The Internal Audit Unit, Budgetary Participation, and Intellectual
Capital Effect to Good University Governance through Internal
Rulyanti Susi Wardhani
, Taufik Marwa
, Luk Fuadah
, Saadah Siddik
, Rita Martini
, Ahmad
, and Nurkadina Novalia
Bangka Belitung University, Bangka Belitung, Indonesia
Sriwijaya University, Palembang, Indonesia
Muhammadyah University, Palembang, Indonesia
Sriwijaya State Polytechnic, Palembang, Indonesia
IBA University, Palembang, Indonesia
rulyantiwardhani67, lukluk.fuadah, martinirita65, maulanaahmad, nurkardinanovalia (,
Keywords: Internal audit unit, budgetary participation, intellectual capital, internal control, good university governance.
Abstract: This research aims to analyze the influence of internal audit unit, budgetary participation, intellectual capital
(IC), on good university governance (GUG) through internal control at the Southern Sumatra State
University. The number of universities studied was Sriwijaya University, Bangka Belitung University,
Lampung University, Jambi University, Lampung State Polytechnic, Sriwijaya State Polytechnic, Bangka
Belitung Manufacturing Polytechnic, Sumatra Technology Institute and Bengkulu University. The results
showed that there was a direct influence of internal audit units, negatively and significant. The participation
in budgeting and internal control has a positive and significant influence on GUG. However, IC does not
directly affect GUG. The results for indirect influences indicate that the internal audit unit, participation in
the budget and intellectual capital compilation of GUG through internal control.
Higher education is a character from an
institution that must be confident in improving the
management of the institution's internal management
intensely. Looking forward, universities must be
able to produce resources that can answer the wishes
and challenges of the community. According to
(Lee, 2001) the tendency of strengthening and
improving quality in the field of education through
various policies such as education that has been
implemented in several countries such as; Britain,
America, Japan and Korea are proof of the
awareness of the governments of these countries
towards the pressure of high levels of competence in
the era of globalization. The existence of
globalization will bring human civilization to a
society that is knowledgeable agains GUG through
internal control (Coaldrake et al, 2003).
Kennedy (2003) and Kickbusch & Gleicher
(2012) stated that policy issues in the 21st century
focused on the public sector in the management of
universities. Higher education institutions, both
private and public, are expected to provide the
maximum possible service to the community,
therefore higher education requires the concept of
good governance (Goodwin, 2003; Dewi & Apandi,
2012). The implementation of the concept of good
governance in universities in Indonesia as well as
other developing countries, there are basic
challenges namely improving quality, relevance,
equity, efficiency, and governance, where the
position of higher education is a moral force to assist
in directing democratization in society and socio-
political reform. The existence of basic challenges in
State Universities (PTN) resulted in the emergence
of new challenges namely understanding the
knowledge economy, increasing internationalization
and competition between countries (Nizam, 2006).
Susi Wardhani, R., Marwa, T., Fuadah, L., Siddik, S., Martini, R., Maulana, A. and Novalia, N.
The Internal Audit Unit, Budgetary Participation, and Intellectual Capital Effect to Good University Governance through Internal Control.
DOI: 10.5220/0008442405460554
In Proceedings of the 4th Sriwijaya Economics, Accounting, and Business Conference (SEABC 2018), pages 546-554
ISBN: 978-989-758-387-2
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
The new challenge caused the Indonesian
government to issue Government Regulation
Number 4 of 2014 and this regulation is in line with
the study of Zaman (2016) regarding the autonomy
of higher education. The autonomy of tertiary
institutions in question is the autonomy of the
academic and non-academic fields. Non-academic
autonomy whose activities include the establishment
of operational, financial, student, labour and
infrastructure norms and policies for its management
carried out through the principles of Good
University Governance (Government Regulation No.
