Financial Pressure, Firm Size, Asset Growth and Corporate Value:
Mediation Effect Of Dividend Payout
Yani Julivia Huang, Tigor Sitorus, Ratlan Pardede
Universitas Bunda Mulia, Jakarta, Indonesia
Keywords: Pressure, Size, Growth, Dividend, Value.
Abstract: The purpose of this research is to extend the relationship between financial pressure, firm size, and asset
growth with the corporate value, also to find out the factors influence of corporate value, and propose the
dividend pay-out as the intervening variable for filling the gap of prior research within the mining sector
listed on The Indonesian Stock Exchange from 2011 until 2015. This research is a quantitative approach
with a descriptive method by using secondary data in the form of financial report of the mining sector. The
population in this study is all mining sector companies listed on the Indonesian Stock Exchange. The sample
was taken using purposive sampling methods and obtained 29 companies that meet the criteria of sampling.
This research uses the data analysis method of the Structural Equation Modelling. The result of this study
proves the hypothesis is accepted exclude Financial Pressure and Asset Growth does not give significantly
positive influence to Corporate Value. Thus, it can be concluded that the Dividend Pay-out variable is only
able to mediate the influence of Asset Growth to Corporate Value.
1.1 Background
Principally, the investor’s purpose to invest their
money is to get a return on the investment in the
form of dividend and capital gain. The ever-
increasing returns can increase the public's
confidence to invest in the firm, which has a positive
impact on stock price’s increases and the value of
the firm. The value of the firm can be referred to as
the market value, so if the corporate value is high,
then the prosperity level of the shareholders will also
be high. (Noerirawan and Muid, 2012; Afzal and
Rohman, 2012).
Based on reporting from
(, the mining sector is
one of the industrial sectors that largely contribute to
Indonesia, starting from the increase of export
earnings, regional development, the increase of
economic activity, the opening of employment, and
the source of income to the central and the regional
budgets. However, mining companies are included
in industries that are considered vulnerable and at
high risk because in this industry, profits can be
obtained only with the promise of production from
mining assets in other parts of the world. Therefore,
governments and authorities around the world are
working to protect investors who invest in the
mining industry sector. Recently, the performance
of the mining sector is in poor shape. An increasing
number of companies have suffered losses, caused
by the firm’s inability to pay dividends. In addition,
stock prices in the firm sector have, on average,
decreased from year to year. One of the mining
sector companies that experienced a decline in stock
prices from 2011 to 2015 is Harum Energy Listed,
which moves in the coal mining subsector. In 2011,
the firm's stock price was recorded at Indonesian
Rupiah (IDR.) 6.850, in 2012 at IDR. 6.000, in 2013
at IDR. 2.750 and in 2014 at IDR. 1660, but in 2015
it was recorded at IDR. 675. (www
id/beranda/perusahaan. 2017)
There is a gap theory between the bird in the
hand theory with the dividend irrelevance theory,
whereas Gordon (1963) and Lintner (1962) stated
that one bird in the hand is better than 10 birds
flying. In this case, the dividend announcement is a
sure thing which could affect investors' decisions to
buy stocks. Investors believe that dividend income
has a higher value than the capital gain or capital
income. Because the dividend is more certain than
capital gain, the number of stock trading volume will
Julivia Huang, Y., Sitorus, T. and Pardede, R.
Financial Pressure, Firm Size, Asset Growth And Corporate Value: Mediation Effect Of Dividend Payout.
DOI: 10.5220/0008437701410151
In Proceedings of the 4th Sriwijaya Economics, Accounting, and Business Conference (SEABC 2018), pages 141-151
ISBN: 978-989-758-387-2
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
rise in line with the decision of investors to buy
stocks. The theory of irrelevance to the dividend by
Merton M. and Franco Modigliani (1958) believes
that the firm is only determined by the basic ability
to generate profits and business risks. In other
words, the value of a firm will depend solely on the
income produced by the assets-assets and, not on the
part of the profits, will be divided into dividends and
retained earnings.
