The Effect of Machiavellian Characteristics and Auditee Pressure on
Ethical Decision Making of Government Auditors in Palembang
Patmawati, Dwirini and Muhammad Hidayat
Faculty of Economics, Universitas Sriwijaya, Palembang, Indonesia
Keywords: Machiavellian Characteristics, Auditee Pressure, Ethical Decision Making
Abstract: This study aims to examine the relationship between the variables of Machiavellian characteristics and
auditee pressure on ethical decision making of government auditors in Palembang Municipality. The
research sample is government auditors of Palembang. Whereas, the data is obtained using Partial Least
Square method. The study results indicate that Machiavellian Characteristics had a significant negative
effect on auditor ethical decision making, while auditor pressure did not inflict any influence on the ethical
decisions making.
An auditor is a person who assesses and affirms an
opinion on the fairness in all material respects,
financial balance of business activities and cash
flows that are in accordance with Generally
Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) in
Indonesia (Arens, 2003). In Indonesia, government
auditors can be classified into two group, namely
Government External Auditors or Auditors of the
Audit Board (BPK) who are auditors working for the
Audit Board of the Republic of Indonesia (BPK), an
body established under the Indonesian constitution.
Whilst the Government Internal Auditor, better
known as the Government Functional Supervisory
Apparatus (Aparat Pengawasan Fungsional
Pemerintah/APFP) that is carried out by Finance and
Development Supervisory Agency (Badan
Pengawasan Keuangan dan Pembangunan/BPKP),
Department of Inspectorate General/LPND, and the
Regional Supervisory Agency, serves the
government needs.
Based on Law Number 15 Year 2004, decision
making is a part of the principal duties and functions
of the auditors of BPK of the Republic of Indonesia,
especially those related to the assignment of auditors
in examining both the Financial Statements and
other examinations. The success in ethical decision
making of the Audit Board of Republic of Indonesia
(BPK RI) is referred to the Law, whereas the
inspection standard is the benchmark for evaluating
the management and responsibility of state finances.
The inspection standards consist of general
standards, implementation standards, and audit
reporting standards that must be conducted by the
BPK and/or the auditor.
BPK Regulation number 1 Year 2017 is a
regulation stipulated by the BPK as the State
financial audit standard that serves as auditor's main
guideline in carrying out audits. The regulation
becomes a manual on the procedures for auditing the
management of State finances.
Richmon (2001) examined the relationship of a
trait that forms a personality type namely
machivellian characteristics as measured by Mach
IV Score instruments with behavioral tendencies of
accountants in facing ethical dilemmas. The
machiavellian charateristics have an effect on the
tendency of accountants to accept dilemmatic
behaviors that are related to their professional ethics.
It shows that the higher the tendency of
machiavellian characteristics of an accountant, the
higher the tendency to accept ethically dilemmatic
behaviors or actions. Machiavellian charateristics
tend to be selfish, manipulative and aggressive.
Machivellian character is a trait that is likely to exist
in all business professions, especially accountants
and auditors. A person who works as an accountant
or auditor is required to have more ethical
responsibilities, compared to other professions. As
Patmawati, ., Dwirini, . and Hidayat, M.
The Effect of Machiavellian Characteristics and Auditee Pressure on Ethical Decision Making of Government Auditors in Palembang Municipality.
DOI: 10.5220/0008444407150722
In Proceedings of the 4th Sriwijaya Economics, Accounting, and Business Conference (SEABC 2018), pages 715-722
ISBN: 978-989-758-387-2
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
an auditor, the profession is highly dependent on
public trust as the users of this professional services.
Machiavellianism as a construct that symbolizes
a series of behaviors, including lack of morality,
negative attitudes and emotional detachment.
Richmond (2001) explains that the higher tendency
of machiavellian charateristic, the more likely a
person to behave unethically. On contrary, if the
tendency of machiavellian is low, then a person will
tend to behave ethically. Murphy (2012) found that
machiavellian accountants are more likely to report
inaccurate financial statements compare to those of
lower machiavellianism. Purnamasari (2006)
explains that individuals with high machiavellianism
tend to take advantage of situations to gain personal
benefits and more willingly to disobey the rules.
