
2. Hypothesis 2 is accepted. Local retribution has
positive and significant influence towards the
economic growth in Southern Sumatera. The
beta score is 1.983 (positive) and the significance
is 0.013 or lower than 0.05. The significant
influence means that the local retribution has met
the target and is able to support the economic
growth in Southern Sumatera. It is in line with
previous studies conducted by Barimbing &
Karmini (2015); Priambodo (2014) and Tahar &
Zakhiya (2011).
3. Hypothesis 3 is partially accepted. Staff
expenditure has positive but non-significant
influence towards the economic growth in
Southern Sumatera. The beta score is 1.653
(positive) and the significance is 0.482 or higher
than 0.05. Staff expenditure has not been able to
encourage the economic growth in Southern
Sumatera and that is the reason why the
influence of SE is not significant.
4. Hypothesis is accepted. Capital expenditure has
positive and significant influence towards the
economic growth in Southern Sumatera. The
beta score is 1.208 (positive) and he significance
is 0.012 or lower than 0.05. The significant
influence is the result of effective allocation of
capital expenditure so that it supports the
economic growth in Southern Sumatera. The
finding supports previous studies conducted by
Hamsinah, Mursinto, Soekarnoto (2014); Wu,
Tang, Lin (2010) and Zahari (2017).
Future researchers interested in investigating
factors that influence economic growth can use the
finding of this study as reference. Limitation of this
study is the number of variables and provinces that
become analysis units. It is expected that future
researchers involve more independent variables and
more regions as the analysis unit.
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