family education variables on religiosity has a
parameter value of 0.531 with a value of p-value of
0.001. This can be interpreted that the dependency
relationship occurs significantly because the value of
p-value is less than 0.05, thus family education has
positive and significant influence on religiosity. This
shows that the first hypothesis is accepted, so the
greater the existence of family education the level of
religiosity will be greater as well.
The variables of family education in this study
were measured by five indicators, namely the way
parents educate, relationships between family
members, home atmosphere, family economic
situation, and cultural background. The way parents
educate has an average that is in very good category
and signifies that parents have been optimal in
educating their children. Parents have instilled
discipline, set a good example, and paid attention to
their children. The second indicator is the relationship
between family members who have averages in either
category. Harmonious relationships in the family,
telling each other when they have problems, and often
discuss with family members to form good relations
between family anggota. The home atmosphere being
the third indicator is in very good category. The
atmosphere of a very good home can provide comfort
to family members. While the fourth indicator is the
state of the family economy is in very good category.
With a very good family circumstances make
fulfilment of the needs in the family environment is
met and support the child's education so children are
no exception religious education. The last indicator is
cultural background which is also in very good
category. Religious families and instilling religious
values in life have an impact on the religiosity of a
4.2 The Effect of Financial
Socialization on Religiosity
The second hypothesis in this study is that there is
influence of financial socialization on religiosity.
From the results of data processing performed shows
that the effect of financial socialization variables on
religiosity has a parameter value of 0.276 with p-
value of 0.007. This value is significant because the
value of p-value is less than 0.05, thus it can be
interpreted that financial socialization has a positive
and significant influence on religiosity. It shows that
the second hypothesis is accepted, so the bigger the
existence of financial socialization hence the level of
religiosity will be bigger also.
Peers who became the first indicator in measuring
financial socialization had averages that were in
enough categories. This indicates that learners have
not optimized peers as a socialization agent that can
provide information about spirituality or religiosity.
Socialization that can be done with peers, among
others, is to discuss, follow religious activities such
as pengajian, tasyakuran, majelis taklim, or islamic
financial seminar activities, where in socializing with
peers in addition to obtaining islamic financial
science will also increase the religiosity of a learner.
Similarly, a peer, another indicator used to
measure financial socialization is the medium that has
an average in enough categories. It can be interpreted
that learners have not been able to optimize media to
improve religiosity. In the current millennial era
should learners can easily obtain religiosity related
information using various sources. In the madrasah
environment, learners should be able to easily access
literature books in the library. Or in accordance with
technological developments, students should be able
to take advantage of their own devices to improve
their level of religiosity, for example the installation
of Al-Qur’an applications in which they can improve
their faith by reading the Al-Qur’an more easily and
practically or can run a five-time prayer appropriately
by using an adhan alarm on their device.
This study is directly proportional to the existing
theory; financial socialization has an influence on
religiosity. As a process, socialization is often used as
a learning resource for each individual. This
socialization process will be part of an individual's
development. Their intensity in socializing will bring
them into their true identity. Those who often perform
socialization activities in religious matters will form
a high religious spirit as well.
Financial socialization that can shape the level of
religiosity of an individual can be found anywhere.
The socialization done in the recitation, tasyakuran or
khutbah jumat will form the religiosity of an
individual. Activities exploring the media of fiqih or
the like will also have an effect on the improvement
of religiosity. The process of socialization through
how to interact and discuss with peers can also add
insight into one's religiosity.
4.3 The Influence of Religiosity on
Islamic Financial Literacy
The third hypothesis in this research is there is
influence of religiosity to Islamic financial literacy.
From the results of data processing performed shows
that the influence of religious variables on Islamic
financial literacy has a parameter value of 0.140 with
a value of p-value of 0.304. It shows that value is not
significant because the value of p-value is greater
The Mediating Role of Religiosity in The Influence of Family Education and Financial Socialization on The Islamic Financial Literacy