Existing studies have consistently found that
machiavellians show low ethical values.
In recent years, many cases involving violations
of law and codes of ethics against government
auditors occurred in 2016, among others, the case
related to big motorbike bribery, the providence of
Senior Auditor at Sub-Auditor VIIB2, Sigit
Yugoharto is now being studied by the Honorary
Council Code of Ethics of the BPK. Cited from
Tempo Newspaper in 2016, in the Panama Papers it
was stated that Harry Azhar Aziz (Chairperson of
the BPK of Republic of Indonesia) is the owner of
one of the offshore companies, Sheng Yue
International Limited. Whilst, Sheng Yue
International Limited is believed to be a company
established in a tax haven with the purpose of
avoiding tax payments in its home countries.
As follow up, an internal examination was
conducted internally on the violations of the ethics
code (in accordance with BPK Regulation No. 3
Year 2016 concerning the Code of Ethics of BPK)
and violations of employee disciplinary rules (in
accordance with Government Regulation No. 3 Year
2010 concerning Civil Servants Discipline). Ethical
considerations is defined as the making of a
deliberation/consideration regarding the exact truth
of an action that is ethically correct to be taken.
Wibowo in Devaluisa (2009) defines ethical
considerations as the contemplation of what must be
done to prevent the occurrence of ethical dilemmas.
Whereas, the auditee pressure felt by each
auditor will also illustrate how far the auditor
influences decision making. With the facilities
provided by the auditee, the auditor may experience
pressure from the auditee. The pressure from the
auditee could be in the form of pressure to provide
an unqualified statement (WTP) on the audit report
of the financial statements as presented by the
2.1 Theory of Perception
Perception is one of the important psychological
aspects for humans in responding to the presence of
various aspects and symptoms around us. It contains
a very broad definition, involving internal and
external factors. The term perception is often
referred to as opinions, images, or assumptions,
because in perception there is a person's response to
something, or to an object.
Determination of perceptions is influenced by
internal and external factors, which according to
Robbins (2003) there are three factors that influence
perception. First, the exclusivity, meaning that
someone will have different perceptions on the
behavior of other individuals in different situations.
And if the behavior is considered as something
unusual, then the other individuals who act as the
observer will have a perception that the person is
conducting a behavior generated by external factor.
Contrariwisely, if the behavior is considered as
something that other people usually do, it is
considered as an internal attribution.
Second, the consensus, meaning that people have
the same perception in responding to a person's
behavior in similar setting or condition. If there is a
high consequences, then the attribution is generated
internally. On the other hand, if the consequences
are said to be low, then the attribution is created
externally. The last factor is consistency, meaning
that a person evaluates the behavior of others with
the same reaction or response from time to time. The
more consistent the behavior is, the more likely
people will connect the behavior with internal
factors. Therefore, this perception theory is highly
reassuring for this study
2.2 Theory of Ethics
Ethics is a moral order that has been mutually agreed
upon in a profession and is intended for members of
the said profession. The basic motivation in carrying
out ethical actions is not because of the individual's
aspiration and awareness, but due to legal
regulations (O’Leary and Cotter, 2000).
SEABC 2018 - 4th Sriwijaya Economics, Accounting, and Business Conference
Duska and Duska (2003) developed three ethical
theories, whereas these three theories are used to
elaborate this research, that are:
1. Utilitarianism Theory. This theory discusses the
optimization of individual decision making to
maximize benefits and minimize negative
impacts. There are two types of utilirianism,
a. Act utilitarism, for actions that are beneficial to
many people.
b. Rule utilitarism, for moral rules that are accepted
by the wider community.
2. Deontology Theory. This theory discusses the
obligation of individuals to deliver the rights to
others, so that the basis for evaluating whether an
action is good or bad must be based on
obligations, not the consequences of an action.
Deontology emphasizes that actions never turn
out to be good because the results are good, but
because of the obligation that must be made
(Bertens, 2000).
