The Effect of Macroeconomic Variables on Non Performing
Financing in Sharia Commercial Banks
Universitas Sriwijaya, Indonesia
Keywords: Gross Gross Domestic Product (GDP), Inflation, Exchange Rate (Exchange Rate), Money supply (M2), Non-
Performance Financing (NPF), time-series.
Abstract: The main object of this research aims to analyze the effect of macroeconomic variables on non-performing
financing. The population of this study is all Islamic banks in Indonesia. The data used are the overall level
of GDP, inflation, exchange rate / exchange rate, money supply (M2) and the level of non-performing
financing in Islamic commercial banks in Indonesia. Data starts from January 2005 to December 2014. This
study uses a quantitative approach, with secondary data usage based on time series data. Data is obtained from
reports on Islamic banking statistics published by Bank Indonesia (BI). The analysis technique used is
multiple linear regression to obtain a comprehensive picture of the relationship between one variable and
another. The results showed that GDP had a positive effect on NPF, inflation and the exchange rate had no
effect on NPF and M2 had a negative effect on NPF. The variable that most affects the NPF is GDP.
The Bank is a financial institution that functions
as a financial intermediary that distributes funds from
parties with excess funds to those who lack funds.
Funds owned by banks are derived from bank funds
themselves, funds from the public and loan funds.
One of the bank's goals is to provide a safe place for
depositors (Mankiw, 2013).
The Bank also has a mission in the Indonesian
economy, which is to improve the lives of many
people by channeling funds to the public in the form
of credit so that the purchasing power or effort of the
community can increase, thereby increasing
Indonesia's economic development. That in a
country's economy it is impossible to grow quickly
without the role of banks in channeling credit.
Financing portfolio (Financing) is the largest part of
bank assets, because financing is the main activity of
the Islamic banking business. Thus the revenue-
sharing or profit-buying income which is a financing
instrument for Islamic banking is the dominant source
of income (Arifin, 2009). There is no risk-free term in
Islamic economics, so Islamic banks in carrying out
their main activities will also face risks, namely
financing risk or credit risk.
Credit risk is the risk due to the failure of the
customer or another party to fulfill the obligation to
the bank in accordance with the agreed agreement.
Credit or financing risk is reflected by the ratio of
Non-Performing Financing (NPF) to Islamic banks
and Non-Performing Loans (NPLs) in conventional
banks. Several previous studies cited by (Makri,
2013) tested the determinants of Non Performing
Loans (NPL) and non-performing loans, proving and
confirming that macroeconomic variables have a
strong influence on non-performing loans. The ability
and fluency in repaying loans is influenced by the
level of community income. The higher the level of
total community income reflected by GDP (Mankiw,
2013), then the possibility of problematic financing
will be small because the community is able to pay it
off (Faiz, 2010). So that GDP is included in this study.
Inflation in general is defined as the increase in the
price of goods and services as a result of the amount
of money (demand) which is more than the amount of
goods or services available (supply), as a result of
inflation is the fall in the value of money. The effect
of changes in inflation on the NPF is that high
inflation will cause a decline in real income so that
people's living standards also fall. Before inflation, a
debtor is still able to pay the installment, but after
inflation occurs, prices have increased quite high,
while the debtor's income has not increased, the
Muslimah, .
The Effect of Macroeconomic Variables on Non Performing Financing in Shariah Commercial Banks.
DOI: 10.5220/0008439002500257
In Proceedings of the 4th Sriwijaya Economics, Accounting, and Business Conference (SEABC 2018), pages 250-257
ISBN: 978-989-758-387-2
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
debtor's ability to weaken because most or even all of
his income has been used to fulfill household needs
as a result of rising prices.
Foreign exchange rates are the domestic price of
foreign currency or foreign currency. (Hendry, 2011).
Foreign exchange rates against the Indonesian
currency represent economic stability in the country
of Indonesia. Strengthening the rupiah exchange rate,
the stronger the rupiah, the better the national
economy in this country. Changes in currency
exchange rates will also greatly affect the smooth
running of the customer's business. If the value of the
rupiah falls compared to foreign exchange and if the
business is carried out using imported materials, it
will hit the customer's business and can increase the
problematic financing ratio.
