The Influence of Economic Growth, The Minimum Wage, The
Unemployment Rate Against Poverty Level in Regency/City in South
Sumatra Province in 2011-2016
Maya Tourina, Didik Susetyo, Azwardi
Faculty of Economics, Universitas Sriwijaya, Palembang, Indonesia
Keywords: Economic Growth, Minimum Wage, Unemployment Rate, Poverty Rate
Abstract: This research aims to find out how to influence economic growth, unemployment rate, minimum wage
against poverty level regency/city in South Sumatra Province in 2011-2016. The object of this research was
15 regencies / cities in South Sumatra Province, with a period of 6 years. The data used is a combination of
data time series and cross section data so using regression analysis panel. Data collection methods used in
this research is to study methods of library. The results of this research show that simultaneously variables
of economic growth are, the minimum wage, the unemployment rate effect on poverty levels. Partially, only
economic growth has a negative and significant effect on the poverty level, while the variable of minimum
wage and unemployment rate have negative and insignificant effect to poverty level of regency/city in South
Sumatera province year 2011-2016.
Development is a process that aims to realize the
prosperity of society through the development of the
economy. Measures of development success can be
seen from the economic growth, economic structure
and the level of disparities between people, between
regions and between sectors. The main objectives of
the economic development effort besides creating
the highest growth, should also eliminate or reduce
the level of poverty, income gap, and unemployment
rate (Todaro, 2000). So it can be said that the
priority of development is eliminating poverty.
Efforts are being made to accelerate the
development of the area with this central
Government has granted autonomy in local
Government to dig the potentialities that are owned
by the Government of the area. Development in
South Sumatra Province which took place
extensively and continuously been improving the
economy society. The achievement of the outcomes
of the development community is perceived very
aggregate construction of 13 regencies and 4 cities
with 2,872 village, 385 wards and 231 subdistricts in
South Sumatra Province which is inseparable from
the efforts together between the Government and the
public. But on the other hand various obstacles in
maximizing the potential of our human resources
and sources of capital still faced by deciding policy
at the provincial level as well as at the regency/city.
Based on Table 1, be aware that during the
period of 2011-2016 the whole district/city in South
Sumatra Province is experiencing the instability of
economic growth on average each year. Economic
growth in 2011 at the Muara Enim Regency, higher
than other regencies in South Sumatra Province of
12.28 percent, in 2012 the economic growth at
Regency Prabumulih increased by 8.32 percent, the
year 2013 economic growth in OI higher than in
other regencies of the District of 7.26 percent,
economic growth in 2014 at Regency Prabumulih
11.51 percent increase by the year 2015 and the
economic growth in the Regency Muara Enim and
Ogan Komering Ulu Selatan higher is amounting to
7.62 percent, and 6.82 percent in 2016, however,
economic growth improved in the Regency of Ogan
Komering Ulu Timur and Prabumulih amounting to
6.15 percent and 6.8 percent. The increase is due to