Institutional Ownership, Profitability, Tangibility, and Liquidity on
Firms’ Capital Structure
Beny and Erika
Trisakti School of Management, Kyai Tapa No. 20, 11440, Jakarta, Indonesia
Keywords: Capital Structure, Institutional Ownership, Profitability, Tangibility, and Liquidity.
Abstract: The purpose of this research is to identify the influence of institutional ownership, profitability, tangibility,
and liquidity on capital structure. The sample in this research is sub-sector automotive and component
companies which are listed in Indonesian Stock Exchange between the years of 2013-2017. This research
uses purposive sampling method and multiple regression to see the contribution of each variable in
influencing capital structure. The results showed that institutional ownership, profitability, tangibility have
no influence toward capital structure whereas liquidity does have an influence toward capital structure.
Every company that wants to start its business
activities requires capital in its own business. Capital
is one of the important things when starting a
business. Therefore, the company must be able to
determine how much capital is needed to finance its
business activities.
Capital needed by the company can be obtained
from various sources and with different types. The
capital can be obtained from debt and equity. In this
case, the company has its own goal of increasing the
value of the company through increasing the welfare
of the owner or shareholders. Financial management
aims to maximize the welfare of the owners
(shareholders) through decisions or investment
policies, funding, and dividends that are reflected in
the stock price in the capital market. In its efforts to
manage and run the company, managers need to
fund its business expansion activities. One
alternative for the company to meet the fund is by
issuing debt.
Debt policy is part of consideration in the capital
structure. Capital structure is a financing consisting
of long-term debt, preferred stock, and shareholder
capital. After knowing the impact of differences in
interests between shareholders and management in
determining capital policy, the company is expected
to be able to balance capital structure optimally
including debt policy which is also a consideration
in the capital structure in order to minimize capital
costs and avoid conflicts between shareholders and
Modigliani and Miller (1958 and 1963) in Lim
(2012) showed that, in theory, without taxes and
information asymmetries, capital structure has no
impact on firm value. The Modigliani-Miller
Theorem proposed that, under perfect market
conditions, a firm’s financial decisions do not
matter. Modigliani and Miller (1958) established the
modern theory of capital structure where it stated
that a firm’s debt-equity ratio does not affect its
market value. How a firm choose to finance its
investment is irrelevant. Modigliani and Miller's
theories in 1963 assumed the existence of a tax on
corporate income. With this tax, MM concludes that
the use of debt will increase the value of the firm
because the debt interest cost is the tax deductible
expense (Sjahrial, 2010: 193).
The problem in this study is whether institutional
ownership, profitability, tangibility, and liquidity
affect the firms’ capital structure. This study
examines the effects of factors with proven
influences on capital structure in literature, along
with industry effect and ownership effect.
The Agency cost theory (Jensen and Meckling,
1976; Jensen, 1986) in Chen, et al., (2014) claims
that the optimal utilization of debt could increase the
value of shareholders but overwhelming debt
financing may cause damage. Firms incur agency
cost to ensure agents (managers) act in the best
Beny, . and Erika, .
Institutional Ownership, Profitability, Tangibility, and Liquidity on Firms’ Capital Structure.
DOI: 10.5220/0008491502570262
In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Entrepreneurship and Business Management (ICEBM Untar 2018), pages 257-262
ISBN: 978-989-758-363-6
2019 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
interests of principals (shareholders). When there is
a separation between ownership and management,
the conflict of goals between managers and owners
and between different stakeholders emerges. For
instance, equity holders with residual claims and
limited liability concern more about profit from
venture investment, while the debt-holders concern
more the security of their claims. Morellec et al.
(2012) in Chen et al., (2014) examine the conflicts
between shareholders and agents in capital structure
decisions and confirm the conflicts in choosing an
optional capital structure and how governance
mechanism mitigating the issue.
The pecking order theory (Myers and Majluf,
1984) in Chen et al., (2014) proposes that firms
usually prefer internal finance to external finance
and prefer debt to equity when internal finance is
insufficient. This is to avoid adverse effect of
asymmetric information that investors tend to
believe that firms issue equity when stock prices are
overpriced and therefore stock price would fall after
stock issue is announced. This debt policy is also
related to the pecking order theory which states that
if a company requires funds, the main priority is to
use internal fund which is called retained earnings,
because of asymmetric information, external funding
is less desirable. If external funding is needed, the
priority is debt, then the converted equity, and then
the issuance of new shares. This theory occurs when
asymmetric information indicates that managers
know more about the prospects, risks, and values of
the company than outside investors.