Research has been done related to the relation
between financial pressure and corporate value such
as; Ririanty and Hermanto (2015) conducted
research on the influence of financial pressure on
stock price changes in the manufacturing sector in
Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX), and the results
showed that financial pressures, measured by five
Altman ratios, two of which are the ratio of working
capital to total assets and earnings before interest
and tax ratio to total assets, have a significant effect
on stock price changes while Ardian and Khoiruddin
(2014) conducted research on manufacturing
companies and the results show no significant effect.
Research on the effect of firm size on corporate
value conducted by Ghauri (2014) showed
significant negative results, while Rizqia et al.
(2013) and Bernandhi and Muid (2014) showed
significant positive results.
Other research on the effects of asset growth on
corporate value, conducted by Siboni and Pourali
(2015), Noerirawan and Muid (2012) and Rizqia et
al. (2013), proves a positive and significant effect.
Research conducted by Ghauri (2014) on the
banking sector in Pakistan and research conducted
by Sudiani and Darmayanti (2016) proves asset
growth has no significant effect on stock prices or
corporate value. Research on the relationship
between dividend pay-out and corporate value,
conducted by Siboni and Pourali (2015), Noerirawan
and Muid (2014), Sitorus and Elinarty (2016),
Rizqia et al. (2013), show significant positive
results, while research of Bernandhi and Muid
(2014) and Afzal and Rohman (2012) show
insignificant results. This research is different from
previous research done by Siboni and Pourali
(2015), which examines the effect of asset growth
variables on corporate value, and Sitorus and
Elinarty (2016), who examined the effect of
dividend payments with corporate value.
Based on the phenomenon and research gap
mentioned above, the purpose of this research and
also become the hypothesis that will be proved on
the discussion of this study such as; (1). Do the
financial pressures have a positive influence on
corporate value?, (2). Do the financial pressures
have a positive influence on dividend pay-out?, (3).
Does the size of the firm have a positive influence
on the value of the firm?, (4). Does the size of the
firm have a positive influence on dividend pay-
out?,(5). Does asset growth have a positive influence
on corporate value?, 6). Does asset growth have a
positive influence on dividend pay-out?,(7) Does the
dividend pay-out have a positive influence on the
corporate value?.
1.2 Originality
Some prior researchs that consistent with a study
the factors influence of corporate value such as;
Ririanty and Hermanto (2015), Siboni and Pourali
(2015) who had proved a significant direct influence
of Financial Pressure, Firm Size toward corporate
value, also Sitorus and Elinarty (2016) who had
proved direct influence of Financial Pressure, Firm
Size and Asset Growth on corporate value. This
research differs from the prior researchs, even this
research tried to offer a novelty that is trying to
synthesize three concepts in financial accounting
theory as a factor influencing corporate value like
Financial Pressure, Firm Size and Asset Growth
mediated by dividend pay-out. Furthermore, this
study using a Structural Equation Model (SEM) with
AMOS software 23, where through this method will
uncover the latent construct.
2.1 Signalling Theory
The firm may use paid dividend changes to
inform about future growth opportunities of the firm.
So, because of the asymmetric information between
markets and firms, investors will consider dividend
increases good news and dividend declines bad news
when assessing a firm (Baker and Powell, 2012;
Basiddiq and Hussainey, 2012). Investors prefer a
stable and predictable dividend pay-out and usually
investors will assume a dividend change as a signal
of prospects (Koh et al., 2014; Shamsabadi et al.,
2.2 Financial Pressure
According to Ross et al. (2013), companies with
insufficient cash flows must perform contractual
financial obligations, such as interest payments, and
are categorized as companies subject to financial
distress. Companies that cannot perform the
SEABC 2018 - 4th Sriwijaya Economics, Accounting, and Business Conference
payment obligation are forced to sell their assets or
reorganize their financial structure. Depressed
financial conditions can lead to dividends, factory
closures, losses, layoffs, CEO withdrawal, and stock
price plundering. Meanwhile, Koh et al. (2014)
stated that companies with an unstable income will
be more at risk of bankruptcy.