4 of 2014). The results of the examination of the
Financial Examination Agency of the Republic of
Indonesia (2015) states that there are still many
problems and weak management of PTN caused by
weak internal controls and still not compliant laws
and regulations in managing PTN in Indonesia. The
existence of higher education autonomy will open up
areas of improvement and competition, but these
conditions are still limited by state-driven higher
education policies and increasing interventions
related to external quality assurance (Hénard &
Mitterle, 2010). Actuality from Indonesian education
providers has experienced a number of obstacles,
both in terms of policy, implementation, supervision,
and evaluation. This condition requires that
optimization of the application of the GUG
principles and maximize the function of the Internal
Audit Unit (SPI), this causes according to Aisyah et
al (2013) that the need for SPI formation is not
based on the needs of the SPI role, but more in the
administrative complementary organizational
structure, many SPI teams, especially those that have
not been Public Service Agencies (BLU), cannot
function properly because SPI is in an inappropriate
form in terms of the number of human resources
allocated, the qualifications of the chairperson and
members of the SPI, and the funding of program
activities and internal audit activity. Systematic
budgeting is expected to be able to accommodate the
interests of each unit in activity activities.
Implementation of budgeting requires the
participation of the organization (Ompusunggu and
Krisler, 2006) but in reality, the budget preparation
in universities involves only a few elements, so the
budget is not an appropriate target. Incorrectly
arranged budgets can cause dysfunctional behaviour
and negative behaviour among organizational
members (Kennis, 1979; Argyris, 1952; Syahputra,
2014). Management in PTN is inseparable from
aspects of human resources because it is a very
important aspect of every organization. The most
valuable resource in the university is the expertise of
the faculty and staff, namely it’s IC (Jones et al,
The reason for state universities in Southern
Sumatra was due to the findings of the Republic of
Indonesia Supreme Audit Agency (2016), namely
weak internal control, lack of compliance with
legislation, as well as budget targets not yet found in
the Southern Sumatra PTN. This study refers to the
research of Azwar (2013), Fredrick and Narkiso
(2014), Gina et al (2014), Karagiorgos et al (2010),
Kusmayadi (2012), Radjagukku et al, 2014),
Puspitarini (2012), Suyono and Hariyanto (2012),
Sukirman (2012) where efforts to achieve good
governance, in this case, are GUG, PTN requires an
internal supervision unit or internal auditor to
support the GUG, which is currently the main
component in management or improve universities
effectively and efficiently based on the principles of
good governance. SPI or audit has a positive effect
on the achievement of GUG which means that the
better the role of the internal supervision unit, the
better the achievement or good corporate. Amilin
(2016) budgeting participation has not encouraged
the principles of GUG. Studies by Cadara & Saidin
(2013) state that internal control influences the
effectiveness of internal audit and Ramírez's (2013)
research states that the presentation of information
related to Intellectual Capital (IC) is important in
higher education institutions, especially because
knowledge is the main output both through research
and teaching. Aristanti (2016) show that the
increasing IC owned, the more it can increase GUG,
which means IC has a positive effect on GUG.
Based on previous research related to good
corporate governance, most of the research was
carried out on private companies and the public
sector such as the financial sector (Handley-
Schachler et al, 2007). Good in the public sector
(Stewart-Weeks and Kastelle, 2015). Previous
research still discusses partially or separately the
influence of SPI, participation in budgeting, IC,
internal control and GUG, so that this study tries to
combine several of these variables and SPI
indicators in accordance with the Regulation of the
Minister of National Education of the Republic of
Indonesia Number 47 of 2011 and the existence of
internal control variables as mediating variables
which are the novelty in this study. Previous
research also has not shown consistency in the
results of research, therefore, it needs to be reviewed
in depth in accordance with the above phenomenon,
or the phenomenon above, the purpose of the study
is to analyse the direct and indirect influence of
internal supervision units, budgeting participation,
The Internal Audit Unit, Budgetary Participation, and Intellectual Capital Effect to Good University Governance through Internal Control
intellectual capital on good university governance
with internal control as an intervening variable in the
Southern Sumatra Region PTN.
The theory used in this research is that
Stewardship theory views management as a party
that can be trusted to act as well as possible for the
public interest or stakeholders, for the interests of
the principal (community and government).
Stewardship theory describes a situation or condition
in which management is not motivated by individual
goals but rather prioritizes the interests of the
organization (Davis et al, 1991). The theory assumes
that there is a strong relationship between
organizational satisfaction and success.