The trade-off theory argues that a firm is faced
with increased financial risk when obtaining tax
saving from debt financing (Kraus and Litzenberger,
1973) in Chen et al., (2013) and the optimal capital
structure can be achieved when the marginal present
value of the tax shield is equal to the marginal
present value of the costs of financial distress arising
from additional debt (Warner, 1977) in Chen et al.,
(2013). In actual conditions, there are things that
make the company unable to maximize the debt as
much. This is because the higher the debt the greater
the interest to be paid. The company will owe up to
certain debt levels, where the tax savings from
additional debt equals the cost of financial
difficulties. The cost of financial difficulties is the
cost of bankruptcy or reorganization, and the
increased agency costs resulting from the decline of
a company's credibility. According to Megginson
(1997, 322), there are several factors included in the
trade-off theory in determining optimal capital
structure such as: taxes, agency costs, asset
characteristics, ownership structure, and costs of
financial difficulties. However, this still maintains
the assumption of market efficiency and asymmetric
information as consideration and benefits of using
debt. Achievement of optimal debt level is reached
when the tax savings reached the maximum amount
of the cost of financial distress. Financial distress is
a condition in which a company experiences
financial difficulties and is threatened with
bankruptcy. If the company goes bankrupt, then
bankruptcy costs will arise which are caused by
compulsion to sell assets below market prices,
company liquidation costs, and so on (Sjahrial,
2010, 202).
2.1 Institutional Ownership and
Capital Structure
According to the agency theory, Jensen and
Meckling (1976) described that total agency costs
could be minimized by the optimal structure of
leverage and ownership, but no clear predication is
concerned with the relationship related to debt level
(Huang and Song, 2006) in Lim (2012). Agency
theory suggests that ownership structure is
correlated with financing decision due to conflicts of
interests between different stakeholders (Chen,
2013). Furthermore, Myers and Majluf (1984) in
Sias (2004) stated that if institutional information –
gathering and trading produces information, the
adverse selection costs of equity may decline, thus
leading firms to tilt toward a higher percentage of
equity financing in their capital structures, and
institutional holding and debt would be substitutes.
According do Douma, George, and Kabir (2003) in
Pirzada et al. (2015), the firms with higher level of
debt, cost of capital would be higher. In such
scenario, a firm will have to perform better than it
would have been otherwise. McConnell and Servaes
(1995) in Pirzada et al., (2015) argued that firm
value and capital structure could be closely
correlated. On the one hand, high leverage may
reduce the agency cost of outside equity, and
increase firm value by encouraging managers to act
more in the interest of shareholders. More efficient
firms may also choose higher equity capital ratios,
all else equal, to protect the rents or franchise value
associated with high efficiency from the possibility
of liquidation. If leverage is relatively high, further
increases may generate significant costs including
bankruptcy cost and may thus lower firm value.
H1: Institutional ownership has a significant effect
on capital structure.
ICEBM Untar 2018 - International Conference on Entrepreneurship and Business Management (ICEBM) Untar
2.2 Profitability and Capital Structure
Profitability measures the effectiveness of the
business in generating profits. According to the
capital structure theory, Myers and Majluf (1984) in
Lim (2012) demonstrated that firms have a pecking
order in funding their activities and they preferred
internal finance to external finance. This theory
predicts that the relationship between profitability
and capital structure is negative. Generally, firms
with higher profitability tend to create more capital
flow to enterprises and then the sufficient retained
earnings internally generated could be utilized as
internal finance. However, the signalling theory
predicts a different opinion that profitability and
financial leverage is positively correlated. Higher
leverage indicates the good performance of business,
thus managers and investors are more confident
about future operation. Jensen (1986) in Lim (2012)
pointed out that the relationship is likely to be
positive, while Titman and Wessles (1988) in Lim
(2012) predicted that larger firms may tend to have a
higher debt capacity. Modigliani and Miller (1963)
in Vo (2017) state that a company may opt for debt
in order to take advantage of tax shields. Moreover,
(Friend and Lang, 1988; Harris and Raviv, 1991:
Rajan and Zingales, 1995; Booth et al., 2001: Sbeti
and Moosa, 2012) in Vo (2017) stated that the
relationship between the capital structure and
profitability is both theoretically and empirically
controversial. In the trade - off theory, more
profitable firms should have higher leverage because
they have more income to shield from taxes
(Acaravci, 2015), but in the pecking – order theory,
firms prefer internal financing to external. So more
profitable firms have a lower need for external
financing and therefore should have lower leverage
(Bauer, 2004) in Acaravci (2015). Under the agency
cost theory, Williamson (1988) in Chen (2013)
argued that debt can be seen as a disciplining device
for managers to ensure they maximize profit for
shareholders rather than go on an excessive pursuit
of firm growth. La Rocca et al. (2009) in Vo (2017)
argue that more profitable firms are more likely to
borrow more in order to benefit from the tax shield.