2.3 Firm Size
According to Bernandhi and Muid (2014), larger
companies tend to be more established because the
larger the size of the firm, the more assets are
owned, so that investors tend to be more confident in
investing in the firm, and the risk of the firm is
considered low. Kamat and Kamat (2013) prove that
firm size, income, and dividends are positively
related; therefore, larger companies can gain high
profits and distribute large dividends. According to
Utama and Rohman (2013), the size of the firm has a
considerable influence on the value of stocks
because investors see the size of the asset as a firm's
ability to run its operations. Rafique (2012) and
Shamsabadi et al. (2016) explain that large
companies are more established and have an easier
time entering the capital market. Thus, the firm's
cash flows more smoothly and will affect the policy
of dividend pay-out in the firm.
2.4 Asset Growth
Asset growth is a total asset change compared to
the asset's total value of the previous year (Ghauri,
2014). While, according to Wang et al. (2016),
companies paying dividends have high asset growth
ratios compared to firms that do not pay dividends.
Siboni and Pourali (2015) and Rizqia (2013) state
that asset growth may increase investment
opportunities in projects that benefit the firm.
Because asset growth improves the firm's operating
results, the decision to invest is dependent on how a
firm's assets growth. Companies with high asset
growth tend to have investment opportunities on
profitable projects. When the lucrative investment
opportunity increases then the dividend pay-out will
decrease, but the investor's view of the firm's value
is good.
2.5 Dividend Pay-out
The dividend pay-out ratio is the percentage of
profit paid to the shareholders in cash (Afzal and
Rohman, 2012). In Koh et al. (2014), the ratio of
payments should be lower than the distribution ratio
because the distribution ratio includes cash
dividends and stock repurchase. Stock repurchase is
when a firm buys back shares of circulation. An
equally high distribution and payment ratio indicates
that the firm pays a large dividend and slight stock
repurchase. In this situation, the dividend yield is
relatively high, and the expected capital gain is low.
If the firm has a high distribution ratio but a low
payment ratio, the firm pays a low dividend and
regularly performs stock repurchase; therefore, its
dividend yield is low and capital gain is high. The
stability of a firm's dividend pay-out will affect the
investor's view of the firm's performance and
increase public confidence in the firm so that the
stock can reach higher prices (Shamsabadi, 2016;
Sitorus and Elinarty, 2016)
2.6 Corporate value
Corporate value is the market value of the firm,
which is the price the investor is willing to pay
(Noerirawan and Muid, 2012; Afzal and Rohman,
2012). In Koh et al. (2014), the value of the firm
depends on the firm's ability to generate free cash
flow. Free cash flow is what will be distributed to
investors in the form of dividends. So, the firm can
increase its value by making and choosing which
dividend policy will benefit.
Based on the theory that has been described
above, it can be expressed as state of the art in this
study as a basis for analyzing the problems of factors
affecting corporate value such as; the Dividend Pay-
out is the most important role in the overall
Corporate Value, while the Financial Pressure, Firm
Size, Asset Growth are very important between the
corporate with the investor while building the
relationships in order obtained a high Corporate
Value, so the firm like mining sector must maintain
the Corporate Value.
3.1 Design of research
Subjects in this study are mining sector
companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange
period 2011-2015. The reason why this sector as
subject of this study because the financial
performance of the mining sector in the world even
Indonesia is in poor shape in this period
(, so it is not possible to take all the
companies in the world as a population because of
limited time and budget, while the object in this
Financial Pressure, Firm Size, Asset Growth And Corporate Value: Mediation Effect Of Dividend Payout
research are financial pressure, firm size, asset
growth and corporate value. This research is a
quantitative approach with a descriptive method that
describes the object of research at its present state
based on facts as they are analysed and interpreted
(Siregar, 2015). Furthermore, the data used in this
research is quantitative data that is secondary data in
the form of financial reports of the mining sector
firm from 2011-2015, obtained from the Indonesia
Stock Exchange (, and the population
in this study is all mining sector companies listed on
the Indonesia Stock Exchange from 2011-2015.
Thus, the total number is 42 companies, while the
sample in this research is 29 companies that meet the
criteria of purposive sampling as follows: 1) the
companies are listed in the mining sector on the
Indonesia Stock Exchange from 2011-2015; 2) the
companies’ financial statements are completed and
accessible; 3) the financial statements used are those
which ended on 31 December every year.