Organizational success describes maximization
utility of principals and management groups. The
utility maximization of this group will ultimately
maximize the interests of individuals within the
group of organizations.
Good governance can guarantee an organization
(Learmount, 2004; Martini, 2015) so that: 1) able to
provide goods, services or programs effectively and
efficiently, 2) able to create good performance, and
3) able to meet legal, regulatory requirements
published. GUG is actually a derivative of a more
general governance concept, namely good
governance (Azwar, 2013). The purpose of the GUG
is to realize an accountable of higher education.
Some of the principles in GUG are as follows: a)
Governance structure b) autonomy c) Accountability
d) Leadership e) Transparency (Effendi, 2016;
Nurhasanah, 2016; RI BPK, 2008).
Internal control of the COSO version is an
internal control framework by integrating all aspects
of the company's operations and finances, including
between leaders (top executives) and employees
(employees), business objectives and risks, and
covering all organizational activity units. Form of
irregularities that might occur, improvements in the
quality of financial reports and compliance with
regulations. The internal control concept issued by
COSO, states that internal control consists of
policies and procedures designed to provide
management with reasonable certainty that the
organization has achieved its goals and objectives.
These policies and procedures are often called
controls, and collectively shape the entity's internal
controls (A. Arens et al, 2012). The core of COSO's
report consists of five components (Hadisantoso,
2017; Kiabel, 2012; Moeller, 2012; Sawyer's, 2005;
Bill et al, 1997; Bruynseels et al, 2006, SPIP, 2008),
namely: 1) The Control Environment; 2) Risk
Assessment; 3) Control Activities; 4) Information
and Communication; and 5) Monitoring. Budget
participation is mainly carried out by middle-level
managers who hold accountability centre by
emphasizing their participation in the process of
preparing and determining budget targets that are
their responsibility. Brownell and McIness (1986),
Kennis (1979) and Marfuah and Amanda (2014)
define participation in budgeting as the extent of
managers involved in preparing the budget and the
magnitude of the manager's influence on the
organizational unit's budget goals.
Activities in the PTN scope need to be monitored
and evaluated in advance by internal parties, in this
case, the internal supervision unit. SPI has the duty
to carry out supervision of the implementation of
duties in the work unit, so that the understanding is
the entire process of audit activities, reviews,
evaluations, monitoring and other supervisory
activities on the organization of tasks and functions
aimed at controlling activities, securing assets and
assets, carrying out financial statements good,
improve effectiveness and efficiency, and detect in
detail the occurrence, irregularities and non-
compliance with the provisions of the legislation
(Regulation of the Minister of National Education of
the Republic of Indonesia Number 47 of
2011).Various definitions of IC are found in several
kinds of literature Edvinsson (2013) states IC as a
knowledge that can be converted into values. Huang
et al (2007) state that IC is a knowledge that is in the
organization and raised at the personal and
organizational level, where Personal level includes
temporary skills and knowledge at the organizational
level, things like specific databases for each client,
organizational and cultural technologies and
methods. Rastogi (2002) states IC is the entire
ability of an organization to constantly face and
respond to existing and potential challenges
creatively and effectively. IC can be concluded as all
organizational resources, which are sourced from
capital, employees in the form of knowledge,
experience, and thinking power, and sourced from
the organization itself in the form of knowledge,
rules, systems, corporate culture, databases, or other
forms of intellectual property such as brands, patents
and others. Ramírez (2013) measures IC with human
capital, structural capital and relational capital.
Based on the theoretical review and the results
of empirical research above, hypotheses can be
formulated in this study: the internal audit unit,
budgetary participation, and intellectual capital
affect GUG through internal control of state
university in the Southern Sumatra region.
SEABC 2018 - 4th Sriwijaya Economics, Accounting, and Business Conference
The type of explanatory research is to analyze
the causality relationship the influence of the
internal audit unit (SPI), budgetary participation and
IC on GUG with internal control as an intervening
variable. The approach used to analyze is a
quantitative approach, which includes quantitative
analysis as the main method and qualitative
explanation. This research will be conducted at state
universities (PTN) in Southern Sumatra Region. The
state universities are Jambi University, Bengkulu
University, Lampung University, Bangka Belitung
University, Sriwijaya University, Sumatra Institute
of Technology, Sriwijaya State Polytechnic, and
Bangka Belitung Manufacturing State Polytechnic.