3. Virtue Theory. The theory discusses the character
of a person that allows him/her to behave
morally correct
2.3 Marchevillian Characteristic
Machiavellianism was taught by an Italian political
philosopher named Niccolo Machiavelli (1469-
1527). Machiavellianism, by Christie and Greis
(1970), is defined as a process in which the
manipulators get more rewards compare to the time
when they are not manipulating, while others get
smaller, at least in the short term.
According to Richmond (2001), Machiavellian is
an aggressive charateristic, and a tendency to
influence and control others to achieve personal
goals. Machiavellian personality, as further
described by Richmond (2001) is a personality that
lacks of affection in personal relationships, ignores
conventional morality, and shows low ideological
Machiavellian personality has a tendency to
manipulate others, having a very low appreciation
for others. Shafer and Simmons (2008) identify three
underlying factors of machiavellianism, namely:
1. Advocate for manipulative tactics such as
deception or lies
2. A hostile opinion of humans, that are weak,
weakling, and easily manipulated; and Lack of
consideration for conventional morality
2.4 Auditee Pressure
In carrying out their functions, auditors often have a
conflicts of interest with the company’s
management. The management possibly would like
the company's operations or performance to appear
profitable, that is reflected through higher profits,
with the intention of obtaining awards.
To achieve these objectives, it is not uncommon
for the company management to put pressure on the
auditor so that the audited financial statements
produced are as the requests of the auditee. In this
situation, the auditor encounter dilemmas. On the
one hand, if the auditor respects the auditee’s
request, she/he violates the professional standards.
But if the auditor does not go along with the auditee,
the auditee may terminate the assignment of the
Auditee's financial state also influences the
auditor's ability to overcome auditee's pressure
(Knapp, 1985) in (Harhinto, 2004). Auditees having
a strong financial state may provide substantial audit
rewards and valuable facilities for the auditors. In
addition, the probability of bankruptcy on the
auditee that having good financial state is relatively
small. In this situation, auditors become complacent
so they are less careful in conducting audits.
Based on the description above, the auditor is in
a strategic position both in the viewpoint of
company management and the users of financial
statements. Furthermore, the users of financial
statement are maintaining a great trust in the results
of the auditor's work in auditing financial
statements. To be able to fulfill a reliable audit
performance, the auditor as an examiner in carrying
out his/her profession must be guided by the code of
ethics, professional standards and financial
accounting standards that are applied in Indonesia.
Each and every auditor must maintain their integrity
and objectivity in performing their duties by acting
honestly, firmly, without pretension so that they can
act fairly, without being influenced by the pressure
or request from any particular party to fulfill his/her
personal interests.
2.5 Ethical Decision Making
Individual decision making is an important part of
organizational behavior. But how these individuals
in the organization making their final decisions and
the quality of their decisions are mostly influenced
by their perceptions. According to Robbins et al
(2007), decision making occurs as a reaction to
problems. In this case, there are differences between
The Effect of Machiavellian Characteristics and Auditee Pressure on Ethical Decision Making of Government Auditors in Palembang
the existing and the expected conditions, which then
require other actions as the alternative.
Model Rest (1986) has been widely used in
ethical accounting research. Rest, Moon and Getz
(1986) states that, there are four stages that a person
must do to combine ethical dimensions in decision
making, so called the Four Component Model,
including ethical sensitivity, ethical reasoning,
ethical motivation, and ethical implementation.
The first stage is ethical sensitivity, that
presupposes the need for moral awareness or the
ability to identify moral issues. In this stage, an
interpretation occurs where an individual recognizes
that there is a moral issue in the situation she/he
encounters, or that a moral principle becomes
relevant in it (Wisesa, 2011). This stage ignites the
potential to initiate and to influence an assessment
process, ethical decision making and ethical
behavior of an individual.
After the moral issues were identified, an
individual then makes ethical decisions based on
evaluation of the consequences that suppose to occur
in certain situations together with the alternative
actions that may be taken. Determining alternative
decisions for actions to be taken must be based on
appropriate reasoning that takes into account the
relevant moral principles in the process of ethical
interpretation in the second stage.