H2: Profitability has a significant effect on capital
2.3 Tangibility and Capital Structure
Most of the empirical researches confirm that the
tangibility of assets affect the firms’ capital
structure. Based on the agency cost theory created
by Jensen and Meckling (1976) in Lim (2012) there
is a positive relationship between the fraction of
tangible assets and capital structure. An enterprise
with a high proportion of fixed assets is expected to
be associated with high ability to repay their
liabilities, thus more opportunities to raise that
financing. Both the agency theory and trade – off
theory suggest that tangible assets are important and
positively determine capital structure. On the one
hand, because tangible assets can be used as
collateral, a high fraction of tangible assets allows
the firm to obtain external finance easily resulting in
a high leverage (Titman and Wessels, 1988: Sbeti
and Moosa, 2012) in Vo (2017). Moreover, the
tangibility of the firm’s assets is closely associated
with agency cost of debt and the cost of financial
funds (Myers, 1977; Booth et al., 2001) in Vo
(2017). Jensen and Meckling (1976) in Vo (2017)
affirm that if firms do not have collaterals for their
debt, moral hazard and hence agency costs of debt
increase. Tangible assets are more valuable on the
market than intangible assets in the case of
bankruptcy, and so bondholders will demand lower
risk premiums. Tangible assets can also mitigate
concerns over insider resource expropriation.
Moreover, the use of collateral plays a more
important role in countries where creditor protection
is relatively weak, and it is commonly accepted that
emerging countries are in this weak creditor
protection group (La Porta et al., 1998) in Vo
(2017). Myers (1984) stated that firms holding
tangible assets – in – place of having active second
hand markets will borrow less than firms holding
specialized, intangible assets or valuable growth
H3: Tangibility has a significant effect on capital
2.4 Liquidity and Capital Structure
Liquidity ratios may have a mixed impact on the
capital structure decision. On the one hand, a
negative relation between capital structure and
liquidity is expected because if firms are having
more debt, they would have the associated higher
liabilities and lower remaining current assets
(Ozkan, 2001) in Vo (2017). Moreover, the agency
theory suggests that when the agency costs of
liquidity are high, outside creditors tend to reduce
the debt financing limit available to firms (Myers
and Rajan, 1998) in Vo (2017). If firms follow the
financing hierarchy of the pecking order theory for
their capital structure decision, it results in a
negative link between liquidity and financial
leverage (Sbeti and Moosa, 2012) in Vo (2017).
Institutional Ownership, Profitability, Tangibility, and Liquidity on Firms’ Capital Structure
Liquidity has a significants effect on leverage but
the former can have a positive or negative effect on
the capital structure decision; thus, the net effect is
unknown (Mouamer, 2011) in Ghasemi and Razak
(2016). Moreover, liquidity has a significant effect
on conservative debt policy when the company has
ample liquid assets; hence, conservative policies are
necessary to ignore potential risks. Overall, there is
no universal theory for choosing between debt and
equity. In other words, there are some helpful
conditional theories (Akinlo, 2011) in Ghasemi and
Razak (2016). Submitter and Anderson (2002) in
Ghasemi and Razak (2016) also demonstrated the
positive relationship between liquid assets and long
– term debt characteristics of capital structure with
holding liquid asset as a precautionary solution.
They also showed a negative relation between liquid
assets and short – term borrowings of the firm,
assuming the substitute financing role for them in
situation of lack of cash. Anderson and Carverhill
(2007) in Ghasemi and Razak (2016) find that
higher levels of long – term debt will result in more
reduction in the optimal use of short – term debt and
higher levels of liquid asset holding. Sarlija and
Harc (2012) in Ghasemi and Razak (2016) also find
that there were statistically significant correlations
between leverage ratios and liquidity ratios.
Moreover, there were statistically significant
correlations between the structure of current assets
and leverage ratios.
H4: Liquidity has a significant effect on capital
The population of this research is sub-sector
automotive and component companies that have
been listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange from 2013
until 2017. This research uses purposive sampling to
determine its samples. This research uses 11
companies and 55 data for sample. It is analysed by
using multiple regression analysis. This table below
shows the list of the company selected:
Table 1: Research Samples.
