Capital Structure, Corporate Governance, and Agency Costs
Elsa Imelda and Dewi Ayu Patricia
Faculty of Economics, Tarumanagara University, Jakarta, Indonesia
Keywords: Capital Structure, Corporate Governance, General and Administrative Expense, Agency Cost.
Abstract: The purpose of this empirical research is to examine the impact of capital structure and good corporate
governance on agency cost. This research used 104 manufacturing companies which were listed on the
Indonesia Stock Exchange from 2014-2016 as sample. This research used fixed effect models from Eviews
9 as the program. The statistical method used to test the hypothesis is multiple linear regression. General
administrative expense ratio is used as a proxy to measure agency cost. Capital structure is measured by
debt to asset ratio and long term debt to asset ratio. Corporate governance mechanism is measured by
managerial ownership and board of director. The results showed that debt to asset ratio has a significant
effect on agency cost. The long term debt to asset ratio, managerial ownership, and board size do not have a
significant effect on agency cost.
Agency costs are costs that are related to supervision
from shareholders to the board of directors with the
intention to optimize directors’ performance.
According to Yegon et al., (2014), agency costs
occur due to non-optimal performance of directors.
These behaviors include excessive corporate
consumption, ineffective investment decisions,
wrong asset management, and fraudulent actions on
company assets. Supervision costs are useful to
reduce the risks and losses that must be borne by
Many factors can influence agency costs,
including capital structure and corporate governance
mechanism. According to Truong (2006) and Zheng
(2013), the capital structure shows the proportion of
debt to finance the investment. Managers should
know the balance between the risks and the rate of
return on their investment. An optimal capital
structure can control the amount of agency costs
incurred because managers will tend to prioritize
payment of debt costs. Managers are also afraid of
the possibility of financial distress if debt obligations
are not met, so managers will prioritize payment of
debt obligations before using company assets for
their own purposes.
Another factor that can affect the agency costs is
good mechanism regarding corporate governance.
Good corporate governance can work as a tool to
achieve organizational goals and regulate
relationships between stakeholders including the
board of directors and shareholders. The agency
problem and the agency cost will automatically
decrease if there is good corporate governance
mechanism. This study aims to investigate the
relationship between corporate governance and
capital structure with agency problems leading to
increased agency costs among manufacturing
companies in Indonesia that went public.
According to agency theory of Jensen and Meckling
(1976), agency problems are characterized by
conflict of interests and information differences
between the company owner (principal) and the
agent (manager). One of the ways to minimize the
conflict and differences is to spend agency costs.
Agency costs are difficult to measure, so this
research will choose the ratio of general and
administrative expense to sales as represented by
agency costs (Ang et al., 2000). This ratio can show
if there is excessive consumption by the manager.
2.1 Capital Structure
Agency costs can be reduced by debt. This can be
explained by the Free Cash Flow Hypothesis.
Imelda, E. and Patricia, D.
Capital Structure, Corporate Governance, and Agency Costs.
DOI: 10.5220/0008490602030207
In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Entrepreneurship and Business Management (ICEBM Untar 2018), pages 203-207
ISBN: 978-989-758-363-6
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
According to Ross et al., (2008), the free cash flow
hypothesis explains that managers have the authority
in the consumption of cash flows and often waste the
cash flow for the situation that will benefit
themselves. Jensen (1986) also said that high free
cash flow can make managers overconsume on
expenditure for the company. However, with the
existence of debt, it is believed that the waste of free
cash flow can be reduced, because the company
must pay interest on the debt. According to Gitman
and Zutter (2012), capital structure can be optimal if
there is a balance between benefits and costs of debt.
Several studies have shown that debt can reduce
agency costs, one of which is the research by Zheng
(2013) which shows that debt has an impact on the
decrease in agency cost. Debt can also be used to
control excessive use of free cash flow by the
management, thereby reducing worthless
investments. With increasing debt, the company has
an obligation to return the loan and pay interest
periodically. This condition causes managers to
work hard to increase profits so that they can meet
the obligations of using debt. Capital structure is
measured by debt to asset ratio (Ha1) and long term
debt to asset ratio (Ha2) in this research.
2.2 Corporate Governance
Agency costs can also be reduced by the presence of
good corporate governance. According to Sutedi
(2012), good corporate governance leads to a system
which regulates the relationship of the board of
directors and company executive staff with all
stakeholders and is responsible for improving
organizational performance and achieving company
goals. According to the National Committee on
Governance Policy (2012), the main principles of
Good Corporate Governance consist of
transparency, accountability, and independence. The
GCG used as a variable in this study are managerial
ownership and composition of the board of directors.