The relationship between money supply and credit
risk arises through the behavior of borrowers due to
changes in money supply in the economy. However,
if the central bank decides to follow an expansionary
monetary policy, reduce the required reserve level
and reduce the discount rate. Increased money supply,
which means increased productivity and profitability
which in turn stimulates investment and consumption.
As a result, income increases. In addition, increasing
the money supply will reduce interest rates and
increase the opportunity for people to have cheaper
funds. These conditions increase the ability of
borrowers to repay their obligations and contribute to
reducing banks "credit risk exposure (Ahmad and
Ariff 2007). Accelerating money supply growth can
act as an indicator of potential future growth (Berk
and Bikker, 1995). Impact of money supply on credit
risk examined by Ahmad (2003), he found a
significant and negative relationship between M2 asa
proxy for money supply and credit risk. Several
studies of external factors that include
macroeconomic conditions are: Gross Domestic
Product (GDP), Inflation, and Exchange Rate that
affect the level of the ratio of non-performing loans
(NPL) or non-performing financing (NPF) in Islamic
commercial banks, between Other: Rahmawulan
(2008), Setiawan (2013), Febrianti (2015), and
Shingjergji (2013) examine external factors that
affect non-performing loans (NPL / NPF). Their
results show that GDP has a significant positive effect
on non-performing loans (NPL / NPF). While
Khemraj (2005), Azeez (2015), Haniifa (2015),
Nursechafia and Abduh (2014), and Firmansyah
(2014) show that GDP results have a significant
negative effect on non-performing loans (NPL /
NPF). Meanwhile, the results are different from
Soebagia (2005), and Ihsan (2011) which shows that
GDP has no significant effect on non-performing
loans (NPF).
Nahar and Sarkev (2016), show that inflation has
a significant positive effect on non-performing loans
(NPL). Haniifah (2015) shows that inflation has a
non-significant positive impact on non-performing
loans (NPL). While Rajha (2016), Badar and Yamin
(2013), ahmad and Bashir (2013) show that inflation
has a significant negative impact on non-performing
loans (NPL). Febrianti (2015), stated that the
exchange rate had a significant positive effect on the
Indonesian Islamic banking NPF. Shingjergji (2013)
and Farhan, Sattar, Khalil and Chaudhry (2012)
stated that the exchange rate has a positive effect on
non-performing loans (NPLs) in contrast to Nahar
and Sarkev which stated that the exchange rate had no
effect on NPLs, and this research was supported by
Firmansari (2014) , Haniifa (2015), Badar and
Yasmin (2013) as well as Nursechafia and Abduh
(2014. Badar and Yasmin showed that M2 did not
affect non-performing loans (NPLs), whereas
Nursechafia and Abduh (2014) showed the opposite
result, namely that M2 had a significant positive
effect on NPF. Based on the phenomenon of gaps and
the diversity of research gaps, the results of existing
research regarding the external influence of banking
on NPL / NPF.
The Objectives of the Research
1. What is the influence of GDP, inflation rate,
exchange rate fluctuations, and money supply on
NPF (Non Performing Financing) at Islamic
Commercial Banks in 2005-2014?
2. Which variable plays the most dominant role on
the problematic financing level (NPF / Non-
Performing Financing) in Sharia Commercial
Banks in 2005-2014?
Based on background and problems of this
research, the researchers describe the research
framework as seen in Figure 1 below
The Effect of Macroeconomic Variables on Non Performing Financing in Shariah Commercial Banks
The hypothesis is a temporary answer to the
formulation of the research problem, (Sugiono, 2012:
93). Based on the formulation of the problem above,
the hypothesis proposed in this study are:
1. Gross Domestic Product has a negative effect
on NPF.
2. Inflation has a positive effect on NPF.
3. Exchange rates or exchange rates have a
positive effect on the level of the NPF.
4. Money supply has a negative effect on NPF
The population in this study are all Sharia
commercial banks registered at Bank Indonesia in the
observation period January 2005 to December 2014..
