Government's Role in Promoting Tourism Destination in Jambi
Province through Increasing the Quality of Electronic Media and Its
Effect on Visiting Tourist Interests
Erida, Raja Sharah Fatricia, Yenny Yuniarti
Faculty of Economics and Business, Jambi University, Jambi, Indonesia
Keywords: government tourism promotion, online media, repeat visits
Abstract: This study aims to analyze the promotion strategy of tourism in the area of Jambi through improving the
quality of electronic media by Jambi Provincial Government, analyzing its influence on the interest of
tourists to return to existing tourist destinations in Jambi Province and provide recommendations related to
promotional strategies through electronic media that can be applied in increasing interest. Tourists return to
various tourist destinations in Jambi Province. The sample used in this study amounted to 200. The data
obtained was analyzed using an average approach to obtain respondents' responses and assessments of
government tourism promotion through electronic media. The relationship between research variables was
analyzed using the SEM (Structural Equation Model) approach. From the results of data analysis, there was
an illustration that on average respondents gave positive responses to all indicators on the four dimensions
of web quality managed by the Jambi Province government in informing and promoting various tourist
destinations in Jambi Province. Based on the results of the hypothesis test obtained evidence that the quality
of WEB managed by the Jambi Provincial Government jointly and partially has a significant effect on the
interest in revisiting tourists to tourist destinations in the Jambi area. Variable processing speed (X2) has
the greatest influence on tourists' interest to visit again. It takes a higher speed and intensity of government
web managers in updating tourism information in addition to ensuring the access speed of the website being
managed. For the future research to test the use of all promotional media (electronic, social media,
government print media), and various other events in increasing interest in revisiting tourists to Jambi
Tourism is a global phenomenon, has become a
necessity involving millions of people both among
the tourism industry community, as well as its users.
This makes various international organizations such
as the United Nations, the World Bank and the
World Tour Organization, recognize that tourism is
an integral part of human life, especially concerning
social and economic activities. The United Nations
World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) notes that
in 2014 the tourism sector has contributed 9.5% to
global GDP and 5% to world exports. Antonakakis,
Dragouni, and Fillis (2014) found that there was a
dynamic relationship between the growth of the
tourism sector and economic growth, including the
creative industries. The tourism sector is proven to
provide encouragement to other sectors in county’s
economy when coupled with infrastructure
development. Tourism has a large multiplier effect
on the growth of the creative industry, because these
two sectors are inclusive growth can be felt directly
by the local community.
In the last eight years, the highest tourism growth
in the world is in Southeast Asia, so the role of this
sector for the economies of the countries in the
region is important. Deputy Minister of Tourism and
Creative Economy, Sapta Nirwandar said in 2013,
the flow of tourist visits to ASEAN countries
increased 12% to 92.7 million people, while global
growth was only 5% (Dimas 2015). Furthermore,
according to the BPS / Ministry of Tourism, there
was an increase in the contribution of the tourism
sector to GDP in a period of five years, namely from
261.05 T rupiah in 2010 - to 461.36 T rupiah in 2015
Erida, ., Sharah Fatricia, R. and Yuniarti, Y.
Government’s Role In Promoting Tourism Destination in Jambi Province Through Increasing The Quality of Electronic Media and Its Effect On Visiting Tourist Interests.
DOI: 10.5220/0008443506450651
In Proceedings of the 4th Sriwijaya Economics, Accounting, and Business Conference (SEABC 2018), pages 645-651
ISBN: 978-989-758-387-2
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Reasoned if tourism was made a national priority in
the 2015 RPJM 2019, where this sector becomes a
media for integration of programs and activities
between development sectors, and in 2019
Indonesian Tourism is targeted to be the best
destination in the ASEAN region, even surpassing
Thailand, which earns more than US $ 40 billion in
tourism revenue from tourism.
Various steps are taken by the government to
make Indonesia a world-class tourist destination,
including through Country Branding Wonderful
Indonesia, which in 2015 succeeded in raising
Indonesia from rank 100 to ranked 47 in the world,
overtaking country branding of Truly Asia Malaysia
(ranked 96), and country branding Amazing
Thailand (rank 83). This shows that Wonderful
Indonesia's country branding reflects the Positioning
and Differentiating of Indonesian Tourism.
Jambi Province is an area that has a lot of
tourism potential and creative economic products
that have the potential to be developed. According to
data from the Central Bureau of Statistics of Jambi
Province, the number of natural tourism in 2014 was
147 places, 63 artificial tours and 75 historical tours,
spread in 9 districts and 2 cities in Jambi Province.