3.2 Operationalization of Research
The independent variable in this study is
Financial Pressure (FD) measured by the Altman Z-
score with the formula:
X1 = Working capital divided total assets ratio
X2 = Retained earnings divided total assets ratio
X3 = Earnings before interest and taxes divided total
assets ratio
X4 = Market value of equity divided book value of
long-term debt ratio
X5 = Sales divided total assets ratio
Also, Firm Size (FS) is measured by the
logarithm of total assets.
Asset Growth (AG) is measured by the asset
growth ratio that is the ratio of changes in total
assets from the current year to the previous year
against the total assets of the previous year.
Total assets t = Total assets in current year ,
Total assets t-1 = Total assets in the previous year
The Intervening Variable in this research is
Dividend Pay-out (DP) as measured by the dividend
pay-out ratio that is dividend per share ratio to
earnings per share. The reason DP as intervening
because according with Lintner (1962), Gordon
(1963) in theory Bird in the hand, explained that
investors want higher dividend and affect investors'
decisions to buy stocks.
The Dependent variable in this study is the
Corporate value (FV) as measured by Price to Book
Value (PBV) and Closing Price or closing stock
price at the end of the period.
The method of analysis in this research is SEM
using the program AMOS version 23. SEM is a
multivariate statistic technique which is a
combination of factor analysis and regression
analysis, which aims to test inter-variable
relationships that exist in a model, be it an inter-
indicator with its construct, or an inter-construct
relationship (Santoso, 2014), while this study using
Amos because enable to use multiple indicators of
this variables.
SEABC 2018 - 4th Sriwijaya Economics, Accounting, and Business Conference
4.1 Descriptive Statistics
Table 1: Descriptive Statistics of Research Variables
Std. Deviation
Valid N (list
Source: Output of SPSS 22
Table 1 show that the amount of data used in this
study equals 137. In Table 1, it is proven that the
minimum value of Financial Pressure (FD) is -
4.5632; for example, PT Bumi Resources Listed in
2015 means that the firm is predicted to go bankrupt
because the firm's Altman Z-score is less than 1.81.
This is because in 2010-2011, PT Bumi Resources
Listed, one of the coal mining firms owned by
Bakrie Group, proved negligent to pay taxes on
IDR.376 billion. The amount of debt that has not
been paid by the firm is high, and this firm is also
involved in the Lapindo Mudflow case in Sidoarjo,
East Java. These issues result in a loss of public
confidence in the firm, and the firm loses its external
funding and has insufficient cash flow to pay off its
financial obligations. The average value of
Financial Pressure is 15,461366 and deviation
standard equal to 41,902895, meaning uneven data
spread, because of the difference between data one
with other highs. The minimum value of the Firm's
Size (FS) is 10,0117, like Resources Asia Pacific
Listed in 2011, meaning that the firm has a small
amount of assets so that the prospect of the firm in
the future is considered unfavourable, so investors
become less confident to invest in the firm. The
average value of variable Size of Firm is equal to
12,629319, bigger than standard deviation value
equal to 0,744846, meaning the spread of data is
even, because of the difference between data one
with other lows. The lowest asset growth value is -
0.4385, owned by Perdana Karya Perkasa Listed in
2015; it indicates that the condition of the firm is
decreasing in its business activity and the level of
the firm's investment is low because the firm does
not have sufficient funds or assets to allocate to
profitable investment. The average value for Asset
Growth is 0.646921 with a standard deviation of
4.215989, indicating that the data spread from asset
growth in this study is uneven, because there is a
high difference between the data one with other data.
The lowest value of Dividend Payment is zero; this
figure is present in 81 sample data from 2011-2015,
meaning that many mining sector companies suffer
losses, so they do not pay dividends to shareholders.