No Ticker Company
1 ASII Astra Internasional
2 AUTO Astra Otoparts
3 GJTL Gajah Tunggal
4 GDYR Goodyear Indonesia
5 BRAM Indo Kordsa
6 IMAS Indomobil Sukses International
No Ticker Company
7 INDS Indospring
8 LPIN Multi Prima Sejahtera
9 MASA Multistrada Arah Sarana
10 NIPS Nipress
11 PRAS Prima Alloy Steel Universal
The dependent variable in this study is capital
structure, which is how the company funds its
operating activities using debt. This dependent
variable is measured using a ratio scale. This method
of measurement refers to the research conducted by
Acaravci (2015) by dividing total debt to total
equity. The equation for base model may follows as:
Debt equity ratio = α + β1institutional ownership +
β2profitability + β3tangibility +
β4liquidity + ε
Institutional ownership (INST) is used to see
whether there are shares owned by institutions
during this research period. This variable
measurement is measured by the proportion of
shares held by institutions in the form of percentages
(%). This method of measurement refers to research
conducted by Chen, et al., (2014).
Profitability (PROF) is the company's ability to
generate profits in the future. This variable is
measured using a ratio scale. Profitability is
formulated by dividing the operating income with
total asset (Rajan and Zingales, 1995) in Vo (2017).
The ratio fixed assets over total assets will be the
indicator of tangibility (TANG) in this paper. The
measurement is the same as Rajan and Zingales
(1995) in Lim (2012).
In this study, liquidity (LIQ) is calculated as the
ratio of current assets to current liabilities at year
end (Vo, 2017).
This table below is the sample’s descriptive
Table 2: Descriptive Statistics.
der inst prof tang liq
N Valid 55 55 55 55 55
Mean 1.243 0.6376 0.2034 0.5676 1.5816
1.236 0.2023 2.2136 0.0971 0.9360
Minimum 0.13 0.259 -10.91 0.3215 0.5228
Maximum 8.26 0.9417 7.84 0.7511 5.1662
ICEBM Untar 2018 - International Conference on Entrepreneurship and Business Management (ICEBM) Untar
The result of the statistical test can be seen in
hypothesis result shown in table 3 below:
Table 3: Hypothesis Result.
Model B t Sig.
(Constant) 3.269 2.754 0.008
INST -0.238 -0.300 0.765
PROF -0.112 -1.553 0.127
TANG -1.740 -1.054 0.297
LIQ -0.546 -3.199 0.002
Adjusted R-Square 0.137
F-Statistic 3.139
Table 3 shows that institutional ownership has no
effect on capital structure. This results is not
consistent with Chen, et al. (2014) and Lim (2012).
More or less, the institutional ownership has no
effect on firms’ capital structure. Profitability has no
effect on capital structure. Most of the companies
are big companies, so the finance of their operation
are not based on the capital structure. This result is
not consistent with Chen, et al. (2014) and Lim
(2013). Tangibility has no effect on capital structure.
The firms’ capital structure do not depend on the
size of assets because the assets itself can generate
profit to the company. This result is not consistent
with Chen, et al. (2014) and Lim (2013). Liquidity
has a negative effect (-0.546) on capital structure.
This result is consistent with Vo (2017). It means
that company with higher liquidity tend to borrow
less debt in the automotive and component
companies, because the companies still have enough
cash to cover their short-term obligation. On the
other hand, the firms’ working capital turnover is in
a good condition. This result is also consistent with
the value 0.137 of adjusted R-Square which means
the capital structure can be explained by the
independent variable (13.7%) and the remaining
86,3% is explained by other factors not included in
the model.
The result of this research shows that institutional
ownership, profitability, and tangibility have no
effect on firms’ capital structure. On the other hand,
liquidity has a significant effect on firms’ capital
structure. Generally, in the models, firm specific
variables have significant influences on firms’
capital structure. From the hypothesis result in Table
2, we do not find evidence that institutional
ownership and tangibility have a significantly effect
on capital structure as described by Jensen and
Meckling (1976) in agency cost theory, nor the
damage from overwhelming of debt financing. In
fact, Indonesia is in the first place of automotive
exporting country in ASEAN from 2013 until 2017.
This is also the reason for companies for using their
profitability without depending on debt. Finally, we
found that the effect of liquidity on firm’s capital
structure is explained through increased liquidity
that reduces firm’s debt.
This research has some limitations which are: using
only the five years period of 2013-2017, consisting
only of automotive and component companies listed
in IDX, and using only four independent variables.
We do suggest to add an additional period of the
research, using more samples not only in Indonesia
but also in ASEAN countries, and further research
may add other variables such as free cash flow,
growth opportunities, and dividend payout ratio to
see more briefly what factors can affect the firms’
capital structure, so the companies can consider
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