The data used as samples in this study are NPF data
for Islamic Commercial Banks, Real GDP, Inflation
and exchange rates (middle exchange rates). This data
is in the form of monthly data for each variable
starting from the period January 2005 to December
2014, except for the GDP variable which is only
available in quarterly form which is then interpolated
into monthly data through the quadratic match sum
method. The reason for choosing the year period used
is to get accurate results
The data analysis method used in this study is the
Ordinary Least Square Method (OLS) using multiple
linear regression techniques. In conducting multiple
linear regression analysis, this method requires to test
classic assumptions in order to get good regression
results. In analyzing multiple linear regression
models in order to produce a good estimator, that is
linear bias with the minimum variant (best linear
unbiased estimator = blue) is the fulfillment of the
assumptions of the basic assumption of regression,
namely by performing a series of classic assumption
tests as follows:
A. Classic assumption test
1. Normality Test
This normality test aims to test whether in the
dependent variable regression model, both
independent variables and both are normally
distributed or not.
2. Multicollinearity Test
Multicollinearity test aims to test whether the
regression model found correlation between
independent variables (Tanjung, 2013: 52
3. Autocorrelation Test
Autocorrelation is a phenomenon that arises
from incorrect specifications regarding the
relationship between endogenous variables and
explanatory variables.
) ≠ 0; i ≠ j
The autocorrelation test aims to test whether in a
linear regression model there is a correlation between
the interfering errors in period t with errors in the
period t-1 (before). Correlation test aims to find out
whether there is a correlation between members of a
series of observational data described according to
time (time series) or space (cross section).
4. Heterocytacity test
Heteroscedasticity test is used to determine
whether or not there is a deviation from the
classical heteroscedasticity assumption, namely
the existence of variance inequality of residuals
for all observations in the regression model. The
prerequisites that must be fulfilled in the
regression model so that there is no symptom of
heteroscedasticity is if the Prob value. F count is
greater than alpha level 0.10 (10%) does not
occur heteroscedasticity
B. Statistic test
Statistical analysis test used in the form of
regression analysis, namely analysis that can measure
the influence between a group of variables that are
interconnected. In this study, analysis uses multiple
linear regression method. Multiple linear regression
is defined as a model that has a minimum independent
variable of two or more. The regression equation in
this study is as follows:
NPF = 𝜷
+ β𝑿
+ β2𝑿
+ β3𝑿
= variable GDP
= Inflation variable
= exchange rate variable
= variabel Money Supply
C. Hypothesis test
Hypothesis test s used to test the effect of the
independent variable either partially or
simultaneously to the dependent variable.
1. Simultaneous Significance Test (Test F Statistics)
Simultaneous significance test (F test statistic)
aimed to show whether all the independent variables
used simultaneously influence on the dependent
variable or not.
2. Parsial Significance Test (Test t Statistics)
The purpose of partial significance test (t test
statistic) is to determine whether each independent
variable (GDP,Inflation,exchange rate and M2)
affect the dependent variable (NPF) is significant or
SEABC 2018 - 4th Sriwijaya Economics, Accounting, and Business Conference
The influence of GDP on NPF
The first hypothesis proposed states that GDP has
a significant negative effect on NPF. This is in
accordance with the general theory when the GDP
growth rate increases, it will increase economic
activity (Samuelson, 2001), so that when economic
activity increases, people's income will rise which in
turn also increase the capacity for borrowers or
debtors to repay their loans. When the loan or credit
repayment capacity of the debtor increases, in other
words, the loan repayment will be timely and the
interest, so the probability of the possibility of non-
performing loans will decrease. In addition, the
decline in real GDP is also a common characteristic
of recession (Samuelson, 2001), the recession will
cause economic sluggishness that affects the debtor's
business cycle and ultimately affect business
The results of testing the Gross Domestic Product
(GDP) variable on the level of the Sharia bank NPF
ratio, it is known that GDP has a significant positive
effect on the level of the ratio of Islamic banks' NPF.
So the higher the real GDP growth, the higher the
level of problematic financing in Islamic commercial
banks, but the effect is not large because a 1% GDP
increase only raises the NPF level by 0.0095%. This
is because when GDP conditions increase, the
macroeconomic income of the community also
increases, but this does not reduce the level of
problematic financing, because this indicates the
tendency of the Indonesian people who are
considered highly consumptive, so that most of their
income is prioritized for their consumption needs
rather than repayment of loans to banks. It is proven
that Indonesia is currently ranked second as the most
consumptive country in theworld
These findings support the results of research
conducted by Soebagio (2005), Imaduddin (2006),
Edwin (2007), Rahmawulan (2008) and (Mutmainah
and Chasanah, 2012). in their research GDP has a
significant positive effect on Problem Financing.
