Mathematics courses are almost the same as English,
namely the students still feel ashamed to ask if they
find difficulties and the students are not confidence in
solving questions given by the lecturers. From those
problems, the activeness of students in English and
Mathematics subjects are still low. Another thing that
causes low students’ activity in the teaching and
learning process of English and Mathematics are the
lecturers are still using conventional way that is the
lecturers as the center of students’ attention in
learning a thing.
The conventional teaching and learning process is
done by the lecturers through explained the material.
Then, the lecturers gave example of the problems or
case studies. After that, the students solved the
problems given by the lecturers. Through
conventional learning model caused the students less
active because they felt bored with teaching method,
the students felt sleepy even the students did not pay
attention to the material being taught. In addition, the
factors that caused the students to be less active in the
classroom are the students were afraid to express their
opinions and did not feel confident in their English
With the problems faced by the students needed
media and innovation in teaching and learning
process so that the students are motivated in learning
a thing. According to Yulianti & Latief (2014), media
is the means of communication that sends the
message from the teachers to the students. While
Nugrahani (2017) said that good learning media can
increase students' motivation to learn, and play an
active role in learning. The application of English
Math in teaching and learning process is based on
games. Through teaching and learning process based
games is expected to increase the active participation
of English communication and motivate students in
applying English Mathematics. Abdul (2014) said
that yet, it is generally agreed that mastering
mathematics, natural sciences and language are three
essentials facilities students should have in order that
they can enjoy their lives. By having adequate
mastery on mathematics students will be able to solve
their problems in their daily life, such as: addition,
subtraction, multiplication, or and division. On the
other hand Abdul (2014) also said that by mastering
language, especially a foreign language like English,
the students will be able to accomplish various kinds
of communicative purposes. The implementation of
learning methods to increase students’ activity,
namely by cooperative learning model. Slavin (2010)
said that these types of cooperative learning include
Student Teams Achievement Divisions (STAD),
Teams Assisted Individualization (TAI), Jigsaw, and
Teams Games Tournament (TGT). All of types of
cooperative game are the same to focus on students’
Teams Games Tournament (TGT) focused on
collaboration between group members to achieve
learning objectives in Mathematics subject using
English. Each student has the same opportunity to
achieve better learning outcomes because in one
group consists of various students’ abilities. They are
high, medium, and low. This is done to increase
students' motivation in communicating English and
Mathematics. (Dewi, Kultsum and Armadi, 2017)
said that therefore, teachers have to try to motivate a
good circumstance, encourage students to take part
actively and improve the quality of students'
communicative competence. In teaching and learning
process of TGT method used learning media to
increase the motivation of students. Using TGT
method in learning English Mathematics expected to
improve Mathematic communication and English
communication. (Oyedele, Rwambiwa and
Mamvuto, 2013) also said the provision and effective
use of media is what distinguishes a superior school
or college from an inferior one, and an effective
teacher from an ineffective one. So pleasant
educational media and method is very important in
the process of delivering lecturer’s material and will
help the students to motivate each other in improving
English Math skills.
In this study, the researchers used Classroom Action
Research (CAR) method. According to (Rohim,
2014), classroom action research is a reflective
process that helps teachers to learn and improve their
teaching practice. Khasinah (2013) concluded that
classroom action research is a method of finding out
what works best in an own classroom so the teacher
can improve students’ learning. Classroom action
research is done to make a change to a better direction
than ever for Mathematics and English, so that the
students will do the process of learning Mathematics
using English. Action research on this class is a
conducive method of innovative learning. This
method refers to the method developed by (Kemmis,
McTaggart and Nixon, 2014) use the cycle model.
The cycle model consists of four stages: planning,
acting, observing, and reflecting. The figure 1 explain
the four stages in the classroom action research cycle
developed by Kemmis, McTaggart & Nixon shown in
Figure 1.