The average value of the Dividend Payment is
0.179202 and the standard deviation is 0.260611,
meaning that the data distribution for dividend pay-
out in this research is uneven, because the difference
between data one with other data is high. The lowest
value of Price to Book value (PBV) is -1.5432,
owned by Bumi Resources Listed in 2013, meaning
that the value given by the financial market to
management or the firm is low, indicating the low
prosperity of the shareholders of the firm. The loss
of public confidence in this firm occurred because in
2010-2011 PT Bumi Resources Listed, one of the
coal mining firms owned by Bakrie Group, proved
negligent to pay taxes on IDR.376 billion. The
amount of debt that has not been paid by the firm is
high, and this firm is also involved in the Lapindo
Mudflow case in Sidoarjo, East Java. The average
value for the PBV is 1.740465 and the standard
deviation of 2.140966, meaning an uneven
distribution of PBV data, because it found a high
difference between the data one with the other data.
The minimum value of Closing Price (CP) is owned
by PT J Resources Asia Pacific Listed in 2011,
amounting to IDR.12.86, meaning that the demand
for J Resources Asia Pacific Listed shares is low
because the public or investors are less confident in
investing in this firm, so that the value of the firm is
considered low. This could be because in 2011, the
size of the firm J. Resources Asia Pacific Listed was
classified as small, so that the companies were
considered high risk and investors were afraid to
invest. The average value of Closing Price is
Financial Pressure, Firm Size, Asset Growth And Corporate Value: Mediation Effect Of Dividend Payout
1.567,5758 and its standard deviation is
3.286,72048, showing that the spread of data for
closing price is uneven, because the difference of
data one with other data highs.
4.2 Test Full Model of SEM
SEM analysis aims to test the feasibility of a full
model of this study. Testing the entire model in this
study used AMOS 23 to view and analyse its
Goodness of Fit (GOF). Structural equation
modelling analysis of this study is shown on table 2
Table 2: Testing Results Goodness of Fit Index
Goodness of Fit Index
Cut-of Value
≤ α, df
Good Fit
≥ 0,05
Good Fit
≤ 2 or 3
Good Fit
≥ 0,90
Good Fit
≥ 0,90
Marginal Fit
≥ 0,90
Good Fit
≥ 0,90
Marginal Fit
≥ 0,90
Good Fit
≤ 0,08
Marginal Fit
Source: Output of AMOS 23
Based on Table 2, it is an evident that almost all
the fit model criteria in this research model show
good or fit results, except AGFI, TLI, and RMSEA,
which show marginal fit results; overall, however,
this model looks good and can be used as a model to
predict the effect of independent variables on
dependent variable as described below in hypotheses
4.3 Test of relationship between
Bellow are a figure 1or Path Diagram for Full
Model in this research and table 3 that describes
the relationship between variables, whereas the
independent variables that indicated by FD, FS,
AG and the intervening variable that indicated by
DP also observeable because it is measureable,
while the dependent variable (FV) is un obserable
and it is not measureable, and so FV it still has to
be reduced as measureable indicators such as PBV
and CP and the data obtained from financial
Figure 1: Full Path Diagram Model Research
SEABC 2018 - 4th Sriwijaya Economics, Accounting, and Business Conference
Table 3: Coefficient estimate of the influence of between variables
Source: Results of AMOS 23
Notes :
Financial Pressure=FD, Firm Size =FS, Asset Growth =AG, Dividend Pay-out =DP, Corporate value =FV,
Price Book Value= PBV, Closing Price=CP
The structural equations generated by the fit model are as follows:
Based on the first structural equation model, if
the Financial Pressure variable rises by 1 unit and
the other variable remains, then the Dividend Pay-
out will rise by 0.001 units. If the Firm Size variable
rises by 1 unit and the other variable remains, then
Dividend Pay-out will rise by 0.089 units. If the
Asset Growth variable rises by 1 unit and the other
variable remains, Dividend Pay-out will rise by
0.009 units. Based on the second structural equation
model, if the Firm Size variable rises by 1 unit and
the other variable remains, the Corporate value will
increase by 0.033 units. If the Asset Growth
increases by 1 unit and other variable are fixed, then
the Corporate value will decrease by 0,001 unit. If
the Dividend Pay-out rises by 1 unit and the other
variable remains, then the Corporate value will rise
by 0.161 units.
Based on Figure 1 and Table 3, as mentioned
above, the hypotheses are derived as follows.
