Keywords: Shariah bank, Service quality, Customer satisfaction, Customer loyalty, Structural Equation Modelling
Abstract: Shariah banking is an emerging business recently. One of the important factors in managing the Shariah
business, such as the banking sector, is how to create customer loyalty. This preliminary study examines the
influence of service quality and customer satisfaction on Shariah bank’s customer loyalty. The population of
this study is the customers of Shariah banks in West Sumatera. We used Structural Equation Modelling
(SEM) with Partial Least Squares (PLS) as the data analysis. This study found that the service quality has a
positive and significant impact on customer satisfaction. Customer satisfaction is also a significant and
positive antecedent of loyalty. Surprisingly, we found that service quality also has a positive and significant
influence on customer loyalty. Hence, the link between service quality and customer loyalty has been
partially mediated by customer satisfaction. Furthermore, some limitation and future study are discussed.
The banking industry is an important sector in
the financial system in Indonesia and it has the
biggest market share in the financial industry
(Darsono et al., 2017). According to the Financial
service Authority survey in 2016, the financial
inclusive index in Indonesia is 67,82% (Otoritas
Jasa Keuangan, 2017). Hence, it means that 67.82%
of Indonesian people have employed the financial
service in their business activities.
Furthermore, Indonesia is the biggest Muslim
population country in the world. In the Islamic
perspective, all activities, including business and
economics have to consider the Shariah law
(Darsono et al., 2017). Therefore, we need another
banking system which adaptable to the Shariah law.
The Indonesian government has created special
regulation for the Shariah banking which is
compatible with the Shariah law. Consequently,
some new Shariah banks have been established, such
as Bank Muamalat, Bank Syariah Mandiri and some
Shariah branches from conventional banks.
However, the participation rate of the people to use
this Shariah banks is still low (11.06%) in 2016
(Otoritas Jasa Keuangan, 2017). This situation has
also happened in West Sumatera. In contrast, West
Sumatera or Minang Kabau is well-known as the
religious province where its motto is “Adat Basandi
Syara’, Syara’ Basandi Kitabullah”. This motto
means that all activities in the Minang Kabau culture
should be based on The Al-Quran law. Presumably,
the Shariah banks should be more acceptable in
West Sumatera, however, we found the contrary
evidence. Hence, the study on this situation is
One important factor in managing a service
business such as a bank is how to create customer
loyalty (Bruneau et al., 2018). When the customer
loyal to the product or brand, they will recommend
that product to other people and that product will be
more acceptable by the customer. Accordingly, we
assume that this problem is a potential factor for the
lower participation rate of the customer on Shariah
banking in Indonesia (Kamran-Disfani et al., 2017).
According to Murali et al. (2016), loyalty is the
result of an organization creating a benefit for a
customer so that they will maintain or increase their
purchases (p.69). Loyalty has some influence
factors, such as customer satisfaction, customer
engagement and service quality (Han and Hyun,
2018, Kamran-Disfani et al., 2017, Meesala and
Paul, 2018, Bruneau et al., 2018, Vera and Trujillo,
2013). However, research which focuses on the
Shariah banking is still limited (Hassan and Aliyu,