In conducting alternative decisions on actions
that have been decided, confidence and
encouragement are required, that is called ethical
motivation in the third stage. Followed by the fourth
stage, that is the ethical implementation in which an
individual performs the chosen alternative action in
In the scheme of ethical decision making, subjective
attitudes and norms owned by a person are
influencing the process of moral evaluation and the
formation of one's moral intentions, before the
ethical actions were implemented. These subjective
attitudes and norms developed from individual
factors possessed by a person, including the
machivellian characteristics, perceptions of the
importance of ethics and auditee pressure. The
machivellian characteristics partially have a
significant influence on subjective attitudes and
norms, which in turn will affect the person's ethical
decision making process. Based on this theoretical
basis, the the research scheme can be described as in
the following Figure 1:
Figure 1: Conceptual Framework
The independent variable consists of
machiavellian charateristics and pressure from the
auditee. While ethical decision making is the
dependent variable which its relationship will be
tested against the independent variables. Each
independent variable causes distinctive influence on
the ethical decision making process, both positive
and negative ones.
This study tries to examine how the machivellian
characteristics and auditee pressure influence ethical
decision making of the government auditors. In line
with previous studies, a person with high tendency
of Machiavellian characteristics is believed to make
less ethical decisions.
Based on theoretical review and previous researches
that have been mentioned above, the hypotheses of
this study are as follows:
: There is a negative relationship between
Machiavellian characteristics and ethical
decision making of government auditors.
: There is a negative relationship between
auditee pressure and ethical decision making of
government auditors.
5.1 Population and Sample
The population to be used in this study are the
Auditors of Audit Board (BPK) and the Auditors of
Finance and Development Supervisory Agency
(BPKP) of South Sumatra Province. The sampling
technique of this study is using purposive sampling
by the following criteria:
1. Government auditors who have conducted audits
at least 2 times.
2. The auditor has worked for at least 2 years.
Audit Pressure
Ethical Decision
SEABC 2018 - 4th Sriwijaya Economics, Accounting, and Business Conference
3. The auditor has applied his/her knowledge in the
audit domain in practice
Based on the questionnaire that has been distributed,
68 questionnaires are used as research data
5.2 Data Collecting Method
The data to be used in this study are primary data.
Data will be collected using survey method, by
providing questionnaires directly to government
5.3 Analytical Technique
Based on the explanation of the relationship between
Machiavellian Characteristics and auditee pressure
on ethical decision making, the research model is
formulated as follows:
η = -γ1 - γ2 + ε
η = Ethical Decision Making
γ1 = Machiavellian characterictics effect
γ2 = Auditee pressure
ε = error
The data analysis technique is using Structured
Equation Modeling (SEM) with Partial Least Square
(PLS) approach.
6.1 Research Result
The results of the tabulated data were then tested
using Outer Model to get a model that is suitable for
the study. Based on the results of data processing a
fit model was obtained, which is then further
checked for the inner model.
The testing for inner model is conducted to
confirm the research hypotheses that have been
proposed eariler. Table 1 show the results of inner
model testing. Based on the Table 1, it can be seen
that the first hypothesis declaring that there is a
significant positive relationship between
Machevilian Characteristics and Auditor Ethical
Decisions is accepted, because arithmetic t is 4.87
greater than t table of 1.96.
Table 1: Inner model and Path Coefficient Testing
Whereas, the second hypothesis stating that there
is a significant negative correlation between Auditee
Pressure and Auditor Ethical Decision Making is
rejected, because the arithmetic t of 1.10 is smaller
than t table of 1.96.
Based on the above data, a research equation to
describe the research model used in this study is then
formulated. The research model produced is as
AED = -0,39SM 0,20TA + e
By the equation above, it can be explained that
every change in one additional macheavilian
character will reduce Ethical Decision Making by
0.39 and an addition of one Auditee Pressure will
reduce Ethical Decision Making by 0.20.