1) The Influence of Financial Pressure to
Corporate value (H1)
The results of this study shows that the value of
the influence of Financial Pressure on Corporate
Value is 0 with Critical Ratio (CR) value of -0.204
and P of 0.838. Because the value of CR ≤ 1.645 and
P ≥ 0.10, H1 is rejected, meaning that the variable of
Financial Pressure has no positive and significant
influence on Corporate Value. The results of this
study support the research of Ardian and
Khoiruddin (2014). The financial stress conditions
experienced by the firm do not affect the value of
the firm. The financial pressures in this study were
measured using Altman Z-score bankruptcy
predictions. Thus, the prediction of a firm's
bankruptcy does not affect the shareholder's
prosperity and the stock price of the firm itself.
2) The Influence of Financial Pressure to
Dividend Pay-out (H2)
The results of this study also shows that the
output shows the value of the effect of Financial
Pressure on Dividend Pay-out by 0,001, with CR
value 2,290 and P equal to 0,022. So, since the value
of P 0.022 is smaller than 0.10 and CR value 2,290
is greater than 1,645 or meets the criteria, then H2 is
accepted, it means that the variable of Financial
Pressure has a positive and significant effect on
Dividend Pay-out. The results of this study support
Pathan et al. (2014), which explains that companies
experiencing financial pressures use dividends to
increase their external financing by reducing their
financing costs. Also, the study conducted by
Cohen and Yagil (2009) found that firms with
financial distress had higher dividend pay-out ratios
than firms with no financial stress (stable). In
addition, the results of this study also support the
signalling theory in Baker and Powell (2012) and
Basiddiq and Hussainey (2012), which explain that
with the asymmetric information between firms and
markets and the dividend payments made by the
firm can inform investors about the state of the firm.
Financial Pressure, Firm Size, Asset Growth And Corporate Value: Mediation Effect Of Dividend Payout
3) The Influence of Firm Size to Corporate Value
The results of this study also shows that the
effect of Firm Size on Corporate Value is positive
0,033, CR is 1,903 and P value is 0,057. Thus, the P
and CR values meet the criteria P 0.10 and CR
1.645 and H3 is accepted, meaning that Firm Size
has a positive and significant effect on Corporate
Value. The results of this study are in line with
Rizqia et al. (2013) and Bernandhi and Muid (2014),
where the bigger size firms have a higher value.
Larger firms tend to be more established because the
larger the size of the firm, the more assets they have,
so investors tend to be more confident in investing in
the firm, and the firm's risk is low (Bernandhi and
Muid, 2014).
4) The Influence of Firm Size to Dividend Pay-
out. (H4)
The results of this study also shows that the
value of the effect of Firm Size on Dividend Pay-out
is positive at 0.089. The obtained value of CR is
3.126 1.645 and the value of P is 0.002 0.10.
Thus, H4 is accepted, meaning that the Firm Size
variable has a positive and major influence on
Dividend Payment. The results of this study support
the research of Basiddiq and Hussainey (2012),
Rafique (2012), Bernandhi and Muid (2014), and
Karina and Darsono (2014), where the size of the
firm and the dividend pay-out move in the direction
of the larger the size of a firm, the higher the
dividend pay-out. Because large firms are more
established and find it easier to enter the capital
market, the firm's cash flow is more fluent, affecting
dividend pay-out policies in the firm (Rafique, 2012;
Shamsabadi et al., 2016).