The great potential of the tourism sector, if managed
properly, including the promotion and development
of human resources carried out by local governments
and tourism businesses in Jambi Province, will be
able to increase the number of tourist arrivals,
especially foreign tourists, considering there are
quite a lot of interesting tourist destinations in the
province Jambi. Promotion by Kotler & Keller
(2009; 510) is which attempt to inform, persuade,
and remind consumers directly or indirectly "to the
products and brands they sell. The purpose of
promotion is to inform, persuade and remind
consumers of the existence of a product and service.
Promotional activities can be carried out by using
various media, including the use of electronic media
through the opening of a website page.
The use of the internet as a manifestation of the
use of information technology development, has a
real impact on all aspects of life. This happens
because the internet makes it easier for people to
obtain various information and news, including news
about tourist destinations in Jambi Province that can
be accessed anywhere and anytime. The rapid
growth in the number of internet users can become a
potential market for businesses to enter. According
to a survey conducted by the Indonesian Internet
Network Organizing Association (APJII), it was
found that 132.7 million of the 256.2 million
Indonesians were connected to the internet, an
increase of 51.8% compared to the number of
internet users in 2014 (Yoga Hastyadi, 2016 )
The use of online media such as the Internet
must be a concern of the Provincial Government in
the framework of promoting and attracting tourists
to visit and revisit tourist destinations especially
those in Jambi Province. In addition to information
about tourist destinations, the provincial government
should also inform the activities that will be carried
out in these tourist destinations, such as the annual
activities in the form of Lake Kerinci Party. The
development of a tourist area also depends on what
the area has to offer tourists. According to Inskeep
(1991), a tourism object must have 5 important
elements, namely (1) attractiveness, (2) tourism
infrastructure, (3) tourism facilities, (4)
infrastructure and (5) community, environment and
Based on the description above, research
problems can be formulated: 1). How is the
promotion strategy of tourist destinations in Jambi
Province through electronic media run by the Jambi
Provincial Government? 2). How can the influence
of promotional strategies through electronic media
on tourists' interest visit back to existing tourist
destinations in Jambi Province? 3). The dominant
factor influencing the promotion strategy through
electronic media that can be applied in increasing
interest in revisiting tourists to existing tourist
destinations in Jambi Province?
Based on research problems, the objectives of
this research are:
1. Analyzing the promotion strategies of tourist
destinations in Jambi Province through electronic
media run by the Jambi Provincial Government
2. Analyzing the influence of promotional
strategies through electronic media on the interest of
tourists to visit tourist destinations in Jambi Province
3. Analyzing the dominant factors affecting
promotion strategies through electronic media that
can be applied in increasing the interest of revisiting
tourists to existing tourist destinations in Jambi
Tourism is one of 5 (five) 2017 priority
development sectors, namely food, energy,
maritime, tourism, industrial areas and Special
Economic Zones (KEK). Tourist destinations are
geographical areas that are in one or more
administrative areas in which there are tourist
attractions, public facilities, tourism facilities,
SEABC 2018 - 4th Sriwijaya Economics, Accounting, and Business Conference
accessibility, and communities that are interrelated
and complement the realization of tourism (Law
Number 10 of 2009 concerning Tourism). According
to Cooper et al (1993), tourist destinations are one of
the most important elements because it is the reason
people make travel and the tourist attractions that are
inside will attract tourists.
There are five important components
determining the attractiveness of destinations in the
delivery of tourism services (Inskeep, 1991): 1).
Attractiveness, is the main factor that attracts
tourists to travel to a place, classified into the
attractiveness of the location, namely as permanent,
2). Tourism infrastructure, is needed to serve tourists
during tourist travel, oriented to tourist attractions in
tourist locations, consisting of: a). Accommodation
infrastructure, is the main facility where the largest
proportion of tourist expenditure is used for this
infrastructure such as the need for a comfortable stay
/ rest area, eating, drinking, b). Supporting
infrastructure, which is used to serve tourists, the
number and type are determined based on the needs
of tourists. 3). Tourism facilities, are the
completeness of tourist destinations needed to serve
the needs of tourists in enjoying their tour, such as
travel agents, transportation equipment, and
communication tools. 4). Infrastructure, which
supports tourism facilities and infrastructure in the
form of regulatory systems and physical buildings
on the ground and underground, such as: irrigation
systems, electricity and energy sources, transport
and terminal lines, communication systems, and
security or surveillance systems. 5). Community,
Environment and Culture, a). the community around
the tourist attraction that interacts with tourists, b).
natural environment around well-maintained and
preserved tourism objects, c). culture that is a pillar
supporting the survival of a society that is
maintained so impressive for every tourist who
The existence of a tourist destination requires the
media to inform it, because without complete
information tourists will not know about a tourist
destination. Media for informing tourist destinations
can be done using print, advertising and electronic
media. Promotional media that has the widest access
to access is electronic media. According to Zeithaml
et al in Ong Soo, et, al (2016) the dimensions of
promotion using electronic media in this case the use
of online media, including the use of websites
include: ease of use, aesthetic design, processing
speed, and security. Promotional media that has the
widest access to access is electronic media,
including through the use of website pages.