6.2 Discussion
6.2.1 The Effect of Macheavilian
Characteristics on Auditor’s Ethical
Decision Making
Based on the results of research data processing,
Macheavillian Characteristics are found to have
significant negative effect on auditor ethical
decisions. This indicates that government auditors
who are the sample of the study are having a low
Machevilian characteristics. Where based on these
results, government auditors respond negatively to
the possibility of fraud that they can do during the
audit. Thus, they are capable of making ethical
decisions that do not oppose to the applicable
The low macheavillian charateristics of
government auditors is inseparable from the code of
ethics that is always maintained by government
auditors. Strict sanctions contained in the code of
ethics for government employees, particularly the
auditors, are contributing to the integrities held by
government auditors to avoid acts that are against
the regulations (machevilian characteristics) even
The Effect of Machiavellian Characteristics and Auditee Pressure on Ethical Decision Making of Government Auditors in Palembang
though the decision may provide individual and
financial benefits to the relevant auditor.
The macheavillian character of every
government auditor could be repressed through
continuous training for the auditors. The training
should not only related to the auditor's technical
abilities but also to instill an attitude that maintain
the ethical code of government auditors.
To prevent the growing of machevillian
characters in government auditors, Peer Review by
superiors or by a team formed by the government is
conducted as well, that is based on the results of
audits performed by government auditors. Review
on the audit results becomes a detection control
carried out by the government to ensure that the
implementation of the audits that have been carried
out are free from the possibility of code of ethics
violations that might be conducted by the auditor
during the auditing process.
The prevention should not only organized by the
internal government, but also by the community.
The audit results that are accessible by the public are
factors that are accounted for by government
auditors. The audit results, that are not in line with
the facts, will lead to negative opinion in the
community so that public may submit complaints to
request a review on the results of the audit been
6.2.2 The Effect of Auditee Pressure on
Auditor Ethical Decisions
Based on the results of this study, it can be
confirmed that the pressure imposed by the auditee
during and after the audit did not significantly
influence the Ethical Decision of the Auditor. The
pressure made by the auditee was responded
negatively by government auditors. This indicates
that government auditors are free from auditee
pressure in making their decisions, or in other
words, the auditors are independent in their decision
The self-determination in decision making is
made possible by the incentives obtained by
government auditors has fulfilled the auditors needs.
The amount of incentives gained by the auditors has
made them invulnerable to be affected by the
facilities offered by the auditee during the audit.
A strict code of ethics also influences
government auditors to be free from the pressure
imposed by the auditee. The civil servants’ code of
ethics regulates the relationship between the auditor
and the auditee during the audit, where the auditor is
prohibited from having any relationship that may
disrupt the auditor's objectivity and is prohibited
from receiving any facility provided by the auditee.
The pressure made by the auditee to manipulate
the audit is also becoming an indicator for the
auditor that the auditee being evaluated has the
possibility of committing serious violations. By this
assumption, the auditor will respond negatively to
the pressure, because if the auditors adhere to the
auditee's request, the audit results will not be
independent and the opinion produced is not
objective, in addition, there might be a possibility of
ethical violations by the auditor that will lead to
sanctions for the auditor’s actions.
Based on the data that has been collected and the
testing that has been conducted by model testing
using PLS analysis, the conclusions taken are as
1. Machevillian Characreristics has a significant
negative effect on Ethical Decision Making of
government auditors in Palembang.
2. Auditee pressure does not significantly influence
Ethical Decision Making of government auditors
in Palembang municipality.
1. The sample of this study is covering only
government auditors in the BPK and BPKP in
Palembang so that the results of the study cannot
be generalized.
2. The number of variables used in this study is
very limited so that it greatly affects the
suitability of the model being used.
3. It is recommended to expand the research
population and sample to cover external auditors
from the Public Accounting Office (KAP) who
have examined government financial reports.
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AP-1 Outer Loading
AP-3 Composite Reability, R-Square, Cronbach
Alpha, Communality
AP-4 Inner Model
The Effect of Machiavellian Characteristics and Auditee Pressure on Ethical Decision Making of Government Auditors in Palembang
AP-5 Path C
Sample (O)
SM ->
TA ->
AP-6 Path Diagram
SEABC 2018 - 4th Sriwijaya Economics, Accounting, and Business Conference