The influence testing of moderation on SEM is
done through two stages. The first stage is
calculating SEM model of the exogenous variable
safety climate and moderating variable high-
performance work system to accidents. The results
of influence testing of moderating are presented in
table 3.
Based on table 3, CR value is greater than 1.96
and p-value is less than 5%, and therefore, it can be
explained that H
is a significant moderating
The results of this research can be concluded:
(1) Organizational commitment has a positive and
significant influence on safety climate in steel
manufacturing industries in East Java province; (2)
Conflict resolution skills has a positive and significant
influence on safety climate in steel manufacturing
industries in East Java province; (3) The safety climate
has positive and significant influence on accidents in steel
manufacturing industries in East Java province; (4) High-
performance work system as a moderating variable has
positive and significant influence on safety climate
towards accidents in steel manufacturing industries in
East Java province.
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The Influence of Organizational Commitment and Conflict Resolution Skills on Safety Climate and Its Impact on Accidents with