Promotion through electronic media (website) is
largely determined by the quality of the website
itself (SITEQUAL). SITEQUAL was developed by
Yoo and Donthu (2001) and is used to measure the
quality of a website (Ong Soo, et, al 2016).
Dimensions of promotion using electronic media
ease of use, aesthetic design, processing speed, and
security. Ease of use is the ease and ability to search
for information. Aesthetics design is the creativity of
a website with perfect multimedia and graphic
coloring that attracts website visitors. Processing
speed is the timeliness of processing data and
responses that are interactive at the request of
consumers, and security is the security of personal
data and financial information from web visitors.
The type of data used in this study is primary and
secondary data. Primary data is collected by direct
observation of the field, interviews and
questionnaires. The questionnaire was designed by
giving group questions according to variable
dimensions using a Likert model with a
measurement scale of 4 (four) numbers.
Questionnaires are distributed through an online
system. Secondary data is collected from literature
studies, journals, literature, and other information
related to research problems.
The population used in this study were tourists
who had visited tourist destinations in Jambi
Province at least 2 times. The population in this
study is unknown. Because the population is
unknown, the sample size is determined by 3 factors:
the degree of trust, sampling error and the proportion
of the population. In this study the sample size is
determined in the form of statistical tests that will be
used, namely the structural equation model (SEM),
whose sample size depends on the number of
variables studied (Joreskog and Sorbom in Achmad
Bachrudin and Harapan L. Tobing; 2003). then the
minimum sample used in this study amounted to
The input variables used in this study refer to the
SITEQUAL concept developed by Yoo and Donthu
(Ong Soo, et, al 2016) as follows: 1). Website
Quality (X), includes, ease of use (X1), aesthetic
design (X2), processing speed (X3), and security
(X1). Interest in returning to tourist destinations (Y),
refers to the concept of Inskeep (1991), which
includes dimensions of attraction (Y1), tourism
infrastructure (Y2), tourism facilities (Y3), and
community, environment and culture (Y4).
Government’s Role In Promoting Tourism Destination in Jambi Province Through Increasing The Quality of Electronic Media and Its Effect
On Visiting Tourist Interests
Data obtained from the results of questionnaires
were first tested for validity and reliability to ensure
the feasibility of questionnaires used as research
instruments. Data were analyzed using: a). average
method, to get respondents' responses to questions
on the questionnaire. b). The measurement of the
relationship between the research variables used the
SEM (Structural Equation Model) approach with
Lisrel 8.70.
The Jambi Provincial Government made a
promotional strategy regarding existing tourist
destinations in Jambi Province through an official
website, The following is the face
view of the website:
Figure 1:, 2018
The research questionnaire was distributed to
200 respondents online, obtained the following
characteristics of respondents, 58.4% of respondents
were female, 71.3% of respondents were in the age
range between 15 to 25 years, this age range was the
age of internet and media users most socially active,
and the majority of them are in school age, that is,
equal high school and strata 1 (student) with an
average income of under two million rupiah,
because the majority of respondents still rely on
pocket money from parents, but have an adventure
by visiting tourist destinations in Jambi Province.
Overall respondents gave positive responses to
the input variables and output of this study. The five
dimensions of the quality of government websites in
promoting tourist destinations in Jambi Province get
positive ratings of respondents with an average score
of 3.04, and the dimension of interest variable
revisits with an average score of 3.08.
The estimation results in the form of structural
equation models using SEM analysis tools obtained
the following results:
Figure 2: Structural Equation Model Result
Source: Data processed, 2018
From the above model can be explained that the
variable Website Quality (X) which is built by
several dimensions, namely ease of use (X1), design
aesthetics (X2), Processing Speed (X3) and Security
(X4) affect the variable interest in revisiting.
Regarding the dimensions of attraction (Y1), tourism
infrastructure (Y2) and tourism facilities (Y3). The
model is said to be appropriate if it meets the GOF
(Good of Fit) criteria.
Table 1 shows the results of model match test
using LISREL 8.70. The results show that the chi-
square value 5 0.05 means that the quality of the
website has a significant effect on the interest in
revisiting. This is also strengthened by the results of
values, all of which value ≥ 0.9. But the website
quality variable is categorized as not too strong
affecting the interest of tourists to visit again, this is
seen from the results of GFI which is only 0.73. This
means that there are other variables outside the
variables that are studied that influence the interest
of tourists to visit the existing tourist destinations in
Jambi Province.
From the model picture, it can be seen that
the website quality variable has a significant effect
on the interest of tourists to visit tourist destinations
in Jambi Province, where the effect is 0.73 or 73%.
While the partial results are shown in the Table 2.