The data used in this study include secondary data
and primary data. Secondary data collected relates to
the description of PTN in the Southern Sumatra
Region obtained from the publication and profile of
the PTN. The primary data used by questionnaires
were filled in by leaders of the Southern Sumatra
Regional PTN namely the chancellor, vice
chancellor, dean, deputy dean, director, deputy
director, and SPI.
The method used to collect data in this study is
questionnaire distribution. The collected data is then
carried out a measurement and scoring scale. The
measurement scale used in this study is the Likert
scale, which is from 1 to 5. The technique used is
Structural Equation Modeling (SEM), the use of
SEM is inseparable from assumptions (Byrne, 2016;
Ferdinand, 2014; Gudono, 2011), these assumptions
include: sample size, b) normality test, and c) outlier
test. . Steps to use SEM according to (Ferdinand,
2014) as follows:
1. Development of a theoretical model.
2. Arrange the path diagram, in the research the
relationship between variables is described in the
path diagram as follows:
Figure 1: Inter Variable Relations Flow Chart
3. Correcting path diagrams in the form of
equations. The aim is to state the causality
relationship between various constructs. The
equation is:
endogenous variable = exogenous variable +
endogenous variable + error
Testing the proposed hypothesis is formed
mathematical functional equations in the
simultaneous model namely SEM as follows:
PI fSPI PPA IC ……….(1)
Where: PI (Internal Control), GUG (Good
University Governance), SPI (Internal Audit Unit),
PPA (Budgeting Participation), IC (Intellectual
The function that has been formed above, will
produce the following equation model:
Model GUG
 
  
  
  
  
Where: direct effect
= Effect of internal control on GUG
= The influence of SPI on GUG
= Effect of budgetary participation on GUG
= The influence of intellectual capital on GUG
indirect effect
 
  
  
  
……… ( 4)
= Influence of SPI through internal control of
= Effect of budgetary participation through
internal control of GUG
= Effect of intellectual capital through internal
control of GUG
The Internal Audit Unit, Budgetary Participation, and Intellectual Capital Effect to Good University Governance through Internal Control
3. Select the input matrix and estimation model or
4. Assessing the identification problem where the
identification problem has the principle that the
problem of inability of the model developed to
produce a better estimate. If each time an
estimation is made, an identification problem
appears, so the model should be reconsidered by
developing more constructs.
5. Model evaluation is based on the criteria of
goodness of fit:
This research uses a survey method with the
questionnaire instrument. Questionnaires are
distributed to 5 universities, 3 polytechnics and 1
institution with the number of respondents 250
namely chancellor, vice chancellor, director, deputy
director, dean, vice dean, and internal audit units and
the results are as follows:
Table 1: Response Rate
Number of
Questionnaire sent
Questionnaires were
The questionnaire that
cannot be processed
Questionnaire processed
Source: data processed (2018)
As many as 226 respondents who were processed
in which the total universities added up consisting of
Sriwijaya University, Jambi University, Lampung
University, and Bengkulu University 145
respondents, polytechnics and institutions amounted
to 76 respondents while the Intern audit unit
numbered 5 respondents.
The results of the measurement and structural
model in the form of a full model path diagram
which is hypothesized are obtained by the
calculation of the model seen in the figure 2:
Figure 2: Complete Model Path Diagram (Full Inter-
Variable Model)
The sample size of the sample is 226 there is no
standard provision for criteria than the sample, it is
recommended that the sample is 200-400 so that the
criteria of the sample size in this study have been
fulfilled. The assumption of normality can be tested
by looking at the value of Skewness and kurtosis of
the data obtained. If the CR value ranges between ±
2.5, then the data can still be stated as the normal
distribution. Data processing results show that
overall (Multivariate) distribution is not normal,
because the multivariate numbers are 20,087>2.58.
