The Influence of Pentagon Fraud on The Financial Statements of
Infrastructure Companies Listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange
Emylia Yuniarti, Rela Sari, Nilam Kesuma, and Fitri Damayani
Accounting Department, Faculty of Economics, Universitas Sriwijaya, Palembang, Indonesia
Keywords: Financial statement fraud, pentagon fraud, fraud score model
Abstract: The purpose of this research is to examine empirically the influence of fraud pentagon on financial
statement fraud. Independent variables that used in this research are financial stability, financial target,
external pressure, managerial ownership, ineffective monitoring, nature of industry, change in auditor,
change in directors, and frequent number of CEO’s picture. Dependent variable is financial statement fraud.
Populations on this research are infrastructure companies that listed in Indonesian Stock Exchange (IDX)
during 2015-2017. By using purposive sampling method, there are 81 samples. The statistical method is
multiple linier regression analysis, with hypotheses testing of statistic t-tests, statistic F-tests, and coefficient
of determination. The result of this research shows that nature of industry has significant influence on
financial statement fraud. Whereas the other independent variables have no influence on financial statement
fraud. Simultaneous test result shows that independent variables simultaneously have influence on financial
statement fraud.
Financial statements are summaries from
recording process and financial transactions which
occured during a certain period (Listyawati, 2016).
According to Indonesian financial accounting
standards No.1, the purpose of financial statements
is to provide information about financial position,
performance, and changes in financial position of an
entity that is beneficial to a large number of users in
making ekonomic decisions. These users can assess
the company’s performance through its financial
statement. Therefore, companies sometimes commit
acts of fraud to the financial statements in order their
performance gets a good assessment.
Financial statement fraud is a deliberate attempt
by companies to deceive and mislead users,
especially investors and creditors, by presenting and
falsifying the material value of financial statements
(Sihombing & Rahardjo, 2014). Fraud in financial
statements causes that financial statements become
not reliable due to dishonest presentation and there
are some factors that mislead the users in making
Fraud in Indonesia can take place in various
sectors such as public companies that often involved
in government procurement project. According to
kompas.com, government procurement of goods and
services project is the biggest area to commit fraud
like corruption. Almost 80 percent cases that
handled by Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (KPK)
are from that area. The companies that often
involved in that area are listed companies in
infrastructure sector like construction,
transportation, and telecommunication. A lot of
companies in those sectors have been classified as
blacklist in Lembaga Kebijakan Pengadaan Barang
dan Jasa Pemerintah (LKPP) (Aprillia et al., 2015).
If those companies commit fraud in their operation
activities, it doesn’t rule out the possibility that fraud
can be happened in their financial statements.
Survey from Association of Certified Fraud
Examiners (ACFE) at 2014 also showed that one of
those sectors, that is construction, is the most
frequent sector which commit financial statement
One of theory that can be used to detect fraud is
fraud pentagon theory which developed by Jonathan
Marks. Five elements in this theory are pressure,
opportunity, rationalization, competence, and