Managerial ownership is a condition where the
manager has a share in the ownership of the
company. Managerial ownership is believed to be
one way to overcome agency problems. Managers
who own shares in the company are expected to
have interests that are aligned with the shareholders.
Managerial ownership is measured by the proportion
of shares held by the company's directors at the end
of the year which are then expressed in percentages
(Yegon et al., 2014). Companies that have a large
number of shareholdings usually experience low
agency problems and low agency costs (Zheng,
2013). Ghasemipur (2014) also proved that the
larger number of shareholders can lower agency
The board of directors which consists of many
people is considered to not able to work effectively
because the larger number of directors, the more
opinions in decision making there are. This can
affect agency costs. Ineffective decision making can
harm the company and increase agency costs (Yegon
et al., 2014). Florackis (2004) said that a corporation
must have a good proportion of board of directors so
the decision making will be effective. Corporate
governance mechanism is measured by managerial
ownership (Ha3) and board of directors (Ha4).
2.3 Hypotheses
The hypotheses of this research are as follows:
Ha1: Debt to asset ratio has a significant negative
effect on agency cost
Ha2: Long term debt to asset ratio has a significant
negative effect on agency cost
Ha3: Managerial ownership has a significant
negative effect on agency cost
Ha4: Board of directors has a significant negative
effect on agency cost
Research Model:
Subjects in this study were manufacturing
companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange
in the 2014-2016 period. The total sample selected
was 104 companies with the company's
requirements as follows: (1) The manufacturing
companies were listed on the Indonesia Stock
Exchange in the year 2014 -2016 (2) The
manufacturing companies presented financial
ICEBM Untar 2018 - International Conference on Entrepreneurship and Business Management (ICEBM) Untar
statements during the period 2014 - 2016 (3) The
manufacturing companies presented financial
statements on December 31 (4) The manufacturing
companies used Indonesian Rupiah in their financial
Operational variables in this study consist of
capital structure and good corporate governance as
independent variables and agency costs as the
dependent variable. The operational definitions of
each of the research variables are as follows :
Dependent variable is a variable that is
influenced by independent variable (X) and denoted
by symbol (Y). The dependent variable in this study
is the agency cost which is proxied by general and
administrative expenses (AC). This measurement is
in accordance with the research used by Zheng
(2013) and Yegon et al., (2014):
Table 1: Variable measurements.
No Variable Measurement
1. Agency cost (Y)
expenses/ sales
Debt to asset ratio
Total Debt / total asset
Long term debt to
asset ratio(X2)
Total long term debt / total asset
ownership (X3)
Managerial ownership /shares
Board of directors
Ln (number of directors on the
This research used Eview 9 to test the hypotheses.
The statistics is shown on table 2 below:
Table 2: Statistic Descriptives.
X1 X2 X3 X4 Y
Mean 0.494 0.192 0.016 1.493 0.079
Median 0.460 0.192 0.000 1.386 0.056
Max 3.029 0.092 0.493 2.772 1.559
Min 0.018 0.001 0.000 0.693 0.005
Std dev 0.377 0.306 0.056 0.438 0.111
Mean value of X1 means 49.4% asset is financed
by debt. Mean value of X2 means 19.2% asset is
financed by long term debt. Mean value of X3
means managerial has 1.6% ownership of the
company. Mean value of X4 means there are, on
average, 1.4 persons on the board of directors in the
company. Mean value of y means agency cost is
7.9% of general and administrative expense to sales.
Before testing the hypotheses, the first step was
to determine which model of test was used. The
Likelihood Test was conducted to determine the
panel data research model that was better compared
to Pooled Least Square or Fixed Effect . Results
showed that fixed effects were better in this study.
The Hausman test was also conducted to determine
the panel data research model and test results also
show fixed effects were better. The results of
multiple regression analysis using fixed effect model
= 0.040736+ 0.177828 X1 + 0.030228 X2 -
0.079430 X3 - 0.036095 X4 + e
R-square value in Table 3 was used to determine the
influence of the independent variables (X) to the
dependent variable (Y). The adjusted R- square
value was 0.338313 which means 33.83% of general
variables and administrative expenses can be
explained by debt to asset ratio, long term debt to
asset ratio, managerial ownership and board size.
Whereas 66.17% was affected by other factors not
discussed in this study.