Influence of Inflation on NPF
The second hypothesis states that Inflation has a
positive and significant effect on NPF is not
acceptable. The results of this study inflation rate has
no effect on NPF.
According to Chapra (2001), inflation implies that
money cannot function as a fair and correct
accounting unit. Inflation causes people to behave
unfairly to others, by undermining the purchasing
power of monetary assets unknown. This damages the
efficiency of the monetary system and raises the costs
of welfare for the community. Inflation tends to
damage values, reward speculative efforts by
inflicting losses on productive activities and
exacerbating income inequality. Thus inflation is a
symptom of disequilibrium that is not in accordance
with the emphasis of Islam on equilibrium. In pure
Islamic theory, actually inflation will not occur
because of the characteristic Islamic financial
characteristics. When the money used is full bodied
money or fully backed money, there will be no
inflation. This is because the type of money does not
cause the creation of circulating money with
Seignorage. Based on the above theory, inflation has
no effect on the level of NPF.
Sharia Commercial Banks also have stronger
durability compared to Conventional Banks. Islamic
banks use several types of contracts in financing that
aim to diversify credit risk. The most dominant
financing used is financing with a murabahah
agreement that is equal to 61% based on Sharia
Banking Statistics 2015. In murabahah applications
installments are fixed from the beginning to the end,
so that when there is an increase in inflation in the
long term, this does not affect the amount of
installments paid by the customer. Because customers
can plan cash flow arrangements needed to pay off
murabahah financing (Mutamimah and Chasanah,
Thus, the impact of inflation can be reduced and
has no effect on NPF. The results of this study support
the results of the study by Popita (2013) and Firdaus
(2015) which concluded that the inflation variable
had no significant effect on NPF Syariah Bank.
Febrianti (2015) states that the cause of inflation is
not significant affects the NPF because the value of
financing and non-performing loans in Islamic banks
is relatively small in nominal terms when compared
to conventional banks so that the impact of inflation
is not significant on NPF. In addition, inflation that
occurred during the observation period was not as
severe as the inflation that occurred during the
1997/1998 crisis which reached hyper inflation so
that it could make it difficult for debtors. These
findings support the results of research conducted by
Nursechafiah and Abduh (2014), and Bhattarai
(2014), in their research the inflation variable did not
have a significant effect on Problem Financing.
The Effect of Macroeconomic Variables on Non Performing Financing in Shariah Commercial Banks
Influence of Exchange Rate on NPF
The third hypothesis proposed states that the
Exchange has a positive and significant effect on
NPF. variables From the results of the study obtained
the value of the Statistics for the variable exchange
rate of 0.6115 with a significance value of 0.54 where
this value is greater at a significance level of 0.10.
Thus the third hypothesis states that the Exchange
variable which has a positive and significant effect on
NPF is rejected. Based on the results of data analysis
it can be concluded that the exchange rate does not
negatively affect NPF. The absence of influence
between the two variables because the NPF is not
directly affected by the economic conditions seen
from the exchange rate. Changes in exchange rates
require a long period of time to influence the
condition of the bank's NPF level. Fluctuating
exchange rates have no effect on margin fluctuations,
such as in Conventional Banks. Because financing
products at Islamic Banks make borrowers who use
the services of Islamic Commercial Banks obtain
fixed and unchanged margins, as is the case with
loans in Conventional Banks. So that it will make the
borrower community will be better able to regulate
their financial flow or cash flow.
The results of this study strengthen the research of
Febriyanti (2015), which concludes that in the long
run the exchange rate has no significant effect on
financing risk (NPF) of Islamic Commercial Banks
(BUS). This is due to the average amount of financing
in foreign currency in Sharia Banking in the range of
5% of the total financing disbursed, based on the 2015
Indonesian Banking Statistics. So that changes in
exchange rates do not have enough impact and even
have almost no impact on NPF Syariah Banks. In
addition, financing exposure at Islamic Commercial
Banks is more directed at the real sector activities of
the domestic economy so that it does not have a high
level of integration with the global financial system.