5) The Influence of Asset Growth to Corporate
Value (H5)
The results of this study also shows that the
obtained value of influence between Asset Growth
and Corporate Value is -0.001, with a Critical Ratio
of -0.673 and P value of 0.501. Because CR -0,673 ˂
1,645 and P value 0.501 ˃ 0.10, H5 is rejected, or
the variable Growth of Asset has a negative effect
not significant to Corporate value. So, the results of
this study support Ghauri (2014) and Sudiani and
Darmayanti (2016), where a higher asset growth will
decrease corporate value but not significantly. A
high amount of assets may not attract investors
because if the amount of debt-financed assets is
greater than the capital, then investors are afraid of
the risk of debt repayment in the future. Therefore,
investors are not interested in investment in the firm
because the value of the firm is considered low
(Utama and Rohman, 2013). Furthermore Azmat
(2014) states the companies that have high asset
growth but do not invest will be low interest for
6) The Influence of Asset Growth to Dividend
Pay-out (H6)
The results of this study also shows that the
value of the influence of Asset Growth on Dividend
Payment is positive 0.009, where CR value is 1.707
and P is 0.088. Thus, the probability value is less
than 0.10 and its critical ratio is more than 1.645,
and H6 is accepted, meaning that Asset Growth has
a positive and significant effect on Dividend Pay-
out. This result is in line with Siboni and Pourali's
research result (2015) that increased asset growth
will increase the firm's dividend pay-out because
asset growth can improve the firm's operating results
and thus the firm's free cash flow will increase, and
the firm will pay more dividends. In accordance with
the results of research, Wang et al. (2016) states that
a firm that performs dividend pay-out is a firm that
has characteristics of high asset growth ratio.
7) Effect of Dividend Pay-out to Corporate Value
The results of this study also shows that the
effect of Dividend Pay-out to Value of Firm is
positive 0.161, with CR of 2.402 and P-value of
0.016. Since the p and CR values meet the criteria P
0.10 and CR 1.645, then H7 is accepted,
meaning that Dividend Pay-out has a positive and
significant effect on Corporate Value. The results of
this study support Siboni and Pourali (2015),
Noerirawan and Muid (2012), Sitorus and Elinarty
(2016), Rizqia et al. (2013), Ririanty and Hermanto
(2015). Table 3 also proved that the direct influence
of the independent variables (FD, FS, AG) toward
the dependent variable (FV) are not significantly
exclude FS, but if through DP as intervening
variable the influence be significantly. So, by paying
high dividends, the value of the firm is also high.
Companies paying high dividends will require
external funding, so managers will not engage in
unfavourable activities for the firm. Therefore, by
paying a high dividend, the agency cost will
decrease, the shareholders' welfare will increase, and
the firm's value will also increase (Rafique, 2012;
Baker and Powell, 2012; Baker and Weigand, 2015
and Koh et al., 2014), Richard and John H Thornton
Jr. (2017).
SEABC 2018 - 4th Sriwijaya Economics, Accounting, and Business Conference
6.1 Conclusion
1) Corporate value is not significantly and
positively influenced by Financial Pressure, so H1 is
rejected. This research is in line with the results of
Ardian and Khoiruddin (2014). Corporate value is
not affected by the financial pressures faced by the
firm. This is based on descriptive statistics of
financial stress as measured by Altman Z-score, in
which companies that have an Altman Z-score value
over 2.99 are predicted not to be bankrupt.
2) Dividend pay-out is significantly and positively
influenced by Financial Pressure, so H2 is accepted.
The results of this study support Pathan et al. (2014),
Cohen and Yagil (2009), and signalling theory.
Companies that are facing financial distress will
make high dividend pay-outs. This is supported by
the descriptive statistics of financial pressures, as
measured by Altman Z-score, showing that there are
some companies that have an Altman Z-score value
of ˂ 1, 81, or predicted to go bankrupt but still make
a high or above-average dividend pay-out.
3) Corporate values are significantly and positively
influenced by Firm Size, so H3 is accepted. This
result is in line with the results of Rizqia et al.
(2013) and Bernandhi and Muid (2014) that the
larger the size of a firm, then the higher the value of
the firm. This is supported by the firm's descriptive
statistics measured by the logarithm of total assets,
indicating that several large companies have low or
below average value of book-to-book value and
average closing price.
4) Dividend pay-out is significantly and positively
influenced by Firm Size, so H4 is accepted. The
results of this study support the research of Basiddiq
and Hussainey (2012), Rafique (2012), Bernandhi
and Muid (2012), and Karina and Darsono (2014)
that the larger the size of a firm, the larger the
dividend payments made by the firm. The results of
this study are based on descriptive statistics of firm
size measured by the logarithm of total assets,
indicating that large companies make payments
dividends that are high or above average while
Small companies did not pay dividends.
5) Corporate value is insignificantly and negatively
influenced by Growth of Assets, so H5 is rejected.