To find out whether the independent variables
together have a significant effect on the dependent
variable, the test was carried out together (F test).
The F test results can be seen in table 3. The prob
value was less than 0.05 which means that all the
independent variables can affect the dependent
variable. The result shows the Debt-Asset Ratio,
Long Term Debt-Asset Ratio, Managerial
Ownership and Board of Director Size together have
an influence on the Agency cost proxied by the
General and Administrative Expense Ratio.
Table 3: F-test Result.
The t-test to test the hypoteses are listed on table
4. If the probability value is <= 0.05, then Ho is
rejected and Ha is accepted. The results of the t-test
can be seen in the table below:
Table 4: t-test Result.
Variable Coefficien
Std erro
-stat Prob
0.040736 0.089079 0.457303 0.6479
X1 0.177828 0.083780 2.122553 0.0350
X2 0.030228 0.089228 0.338770 0.7351
X3 -0.079430 0.262285 -0.30283 0.7623
X4 -0.377242 0.054148 -0.66660 0.5058
The results of the t test indicate that the debt to
asset ratio (DAR) has a probability value of 0.0350
with a significance value <α = 0.05. This shows that
R-squared 0.613958 Mean dependent var 0.079112
Adjusted R-squared 0.400830 S.D. dependent var 0.129824
S.E. of regression 0.100492 Akaike info criterion -1.483768
Sum squared resid 0.969466 Schwarz criterion -0.399939
Log likelihood 165.2826 Hannan-Quinn criter. -1.043443
F-statistic 2.880706 Durbin-Watson stat 2.561072
Prob(F-statistic) 0.000003
Capital Structure, Corporate Governance, and Agency Costs
there is a significant positive effect between the debt
to asset ratio and the agency cost with a coefficient
of 0.1778. The long term debt to asset ratio,
managerial ownership, and board size do not have a
significant effect to agency cost with a probability
value of more than 0.05.
The result of the first hypothesis (Ha1) was
supported by Hastori et al., (2015) but was not
supported by Zheng (2013). The test result showed a
positive relationship and indicates that debt can
increase agency costs. This positive relationship can
be caused by the use of high debt in manufacturing
companies in Indonesia which can be seen from the
percentage of average debt (49.40%). This high debt
can cause a threat of bankruptcy to the owner
because of the possibility of financial distress. This
will encourage shareholders to spend more to
prevent defaults and can increase monitoring costs.
Additionally, it will increase agency costs.
The result of the second hypothesis (Ha2) did not
show any significant influence of long term debt to
asset ratio on Agency costs. This is in line with the
research conducted by Zheng (2013). Low average
debt ratio with a percentage of 19% indicates that
the company does not use a lot of long-term debt to
finance their assets, so there will be no significant
increase of agency cost.
The result of the third hypothesis (Ha3) indicates
that there is no significant effect of managerial
ownership on agency costs. This is in line with the
research conducted by Putri and Nasir (2006) and
Singh and Davidson (2003), but not in line with
Yegon, Sang, and Kirui (2004). The absence of a
significant effect can be caused by the low number
of managerial ownership in the Indonesia Stock
Exhange. The average managerial ownership in the
Indonesia Stock Exhange is only 1.65%.
The result of the fourth hypothesis (Ha4) was
that the board size variable shows no significant
effect on agency costs. The result of this study was
in accordance with the research proposed by Singh
and Davidson (2003), Kung’u and Munyua (2016),
and Flemming (2003). In its decision making both in
large and small sizes, the board of directors will
continue to experience conflicts of interest in order
to prosper themselves because of their position as
agents in the agency theory, so the board size cannot
have an impact in reducing agency costs.
From the results of this study, it can be concluded
that the debt of the company can prevent any
wasteful behavior by the manager for his personal
interests. Cash flow generated from the company's
business activities must be prioritized to pay interest
expense and company debt. Therefore, proper debt
and capital proportions are needed so that the agency
costs incurred by shareholders can be minimal.
Limitations in this study include: (1) the
population of data only includes companies engaged
in manufacturing industries listed on the Indonesia
Stock Exchange in the 2014-2016 period, (2) agency
cost is very difficult to measure so this study uses a
proxy ratio of general and administrative expense as
a proxy.
Based on the results and limitations that have
been explained, the suggestions that can be given to
further researchers are: (1) to add sectors other than
manufacturing companies as sample data and (2) to
use another measurement as a proxy of agency cost.
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