Likewise, the cr kurtosis value obtained is not
normally distributed because the value is> 2.58. But
the overall cr Skewness value is below the 2.58
value. A data includes multivariate outliers if the
values of p1 and p2 are less than 0.05 (Singgih,
2011). Based on the output, multivariate outliers
were detected, but in this study, the outliers were
maintained because if the outliers were removed it
would cause other outliers. Thus, the next process is
the estimation of the SEM model with the maximum
likelihood (ML) method.
The suitability test of the overall model is done
by using SEM which is also used to analyze the
proposed hypothesis. Based on the results of the
processed data, it can be seen that all constructs used
to form a research model have not met the
requirements of the goodness of fit set out in Figure
2 above. Then the modification of the model is done
with the aim to improve the fit of a model, which is
from a model that is less/not fit to be a fit model
(Yamin and Kurniawan, 2009). If the model is not
fit with the data, the following actions can be done
SEABC 2018 - 4th Sriwijaya Economics, Accounting, and Business Conference
by modifying the model by adding or removing
connection/line relationships, adding variables (if
data is available) and reducing variables. Model
modification carried out in this study is based on the
theory described by Arbuckle which discusses how
to make modifications by looking at modification
indices which provide several recommendations for
adding a connection/connection that can reduce chi-
square (r
) so that the model becomes more fit or
good. The following is the output modification
indices that provide recommendations for
connection lines that can be connected to obtain
better results seen in Figure 3:
Figure 3: Model After Modification
Of the twelve testing the suitability of the whole
model, there are ten test results that show the model
is of good value or meets the criteria so that it is
concluded that the SEM model.
Structural Equation from the GUG model
a. Direct influence equation
 1008 0394  0561
0430  
Structural equations for GUG can be concluded
that internal control and budgeting participation
have a positive and significant influence each of
1.008 and 0.561. For internal audit units have a
negative and significant effect of 0.394 on good
university governance. But intellectual capital does
not affect the good university governance. Whereas
to find out the results of the formulation of indirect
effects, it can be seen from the standardized direct
effect output, the standardized indirect effect and the
standardized total effect in the following table:
Table 2: Standardized Direct Effect, Standardized Indirect
Effect, and Standardized Total Effect
Standardized Direct Effect
Standardized Indirect Effect
Standardized Total Effect
Source: Source: data processed (2018)
Based on the indirect effect table, it can be
calculated that there is an indirect effect between IC
on GUG of 1.201 (0.953 x 1.259), which means that
internal control is an intervening variable for the
influence of IC on GUG. The same thing with
internal audit unit variable of 0.486 (0.953 x -1.477)
and budgeting participation variable has an indirect
effect of -1.403 (0.953 x -1.497) on GUG means that
all independent variables are mediated by internal
control of GUG.
Testing of the previously proposed hypothesis
where the value of CR with its critical value uses t
count value, which is 1.96 at the significance level
of p <0.05, then the proposed hypothesis is accepted.
However, if the CR value has not been able to reach
its critical value at the significance level of p <0.05,
the proposed hypothesis is rejected. For this study,
the hypothesis (H
) internal supervision unit, IC,
budgeting participation affects the GUG through
internal control in PTN in the Southern Sumatra
Directly the internal supervision unit, budgetary
participation in GUG is influential, but intellectual
capital has no effect on good university governance
in PTN in the Southern Sumatra Region. But the
internal supervision unit, budgetary participation,
and intellectual capital indirectly influence the GUG
through internal control. The hypothesis of this
study was received with a large internal control unit
of 1,201, budgetary participation -1,403, the
intellectual capital was 0.486 so that the internal
control unit had the most dominant indirect
influence compared to other variables.
The results of this study that the internal audit
unit and participation influence the GUG and do not
support the research of Azwar (2013), Fredrick and
Narkiso (2014), Gina et al (2014), Karagiorgos et al
(2010), Kusmayadi, (2012), Radjagukku et al
(2014), Puspitarini (2012), Suyono and Hariyanto
(2012), Sukirman (2012) where efforts to achieve
The Internal Audit Unit, Budgetary Participation, and Intellectual Capital Effect to Good University Governance through Internal Control
good governance, in this case, GUG, PTN require
internal supervision units or internal auditor in
supporting the GUG, which is currently a major
component in managing or improving higher
education institutions effectively and efficiently
based on the principles of good governance.
