there is a significant positive effect between the debt
to asset ratio and the agency cost with a coefficient
of 0.1778. The long term debt to asset ratio,
managerial ownership, and board size do not have a
significant effect to agency cost with a probability
value of more than 0.05.
The result of the first hypothesis (Ha1) was
supported by Hastori et al., (2015) but was not
supported by Zheng (2013). The test result showed a
positive relationship and indicates that debt can
increase agency costs. This positive relationship can
be caused by the use of high debt in manufacturing
companies in Indonesia which can be seen from the
percentage of average debt (49.40%). This high debt
can cause a threat of bankruptcy to the owner
because of the possibility of financial distress. This
will encourage shareholders to spend more to
prevent defaults and can increase monitoring costs.
Additionally, it will increase agency costs.
The result of the second hypothesis (Ha2) did not
show any significant influence of long term debt to
asset ratio on Agency costs. This is in line with the
research conducted by Zheng (2013). Low average
debt ratio with a percentage of 19% indicates that
the company does not use a lot of long-term debt to
finance their assets, so there will be no significant
increase of agency cost.
The result of the third hypothesis (Ha3) indicates
that there is no significant effect of managerial
ownership on agency costs. This is in line with the
research conducted by Putri and Nasir (2006) and
Singh and Davidson (2003), but not in line with
Yegon, Sang, and Kirui (2004). The absence of a
significant effect can be caused by the low number
of managerial ownership in the Indonesia Stock
Exhange. The average managerial ownership in the
Indonesia Stock Exhange is only 1.65%.
The result of the fourth hypothesis (Ha4) was
that the board size variable shows no significant
effect on agency costs. The result of this study was
in accordance with the research proposed by Singh
and Davidson (2003), Kung’u and Munyua (2016),
and Flemming (2003). In its decision making both in
large and small sizes, the board of directors will
continue to experience conflicts of interest in order
to prosper themselves because of their position as
agents in the agency theory, so the board size cannot
have an impact in reducing agency costs.
From the results of this study, it can be concluded
that the debt of the company can prevent any
wasteful behavior by the manager for his personal
interests. Cash flow generated from the company's
business activities must be prioritized to pay interest
expense and company debt. Therefore, proper debt
and capital proportions are needed so that the agency
costs incurred by shareholders can be minimal.
Limitations in this study include: (1) the
population of data only includes companies engaged
in manufacturing industries listed on the Indonesia
Stock Exchange in the 2014-2016 period, (2) agency
cost is very difficult to measure so this study uses a
proxy ratio of general and administrative expense as
a proxy.
Based on the results and limitations that have
been explained, the suggestions that can be given to
further researchers are: (1) to add sectors other than
manufacturing companies as sample data and (2) to
use another measurement as a proxy of agency cost.
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