The results of this study support to Ghauri (2014)
and Sudiani and Darmayanti (2016). Higher asset
growth will reduce corporate value, but not
significantly. These results are based on descriptive
statistics of asset growth as measured by the ratio of
total asset changes for the previous years, and total
assets of the previous year, indicating that
companies with high asset growth have the value of
the firm or price to book value, and a closing price
that is low or below average. Companies whose
asset growth is low or below average have the high
corporate value.
6) Dividend pay-out is significantly and positively
influenced by Asset Growth, so H6 is accepted. This
result is in line with the results of Siboni and Pourali
(2015) and Wang et al. (2016). Higher asset growth
will increase dividend pay-outs. Based on the
descriptive statistics of asset growth as measured by
the ratio of the total current and previous asset
changes to the total previous assets, indicating that
companies with high asset growth have high or
above-average dividend pay-outs. While Some
companies with low asset growth did not pay
7) Corporate value is significantly and positively
influenced by Dividend Payment, so H7 is accepted.
The results of this study support Siboni and Pourali
(2015), Noerirawan and Muid (2012), Sitorus and
Elinarty (2016), Rizqia et al. (2013), Ririanty and
Hermanto (2015). Companies that pay higher
dividends will have high corporate value, too. These
results are based on descriptive statistics of dividend
pay-out ratio who pay high dividends and have the
value of the firm (price to book value and closing
price), which are also high or above average. 81
sample data of companies that do not pay dividends,
and have low or below average value. This evidence
proves that the Dividend Payout as intervening
variables may mediate the influence of Asset
Growth and Financial Pressure toward Corporate
6.2 Implication and Limitation
For Academic implication, the results of this
study contributed to the form of academic advice that
can fill the gap in previous research about the causal
relationship between Asset Growth with Corporate
Values, like that conducted by Siboni and Pourali
(2015), which examines the positive influence of
asset growth variable on corporate value.
Meanwhile, Ghauri (2014) and Sudiani and
Darmayanti (2016) state an insignificant influence of
asset growth on corporate value, so both models can
be developed by adding the dividend pay-out as an
intervening variable indicating the dividend
payments in cash. Thus, there is an indirect
relationship between profitability and debt ratio,
with a value of stock that is stronger than a direct
relationship, while for Practical Implication, This
Financial Pressure, Firm Size, Asset Growth And Corporate Value: Mediation Effect Of Dividend Payout
research also briefly gives contribution that the
mining sector firm listed on the Indonesian Stock
Exchange may increase the value of the firm by
paying more attention to firm size, asset growth, and
consist of making the dividend pay-out, as these
factors become the determinants of the firm's value
in the mining industry sector, and for Investors.
Investors are advised to other potential investors for
choosing larger size firms and higher asset growths,
also high dividend pay-outs, before deciding to
invest their money in companies engaged in the
mining industry.
Limitations of Research ; Limitations in this
study are: (1). this study only measures the influence
of four variables: financial pressure, firm size, asset
growth and dividend pay-out to corporate value; (2).
this study uses only five years’ time frame data from
2011-2015; (3). the population and samples used in
this study only focus on companies in the mining
sector listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange, so
that the results of this study are only able to explain
the effect of variables on the value of the firm on
mining, and did not rule out that there are different
effects on other types of industries. Some
suggestions from this research include that future
researchers use the Adjusted Goodness of Fit Index
(AGFI) or Coefficient of Determination (R
), which
indicates that the influence of variable Finance
Pressure, Firm Size, Asset Growth, and Dividend
Payment to Corporate value is 89.5%, while the
remaining 10.5% is influenced by other variables
outside this model. So, the next researcher should
use other factors that are external, like inflation rate,
interest rate (Noerirawan and Muid, 2012), so that
the results can be more varied. An increase of the
observation period is also suggested, so that the
research can truly illustrate the effect of financial
pressures, firm size, and asset growth on corporate
value through dividend pay-out. Conducting
research on other types of industries outside the
mining sector will help future researchers see the
variation of research results.
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Financial Pressure, Firm Size, Asset Growth And Corporate Value: Mediation Effect Of Dividend Payout