
obtained as follows:
Table 5 shows that the average score of the pre-
test of students in the class of control class is 71.84
while the average pre-test grade of the experimental
class is 72.56. The value of t-calculated is obtained at
- 0.413 while the value of t-table at degrees of
freedom 24 (n-1) and 5% error rate is 2.06. The value
of t-count is -0.413 <t-table value, as well as seeing a
probability value greater than 0.05 so it is stated that
H0 in this study is accepted that there is no difference
in initial ability of control and experimental class
Developing Business Simulator Media Application-Based to Improve Analytical Capability and Independent Business Decision Making for
Business Management Students
students in the analysis and business decision making.
Thus based on T test results on pre-test data it can be
seen that the control class and experimental class
have the same initial capability so that the application
of business simulation stage can be done.
Post-test is done after the application of
business simulation applications on learning in the
experimental class. The score of post-test will be
compared to know the effectiveness of learning using
business simulation application in order to improve
student ability in analysis and business decision
making independently. The hypothesis used in t-test
of post-test score. The result of T-test on student post-
test score is as shown in Table 6.
Table 6 shows that the mean post-test score of the
students in the class of control class is 78.32 while the
mean post-test grade of the experimental class is 82,
96. The value of t-calculated is obtained at -2.926
while the value of t-table on degrees of freedom 24
(n-1) and 5% error rate is 2.06. Value t-calculated
equal to 2,926> t-table value, likewise by looking at
probability value less than 0.05 so it is stated that H0
in this study is rejected which means that there is
difference of students ability of control class and
experiment in business analysis and decision making.
Thus, based on the result of T-test on the post-test
data, it can be seen that the control class and the
experimental class have the initial capability of
different business analysis and decision making after
the application of learning using the business
simulation application, knows that the post-test score
of the experimental class is higher than the control
class student means that students who get learning
using business simulation applications have the
ability to analyse and make business decisions
independently better than students who do not get
learning using business simulation applications. Thus
it can be stated that business simulation applications
are effective in improving students' analytical and
business decision making skills.
Table 6: Student post-test score t-test result.
Objectives of this research to create business
simulator media application and testing validity and
effectively, based on research result, then can be
concluded as:
Based on the three elements of the assessment
of aspects of programming, content, and the
appearance of business applications made
result both as a learning media and can improve
the ability to analyse cases and business
decision making.
Based on the aspects of the display, the
material, and also the benefits of business
simulation applications that are made very
good by the students and can attract students
to use the business simulation applications.
Based on the result of difference test, it is
concluded that business simulation application
is effective in improving student's analysis and
business decision making.
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Developing Business Simulator Media Application-Based to Improve Analytical Capability and Independent Business Decision Making for
Business Management Students