The results of the study support the research of
Mutamimah and Chasanah (2012) and Firdaus (2015)
which show that the exchange rate does not affect the
occurrence of changes in the level of problematic
financing The results of this study also support the.
results of Popita's (2013) and Firdaus (2015) study
which concluded that the inflation variable had no
significant effect on NPF Syariah Bank.
Influence of M2 on NPF
Effect of the amount of money in circulation (M2)
on NPF The fourth hypothesis proposed states that
M2 has a negative and significant effect on NPF.
Variables from the results of the study obtained t-
statistics value for the exchange rate variable of -
1.892 with a significance value of 0.061 where this
value is significant at a significance level of 0.10.
Thus the fourth hypothesis states that the M2 variable
has a negative and significant effect on NPF received.
The amount of money in circulation is one of the
macro policies used by the government to stabilize
economic conditions. Therefore changes in the
amount of money in circulation will affect banking
conditions. When the amount of money circulates
increases, one of the instruments used by the
government is to raise interest rates. It is expected that
with the increase in interest rates, it will stimulate the
public to invest their funds in the bank. When people
invest their funds in banks, Islamic banks as part of
the banking industry will collect these funds. The
amount of funds that has been collected will increase
the ability of Islamic banks to channel funds through
financing. In the end the amount of financing will
increase. This condition also increases the ability of
borrowers to repay their obligations and contribute to
reducing banks "credit risk exposures (Ahmad and
Ariff 2007). These findings support the results of
research conducted by Nursechafia and Abduh
(2014), Iriani and Yuliadi (2015) who in their
research Money Supply variables negatively affect
the Term Financing
GDP has a significant positive effect on the ratio
of Islamic banks' general bank NPF. So the higher the
real GDP growth, the higher the level of non-
performing financing in Islamic banks. This is
because when GDP conditions increase, the
macroeconomic income of the community also
increases, but this does not reduce the level of
problematic financing, because this indicates the
tendency of the Indonesian people who are
considered highly consumptive, so that most of their
income is prioritized for their consumption needs
rather than repayment of loans to banks. The debtor's
failure to repay the loan can be caused by internal
factors from the debtor such as the cessation of
income received by the debtor to repay his loan or
other factors affecting the debtor in repaying his debt.
And the performance factor of the bank also
influences the increase in high financing.
The inflation rate has no effect on the NPF,
because the value of financing and non-performing
loans in Islamic banks in nominal terms is still
relatively small when compared to conventional
SEABC 2018 - 4th Sriwijaya Economics, Accounting, and Business Conference
banks so that the impact of inflation is not significant
on the NPF.
The exchange rate or exchange rate does not affect
non-current financing. This is due to the fact that the
financing in foreign currency in Islamic banks is at an
average of around 5% of the total financing disbursed
(Bank Indonesia, 2013), so that changes in exchange
rates do not have enough impact and almost no impact
on the Islamic bank NPF. The money supply has a
positive and significant effect. Islamic banks as part
of the banking industry will collect funds from the
community. The amount of funds that has been
collected will increase the ability of Islamic banks to
channel funds through financing. In the end the
amount of financing will increase. With the increase
in financing, there will be an increase in NPF if the
increase in the amount of money in circulation is not
accompanied by an increase in output of production
The money supply has a positive and significant
effect. Islamic banks as part of the banking industry
will collect funds from the community. The amount
of funds that has been collected will increase the
ability of Islamic banks to channel funds through
financing. In the end the amount of financing will
increase. With the increase in financing, there will be
an increase in NPF if the increase in the amount of
money in circulation is not accompanied by an
increase in output of production
The results of this study can be useful for
evaluating the development of the Islamic
Commercial Bank system and steps for taking related
policies such as:
a. Policies related to Gross Domestic Product
Sharia Commercial Banks should be cautious in
channeling credit to the public, the link between
GDP and non-performing loans, in recession
conditions where there is a decline in sales and
corporate income, it will affect the company's
ability to repay its loans. This will cause an
increase in non-current credit outstanding.
b. The government suppresses the amount of
money in circulation by providing financing
options that are clear, easy and safe for the
community so that the funds can develop and
manage the community itself
c. For further research researchers can use
customer characteristics as additional veriabel
so that banks can reduce the level of their NPF.
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