SEABC 2018 - 4th Sriwijaya Economics, Accounting, and Business Conference
Table 1: Model Match Test
Overall Model Match Test Size
Benchmark Value for
Model Match
Model Compatibility with
Probabilitas dari X
= 0,0
≤ 0,05
RMSEA = 0,084
≤ 0,08
NFI = 0,95
≥ 0,9
NNFI = 0,97
≥ 0,9
CFI = 0,97
≥ 0,90
IFI = 0,97
≥ 0,9
RFI = 0,95
≥ 0,9
RMR = 0,040
≤ 0,05
SRMR = 0,073
≤ 0,05
GFI = 0,73
≥ 0,9
Marginal Fit
AGFI = 0,69
0,8 ≤ AGFI < 0.9
Marginal fit
Source : Hair et,al (1998)
Table 2: Results of Calculation of Website Quality Variables
Loading Factors
Error variance
Ease of use (X
Aesthetics design (X
Processing speed (X
Security (X
Source : data processed, 2018.
From the calculation results in Table 2, it can
be seen that the value of construct reliability (CR)
for the website quality variable (X) used in this
study is 0, 98123 or has been above the lowest limit
value of 0.6 (Bagozzi and Yin in Imam Ghozali,
2005), which means Dimensional value of the
quality of the website has met the limits to be
accepted and this means that the indicators used on
the quality of the website (X) have a good
suitability. For the value of variance extracted (VE)
of 0.87103 is above the lowest limit value of 0.5,
meaning that the indicators used are in accordance
with the variables used. The R2 value of each
dimension also shows its ability to explain the
website quality variables well, where the most
powerful dimension explaining the website quality
variable (X) is processing speed (X2) and the lowest
is security (X4) which is 0.96 and 0.79. This means
that the website created by the Jambi Provincial
Government namely can be
accessed easily and quickly by tourists who are
looking for information about tourist destinations in
Jambi province without going through complicated
procedures. In addition, the website does not require
personal data from website visitors so that data
security is not too much considered by website
visitors who provide information about existing
tourist destinations in Jambi Province.
While the results of the calculation for the
interest variable to visit again (Y) can be seen in the
following table:
Government’s Role In Promoting Tourism Destination in Jambi Province Through Increasing The Quality of Electronic Media and Its Effect
On Visiting Tourist Interests
Table 3: The results of the calculation of the interest variable visit again
Loading Factors
Error variance
Attractiveness (Y
Tourism Infrastructure (Y
Tourism Facilities (Y
Community, Environment
and Culture (Y
Source: Data Processed, 2018
From the table above, it can be seen that the
value of construct reliability (CR) for interest
variables revisits (Y) of 0.90224, this shows that the
dimensions used to construct variable Y have good
suitability, this is also strengthened by the variable
value extracted (VE) of 0.72103 which is above the
specified minimum threshold of 0.5 (Bagozzi and
Yin in Imam Ghozali, 2005). For the R2 value of
each dimension used in variable Y also shows good
value, where the lowest ability to explain the
variable Y is the attractiveness (Y1) that is equal to
0.58. This happens because tourists already know
the attractiveness of a tourist destination because
before they had visited and had experience with
these tourist destinations. And the dimensions that
most strongly explain the Y variable are society,
environment and culture (Y4), which is 0.81. This
happens because the community tries to explore the
typical cultures in each tourist destination, especially
tourist destinations in Jambi Province. The
friendliness of the people in the destination area, the
strength of customs and the distinctive cultural
attractions that exist in each tourist destination,
especially with the existence of various cultural
festivals and festivals in various regions in Jambi
Province, in addition to the natural beauty, which
was exposed through the government website to be a
reinforcement interest in returning to various tourist
destinations in Jambi Province.
1. The use of electronic media as one of the
promotional strategies applied by the Jambi
Provincial Government has been able to attract
tourists to visit these destinations again, with an
attractive web display and have complete
information from each destination.
2. Each indicator that is used to explain each
variable and dimension has the suitability to
build the research model used.
3. The dominant factor influencing tourist interest to
revisit through promotion strategies using
electronic media is processing speed because the
website can be accessed easily.
4. The added value of Jambi cultural distinctiveness
to be more intensely raised through the
frequency of holding various degree events and
cultural festivals both on a local, regional,
national and even international scale that are
exposed on the Jambi government website to
boost the number of tourist visits to Jambi
5. It takes a higher speed and intensity of
government web managers in updating tourism
information in addition to ensuring the access
speed of the website being managed.
6. Further research is needed on the use of all
promotional media: both electronic (radio,
television, website pages), social media, print
media, and various other events in increasing the
interest of revisiting tourists, especially in tourist
destinations in Jambi Province.
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Government’s Role In Promoting Tourism Destination in Jambi Province Through Increasing The Quality of Electronic Media and Its Effect
On Visiting Tourist Interests