2. Why do consumers prefer to stay in Lembang
Asri compared to other competitors?
2.1 Competitive Advantage
Competitive advantage based on Wagner and
Hollenbeck (2014) is a special ability possessed by a
company that cannot be duplicated by competitors.
According to Porter (1985), competitive advantage
develops from the value that the firm can create for
the buyers. It can be generated from complementary
capabilities of the company that may serve the
customers better than competitors (Laszlo and
Zhexembayeva, 2017). Competitive advantage
possessed by a firm may increase the likelihood of
the people to consume its product or service. It may
be used to gain more sales or sales margin that may
further positively impact the financial performance
of the firm. Therefore, firms are giving much effort
in creating a sustainable competitive advantage in
order to be superior over the competitors.
Porter (1985) explained that a firm could
generate competitive advantage from two main
types, which are cost leadership and differentiation.
Basically, a firm can gain a competitive advantage
by being cheaper or being unique. The competitive
scope chosen and firm’s activities range also can
affect the competitive advantage of the firm (Porter
and Millar, 1985).
2.2 Leadership
Leadership theories have already been defined since
a long time ago. Many researchers and philosophers
have tried to describe leadership in theories.
Therefore, there are several theories of leadership
that can be examined including the Great Man
theory, Trait theory, Behavioral theories,
Contingency theories, Transactional theories and
Transformational theories.
Particularly, for hotel managers, Clark et al.,
(2009) examine transformational leadership as the
ideal leadership style in conducting the hotel’s
frontline employees. In addition, there are six
components of leadership competency that are
important according to Tavitiyaman et al., (2014),
including leadership, motivational and interpersonal
skills, strategic orientation, planning and
implementation, team building and ethics,
communication skills, flexibility, and concern for
the community. Clark et al., (2009) state the role of
hotel managers in constantly influencing employees,
so that employees may adopt manager’s and firm’s
customer orientation and commitment to provide a
good service.
Johnstal (2013) examines the importance of
successful leadership development in creating a
competitive advantage and coping with the
challenges of global competition, advancing
technology and the growing pace of change. There
are several characteristics required such as thinking
critically, breakthrough thinking, creating innovative
solutions, inspiring others and taking complex and
ambiguous challenges (Johnstal, 2013).
In order to become successful, the leader has to
notice the importance of transfer of leadership.
Transfer of leadership can be done through the
leadership development. It is a process that involves
facilitators to lead participants to pass a set of
activities to conduct mental activities and help them
to learn from the experiences in order to obtain the
transfer of knowledge and skills in the work context
(Burke and Collins, 2005). Furthermore, in order to
conduct the process of leadership development
successfully, there are three important components,
such as are important including leadership support,
evaluation and organizational issues (Johnstal 2013).
In order to gain knowledge from this single
instrumental case study research, qualitative
research is chosen. Qualitative research tries to
understand people’s perspectives in experiencing
reality (Corbin and Strauss, 2008). Taylor et al.,
(2015) denoted that qualitative research is inductive
as it constructs concepts, insights and
understandings from the data rather than collecting
data in order to evaluate a model, hypotheses and
theories. Furthermore, qualitative method views
people and setting holistically, concerns about how
people think and act, considers all perspectives,
emphasizes the meaning of the research and
considers the research as a craft (Taylor et al., 2015).
This case study research explores the factors that
contribute to the competitive advantage of Lembang
Asri Resort and tries to discover the personal
characteristics of the leaders that contribute to the
competitive advantage, consumer behaviors in the
marketplace, and Lembang Asri’s response towards
customer needs and desires. Furthermore, this
research applies single instrumental case study.
“Instrumental case study is the study of a case (e.g.
person, specific group, occupation, department,