Because the internal audit unit has a negative and
significant influence on the GUG, it means that the
role of the internal supervision unit in PTN Southern
Sumatra Region to realize the GUG is still only a
formality, there are still many state universities in
the Southern Sumatra Region have not optimized
where the SPI is also constrained by human
resources or lack of knowledge related to the role of
SPI and the lack of strong leadership commitment to
the existence of the SPI.
In contrast to Amilin (2016) that there was no
influence of budgeting participation on government
good university, this study found that budgetary
participation had an effect on GUG. This is due to
the fact that PTN in Sumatra Region generally
involves all parts of the university, so that the
achievement of the planned target is what is desired
in the use of the budget. Internal control influences
the GUG supported by the study (Handley-
Schachler, Juleff, and Paton, 2007) and (Stewart-
Weeks and Kastelle, 2015) that university
governance is a public sector with the hope that the
community gets good service quality in the public
sector, it cannot be separated from internal control
because the findings of the BPK-RI are still not
compliant with PTN in Indonesia or in the Southern
Sumatra Region for internal control.
Intellectual capital has no effect on GUG does
not support Ramírez's (2013) research and states that
the presentation of information related to Intellectual
Capital (IC) Widyaningsih (2016) is important in
higher education institutions, especially because
knowledge is the main output both through research
and teaching. Not optimal elements of intellectual
capital are considered to be applied in PTN in the
Southern Sumatra Region, it is seen that there are
still elements of recruitment of employees and
lecturers in a transparent manner and elements of
kinship in the recipients of employees and lecturers
are still thick. Overall the findings of this study
support Stewardship theory view management as a
party that can be trusted to act as well as possible for
the public interest or stakeholders.The implication of
the stewardship theory in this study is that the
steward (in this case is the management of higher
education) will work as well as possible for the
principal's interests (community and government).
organizational interests. But for internal supervision
units and intellectual capital does not support the
stewardship theory of Davis et al (1991), meaning
that governance arrangements in universities or
known as GUG which is a series of processes,
habits, policies, and regulations that are directed and
controlled have not affected intellectual capital and
internal supervision units must be in line for the
application of the GUG in the Southern Sumatra
Region PTN. This study found new findings, namely
that the participation of the participants turned out to
have an effect on the management of state
universities and SPI has a negative effect, which
means that the better the SPI, the GUG will not
materialize, while intellectual capital has no effect
on GUG in the Southern Sumatra Region.
Research results that the internal control unit has
a direct negative and significant influence but
internal control and budgetary participation have a
direct and positive influence on GUG of state
university in the Southern Sumatra Region. The
internal audit unit, budgetary participation,
intellectual capital influence the GUG through
internal control at state university in Southern
Sumatra. The intellectual capital variable does not
affect the GUG.
It is recommended to increase the role of the
internal audit unit to assist or provide advice and
recommendations to the leadership with the
leadership's commitment to place internal audit units
not just a formality, because there are several state
universities in the South Sumatra Region. SPI
workplaces are not yet feasible and programs that
have been approved not implemented yet. It is
expected that the effective role of the SPI will
embody GUG.
Increasing the intellectual capital that consists of
Human Capital, Structural Capital, and Relational
Capital by cooperating with other universities both
at home and abroad. There needs to be a policy from
the government, especially the Ministry of Research
and Technology, to continue to improve the more
innovative learning systems in universities such as
learning curriculum and improve the ability of
students or as soon as possible to implement cyber
university which is a solution to reach quality higher
education. For further research with the same theme
to be able to add leadership commitment variables,
alliance strategies and dimensions of GUG with
SEABC 2018 - 4th Sriwijaya Economics, Accounting, and Business Conference
This study has limitations, among others, that the
factors that apply GUG are not only SPI, budgetary
participation, intellectual capital and internal control,
but there are still many other factors that influence
GUG such as organizational culture and leadership
commitment. The population used in subsequent
studies can expand state universities including state
universities throughout Indonesia so that they are
close to the results that are closer to the actual
conditions. If necessary, compare between new state
universities and those who have long been
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SEABC 2018 - 4th Sriwijaya Economics, Accounting, and Business Conference