
decentralized fiscal autonomy is the ability of the
financial area, meaning the area have the ability and
authority to digging out to finances resources,
manage and use own its treasury to finance the
organization of the government. The more self-
sufficient a region will be more generous in doing
economic development.
The positive effect of fiscal independence and
significantly to the economic growth of the region. So
it is expected that constantly improved the ability of
the area in an effort to improve the fiscal in the
autonomous areas, so that it can continue to improve
the regional investment and boost the economic
growth of the region. Meanwhile, the income of the
DAU and DBH have no effect significantly to
economic growth. DAU and DBH to mean that
increases haven't been able to boost economic
growth. For it is need for policy areas that can
increase per capita income, by encouraging
communities to undertake a productive economic
activities, so as to be able to provide more job
opportunities so that the growth the economy can be
improved and the Government also expected to
prioritize the allocation of DAU and DBH in fields
which directly come into contact with the public
interest, such as infrastructure or facilities that could
encourage economic growth
This study has several limitations, including: a)
there is still some contention between the results of
this research with previous research. So researchers
hope to researchers next back review about factors
that affect economic growth, b) research results
cannot be generalized to the case other than the object
of research, c) the object of the research is still limited
city and regency in South Sumatra Province, d) period
of research conducted in this study only 6 years old,
is expected to further research could use a longer
period in order to make research a higher degree of
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SEABC 2018 - 4th Sriwijaya Economics, Accounting, and Business Conference